View Full Version : Commercial real estate

08-28-2012, 08:51 AM
Anyone work in this area? I'm curious about a firsthand account of how you like your job. Specifics such as pay, stress level, how much you work, is the work interesting or rewarding, what brought you there, etc. I'm entertaining a potential job offer from a commercial real estate appraiser and although I kind of always figured I'd get into banking, I'm really open to the idea. My uncle actually got me in touch with the people, he's been in commercial real estate for years. He's wealthy and loves his job, so I'd have sort of a mentor in that area. Thoughts on your experience in the industry, if anyone has any or even knows someone who does?

The Reckoning
08-28-2012, 08:51 AM
youll make a shitload of money and lose it just as fast. also, beware that youll work with a ton of egotistical, greedy, two-faced bastards.

08-28-2012, 09:00 AM
what is the position? property management?

08-28-2012, 09:06 AM
my uncle works in real estate development, but i believe this company is a commercial real estate appraisal firm. the position would just be some sort of entry level bitch work, with the potential for a lot more with experience. the head of the company is who i'm interviewing with not just a hiring manager, and he is pretty interested because my uncle's name holds a lot of weight in the field and i graduated top of my class. I think i could easily land this one, but first I need to have some sort of idea of whether or not I actually want to follow him and work in that field. My original plan was to get into banking as a credit analyst and work my way into risk management.

08-28-2012, 09:17 AM
its got to be more than just appraisal.

do the interview.

The Reckoning
08-28-2012, 09:19 AM
whatever you do, make sure youre on on the path to getting a brokers license so you wont have anyone skimming your profits...

08-28-2012, 10:32 AM
my uncle works in real estate development, but i believe this company is a commercial real estate appraisal firm. the position would just be some sort of entry level bitch work, with the potential for a lot more with experience. the head of the company is who i'm interviewing with not just a hiring manager, and he is pretty interested because my uncle's name holds a lot of weight in the field and i graduated top of my class. I think i could easily land this one, but first I need to have some sort of idea of whether or not I actually want to follow him and work in that field. My original plan was to get into banking as a credit analyst and work my way into risk management.

Go to the interview, do your best, try to get the job. If you succeed and you enjoy the work, great. If you succeed and you don't like it, use their computers to find something else. Just don't pass on it because you "aren't sure".

Latarian Milton
08-28-2012, 08:11 PM
agree it's such a good chance that not everyone will get and its nothing bad to gain some experience from your 1st job. if you find out you don't like it abit later you can quit it anytime, in today's world no one is supposed to work at one same job his entire life like your parents generation.

however, if i were a rich white dude and had a perfect GPA like 3.5 or something i'd rather continue studying in post-graduate school, just be aware that $ is the last thing that matters to you at this point of time tbh

08-28-2012, 08:38 PM
Like the Reck said - Com RE is very up and down & the past couple years has been rough. Probably even more so than regular real estate. That doesn't mean people haven't still been doing well, but it's tough right now. I have a few friends in the industry & this is their account. They seem to enjoy their job well enough, but you need to ask questions during the interview to get a feel as to whether or not you will like it.

An interview of this nature is not just one-sided - you are trying to figure out if this is a good fit for you too.

08-28-2012, 10:09 PM
Go to the interview, do your best, try to get the job. If you succeed and you enjoy the work, great. If you succeed and you don't like it, use their computers to find something else. Just don't pass on it because you "aren't sure".

I found out a little more, it's actually a consulting firm that offers all kinds of business solutions for people in commercial real estate. I'm definitely excited about it now, going to take it if given the opportunity.

08-28-2012, 10:12 PM
I found out a little more, it's actually a consulting firm that offers all kinds of business solutions for people in commercial real estate. I'm definitely excited about it now, going to take it if given the opportunity.

Honestly, even if you weren't excited about it, I'd still say take it. Awesome though that you have interest, hopefully it works out.

I fucking hated my first job out of college.....but if it weren't for it, I never would have ended up where I am, and I'm in a pretty damn good spot now.

A dude told me at my first job and I've remembered it ever since, "everything you do in your professional career is just a stepping stone to something better"' but I now add to that advice, stay patient. Patience is the big trick.

Good luck!

08-28-2012, 11:35 PM
real estate is the biggest ponzi scheme going around

these fkn idiots collude with the media to spread shit about the market in terms of market prices and war mongering ppl into impulse buy in stupid economic conditions...

dont you hate it when u goto an auction....price doesnt meet the reserve, so vendor (auctioneer) gets to put in a bid...<<<< lmao whatta fkn joke now u bidding against teh real estate agent who was the seller agent...fkn pathetic

08-28-2012, 11:57 PM
real estate is the biggest ponzi scheme going around

these fkn idiots collude with the media to spread shit about the market in terms of market prices and war mongering ppl into impulse buy in stupid economic conditions...

dont you hate it when u goto an auction....price doesnt meet the reserve, so vendor (auctioneer) gets to put in a bid...<<<< lmao whatta fkn joke now u bidding against teh real estate agent who was the seller agent...fkn pathetic

You love naruto nuff said

ginobili's bald spot
08-29-2012, 12:58 AM
I was a real estate appraiser for a while before the bubble burst. Not commercial though.

08-29-2012, 02:41 AM
You love naruto nuff said

come at me bro

08-29-2012, 11:46 AM

08-29-2012, 12:17 PM
No foreskin allowed.

08-29-2012, 12:20 PM
I found out a little more, it's actually a consulting firm that offers all kinds of business solutions for people in commercial real estate. I'm definitely excited about it now, going to take it if given the opportunity.

Definitely take an interview. If nothing else you can see if you will be able to stand an office environment for very long.

08-30-2012, 03:28 PM
my uncle works in real estate development, but i believe this company is a commercial real estate appraisal firm. the position would just be some sort of entry level bitch work, with the potential for a lot more with experience. the head of the company is who i'm interviewing with not just a hiring manager, and he is pretty interested because my uncle's name holds a lot of weight in the field and i graduated top of my class. I think i could easily land this one, but first I need to have some sort of idea of whether or not I actually want to follow him and work in that field. My original plan was to get into banking as a credit analyst and work my way into risk management.

That sounds boring as hell. Basically you do real estate comps...find recent comparable sales and then make adjustments to establish the value of the property.

Example, if it's a B+ property, you find sales of recent similar B+ properties and then adjust for size differences, lot sizes, etc. to determine the market value of your property.