View Full Version : Mexico wins gold in Mens Soccer!!

08-11-2012, 03:20 PM






08-11-2012, 03:20 PM



baseline bum
08-11-2012, 03:21 PM
ElNono, your countrymen won on for la raza! :tu

Grey Spurfan
08-11-2012, 03:23 PM
We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All you gringos can suck my pito!!!!!!!

08-11-2012, 03:30 PM
Should be able to pick one of those medals up at a SA pawn shop soon then.

08-11-2012, 03:32 PM
Mexico beating Brasil in the final is like that one time Argentina beat the USA Dream Team in 04'. Historic!!!

Venti Quattro
08-11-2012, 03:35 PM
How long before vatos and chicanos steal the gold medal or kidnap the players and/or their families for the gold medal?

08-11-2012, 03:38 PM
sons congratulations San Antonio, Mexico!!!

08-11-2012, 03:44 PM
sons congratulations San Antonio, Mexico!!!

Thanks and god bless, son. :toast

Grey Spurfan
08-11-2012, 03:46 PM
Thanks and god bless, son. :toast

An Argentine such as yourself shouldn't be celebrating this great victory.

08-11-2012, 03:47 PM
How long before vatos and chicanos steal the gold medal or kidnap the players and/or their families for the gold medal?

forget the chicanos and vatos I'd be worried about the drug cartels...they''re ruthless and barbaric animals...

baseline bum
08-11-2012, 03:50 PM
Does that mean we won't have to be paying food stamps to their players anymore?

08-11-2012, 03:51 PM

08-11-2012, 03:59 PM
An Argentine such as yourself shouldn't be celebrating this great victory.

Terrible troll btw. Wouldnt be surprised if this is yet another terrible troll belonging to that ginobilis bald spot faggot.

08-11-2012, 04:02 PM
is olympic soccer as important as world cup soccer to soccer fan?

08-11-2012, 04:03 PM
I'm not sure how you think it's cool to be a mexican first and an American second...remember the days when people actually immigrated legally, were proud to be American, and assimilated to society?

08-11-2012, 04:10 PM
is olympic soccer as important as world cup soccer to soccer fan?

No, obviously not.

While were at it I wanna give a shout out to mothafuckin Leo Manzano. Immigrated to the US of A as a little boy and grew up to become the first USA runner to medal in the 1500m since 1968.


08-11-2012, 04:14 PM
lol rooting for 2 countries

Fucking frontrunners

You are either American or Mexican you cant be both !

08-11-2012, 04:15 PM
I'm not sure how you think it's cool to be a mexican first and an American second...remember the days when people actually immigrated legally, were proud to be American, and assimilated to society?

Because I acknowledge my Mexican roots (unlike some 219.8 lb fat hispanic male who longs to be a whiteman) I think its cool to be Mexican first and American second ?

lol rooting for 2 countries

Fucking frontrunners

You are either American or Mexican you cant be both !

I am Mexican. :flag:

BTW didnt an Algerian win gold in that same 1500m Leo Manzano was in ?

08-11-2012, 04:17 PM
Because I acknowledge my Mexican roots (unlike some 219.8 lb fat hispanic male who longs to be a whiteman) I think its cool to be Mexican first and American second ?

I am Mexican. :flag:

BTW didnt an Algerian win gold in that same 1500m Leo Manzano was in ?

Our only medal of these games :lol


08-11-2012, 04:18 PM
Aren't you living in the US? That would make you an American..unless you're here illegally which I wouldn't doubt at all.

It's not proper to immigrate to a new country and not assimilate. I wouldn't go to germany draped in an american flag shouting america, fuck yeah!

08-11-2012, 04:19 PM
Aren't you living in the US? That would make you an American..unless you're here illegally which I wouldn't doubt at all.

It's not proper to immigrate to a new country and not assimilate. I wouldn't go to germany draped in an american flag shouting america, fuck yeah!
No I live in lolcanada :lol

08-11-2012, 04:21 PM
i was talking to mr mexican pride..

08-11-2012, 04:29 PM
So how many gold medals does Mexico have now in these olympics?

08-11-2012, 04:32 PM
I still have family back in Mexico and family here hasnt been in the US of A that long tbh. Right now we still have a strong connection to the motherland although Im sure the fam will assimilate to your standards eventually...but Ill also make sure my children and grandchildren never turn out like that faggot ElŅoņo. Theyll have no problem saying theyre hispanic/Mexican-Americans unlike that 219.8 lb fat fuck whos ashamed of what he is tbh.

08-11-2012, 04:32 PM
so how many gold medals does mexico have now in these olympics?


baseline bum
08-11-2012, 04:32 PM
So how many gold medals does Mexico have now in these olympics?

Probably not enough to melt into a set of Daytons yet tbh.☭

08-11-2012, 04:47 PM
I still have family back in Mexico and family here hasnt been in the US of A that long tbh.

So? You guys are here aren't you? Let's try to make this place great again, not mexico 2.0. this place used to be fucking great..be proud to be here instead of picking beans somewhere. I know I am. Even if we've been hijacked by global banks and need to take back what's ours.

08-11-2012, 04:48 PM
sons congratulations San Antonio, Mexico!!!

can't leave Los Angeles, Mexico out of the loop...heard there was like a parade going on down there.

08-11-2012, 04:49 PM
sons, I can't even hate here... every time Brazil loses in soccer is a great day for humanity in general, tbh imo

baseline bum
08-11-2012, 04:50 PM
can't leave Los Angeles, Mexico out of the loop...heard there was like a parade going on down there.

Nor Buenos Aires, Mexico

08-11-2012, 04:52 PM
My kids/grandkids also wont be ashamed of how they make a living either. Whether its being an engineer like their father/grandfather or some feminine profession (i.e. male nurse) theyll have no shame in it as long as it pays the bills.

So? You guys are here aren't you? Let's try to make this place great again, not mexico 2.0. this place used to be fucking great..be proud to be here instead of picking beans somewhere. I know I am. Even if we've been hijacked by global banks and need to take back what's ours.

I cant speak for every Mexican, but my fam is respectable. We still eat beans and root for Mexico in sporting events but despite that were still contributing to making the US of A great again. If anyones fucked this country up its the whiteman tbh.

Venti Quattro
08-11-2012, 05:07 PM
lol rooting for 2 countries

Fucking frontrunners

You are either American or Mexican you cant be both !

:lmao :lmao this from an Algerian who roots for Canada and France :lmao :lmao

baseline bum
08-11-2012, 05:11 PM
My kids/grandkids also wont be ashamed of how they make a living either. Whether its being an engineer like their father/grandfather or some feminine profession (i.e. male nurse) theyll have no shame in it as long as it pays the bills.

You have grandkids already? I thought most Mexicans didn't start having them until their late 20s.

08-11-2012, 05:17 PM
My kids/grandkids also wont be ashamed of how they make a living either. Whether its being an engineer like their father/grandfather or some feminine profession (i.e. male nurse) theyll have no shame in it as long as it pays the bills.

I cant speak for every Mexican, but my fam is respectable. We still eat beans and root for Mexico in sporting events but despite that were still contributing to making the US of A great again. If anyones fucked this country up its the whiteman tbh.

the foreign white man, who has bought off and controlled america for the past 50 or 60 years or so. and they are destroying it from within by design so they can usher in one world government and a NATO takeover.

08-11-2012, 05:22 PM
FkLA seems to really love Mexico. I'm willing to buy his plane ticket to Mexico City if he promises to stay in the land he loves so very much.

08-11-2012, 05:37 PM
You have grandkids already? I thought most Mexicans didn't start having them until their late 20s.


'aseline B, drawing Fkla offsides, and sending him to the sidelines to talk to the ollllll ball coach efter det one goods etc

08-11-2012, 05:38 PM
You have grandkids already? I thought most Mexicans didn't start having them until their late 20s.

holy shit how'd i miss that

Venti Quattro
08-11-2012, 05:40 PM
baseline bum with some nasty

Latarian Milton
08-11-2012, 07:30 PM
mexicans shouldn't be considered immigrants at least in the state of texas, or tejas :lol which used to be part of mexico before the US fed annexed it by force

08-11-2012, 07:33 PM
^you should read a history book.

08-11-2012, 07:37 PM
You have grandkids already? I thought most Mexicans didn't start having them until their late 20s.

08-11-2012, 07:39 PM
I still have family back in Mexico and family here hasnt been in the US of A that long tbh. Right now we still have a strong connection to the motherland although Im sure the fam will assimilate to your standards eventually...but Ill also make sure my children and grandchildren never turn out like that faggot ElŅoņo. Theyll have no problem saying theyre hispanic/Mexican-Americans unlike that 219.8 lb fat fuck whos ashamed of what he is tbh.
:lol right, you're so confident and proud of Mexico that you moved to America.

Latarian Milton
08-11-2012, 07:52 PM
mexico also the eventual champions of U21 world cup IIRC, and they won the olympic gold even w/o calling up their best players like chicharito, rafael marquez, dos santos etc... (names you're supposed to know, fkla). seems this country has a great future in football tbh

08-11-2012, 08:15 PM
f:lolgg:lol:t sp:lolrt

08-11-2012, 08:41 PM
Aren't you living in the US? That would make you an American..unless you're here illegally which I wouldn't doubt at all.

It's not proper to immigrate to a new country and not assimilate. I wouldn't go to germany draped in an american flag shouting america, fuck yeah!

What about residents, not citizens. Does the rule still apply to them?

And lol, if you moved to Germany you would still root for American sports teams.

08-11-2012, 08:43 PM
:lmao :lmao this from an Algerian who roots for Canada and France :lmao :lmao

:lmao lefty talking about loyalty....the one who roots for 10 different soccer clubs.

08-11-2012, 09:02 PM
:lmao :lmao this from an Algerian who roots for Canada and France :lmao :lmao
Since when do I root for Canada and France :wtf

08-11-2012, 09:03 PM
What about residents, not citizens. Does the rule still apply to them?

And lol, if you moved to Germany you would still root for American sports teams.

no, when you move somewhere you should do it for the right reasons, becuase you feel strongly about it and show your pride accordingly.

coming somewhere simply for economic reasons to be a leech and not assimilating is just pathetic and shameful. isn't residency just a path to eventual citizenship? shouldn't you be proud of the place in which you reside? i think so, or you should gtfo.

08-11-2012, 09:14 PM
^ tbh, nothing says "thank you" to the country that opened the doors for you and your family and is giving you a solid education and a future than "Fuck the US!", "Viva la raza!"... and that is why borders should be closed and no mexican should be allowed above Dallas...

08-11-2012, 09:17 PM
:lmao lefty talking about loyalty....the one who roots for 10 different soccer clubs.

20 clubs

08-11-2012, 09:23 PM
Congrats Mexico :toast

08-11-2012, 09:25 PM
^ tbh, nothing says "thank you" to the country that opened the doors for you and your family and is giving you a solid education and a future than "Fuck the US!", "Viva la raza!"... and that is why borders should be closed and no mexican should be allowed above Dallas...

fuck that i dont want em in dallas :lol

The Gemini Method
08-11-2012, 09:31 PM
Anyone want a T.V. I'm about to riot with the rest of Los Angeles, Mexico peeps. I'm not Mexican but I can speak some spanish orale!

baseline bum
08-11-2012, 10:23 PM
^ tbh, nothing says "thank you" to the country that opened the doors for you and your family and is giving you a solid education and a future than "Fuck the US!", "Viva la raza!"... and that is why borders should be closed and no mexican should be allowed above Dallas...


08-11-2012, 10:27 PM

08-11-2012, 10:46 PM
My kids/grandkids also wont be ashamed of how they make a living either. Whether its being an engineer like their father/grandfather or some feminine profession (i.e. male nurse) theyll have no shame in it as long as it pays the bills.

It's hilarious how you keep saying this, but at the same time don't realize it makes you look like exactly what you are...an somewhat educated be@ner who spends shit tons time on the couch watching Telemundo with Aunt Lorena instead of interacting with real society. And no...going with your cousins to help them cut lawns and weed eat at local businesses in your spare time does not count as interacting with society.

You are a serious fucking disgrace to your race. You are every reason why they get the stereotypes they get...from your ridiculous be@ner pride to your failure to understand that 30 isn't old and certain jobs that were stereotyped as women's jobs in the 1950's are now accepted as available to everyone. Your cousins are having kids at 11? Hey...that's fine...I'm not one to hate...but other people are having kids in their 20's, 30's...even 40's. Just because you fucking be@ners are dead set on having 13 kids before you are 35 doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country.

Get your ass out of the house and become a real fucking person. You are shaming every brown-skinned person who walks the face of the earth with your shitty, taco meat laden drivel.

08-11-2012, 10:46 PM
Oh yeah...and :lol shemales.

08-11-2012, 11:46 PM
Mexico but all fleeing to try to come to san antonio tbh

08-11-2012, 11:52 PM
sons watching American men trying to compete in soccer is like watching the white husband sitting in the corner of the bedroom in a cuckold porn film while a real man does work on his wife ... its just sad and pathetic to watch.

08-11-2012, 11:54 PM
Mexico but all fleeing to try to come to san antonio tbh

It's the only city where it culturally accepted to wipe your ass with a greasy tortilla then proceed to cover it with beans & lard for consumption

Closest thing to Mexico in the US

baseline bum
08-12-2012, 12:00 AM
It's the only city where it culturally accepted to wipe your ass with a greasy tortilla then proceed to cover it with beans & lard for consumption

Closest thing to Mexico in the US

You're not real Mexican man; the lard should already be in the beans, real talk.

Latarian Milton
08-12-2012, 12:09 AM
sons watching American men trying to compete in soccer is like watching the white husband sitting in the corner of the bedroom in a cuckold porn film while a real man does work on his wife ... its just sad and pathetic to watch.

team US qualified for the quarter finals in 06' germany world cup and that was a solid accomplishment for a country where soccer is not very popular tbh.

08-12-2012, 12:13 AM
team US qualified for the quarter finals in 06' germany world cup and that was a solid accomplishment for a country where soccer is not very popular tbh.


having to go back 6+ years just to brag about them qualifying to compete and get stomped out

baseline bum
08-12-2012, 12:16 AM
sons watching American men trying to compete in soccer is like watching the white husband sitting in the corner of the bedroom in a cuckold porn film while a real man does work on his wife ... its just sad and pathetic to watch.

son, soccer is a sport for girls and mexicans. I was embarrassed when the US outbeanered the neighbors down south in the world cup a few years ago.

Landon Donofag
08-12-2012, 12:21 AM
team US qualified for the quarter finals in 06' germany world cup and that was a solid accomplishment for a country where soccer is not very popular tbh.

Quarter final? We didn't even get out the group stage bro. :depressed

08-12-2012, 01:00 AM
It's hilarious how you keep saying this, but at the same time don't realize it makes you look like exactly what you are...an somewhat educated be@ner who spends shit tons time on the couch watching Telemundo with Aunt Lorena instead of interacting with real society. And no...going with your cousins to help them cut lawns and weed eat at local businesses in your spare time does not count as interacting with society.

You are a serious fucking disgrace to your race. You are every reason why they get the stereotypes they get...from your ridiculous be@ner pride to your failure to understand that 30 isn't old and certain jobs that were stereotyped as women's jobs in the 1950's are now accepted as available to everyone. Your cousins are having kids at 11? Hey...that's fine...I'm not one to hate...but other people are having kids in their 20's, 30's...even 40's. Just because you fucking be@ners are dead set on having 13 kids before you are 35 doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country.

Get your ass out of the house and become a real fucking person. You are shaming every brown-skinned person who walks the face of the earth with your shitty, taco meat laden drivel.

Why are you so angry about that man, I didnt even mention your name. Is it cause you happen to be a male nurse ?

08-12-2012, 01:06 AM
:lol male nurse
:lol typical socially ignorant be@ner

08-12-2012, 01:14 AM
mexico also the eventual champions of U21 world cup IIRC, and they won the olympic gold even w/o calling up their best players like chicharito, rafael marquez, dos santos etc... (names you're supposed to know, fkla). seems this country has a great future in football tbh

Didnt know you were an expert at more than just bball tbh. Yeah Mexico didnt take none of their best players...Giovani Dos Santos went but he was injured for alot of the tournament including the final. His brother who plays for Barca declined. All those other guys were from the domestic league. It was the U-17 WC though tbh.

You root for the chink national team ?

:lol male nurse
:lol typical socially ignorant be@ner

Do you think its socially acceptable to make racist remarks nowadays ?

08-12-2012, 01:20 AM
^ tbh, nothing says "thank you" to the country that opened the doors for you and your family and is giving you a solid education and a future than "Fuck the US!", "Viva la raza!"... and that is why borders should be closed and no mexican should be allowed above Dallas...

Did you know you can appreciate what the US of A does for immigrants and contribute to making it the great country it is while simultaneously keeping your immigrant roots? There aint no need to renounce your hispanicness and go full out house nigga like yourself tbh.

08-12-2012, 01:37 AM
Do you think its socially acceptable to make racist remarks nowadays ?
lol deflecting. Don't blame me if you can't take the truth. Everyone here has figured out what you are. You are just another in the long line of be@ners that need to wake up and figure out how to operate in the US society. Life is not just mowing lawns and popping out babies.

08-12-2012, 01:47 AM
wtf :lol

Deflecting how? Youre bringing up US society and telling me to 'get out more and see how it works' while simultaneously using racial slurs. Did they teach you that thats socially acceptable in nursing school ?

08-12-2012, 01:54 AM
Dumb, barrio bound be@ners operate this way. Why is this so hard to understand? It's not racism, it's the truth.

08-12-2012, 02:01 AM
So youre saying it can be socially acceptable to use racial slurs ?

08-12-2012, 02:03 AM
No...I'm just giving you facts. You can accept them and improve or reject them and continue on your dumb be@ner path. It's up to you.

08-12-2012, 02:07 AM
Why do you use them then? Especially since the same US society youre telling me to go out and explore doesnt work that way.

08-12-2012, 02:13 AM
You can deflect all you want but you know what you have to do. Leave your simple-minded relatives behind and come into the real world. Leave the shemale porn behind too. Both greatly inhibit your development.

08-12-2012, 02:56 AM
You sound stupid as shit. You try to talk shit about me for not being a part of the 'real world' but yet you exhibit behavior that that same real world would deem unacceptable. I have no idea what youre trying to prove there. :lol

ginobili's bald spot
08-12-2012, 03:06 AM
Terrible troll btw. Wouldnt be surprised if this is yet another terrible troll belonging to that ginobilis bald spot faggot.

Keep my name outta your filthy spic mouth, bean breath.

08-12-2012, 03:08 AM
You sound really cool using multiple racial slurs in the same sentence, brah. Keep up the good work. :tu

08-12-2012, 09:10 AM
:cryyou are being a racist so I can be a dumb be@ner if I want to:cry

Latarian Milton
08-12-2012, 10:20 AM
don't have no racial hatred against mexicans tbh i know some mexicans who might be dumb but still funny in their own style like Ironmexican. you have every right to be proud of the country where you came from but you don't need to behave in such a haughty manner that annoys other people tbh

08-12-2012, 10:39 AM
What's funny is his dumb ass can't differentiate dumb (insert race here) mentality and racism. I know plenty of each race that can't stand the way the stupid ones in their own race think. The white race is full of inbred honkeys that have no business reproducing...just like the Mexican race is full of dumb be@ners who can't understand what the real world is like outside of their own little piece of Mexico in the US. He tries to pull the racism card in a pot calling kettle black argument in an attempt to put others on his level.

Typical dumb be@ner logic.

08-12-2012, 03:33 PM
It's hilarious how you keep saying this, but at the same time don't realize it makes you look like exactly what you are...an somewhat educated be@ner who spends shit tons time on the couch watching Telemundo with Aunt Lorena instead of interacting with real society. And no...going with your cousins to help them cut lawns and weed eat at local businesses in your spare time does not count as interacting with society.

You are a serious fucking disgrace to your race. You are every reason why they get the stereotypes they get...from your ridiculous be@ner pride to your failure to understand that 30 isn't old and certain jobs that were stereotyped as women's jobs in the 1950's are now accepted as available to everyone. Your cousins are having kids at 11? Hey...that's fine...I'm not one to hate...but other people are having kids in their 20's, 30's...even 40's. Just because you fucking be@ners are dead set on having 13 kids before you are 35 doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country.

Get your ass out of the house and become a real fucking person. You are shaming every brown-skinned person who walks the face of the earth with your shitty, taco meat laden drivel.

^Yeah, this wasnt racist at all. :lol

08-12-2012, 07:43 PM
I normally wouldn't need to be that direct but it's obvious I'm dealing with a rather extreme case of be@ner stupidity.

08-13-2012, 01:52 AM
So basically you made yourself look dumb because youve been worse than just a pot calling the kettle black in this thread. Not only is racism unacceptable in society but it is frowned upon alot more than thinking nursing is a feminine profession. Looks like you need to adjust to the 'real world' more than us dumb be@ners do. :lol

08-13-2012, 02:01 AM
Its almost as funny as that one time you made yourself look dumb by divulging your credit score and household income but wouldnt admit to being a male nurse. Even though you supposedly didnt have anything to prove and didnt care what people thought of you. :lol

08-13-2012, 06:37 AM
Nothing else to be said tbh. It's become pretty obvious you enjoy being who you are.

I guess we'll just stick with :lol be@ner and :lol shemales.

08-13-2012, 08:15 AM
Sorry but I'm not patriotic to a country who's known to use brutality and racism to acquire what they want:lol Live life, become successful and do whatever you have to do in order to prolong your successful ancestry and ignore all of this patriotic BS which I'm sure even the white males don't have :lol

Latarian Milton
08-13-2012, 08:27 AM
niggas use tons of slur but it doesn't necessarily mean them being racist tbh. plus it's never a shame whatever one does, and being a male nurse doesn't necessarily make him a perverted queer like one that has a gallery of shemale porn pics and feels proud of his lewd collection tbh

08-13-2012, 09:53 AM
lol racist arguments are almost as funny as jews' fights

08-13-2012, 03:21 PM
Boiled down its::

FkLA: 2

Male Nurse: 0

08-13-2012, 03:22 PM
niggas use tons of slur but it doesn't necessarily mean them being racist tbh. plus it's never a shame whatever one does, and being a male nurse doesn't necessarily make him a perverted queer like one that has a gallery of shemale porn pics and feels proud of his lewd collection tbh

Yo why you turning on me, LM ?

08-13-2012, 03:48 PM
Boiled down its::

FkLA: 2

Male Nurse: 0

the latest thread where FkLA is getting dick whipped by multiple people and then claims victory in an attempt to convince himself he's winning the argument.

08-13-2012, 03:52 PM
If by dick whipped you mean Bene making himself look really dumb, then sure.

08-13-2012, 04:43 PM
Shemale porn collections::

Fkla: 1
The rest of ST: 0

08-13-2012, 04:51 PM

the latest thread where FkLA is getting dick whipped by multiple people and then claims victory in an attempt to convince himself he's winning the argument.
Not surprising considering all the information we already have about him. Seems to be ingrained in his nature tbh.

08-13-2012, 05:14 PM
Yo why you turning on me, LM ?

He's just giving you the truth. Why is it so hard to accept? U mad because the rest of the world is not full of dumbasses like you that think nursing is a strictly female job?

08-14-2012, 03:01 AM

He's just giving you the truth. Why is it so hard to accept? U mad because the rest of the world is not full of dumbasses like you that think nursing is a strictly female job?

you should bring up some solid proofs of him being a male nurse so we can all make fun of him with that tbh

I dont think he meant its strictly a female job (although neither did I) but that nigga LM thought it was funny that you were one as well.

Making yourself look dumb a third time. :lol

08-14-2012, 03:06 AM
Ill do a quick recap and then Im done with you, Bene.

Incident 1: You claim you dont give a fuck what people think and therefore refuse to admit to being a male nurse. Posts later you divulge your credit score and household income which is way more personal but not how you make a living. Made you look really dumb and insecure about being a male nurse tbh.

Incident 2: You go on a racist rant on how Im an ignorant be@ner who needs to get out in the 'real world' because I have no idea how society works. Completely ignoring the fact that the racism you have displayed towards me is frowned upon by society alot more than thinking nursing is a feminine profession (not that its strictly a female profession, cause I never said that). That made you look really dumb too.

Thats what happened tbh. So again boiled down its FkLA 2 Male Nurse 0.

08-14-2012, 05:51 AM
Ill do a quick recap and then Im done with you, Bene.

Incident 1: You claim you dont give a fuck what people think and therefore refuse to admit to being a male nurse. Posts later you divulge your credit score and household income which is way more personal but not how you make a living. Made you look really dumb and insecure about being a male nurse tbh.

Only you and your be@ner logic would interpret that post this way...which is why you are the only one making sort of big deal about it. If you actually read the post in context instead of through your red, white and green glasses then you'd understand why I said what I said. Let me attempt to explain it to you in simple terms and then I will too be done.

You make a thread about jobs because everyone is making fun of you about going to utsa/posting shemale porn/being a dumb mexican and you need to redirect/validate yourself by finding someone else to be the scapegoat.

You press me for my career because of this...and if refuse to tell you mostly because you are asking and for the reasons you made the thread.

I offered the information I offered to let you know that I don't have to get into dick measuring contests on the internet. I didn't tell you that to be impressive or cover up anything. I did it to show you that I'm content just being another face in the crowd and that I'm comfortable with myself and where my life is. You and I are different in that you have to make a thread trying to figure out how smart everyone is/what everyone does in order to find someone else to make fun of so you are no longer the target. You're the one who seemingly can't handle criticism...not me.

Incident 2: You go on a racist rant on how Im an ignorant be@ner who needs to get out in the 'real world' because I have no idea how society works. Completely ignoring the fact that the racism you have displayed towards me is frowned upon by society alot more than thinking nursing is a feminine profession (not that its strictly a female profession, cause I never said that). That made you look really dumb too.

The rant came because you keep being stupid. I'm not really racist I just can't handle stupid people...and people that are as dumb as you need to be hit of the head a little harder than others. Thinking nursing is feminine is stupid. Thinking 30 is old is stupid. Making fun of people that are actually in good shape is stupid. Making threads to try to validate yourself because people are making fun of you is stupid. Just stop being stupid and I won't call you a dumb be@ner.

Thats what happened tbh. So again boiled down its FkLA 2 Male Nurse 0.
Sorry bro. You are the shemale porn guy. You can't call scoreboard on anyone. Ever.

08-14-2012, 06:42 AM

You would have some kind of point if I had actually made that thread for the reasons you listed. I wasnt trying to validate myself/deflect with that thread dummy, or even looking to call you out for what you do for a living. I did it as a joke, Ive had several exchanges regarding career choices with m>s and even a couple with DoK where (all in good fun) I brag about being an engineer major and talk shit to them for being 'male accountants'. I dont actually think accounting is a bad profession or even a feminine one, and Im sure they realize Im just fucking with them since theyve never responded in such an angry manner like you have been doing.

I mean sure it is kind of funny that you are a male nurse since you try so hard to be alpha. But just like with the accounting thing I dont really think being a male nurse is a bad profession. I just kept pushing it cause you kind of seemed ashamed of it, you also took it real seriously and were getting so worked up about it. Even drove you to go on a racist rant even though you claim youre not a racist. Which I actually believe btw, you never seemed like a racist guy here or back on the wire. I think you were just kind of angry and maybe not thinking clearly.

08-14-2012, 07:13 AM
It was kind of mean-spirited on my part to keep pushing it though, especially when you were obviously getting angry. Ill stop. Thats not me, Im a nice guy at heart. You can keep calling me a be@ner and claiming I have a shemale collection if you feel the need to tbh.

08-14-2012, 07:33 AM
Ahh...your go to fall back..."I was just joking...ha ha ha." You said the same shit when you got your ass broomstick'd for posting the shemale pics. :lol 5th grade damage control arguments.

I'm done here too. Everyone here knows what you're about. Nothing else needs to be said.

Latarian Milton
08-14-2012, 08:39 AM
there ain't any solid borderline to bisect the jobs into two strict categories based on gender in today's workforce imho. kitchen used to be the workshop for women back in the day but now you can see working females everywhere, and you don't get emasculated just because you work at a job that was typically a females job back in the postwar era tbh

guys are supposed to work outdoor or at the lathe rather than in an office building, so if you got a 9-5 job sitting in the office 8 hours a day 5 days a week, you're probably doing a feminine job too

08-14-2012, 08:54 AM
Ahh...your go to fall back..."I was just joking...ha ha ha." You said the same shit when you got your ass broomstick'd for posting the shemale pics. :lol 5th grade damage control arguments.

I'm done here too. Everyone here knows what you're about. Nothing else needs to be said.
I'm wondering when the "I was just joking to troll you!" cop out is gonna happen with regards to his Diaw > Lee arguments.

08-14-2012, 02:34 PM
So you dumbnuts think I started a serious thread saying I was an engineer from 'THEE' utsa? You guys think I have the sig I have to brag? Even this thread youre posting in, you think I made it to show my mexican pride? Come on, me going to UTSA and being a be@ner--those are all things you guys like to talk shit about (all in good fun, or atleast I dont take either too seriously) so I jokingly respond by being overly proud of both.

I honestly was starting to feel bad towards the end with how angry Bene was becoming tbh. Im a pretty nice guy and being mean-spirited like that isnt me so I stopped. Surprised you took it so seriously too DoK, I honestly always thought you were aware that I was being overly proud for funsies. You guys can stick to thinking Im serious about everything if youd like, just know that youre aiding in getting trolled.

08-14-2012, 03:19 PM
:lol still rolling

08-14-2012, 03:25 PM

08-14-2012, 05:29 PM
So you dumbnuts think I started a serious thread saying I was an engineer from 'THEE' utsa? You guys think I have the sig I have to brag? Even this thread youre posting in, you think I made it to show my mexican pride? Come on, me going to UTSA and being a be@ner--those are all things you guys like to talk shit about (all in good fun, or atleast I dont take either too seriously) so I jokingly respond by being overly proud of both.

I honestly was starting to feel bad towards the end with how angry Bene was becoming tbh. Im a pretty nice guy and being mean-spirited like that isnt me so I stopped. Surprised you took it so seriously too DoK, I honestly always thought you were aware that I was being overly proud for funsies. You guys can stick to thinking Im serious about everything if youd like, just know that youre aiding in getting trolled.
:lol Diaw > Lee

08-14-2012, 05:57 PM
My basketball takes are fair game, theyre usually serious. Everything else is all fun though. But Im not suited for it tbh, I can fuck with guys that are also having fun during the exchange but when I see someone getting angry like Bene was I start feeling bad.

08-14-2012, 06:04 PM
lol soccer

08-14-2012, 06:17 PM
:cryI felt bad:cry
:cryI was juss playin:cry

08-14-2012, 06:29 PM
It aint that big of a deal man. I dont understand why you insist on continuing to come at me and prolonging the argument.

08-14-2012, 06:31 PM
Go up two posts, faggot. Who said whose name last?

Latarian Milton
08-14-2012, 07:34 PM
going to utsa and being a be@ner are almost synonyms in present days tbh

08-14-2012, 10:18 PM
Go up two posts, faggot. Who said whose name last?

Youre still angry, man.

That post wasnt even directed at you, your name was only mentioned to point out to DoK why I felt bad. I wasnt going at you like your doing to me. Just let it go.

going to utsa and being a be@ner are almost synonyms in present days tbh

Somewhat accurate tbh.

08-15-2012, 05:50 AM
Then keep my name out of your mouth.

Youre still angry, man.

Never was. I was joking the whole time. Couldn't you tell?