View Full Version : France's Parker changed by eye injury

07-27-2012, 01:48 PM
LONDON (AP) -- Tony Parker stared into the darkness while confined to his hotel room following a freak eye injury that nearly ended his career.

As hours turned to days, the San Antonio star guard's thoughts raced back to a night of partying in a New York club that turned fateful. Parker was a bystander trapped in the middle of a bottle-throwing melee, a shard of glass almost cost him everything.

"Life can change pretty fast," he said.

Parker was lucky, and he knows it. Despite not being able to practice until recently, he's here at the Olympics, leading a French team that's at less than full strength and will open the tournament Sunday against a U.S. squad overloaded with superstars and expected to leave London carrying gold.

The accident has altered him, made him cautious - but unafraid.

"It's so funny, because I just had my best year in the NBA and in one night it can change," said Parker, who will wear goggles during the Olympics. "It just puts life in perspective and you think, 'OK, next time I have to be careful,' but at the same time you can't stop living because then you don't even cross the street.

"You don't want to dramatize too much, but it still puts it all in perspective."

On Thursday night, a relaxed Parker sat on a sofa with his back to the Thames and briefly discussed the events leading up to what will likely be the 30-year-old's only Olympic appearance as a player. He did not reveal any details of the incident at Greenhouse, the trendy club which has been closed since R&B singer Chris Brown and members of rapper Drake's entourage fought.

Parker got caught in the crossfire during the brawl and wound up with a piece of glass embedded in his cornea. Doctors later told him that he came within "two millimeters away of losing my eye." :wow

There are no visible traces of trauma in Parker's eye. If there are any scars, they're hidden.

"It scared me a lot," he said. "It was like a crazy situation, you can't believe it's happening. It was almost like you were in a movie."

He was banned from flying and ordered to avoid any light. So he stayed his hotel room for eight days before traveling to San Antonio. The time alone allowed him to reflect on things, and it was also a period when Parker's friends and teammates worried about his future.

"I was beyond scared because it goes beyond basketball," said French forward Ronny Turiaf. "Tony and I have been friends for the last 15 or 16 years. We've shared so many moments and have been there for each other as much as possible throughout our careers, and when you hear about one of your friends going down with a freak injury like that you panic.

"The one thing I know about Tony is that he never gets down or gets defeated. I knew he was going to pull through."

Turiaf hasn't noticed any dramatic change in his close friend.

"I haven't seen anything different," he said. "Actually, I lied, he plays with goggles now."

Respect for Parker runs deep and outside the edges of France's roster. Chris Paul, who said Parker is one of his closest friends and has one Parker's old French jerseys hanging in his house, said he called Parker after the incident happened.

"I was worried about him," Paul said. "I talked to him when he went to the doctor. I was just happy, he was definitely happier than I was, but I was happy to hear he was OK." :toast

LeBron James also was concerned about Parker's well-being.

"You never want to see a freak accident take anyone's livelihood away," James said Friday. "I'm happy that it wasn't severe and he's still able to play. It was definitely a scary thing, not only for him but for a lot of people."

Following doctors' orders, Parker didn't practice for several weeks and only recently rejoined the French team, which is already missing center Joakim Noah because of an injured left ankle. Parker said a combination of this year's condensed season and the surgery haven't allowed his body to bounce back.

"I just started training like 10 days ago so I'm not 100 percent," he said. "I'm not even close to being in shape. We had a terrible preparation but we're going to try and do the best we can."

Parker knows France's chances of shocking the Americans are long, not impossible. He intends to play with the same speed and intensity as always.

That's one thing that will never change about him.

"I want to get a medal," he said. "Even if all the odds are against us, anything can happen in one game."

source from : http://sports.yahoo.com/news/frances-parker-changed-eye-injury-135924711--oly.html

07-27-2012, 01:57 PM

07-27-2012, 02:04 PM
God damn Parker was lucky. Two millimeters? Christ...

07-27-2012, 02:27 PM
What is the feeling of the French NT fans? Last summer, they looked pretty damn good. In these friendly games, they've been between barely acceptable and bad -- depending on the game. I know missing Noah is a huge difference but it's been pretty drastic. Does France actually have a shot at getting a medal? From what I've seen, it doesn't look like it.

Between Parker's eye, Batum's drama and Noah's injury, it appears they are probably about the sixth best team out there now. I'd be shocked if they got a medal, unfortunately.

07-27-2012, 02:54 PM
Indeed. I too am hoping that come Sunday France takes it up a gear or two because the way they've been playing they don't have a chance at even getting a bronze.

07-27-2012, 03:01 PM
^ The loss of Noah is quite a big deal because it makes them very limited in size at the center spot. Without him, rebounding become an issue.

Friendly games and the whole training camp were a nightmare. Between injuries, insurance and contract issues, they have never been at full strength. I'm not concerned that they can turn it on chemistry wise for the Olympics because it's the 4th summer with the same coach and a lot players have played a lot together. What's more problematic is that some player like Parker and Batum aren't in a good shape.

They clearly aren't favorite to get a medal but they still can get one. The Olympic tournament format is designed that with a couple of very good game, you have a medal. FNT has great enough players to have this couple of great games. Saying that, if the logic is respected, USA will get the gold, Spain the silver and Russia the Bronze medal.

07-28-2012, 02:26 PM
The old men in Argentina have hearts of champions and their passion could get them a bronze methinks.

07-28-2012, 06:40 PM
Damn. To say that Parker was lucky is an understatement. His career was nearly over about as quickly as that fight broke out in that club. It's wonderful to hear that he is fine and should make a full recovery. Otherwise, the Spurs rebuilding project would've occurred sooner than normal.

As for the French NT team, Noah's absence is a huge loss for them. It's too bad the French team will not be at full strength. I wanted to see how they would've stacked up against the U.S.

07-28-2012, 06:57 PM
The accident has altered him, made him cautious - but unafraid.

He's learned that next time to use his girlfriend as a shield. :lol

07-28-2012, 07:33 PM
noahs one of the best if not the best pick and roll big man defender in the league
also a beast on the offensive glass/rebounds

without him france has no chance
with him i actually like their chances
they had good defenders/shooters and unselfish players maybe to unselfish
they would basically be the spurs that could defend