View Full Version : why i won't vote for obama| he sums it up

Trill Clinton
08-14-2012, 05:49 PM
this brotha preaches pure, unfiltered gospel.


the actual vid wont embed


Trill Clinton
08-14-2012, 05:57 PM


08-14-2012, 05:58 PM
good to see our black brothers waking up

08-14-2012, 06:30 PM
:lmao "some ape with tattoos all over his face"

This guy is hilarious

08-14-2012, 09:29 PM
Only saw the first video. Yeah I vote democrat but that's because I view them as the lesser evil. Republicans will fuck the middle class and poor in the ass harder than the democrats and we got a lot of blacks in that bracket. What happened with the last republican president? We got fucked hard.Independent never wins so its a wasted vote.

As for the holidays, don't think it's slave mentality to celebrate Fourth of July. It's a mixture of embedded traddition since childhood that is associated with fireworks and a day off. That's how people view it. Most of them can't even tell you the historical events of 4th of July. People celebrate cinco de mayo, are white people slaves to the Mexicans?

What is this guy's solution anyway?

08-14-2012, 09:31 PM
fuck the middle class and poor in the ass

lol obama is already doing a pretty good job of that.

so tell me, what has obama done for you? be specific.

08-14-2012, 09:35 PM
He's paid for my gas!

Clipper Nation
08-14-2012, 09:35 PM
Independent never wins so its a wasted vote.
You never waste your vote if you vote your conscience, B...

You should vote for Ron Paul, tbh.... he will end the Fed's inflation, which is a hidden tax on the poor and middle class, and also end the racist War on Drugs and racist death penalty, tbh....

08-14-2012, 09:36 PM
lol obama is already doing a pretty good job of that.

so tell me, what has obama done for you? be specific.

I don't approve of everything he does but he did a lot of shit I definitely approve of and more so if a republican took office. The stem cell issue was a big thing for me for example.

08-14-2012, 09:38 PM
You never waste your vote if you vote your conscience, B...

You should vote for Ron Paul, tbh.... he will end the Fed's inflation, which is a hidden tax on the poor and middle class, and also end the racist War on Drugs and racist death penalty, tbh....

Yeah I honestly thought about it but in the end I knew he'd never win and I didn't want McCain to win.

08-14-2012, 09:39 PM
I don't approve of everything he does but he did a lot of shit I definitely approve of and more so if a republican took office. The stem cell issue was a big thing for me for example.

what did he do for stem cell research? if you're telling the truth, then that's the only thing that i agree with him on.

but you still didn't answer the question. give me specific reasons how your life is better than it was 4 years ago.

08-14-2012, 09:45 PM
My life is basically the same tbh and will be better in a few more years when our school loans are forgiven thanks to Obama. That's about $50k done.

08-14-2012, 09:46 PM
My life is basically the same tbh

So..Obama didn't do any more for you than B:lolsh did. Let's vote for him again :rolleyes

08-14-2012, 09:51 PM
So..Obama didn't do any more for you than B:lolsh did. Let's vote for him again :rolleyes

It's not just about me though. It was his overall goals that he wanted to accomplish. I was definitely for green than Drill baby drill, his Iraq war stance when McCain wanted to prolong and attack Iran, and of course Bin Laden. I believe our life is better now as opposed to how it would be if McCain was president is what I'm trying to say.

08-14-2012, 09:54 PM
Very informative video. I was suprised to learn that african chieftans sold slaves in return for buckets of KFC chicken. Makes me respect the Colonel even more.

08-15-2012, 01:19 AM
lol obama is already doing a pretty good job of that.

so tell me, what has obama done for you? be specific.

specifically? :lol you intellectual light weights really crack me up...go back to your crack pot conservative radio talk show hosts who typically tout a high school diploma and not Ivy league education...see Rush Limpbaughand Sean Hannitty...high-school diploma's only....just blabbering non-sense all day...:lol

If they're honest...they would see that most folks are better off than they were 3 or 4 years ago...just remember how bad things were a few yrs back.

For starters the stock market was down...whereas today this are on the upward tick...(leading and lagging indicators)

If you will recall the US and Global economy was on the brink of collapse thanks to Repubs and Mr. Bush...Tyson (a rhetorical question for you...how are you not better off?

Even though I now own a high end luxury German car :lol - The US. auto industry was circling the drain. If I'm not mistaken G.M. is now the number one auto maker globally.

Al-Queda is pretty much extinct...we traded the Muslim Taliban for the Right-Wing Tea-liban

Real Estate markets are recovering and people are now able to modify their mortgages so that they're more affordable...people who don't have jobs can hold a a bit longer because of the extension of unemployment insurance and the pressure Obama put on Congress to act on their behalf

Kids are now covered on their parents health insurance until college graduation. Insurance companies can't refuse to insure people because of a pre-existing condition. All of this was impossible just 3 -4 yrs ago just prior to my man taking office.

If you're actually smart like me and a real intuitive and intellectual thinker you'd know that an economy can't truly be turned around in the span of 3 short years...From a private sector POV...I don't even think a savvy CEO and President can turn a company completely around in 3 short yrs...it's all about gradual progress...and considering from where he came and all the obstructionist in Congress and around the county upset because of his skin color guess what...my guy is turning things around despite your open insurrection.... So yes I'm much better off than I was a few yrs ago...I don't think racist people like Tyson, the black uncle Rukus types, the racist Right-Wing talk radio show hosts...or the Southern Rednecks with decaying or missing front teeth will ever understand that they're better off..instead they choose to continue to blindly vote against their own interest to the delight of the Republican Oligarchy. :lol

08-15-2012, 01:21 AM
specifically? :lol you intellectual light weights really crack me up...go back to your crack pot conservative radio talk show hosts who typically tout a high school diploma and not Ivy league education...see Rush Limpbaughand Sean Hannitty...high-school diploma's only....just blabbering non-sense all day...:lol

If they're honest...they would see that most folks are better off than they were 3 or 4 years ago...just remember how bad things were a few yrs back.

For starters the stock market was down...whereas today this are on the upward tick...(leading and lagging indicators)

If you will recall the US and Global economy was on the brink of collapse thanks to Repubs and Mr. Bush...Tyson (a rhetorical question for you...how are you not better off?

Even though I now own a high end luxury German car :lol - The US. auto industry was circling the drain. If I'm not mistaken G.M. is now the number one auto maker globally.

Al-Queda is pretty much extinct...we traded the Muslim Taliban for the Right-Wing Tea-liban

Real Estate markets are recovering and people are now able to modify their mortgages so that they're more affordable...people who don't have jobs can hold a a bit longer because of the extension of unemployment insurance and the pressure Obama put on Congress to act on their behalf

Kids are now covered on their parents health insurance until college graduation. Insurance companies can't refuse to insure people because of a pre-existing condition. All of this was impossible just 3 -4 yrs ago just prior to my man taking office.

If you're actually smart like me and a real intuitive and intellectual thinker you'd know that an economy can't truly be turned around in the span of 3 short years...From a private sector POV...I don't even think a savvy CEO and President can turn a company completely around in 3 short yrs...it's all about gradual progress...and considering from where he came and all the obstructionist in Congress and around the county upset because of his skin color guess what...my guy is turning things around despite your open insurrection.... So yes I'm much better off than I was a few yrs ago...I don't think racist people like Tyson, the black uncle Rukus types, the racist Right-Wing talk radio show hosts...or the Southern Rednecks with decaying or missing front teeth will ever understand that they're better off..instead they choose to continue to blindly vote against their own interest to the delight of the Republican Oligarchy. :lol

sup extra stout

08-15-2012, 01:21 AM
For starters the stock market was down...whereas today this are on the upward tick...(leading and lagging indicators)

If you will recall the US and Global economy was on the brink of collapse thanks to Repubs and Mr. Bush...Tyson (a rhetorical question for you...how are you not better off?

Even though I now own a high end luxury German car :lol - The US. auto industry was circling the drain. If I'm not mistaken G.M. is now the number one auto maker globally.

Al-Queda is pretty much extinct...we traded the Muslim Taliban for the Right-Wing Tea-liban

Real Estate markets are recovering and people are now able to modify their mortgages so that they're more affordable...people who don't have jobs can hold a a bit longer because of the extension of unemployment insurance and the pressure Obama put on Congress to act on their behalfKids are now covered on their parents health insurance until college graduation.

08-15-2012, 02:08 AM
Kool you monkey, your post is incorrect on so many levels. You really think Obama has the American negro's best intentions in mind? I'll show you how Obama is nothing more than a puppet for his white liberal slavemasters. For starters, unemployment was half what it is today back before obama took office.


Secondly, you're flat out lying about the housing markets because I just so happened to have calculated this for an economics course over the summer. In REAL terms, (adjusted for inflation) housing prices today are still lower than they were in 2005. The bail out to GM (government motors) was a total failure and GM just lost money last quarter IIRC. Their sales have all but flatlined. I'm not saying that Bush wasn't awful or that it's all Obama's fault, but the point is in four years the only thing Obama has managed to accomplish is destroying more jobs and eroded the hell out of civil liberties.

I ask you again, what has obama done for black people? Record numbers of them are now dependent on the state, more than ever before. More blacks are going to prison and dropping out of school. The guy is pro abortion, and you fuckwads still dont realize that the majority of babies being aborted are black ones. Look up the history behind planned parenthood, it was started by a racist white bitch who wanted to get rid of black people and started sterilization projects. Know your history and know your facts.

Amnesty for illegals, a failed healthcare program, record unemployment, and the national defense authorization act are what Obama will be remembered for.

08-15-2012, 02:35 AM
Kool you monkey, your post is incorrect on so many levels. You really think Obama has the American negro's best intentions in mind? I'll show you how Obama is nothing more than a puppet for his white liberal slavemasters. For starters, unemployment was half what it is today back before obama took office.


Secondly, you're flat out lying about the housing markets because I just so happened to have calculated this for an economics course over the summer. In REAL terms, (adjusted for inflation) housing prices today are still lower than they were in 2005. The bail out to GM (government motors) was a total failure and GM just lost money last quarter IIRC. Their sales have all but flatlined. I'm not saying that Bush wasn't awful or that it's all Obama's fault, but the point is in four years the only thing Obama has managed to accomplish is destroying more jobs and eroded the hell out of civil liberties.

I ask you again, what has obama done for black people? Record numbers of them are now dependent on the state, more than ever before. More blacks are going to prison and dropping out of school. The guy is pro abortion, and you fuckwads still dont realize that the majority of babies being aborted are black ones. Look up the history behind planned parenthood, it was started by a racist white bitch who wanted to get rid of black people and started sterilization projects. Know your history and know your facts.

Amnesty for illegals, a failed healthcare program, record unemployment, and the national defense authorization act are what Obama will be remembered for.

:lolhey you fucking septic and putrefying douche-bag with irrepressible anger...:lol you're wrong par the course.... Obama's agenda isn't about Negro's it's about and should be the American people of which negro's are a part...

Obama was voted in under a democracy nothing puppet about that...you lost in 2008 and god willing you'll lose in Nov as well....you're doing community college studies of the housing market from 2005 :lol ok..like I said those markets are recovering...post you're fucking calculations don't just tell us what you did...:lol

GM a total failure:lol yeah ok...last I checked they're a very profitable company and also paid back their debt to the govt...Obama made the right call on that one...all of your views are nothing more but baby regurgitation of high-school diploma ideologues and demagogues...namely Glen Beck, Rush, and Hannity...all non college educated hacks...


check out my guy


Wild Cobra
08-15-2012, 02:44 AM
Another brother keeping blacks in their place by letting them have the excuse that their personal failure is not their fault. That it's the fault of whitey.

My God...

Step up out of the bullshit.

08-15-2012, 02:49 AM
cool negative 25 million return on that investment, obama.


Treasury: U.S. to lose $25 billion on auto bailout

By David Shepardson
Detroit News Washington Bureau
Washington -The Treasury Department says in a new report the government expects to lose more than $25 billion on the $85 billion auto bailout. That's 15 percent higher than its previous forecast.

In a monthly report sent to Congress on Friday, the Obama administration boosted its forecast of expected losses by more than $3.3 billion to almost $25.1 billion, up from $21.7 billion in the last quarterly update.

The report may still underestimate the losses. The report covers predicted losses through May 31, when GM's stock price was $22.20 a share.

On Monday, GM stock fell $0.07, or 0.3 percent, to $20.47. At that price, the government would lose another $850 million on its GM bailout.

The government still holds 500 million shares of GM stock and needs to sell them for about $53 each to recover its entire $49.5 billion bailout. At the current price, the Treasury would lose more than $16 billion on its GM bailout.

The steep decline in GM's stock price has indefinitely delayed the Treasury's sale of its remaining 26 percent stake in GM. No sale will take place before the November election.

Treasury spokesman Matt Anderson said the costs were still far less than some predicted.

"The auto industry rescue helped save more than one million jobs throughout our nation's industrial heartland and is expected to cost far less than many had feared during the height of the crisis," Anderson said.

The Obama administration initially estimated it would lose $44 billion on the bailout but reduced the forecast to $30 billion in December 2009.

But the recent estimates are not as optimistic as last year.

The Treasury Department said in a May 2011 report that its estimate of auto bailout losses was $13.9 billion. The Congressional Budget Office also estimates a $14 billion loss. The CBO has written off $8 billion of the government's auto bailout as an unrecoverable loss.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has decried the losses on the auto bailout and insisted that forcing GM and Chrysler Group LLC to go through bankruptcy first would have saved taxpayers money.

But President George W. Bush — who gave the automakers and their finance arms about $25 billion in his final weeks in office in bailout funds — said there wasn't time.

Taxpayers incurred a $1.3 billion loss on the $12.5 billion bailout of Chrysler.

The Treasury also has put on hold an initial public offering initially planned for last year in Ally Financial Inc. because of market weakness. The government holds a 74 percent majority stake in the Detroit auto finance company as part of its $17.2 billion bailout and has recovered $5.7 billion.

GM CEO Dan Akerson told employees at a town hall meeting Thursday that the company was working to take actions to boost the automaker's sagging price.

08-15-2012, 02:52 AM
:lol gm has lost almost 50% of it's entire value just since january of this year.

but that's obamanomics for you. kool..if you want to check out the housing prices just use the CPI and do the work yourself faggot. housing prices are still lower than they were in 2005..no matter how much talk of a "housing recovery." and that's WITH interest rates artificially low..

08-15-2012, 03:14 AM
:lol gm has lost almost 50% of it's entire value just since january of this year.

but that's obamanomics for you. kool..if you want to check out the housing prices just use the CPI and do the work yourself faggot. housing prices are still lower than they were in 2005..no matter how much talk of a "housing recovery." and that's WITH interest rates artificially low..

nothing new or informative to me about the article...stock prices routinely fluctuate...similar to any savvy investor the govt won't buy high and sell low..get a clue guy...I know you'd like to see the gov't fail because it fits your anti- american republican strategy but outside of GM stock maintaining the stability it needs in the long term everything else in the article is pure conjecture...:lol

what does a recovering housing market in 2012 (thanks to Bush btw) have to do with 2005..was Obama even in Senate back then...:lol you point fails...instead of 2005 go back to 1998 and tell me how the housing market was doing then...:lol you're an idiot trying to masquerade as a knowledgeable poster :lol

08-15-2012, 03:19 AM
do you have any idea how the stock market works? a 50% loss in value is not routine or normal. do you know what caused such a decline? GM is struggling really badly...even after all that bailout money.

08-15-2012, 10:34 AM
As a liberal, I'm calling bullshit on this video. I'll be the first to say that discrimination still exists, and the system is not as beneficial to African Americans, but to say they are still slaves as this guy does is stupid. Let this guy go live in Alabama circa 1950 and we'll see how bad he thinks his situation is in the current day. The black community is stuck in a rut, and some of that is caused by institutional means from the past, but the possibility is there for them to ascend out of poverty no matter how hard it may be. I would personally like to see a welfare system that does more to promote upwards mobility than the one we have now that promotes people staying on the system, but good luck getting anything like that done in the current dysfunctional government.

Clipper Nation
08-15-2012, 10:36 AM
Yeah I honestly thought about it but in the end I knew he'd never win and I didn't want McCain to win.
Hey, he can't win if nobody votes for him, tbh...

Clipper Nation
08-15-2012, 10:37 AM
you're an idiot trying to masquerade as a knowledgeable poster :lol
Highly ironic, considering the source, tbh....

08-15-2012, 10:39 AM
My life is basically the same tbh and will be better in a few more years when our school loans are forgiven thanks to Obama. That's about $50k done.

Why should your fuckin loans be forgiven? $50K !!?

08-15-2012, 10:40 AM
As a liberal, I'm calling bullshit on this video. I'll be the first to say that discrimination still exists, and the system is not as beneficial to African Americans, but to say they are still slaves as this guy does is stupid. Let this guy go live in Alabama circa 1950 and we'll see how bad he thinks his situation is in the current day. The black community is stuck in a rut, and some of that is caused by institutional means from the past, but the possibility is there for them to ascend out of poverty no matter how hard it may be. I would personally like to see a welfare system that does more to promote upwards mobility than the one we have now that promotes people staying on the system, but good luck getting anything like that done in the current dysfunctional government.

What's this? A rational thought?

08-15-2012, 10:51 AM
You never waste your vote if you vote your conscience, B...
Yeah, you do.

You should vote for Ron Paul, tbh.... he will end the Fed's inflation, which is a hidden tax on the poor and middle class, and also end the racist War on Drugs and racist death penalty, tbh....
He won't end shit in his current position.

08-15-2012, 10:53 AM
Another brother keeping blacks in their place by letting them have the excuse that their personal failure is not their fault. That it's the fault of whitey.

My God...

Step up out of the bullshit.

Actually that not the guys position at all. He starts getting to the point around the 1:15 mark.


08-15-2012, 11:50 AM
I kinda like this guy. Much better than Pastor Manning.


Wild Cobra
08-15-2012, 03:28 PM
Actually that not the guys position at all. He starts getting to the point around the 1:15 mark.

Well, I stopped the video when he started with the racist shit.

08-15-2012, 10:22 PM
Why should your fuckin loans be forgiven? $50K !!?

Because the deal is to put your education for the good of your country by working in some form of government job and in exchange, they will forgive the majority of your loans.

Wild Cobra
08-16-2012, 02:24 AM
Because the deal is to put your education for the good of your country by working in some form of government job and in exchange, they will forgive the majority of your loans.

They should reward stupidity by giving them a government job... with a pension?

What about the smart people who get in by merit?

Wild Cobra
08-16-2012, 02:30 AM
Actually that not the guys position at all. He starts getting to the point around the 1:15 mark.


OK, just past the 4 min mark. Looks like hi might be echoing my thoughts, except I keep religion out of it.

08-16-2012, 02:30 AM
Because the deal is to put your education for the good of your country by working in some form of government job and in exchange, they will forgive the majority of your loans.

This is exactly what's wrong with this country, everyone is taught to worship government whenever you'd do the country more justice not working for them. Big bloated governments always fail. The united states was not set up to be this way, we need to go back to more power to the states and less federal involvement. The current system of big brother is unamerican.

08-16-2012, 08:42 AM
This is exactly what's wrong with this country, everyone is taught to worship government whenever you'd do the country more justice not working for them. Big bloated governments always fail. The united states was not set up to be this way, we need to go back to more power to the states and less federal involvement. The current system of big brother is unamerican.

I'm this -- close to moving to Canada or England...we need big brother...as long as republican whites are the power majority we cannot trust the states will do the right thing...I'm all for a streamlined government but not a government that lets States run wild...and ESPECIALLY the Southern States...the Southern States need constant baby sitting and watching otherwise those back woods people will ruin what's left of this country...the Southern legislators are just as inept and as bad as the Taliban in my humble opinion...We need to reduce government help to lazy people across the board white, black, mexican etc...we need to reward hard work and honesty...we need to reduce taxes where we can...but we absolutely need to maintain a certain standard of regulations on mainly on businesses in the commodities industry; namely oil & gas. They will ruin the environment if given the chance and won't think twice about it...when rich people get tax cuts the recent historical data actually proves it does NOT lead to job creation...they put that money if offshore accounts...ala Mitch Romney...

I think Democrats and Progressives should be allowed to run this country it's the only way that mankind will progress...Republicans want to literally take this country back...back to the 1950's where the only person that succeeded in life was the white male. Women, blacks, mexicans, and all other groups were not recognized as people during that time period and it's the time period that the tea party and most republicans pine for.

well we are not going back...we'll leave the race crazed republicans and any who beleive in their ideology stuck in the mud...they're a dying breed anyway...true progress has always been made at the behest of democrats and progressives or Lincoln Republicans from yesteryear. Child labor laws, a 40 hr work week, minimum wage, family medical leave, vacation time off, labor laws, interracial marriage :lol ..all these things are the results of Progressive and Democratic works and these were all things that republicans vehemently oppose...

Let's work hard to win this election for an Obama 2nd term to keep humanity moving forward...don't fall for the Republican ideologues and their wedge issue banter...

Obama / Biden 2012 - Thank you and God Bless :toast

08-16-2012, 09:48 AM

They should reward stupidity by giving them a government job... with a pension?

What about the smart people who get in by merit?

What stupidity? We do get in by merit moron and it took extensive work related experience to even land a position. They don't cover it right away just because you work at some government job. You got to put in the work before they approve. There are tons tons of fulfilling jobs in the government.

08-16-2012, 09:54 AM
This is exactly what's wrong with this country, everyone is taught to worship government whenever you'd do the country more justice not working for them. Big bloated governments always fail. The united states was not set up to be this way, we need to go back to more power to the states and less federal involvement. The current system of big brother is unamerican.

Lol worshipping. It's called finding a job with good pay, benefits, and a rewarding career. Btw, you in Dallas right? You get infected with West Nile yet? No? You can thank my wife for being part of the government team that are working diligently around the clock trying to curb the epidemic.

08-16-2012, 09:59 AM
This is exactly what's wrong with this country, everyone is taught to worship government whenever you'd do the country more justice not working for them. Big bloated governments always fail. The united states was not set up to be this way, we need to go back to more power to the states and less federal involvement. The current system of big brother is unamerican.

Totally disagree. More power to the states leads to things like "intelligent design" being taught in science class. It leads to only having conservative political figures in the history books, as Texas has done. If you don't like government, then your hatred should start at the local level. I have found local governments to be far more stupid and corrupt than at the federal level.

08-16-2012, 10:43 AM
Totally disagree. More power to the states leads to things like "intelligent design" being taught in science class. It leads to only having conservative political figures in the history books, as Texas has done. If you don't like government, then your hatred should start at the local level. I have found local governments to be far more stupid and corrupt than at the federal level.
:lmao truth bombs

It's hilarious seeing "Libertarians" worship local government in the same sentence that they scorn federal government. When the fuck has a civilization with small federal government and powerful local government ever been successful? Local government is 100x more incompetent and corrupt than the federal government.

It's also massive revisionist history when people say stuff like, "The founding fathers were all anti-big government and designed the constitution to give the states all the powers!" The reason we have the constitution is because the Articles of Confederation were a massive abortion which left the country on the verge of insolvency that the Anti-Federalists eventually caved and signed the Federalists' Constitution (Federalists like Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, James Madison, John Adams, and John Hancock). I feel pretty stupid regurgitating basic American history, but "libertarians" who say off the wall stuff like "The founding fathers designed the constitution to take power away from the federal government!" must have slept through history class growing up.

08-16-2012, 11:11 AM
Lol worshipping. It's called finding a job with good pay, benefits, and a rewarding career. Btw, you in Dallas right? You get infected with West Nile yet? No? You can thank my wife for being part of the government team that are working diligently around the clock trying to curb the epidemic.

LOL...you mean the government that did nothing and now in a panic is doing widespread aerosol spraying of insecticides.

08-16-2012, 12:23 PM
LOL...you mean the government that did nothing and now in a panic is doing widespread aerosol spraying of insecticides.

Wrong. Before it even became an epidemic, they sent out information to warn people about it on the local news and advised people to wear repellents when going out. But anyway the spraying is also part of government efforts right? Bad government!

08-16-2012, 12:37 PM
But anyway the spraying is also part of government efforts right? Bad government!

Well you're talking about a disease with a mortality rate in line with complications from the common cold. So yeah the government that creates a panic and is going rain down toxic pesticides on it's citizens to stop the spread of a minor disease that cannot be stopped would qualify as Bad Government.

08-16-2012, 12:45 PM
Well you're talking about a disease with a mortality rate in line with complications from the common cold. So yeah the government that creates a panic and is going rain down toxic pesticides on it's citizens to stop the spread of a minor disease that cannot be stopped would qualify as Bad Government.

There are deaths even amongst young people and the cases are increasing everyday.. Why not kill off the mosquitoes? Why are you bashing efforts to save lives? It's not minor if it's an epidemic.

08-16-2012, 01:52 PM
Why not kill off the mosquitoes?

I think was in the 50's when it was common to do aerosol spraying in neighborhoods, drop ddt all over the place, etc...those little fuckers just wouldn't die.

If you're scared of WNV then you should hide in your closet this fall and stay there until when flu season is over, because it's probably going to kill more people than WNV ever will.

08-16-2012, 01:55 PM
There are deaths even amongst young people and the cases are increasing everyday.. Why not kill off the mosquitoes? Why are you bashing efforts to save lives? It's not minor if it's an epidemic.

meh...best outcomes of this chemical agent (Duet) approaches 60%. It aint all that.

08-16-2012, 03:03 PM
Hey Creepn, here are some WNV facts from the CDC...

What Are the Symptoms of WNV?
Serious Symptoms in a Few People. About one in 150 people infected with WNV will develop severe illness. The severe symptoms can include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness and paralysis. These symptoms may last several weeks, and neurological effects may be permanent.

Milder Symptoms in Some People. Up to 20 percent of the people who become infected have symptoms such as fever, headache, and body aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach and back. Symptoms can last for as short as a few days, though even healthy people have become sick for several weeks.

No Symptoms in Most People. Approximately 80 percent of people (about 4 out of 5) who are infected with WNV will not show any symptoms at all.
Back to the top

How Does West Nile Virus Spread?
Infected Mosquitoes. Most often, WNV is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Infected mosquitoes can then spread WNV to humans and other animals when they bite.

Transfusions, Transplants, and Mother-to-Child. In a very small number of cases, WNV also has been spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, breastfeeding and even during pregnancy from mother to baby.
Not through touching. WNV is not spread through casual contact such as touching or kissing a person with the virus.

Clearly a good govt that really cared about the people would focus it's efforts on killing birds, mother's, and transplant surgeons. Not innocent mosquitos that are just victims themselves.

baseline bum
08-16-2012, 03:07 PM
:lmao truth bombs

It's hilarious seeing "Libertarians" worship local government in the same sentence that they scorn federal government. When the fuck has a civilization with small federal government and powerful local government ever been successful? Local government is 100x more incompetent and corrupt than the federal government.

It's also massive revisionist history when people say stuff like, "The founding fathers were all anti-big government and designed the constitution to give the states all the powers!" The reason we have the constitution is because the Articles of Confederation were a massive abortion which left the country on the verge of insolvency that the Anti-Federalists eventually caved and signed the Federalists' Constitution (Federalists like Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, James Madison, John Adams, and John Hancock). I feel pretty stupid regurgitating basic American history, but "libertarians" who say off the wall stuff like "The founding fathers designed the constitution to take power away from the federal government!" must have slept through history class growing up.

LOL founding fathers creating a bill of rights while owning n!ggers outright. Founding father worship is the funniest thing about libertarians.

Wild Cobra
08-16-2012, 03:13 PM
LOL founding fathers creating a bill of rights while owning n!ggers outright. Founding father worship is the funniest thing about libertarians.
Is it?

Serious question. If you were a slave, and I were a master...

Would you want to be owned by an abusive master, or a master that believed in rights and treated you well.

Can you say that any of the founding father abused their slaves? What if I bough as many slaves as I could to protect them from others brutality. Does that make me an evil slave owner?

baseline bum
08-16-2012, 03:15 PM
:rollin :rollin :rollin

08-16-2012, 03:29 PM
Hey Creepn, here are some WNV facts from the CDC...

Clearly a good govt that really cared about the people would focus it's efforts on killing birds, mother's, and transplant surgeons. Not innocent mosquitos that are just victims themselves.

Yeah that's what a good governmemt would do unlike the bad one that would try to reduce the the infected mosquito population that would create infected offsprings and increase by ten-fold next summer. That's waaaaaay more than the birds and are the birds biting people?

08-16-2012, 03:36 PM
meh...best outcomes of this chemical agent (Duet) approaches 60%. It aint all that.

Well see. I'm gonna ask her if the cases stabilized or not in a few weeks.

08-16-2012, 04:41 PM
Obama is the drone president.

08-16-2012, 04:55 PM
Well see. I'm gonna ask her if the cases stabilized or not in a few weeks.

April thru Sept. is considered mosquito season in Texas so I'm pretty sure sure the spraying is guaranteed to "work" in a few weeks.

08-16-2012, 05:40 PM
April thru Sept. is considered mosquito season in Texas so I'm pretty sure sure the spraying is guaranteed to "work" in a few weeks.

It's more than just aerial spraying which will happen tonight. There will be an active ground search for hibernation areas as well. I know you feel so fond of these innocent little mosquitoes but I place innocent human beings waaaaaay waaaaay ahead of them.

We will just have to agree to disagree. You rather the government just accept WNV as common cold and do nothing about it while I believe that they should take an active approach in curbing the epidemic.

08-16-2012, 06:26 PM
It's more than just aerial spraying which will happen tonight. There will be an active ground search for hibernation areas as well. I know you feel so fond of these innocent little mosquitoes but I place innocent human beings waaaaaay waaaaay ahead of them.

We will just have to agree to disagree. You rather the government just accept WNV as common cold and do nothing about it while I believe that they should take an active approach in curbing the epidemic.

I don't give a shit about mosquitoes. You're missing the point, mosquitoes are here to stay and wnv is here to stay. So the govt spraying might knock back the population for now and you'll say hooray!

Or maybe the spraying takes it's toll on fish & insects that feed on mosquito larvae so that next year the mosquito population is greater and wnv is even more of a problem in that area.

Either way WNV is here to stay.

I read this article and the quote made me laugh...

Dallas Arborteum makes last-minute preps to protect fish

The state, which hired the contractor for the EPA-approved spraying, said the pesticide, named Duet, "should not pose a risk for a healthy fish pond under sound environmental conditions."

Now that's a definitive statement:lol

08-16-2012, 07:26 PM
^ Not necessarily. In the case of WNV, mosquitoes are the local delivery method. The virus itself is transported and incubated by birds. Mosquitoes have a lifespan of about 100 days, and are not born with the virus, thus they're a rapidly changing population.

Insecticides help reduce the mosquito population to address the issue of a rapidly growing distribution, but there's also other controls taking place at the same time, like monitoring of wild birds and testing of dead birds.

There's been WNV epidemics before (Like 1999 in New York (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4838a1.htm)), and they've all more or less been dealt with successfully.

08-16-2012, 07:45 PM
Banning DDT was a disaster

08-16-2012, 08:34 PM
^ Not necessarily. In the case of WNV, mosquitoes are the local delivery method. The virus itself is transported and incubated by birds. Mosquitoes have a lifespan of about 100 days, and are not born with the virus, thus they're a rapidly changing population.

Actually vertical transmission has been demonstrated.

There's been WNV epidemics before (Like 1999 in New York (http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4838a1.htm)), and they've all more or less been dealt with successfully.

What are you calling succesfull. WNV arrived in NY in '99 and has marched across the US ever since. New York still has cases of WNV despite annual spraying and measures such as levying fines against people with bird baths.

You know Creepn used what's happening in Dallas as an example of good govt. The mayor says he can't have any more deaths on his conscience but where was his conscience over the past few years when they could have spent a little more money on effective mosquito control and avoided the epidemic altogether. It's not like they didn't know WNV was a public health risk.

08-16-2012, 08:55 PM
Actually vertical transmission has been demonstrated.

I stand corrected. Didn't see those studies, thanks.

What are you calling succesfull. WNV arrived in NY in '99 and has marched across the US ever since. New York still has cases of WNV despite annual spraying and measures such as levying fines against people with bird baths.

I call successful that it's not considered epidemic. New York has had a grand total of 4 cases (http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/surv&controlCaseCount12_detailed.htm) this year so far. That's successful.

You know Creepn used what's happening in Dallas as an example of good govt. The mayor says he can't have any more deaths on his conscience but where was his conscience over the past few years when they could have spent a little more money on effective mosquito control and avoided the epidemic altogether. It's not like they didn't know WNV was a public health risk.

I don't know the details about Dallas, so I'll take your word for it. I think it's interesting that states like New Mexico has had just 1 case this year, where Texas is obviously in the middle of an epidemic.

08-21-2012, 01:46 PM
Is it?

Serious question. If you were a slave, and I were a master...

Would you want to be owned by an abusive master, or a master that believed in rights and treated you well.

Can you say that any of the founding father abused their slaves? What if I bough as many slaves as I could to protect them from others brutality. Does that make me an evil slave owner?
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao

I'd say making someone pick cotton for 15 hours a day without compensation is definitely abuse. This is an all time Wild Cobra classic.

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 02:04 PM
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao

I'd say making someone pick cotton for 15 hours a day without compensation is definitely abuse. This is an all time Wild Cobra classic.

:cry But they got a free ride from Africa. Nowadays that cruise would probably run $10,000 a person. :cry

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 04:13 PM
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao

I'd say making someone pick cotton for 15 hours a day without compensation is definitely abuse. This is an all time Wild Cobra classic.

So I take it that you would prefer the daily whipping.

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 04:14 PM
:cry But they got a free ride from Africa. Nowadays that cruise would probably run $10,000 a person. :cry
The slave market probably saved their lives. Many of the slaves sold were captured enemies that would have otherwise been killed if there was no slave market.

Blacks were selling blacks.

08-21-2012, 04:16 PM
WC with epic bads

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 04:21 PM
WC with epic bads

Not PC?

Are you saying I'm wrong, or is it that you can't handle the truth?

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 04:49 PM
The slave market probably saved their lives. Many of the slaves sold were captured enemies that would have otherwise been killed if there was no slave market.

Blacks were selling blacks.

:lol 1/3rd of them died on the boat ride over
:lol thankful to be packed like sardines, chained to the floor with no more than 18 inches of space
:lol if they survive the ride, the reward is picking cotton until death
:lol WC loves genocide

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 04:51 PM
:lol 1/3rd of them died on the boat ride
:lol thankful to be packed like sardines, chained to the floor with no more than 18 inches of space
:lol if they survive the ride, the reward is picking cotton until death
:lol WC loves genocide
What would the warlords have done to them if there wasn't a marker for them? Probably kill them, right?

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 04:52 PM
:lol owning slaves = the libertarian way

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 04:52 PM
What would the warlords have done to them if there wasn't a marker for them? Probably kill them, right?

Not kidnap them

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 04:53 PM
:lol owning slaves = the libertarian way
No it isn't. I'm only looking at the past with an unbiased eye. You should try not to be so prejudiced.

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 04:58 PM
:lol WC thinks we should start importing slaves from Sudan right now
:cry classy WC deserves an award from the NAACP :cry

08-21-2012, 05:20 PM
The slave market probably saved their lives. Many of the slaves sold were captured enemies that would have otherwise been killed if there was no slave market.

Blacks were selling blacks.

Good lord...

08-21-2012, 05:21 PM
:lol 1/3rd of them died on the boat ride over
:lol thankful to be packed like sardines, chained to the floor with no more than 18 inches of space
:lol if they survive the ride, the reward is picking cotton until death
:lol WC loves genocide

Lmao damn.

08-21-2012, 06:27 PM

"We did negras a favor by owning them for 300 years!"

"The spearchuckers in Africa held us at spearpoint and forced us to enslave them!"

08-21-2012, 06:34 PM
:lol 1/3rd of them died on the boat ride over
:lol thankful to be packed like sardines, chained to the floor with no more than 18 inches of space
:lol if they survive the ride, the reward is picking cotton until death
:lol WC loves genocide

In WCs defense genocide didn't exist till the 1940's so we can't really call it genocide.

08-21-2012, 06:49 PM
Wild Cobra, you dating a black chick right? Why don't you communicate your negro views to her before you post k? I'm confident that she will be a great help in preventing you from posting stupid shit.

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 07:06 PM
:lol WC thinks we should start importing slaves from Sudan right now

:cry classy WC deserves an award from the NAACP :cry
No, but if the NAACP actually cared about black people, they would resonate MLK's messages, instead of giving black people an excuse. Like any other political organization gone bad, they are only in it for themselves.

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 07:10 PM
Wild Cobra, you dating a black chick right? Why don't you communicate your negro views to her before you post k? I'm confident that she will be a great help in preventing you from posting stupid shit.
You should have seen the flak she got when she posted on her facebook page "I hate black people." That was her statement being sick and tired of the general mentality of blacks that it is whites fault.

Her brother is married to a half Japanese half white chick.

Her sister is also dating a white guy.

You would call her a female version of an Uncle Tom.

What is that term anyway?

She simply hates the general black mentality.

Trill Clinton
08-21-2012, 07:28 PM
You should have seen the flak she got when she posted on her facebook page "I hate black people." That was her statement being sick and tired of the general mentality of blacks that it is whites fault.

Her brother is married to a half Japanese half white chick.

Her sister is also dating a white guy.

You would call her a female version of an Uncle Tom.

What is that term anyway?

She simply hates the general black mentality.

so your girl is a coon? figures, tell her no matter what she's still a n!gger to her white lover and whites in general. her posting ”i hate black people” is very ignorant for anyone to say let alone a sista.

and lmao@the general black mentality. foh with that.

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 07:41 PM
she posted on her facebook page "I hate black people."

You seem to have a lot in common. Does she also want to shoot Mexicans at the border with her rifle? Do you put on the Reagan cowboy hat and play overseer when she's doing chores?

08-21-2012, 07:44 PM
Please have her post here.

08-21-2012, 07:45 PM
You seem to have a lot in common. Does she also want to shoot Mexicans at the border with her rifle? Do you put on the Reagan cowboy hat and play overseer when she's doing chores?

Lmao ah that made me laugh.

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 07:46 PM
Please have her post here.
She's not interested in creeps like you.

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 07:49 PM
She's not interested in creeps like you.

True, Creepn is a soul brotha.

08-21-2012, 07:50 PM
She's not interested in creeps like you.

Trust me I'm not interested in her white devil cock loving ass either. Just want to talk her. It will be so amicable it will make you look like a cuck.

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 07:53 PM
No, but if the NAACP actually cared about black people, they would resonate MLK's messages, instead of giving black people an excuse.


If this was 1968 you'd be whining like hell about MLK just like you did about the Occupy movement.


Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 07:57 PM
Trust me I'm not interested in her white devil cock loving ass either. Just want to talk her. It will be so amicable it will make you look like a cuck.


You have some weird fantasies...

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 07:58 PM

If this was 1968 you'd be whining like hell about MLK just like you did about the Occupy movement.



You have too simplistic of a mind for me to understand.

there are vast differences between the occupy movement, and MLK's movement.

The few similarities are not what I look at, but instead the message of freedom. What freedom is the occupy movement looking for? They are looking to take other people's money in the wrong way. That was never MLK's message. MLK asking for help is not the same as trying to destroy those who have money.

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 08:02 PM
Full employment, economic bill of rights, guaranteed annual income... seems a lot like what Occupy was protesting for.

Instead of focusing on issues of urban inequality and the interracial efforts concerted to address them, the media concentrated on specific incidences of violence, leadership conflicts and protest tactics.

Same kind of media coverage too. :lol

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 08:04 PM
To add...

MLK was asking to share with others what made America great. The occupy movement wants to destroy what made America great.

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 08:06 PM
Full employment, economic bill of rights, guaranteed annual income... seems a lot like what Occupy was protesting for.

Same kind of media coverage too. :lol
Did the poor peoples campaigning have violence like the occupy movement?

Did they block traffic and sidewalks like the occupiers did?

Were they protesting against the rich, o5r asking the rich for help?

I'm sorry, but the finer details do not compare.

Clipper Nation
08-21-2012, 08:08 PM
To add...

MLK was asking to share with others what made America great. The occupy movement wants to destroy what made America great.

Really? I'm pretty sure neocons such as yourself would keel over in rage if, say, Obama got MLK's economic plan passed.... then, it would be "socialist wealth redistribution" tbh....

baseline bum
08-21-2012, 08:14 PM
The occupy movement wants to destroy what made America great.

Too big to fail banks made America great?

Wild Cobra
08-21-2012, 08:24 PM
Really? I'm pretty sure neocons such as yourself would keel over in rage if, say, Obama got MLK's economic plan passed.... then, it would be "socialist wealth redistribution" tbh....

I am not a neocon.

You're right, I am enraged that the social aspects of MLK ideas have passed over the years in the way the have manifested. We have too much social welfare that does not promote people to do for themselves. It's too easy to take the safety net and use it as a hammock.

MLK wanted equal opportunity, and help out of poverty. I think he would be ashamed of his brothers and sisters who have the opportunity to better themselves, and don't.

08-22-2012, 09:36 AM

"We did negras a favor by owning them for 300 years!"

"The spearchuckers in Africa held us at spearpoint and forced us to enslave them!"

08-22-2012, 09:38 AM
Wild Cobra defending slavery and arguing America did black people a favor was funny enough, to follow that up with pretending he's an MLK fan is even more hilarious.

08-22-2012, 09:38 AM

I am not a neocon.
Right, you just have beliefs that perfectly align with neo-conservative beliefs :lmao

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 05:27 PM
Wild Cobra defending slavery and arguing America did black people a favor was funny enough, to follow that up with pretending he's an MLK fan is even more hilarious.
Understanding the past is not the same as defending it in today's world.

Don't you think understanding something in the context of the time is important?

It is insane to apply our culture and today's practices with either another culture, or our past culture.

08-22-2012, 05:54 PM
Understanding the past is not the same as defending it in today's world.

Don't you think understanding something in the context of the time is important?

It is insane to apply our culture and today's practices with either another culture, or our past culture.

Listen MLK did what he had to do to get the masses (read white majority) on his side by showing how truly animalistic so called white elites really were to their core...they were savages dressed in sheeps clothing trying to spread the message of gospel...well let Kool tell it...I was a Malcom X kinda guy...fuck turning the other cheek...I was born back then but I'm rolling with Nat fucking Turner all day every day...I'm going to the villages and towns and exacting revenge on that ass...killing as many predatory whites as I can...fuck turning the other cheek...you run up on me with some KKK and Tea party Thug bullshit and you will feel all the generational anger and pain that I've been holding inside on behalf of my ancestors...I will get like an hippo/rhino/elephant bull on your ass...:lol

Sure there are some blacks that want handouts but it's not the majority...more whites are on welfare any way..maybe not as a percentage of their race due to the generational socioeconomic divide that favors whites but certainly they are in total numbers...

Blacks have a right to be angry we don't need excuses but we're not naive we know the system is by and large rigged against us even though we have some successes...America wants to memorialize and constantly acknowledge what Hitler did to the Jews but they don't want memorilaize and acknowledge what America did to Africans because they're the ones that perpetrated that fraud...like reverend Jerimiah Wright said about America: "The Chickens have come home to roost."

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 05:56 PM
Listen MLK did what he had to do to get the masses (read white majority) on his side by showing how truly animalistic so called white elites really were to their core...they were savages dressed in sheeps clothing trying to spread the message of gospel...well let Kool tell it...I was a Malcom X kinda guy...fuck turning the other cheek...I was born back then but I'm rolling with Nat fucking Turner all day every day...I'm going to the villages and towns and exacting revenge on that ass...killing as many predatory whites as I can...fuck turning the other cheek...you run up on me with some KKK and Tea party Thug bullshit and you will feel all the generational anger and pain that I've been holding inside on behalf of my ancestors...I will get like an hippo/rhino/elephant bull on your ass...:lol

Sure there are some blacks that want handouts but it's not the majority...more whites are on welfare any way..maybe not as a percentage of their race due to the generational socioeconomic divide that favors whites but certainly they are in total numbers...

Blacks have a right to be angry we don't need excuses but we're not naive we know the system is by and large rigged against us even though we have some successes...America wants to memorialize and constantly acknowledge what Hitler did to the Jews but they don't want memorilaize and acknowledge what America did to Africans because they're the ones that perpetrated that fraud...like reverend Jerimiah Wright said about America: "The Chickens have come home to roost."
Your hatred is the perfect example as to why you are held back in life from achieving more.

Did MLK want you to hate?

Clipper Nation
08-22-2012, 05:58 PM
Did MLK want you to hate?

MLK certainly didn't want white people to own black people, but you somehow think the slaveowners were doing the slaves a favor....

08-22-2012, 06:00 PM
Your hatred is the perfect example as to why you are held back in life from achieving more.

Did MLK want you to hate?:lol

You guys should go white water rafting together.

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 06:01 PM
MLK certainly didn't want white people to own black people, but you somehow think the slaveowners were doing the slaves a favor....
I see you forgot to shift gears. That's a different subtopic.

08-22-2012, 06:39 PM
Your hatred is the perfect example as to why you are held back in life from achieving more.

Did MLK want you to hate?

:lmao only if you knew...

at any rate I'm a Malcolm X guy I wouldn't roll with Martin....:toast

08-22-2012, 06:42 PM
I see you forgot to shift gears. That's a different subtopic.

To all the bigoted whites and uncle Tom Blacks...

gain perspective:--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Xe1kX7Wsc

08-22-2012, 09:36 PM
Your hatred is the perfect example as to why you are held back in life from achieving more.
This coming from a guy who fixes washing machines for a living and stalks women he meets online.

08-22-2012, 09:40 PM
This coming from a guy who fixes washing machines for a living and stalks women he meets online.


Clipper Nation
08-22-2012, 09:43 PM
I see you forgot to shift gears. That's a different subtopic.

You're still an ignorant neocon using MLK's name in vain.....

:cry "But I hate white people too!" :cry

Clipper Nation
08-22-2012, 09:45 PM
This coming from a guy who fixes washing machines for a living and stalks women he meets online.


Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 09:55 PM
This coming from a guy who fixes washing machines for a living and stalks women he meets online.
You sure are delusional if you believe that.

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 09:57 PM
You're still an ignorant neocon using MLK's name in vain.....

:cry "But I hate white people too!" :cry

When have I ever used MLK's name in vain?

I also suggest you look up the different types on conservatives. You'll see neocon does not fit me.

08-22-2012, 09:59 PM
You sure are delusional if you believe that.
You've posted a story about how you stalked a woman online :lmao (and yes, finding a woman's address on google earth and sending her shit is stalking)

You've also said you're a repairman of some sort. I'm guessing you're a handyman who repairs people's shit :lol

08-22-2012, 10:05 PM
Cobra loves his slavemasters and keeps voting for them hoping they'll trickle down some bones :lol

Further proof that pandering to the dumbest population works, tbh...

08-22-2012, 10:08 PM

I am not a neocon.

You're right, I am enraged that the social aspects of MLK ideas have passed over the years in the way the have manifested. We have too much social welfare that does not promote people to do for themselves. It's too easy to take the safety net and use it as a hammock.

MLK wanted equal opportunity, and help out of poverty. I think he would be ashamed of his brothers and sisters who have the opportunity to better themselves, and don't.

That's weird, in MLK's books he's clearly a proponent of affirmative action. Have you read any of his books?

How do you feel about affirmative action?

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 10:15 PM
You've posted a story about how you stalked a woman online :lmao (and yes, finding a woman's address on google earth and sending her shit is stalking)

You've also said you're a repairman of some sort. I'm guessing you're a handyman who repairs people's shit :lol
I see you are just another dumbshit that doesn't know the meaning of words.

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 10:17 PM
That's weird, in MLK's books he's clearly a proponent of affirmative action. Have you read any of his books?

How do you feel about affirmative action?
I like the original intent of affirmative action. It evolved you know.


I guess you must not know since you must ask.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the facts before continuing.

baseline bum
08-22-2012, 10:18 PM
Do you think MLK would advocate taking his rifle to go shoot Mexican women and children at the border?

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 10:18 PM
Cobra loves his slavemasters and keeps voting for them hoping they'll trickle down some bones :lol

Further proof that pandering to the dumbest population works, tbh...
In you case, it must.

08-22-2012, 10:19 PM
In you case, it must.

I'm not voting for either GOP or Dems... how about you?

08-22-2012, 10:21 PM
I like the original intent of affirmative action. It evolved you know.


I guess you must not know since you must ask.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the facts before continuing.

Educate me. With the 'original intention' of affirmative action and how it evolved to something you don't like. Continue please.

08-22-2012, 10:21 PM
:lol @ thinking you would've supported MLK back in 1968

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 10:25 PM
Do you think MLK would advocate taking his rifle to go shoot Mexican women and children at the border?
Absolutely not.

He was a more peaceful man than I am.

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 10:27 PM
Educate me. With the 'original intention' of affirmative action and how it evolved to something you don't like. Continue please.
If you don't know, then just STFU about it. The key difference is it evolved into a quota system. That was never part of the origins, and I'm pretty sure MLK would disapprove of a quota system. I say those who want quota systems are racists, because they believe blacks are inferior, and therefor need the quota system.

08-22-2012, 10:28 PM
If you don't know, then just STFU about it. The key difference is it evolved into a quota system. That was never part of the origins, and I'm pretty sure MLK would disapprove of a quota system.

:lol So basically you're making shit up.

"I'm pretty sure MLK..."

Do you know MLK's position on affirmative action? Have you read any of his books? Fucking idiot :lmao

08-22-2012, 10:29 PM
Why invoke the name of someone who you have no idea on what his positions on issues were?

08-22-2012, 10:53 PM
Wild Cobra probably knows more about MLK's positions than MLK himself. This is similar to when he argues about something finance related and pretends to have any idea of how finance works.

Wild Cobra
08-22-2012, 11:00 PM
:lol So basically you're making shit up.

"I'm pretty sure MLK..."

Do you know MLK's position on affirmative action? Have you read any of his books? Fucking idiot :lmao
Where does he say he wants a quota system?

08-23-2012, 12:16 AM
If you don't know, then just STFU about it. The key difference is it evolved into a quota system. That was never part of the origins, and I'm pretty sure MLK would disapprove of a quota system. I say those who want quota systems are racists, because they believe blacks are inferior, and therefor need the quota system.

How are you connecting this "quota system" to blacks being inferior? The quota system is to force racist and sexist human resources to hire more qualified women and minorities.

Wild Cobra
08-23-2012, 12:23 AM
How are you connecting this "quota system" to blacks being inferior? The quota system is to force racist and sexist human resources to hire more qualified women and minorities.
I'm sorry if you believe that.

Is that your excuse for feeling inferior?

Did MLK believe that was the solution? Reverse discrimination?

08-23-2012, 12:30 AM
I'm sorry if you believe that.

Is that your excuse for feeling inferior?

Did MLK believe that was the solution? Reverse discrimination?

Lol wtf? I feel fine. I think you got it twisted. Blacks, women minorities didn't need this "quota system". The white sexist and racist men needed it in order to do the right thing.

Wild Cobra
08-23-2012, 12:48 AM
Lol wtf? I feel fine. I think you got it twisted. Blacks, women minorities didn't need this "quota system". The white sexist and racist men needed it in order to do the right thing.
That wasn't how MLK would say it.

08-23-2012, 01:08 AM
How are you connecting this "quota system" to blacks being inferior? The quota system is to force racist and sexist human resources to hire more qualified women and minorities.

more qualified? that's a damn lie, corporations are greedy and profit driven they'd hire the best person for the job regardless even if it meant throwing another white person to the curb. Fact is, blacks have lower IQ's on average and men have always been more competent than women. quotas and affirmative action is just reverse racism to give people like you a fighting chance. whites didn't get in the position of power that they are in by being lazy or stupid.

Wild Cobra
08-23-2012, 01:19 AM
more qualified? that's a damn lie, corporations are greedy and profit driven they'd hire the best person for the job regardless even if it meant throwing another white person to the curb. Fact is, blacks have lower IQ's on average and men have always been more competent than women. quotas and affirmative action is just reverse racism to give people like you a fighting chance. whites didn't get in the position of power that they are in by being lazy or stupid.

Not quite what I would say...

08-23-2012, 01:28 AM
I don't pull any punches whenever it comes to dealing with fuckheads like him. He wants to go the racist route and say that "minorities and women are more competent than whites," then i'm going to his his ass with a little bit of cold hard truth.

08-23-2012, 01:28 AM
I don't pull any punches whenever it comes to dealing with fuckheads like him. He wants to go the racist route and say that "minorities and women are more competent than whites," then i'm going to his his ass with a little bit of cold hard truth.

08-23-2012, 06:31 AM
your candor is refreshing. most posters try to code or conceal their bigotry. you seem to be proud of it.

08-23-2012, 06:31 AM
:lol characterizing your own prejudices as "cold hard truth."

did you mistake the tip of your nose for the surface of the earth?

08-23-2012, 09:21 AM
I don't pull any punches whenever it comes to dealing with fuckheads like him. He wants to go the racist route and say that "minorities and women are more competent than whites," then i'm going to his his ass with a little bit of cold hard truth.

You misunderstand me. I said "MORE" as in quantity moron.

08-23-2012, 04:09 PM
there aren't "more" qualified minorities, either.

08-23-2012, 04:46 PM
there aren't "more" qualified minorities, either.

Are you trying to tell me that there aren't any minorities or women that can do a job just as well as their white counterparts?

08-23-2012, 04:47 PM
wait is it "any" or "more" you just changed it

are there any who can do their job as good as their white counterparts? yes

are there more who can? no

more is a racist false statement putting down whites.

08-23-2012, 04:58 PM
wait is it "any" or "more" you just changed it

are there any who can do their job as good as their white counterparts? yes

are there more who can? no

more is a racist false statement putting down whites.

Omg you like to boast high iq's but I'm not seeing it from you. You are still misunderstood and I was not trying to put down any white people.

08-23-2012, 05:02 PM
suggesting that a woman or a minority might occasionally be more qualified than a white man is putting down white people, apparently.

08-23-2012, 05:07 PM
no, he changed it. he said that there were MORE qualified minorities then there are qualified white men. it was a direct put down to white men.

i've already acknowledged that there are SOME minorities or women who are as qualified or even more qualified than their white counterparts. Fuck your straw man, lightin that bitch on fire.

You're a mentally deficient liberal, I get that. But even you are better than that. You know what he said and you know what I said. Stop trying to be stupid it isn't trendy or cool.

08-23-2012, 05:10 PM
Funny that you think businesses aren't profit driven and wouldn't hire the more qualified person regardless of race in a heart beat if it would boost profits.

That is like seriously the funniest yet most sad/pathetic thing I've heard all week.

Get rid of your invented, imaginary white racist boogeyman.

08-23-2012, 05:23 PM
Funny that you think businesses aren't profit driven and wouldn't hire the more qualified person regardless of race in a heart beat if it would boost profits.

That is like seriously the funniest yet most sad/pathetic thing I've heard all week.

Get rid of your invented, imaginary white racist boogeyman.

is it safe to say that you're not white?

08-23-2012, 05:37 PM
no, he changed it. he said that there were MORE qualified minorities then there are qualified white men. it was a direct put down to white men.

i've already acknowledged that there are SOME minorities or women who are as qualified or even more qualified than their white counterparts. Fuck your straw man, lightin that bitch on fire.

You're a mentally deficient liberal, I get that. But even you are better than that. You know what he said and you know what I said. Stop trying to be stupid it isn't trendy or cool.

Good lord. Ok, I'm going to repeat what I originally said so you can understand. I said, that the "quota system" that WC speaks of was to force the racist and sexist people in human resources to hire more minorities or women that are qualified to do the job. Understand now?

08-23-2012, 05:40 PM
Good lord. Ok, I'm going to repeat what I originally said so you can understand. I said, that the "quota system" that WC speaks of was to force the racist and sexist people in human resources to hire more individuals that are qualified to do the job who happens to be a minority or a woman. Understand now?

do you realize who you are arguing with?

08-23-2012, 05:51 PM
who? I'm curious . . .

08-23-2012, 05:53 PM
who? I'm curious . . .

the guy that kills his own argument.

he says he's moving to buenos aires without a job or money.

does that resemble a sound plan coming from a superior white?

08-23-2012, 05:56 PM
Good lord. Ok, I'm going to repeat what I originally said so you can understand. I said, that the "quota system" that WC speaks of was to force the racist and sexist people in human resources to hire more minorities or women that are qualified to do the job. Understand now?

quota's are racist..smh.

08-23-2012, 05:57 PM
the guy that kills his own argument.

he says he's moving to buenos aires without a job or money.

does that resemble a sound plan coming from a superior white?

superior whites hunt fenced animals and play lots of computer games i heard.

they are the white liberal slavemaster wiggas.

08-23-2012, 06:02 PM
superior whites hunt fenced animals
dick cheney is my idol. if he plays old video games.......well thats a bonus!

08-23-2012, 06:03 PM
dick cheney is my idol

you can't be a liberal if dick cheney is your idol. goes against some form of baby sacrificing, liberal blood code or something. you're more out of touch with reality than the afghan political science professor I once had who was a huge bush fan.

08-23-2012, 06:05 PM
why spend all that time tracking your prey when you can just drive right to it.

08-30-2012, 10:27 PM
WELL WELL WELL, looks like the spraying is working in our war against West Nile. 93% decrease in infected mosquitoes for the Dallas area.This will translate to fewer people getting infected and look! The fishes in the pond are still swimming!