View Full Version : The Next Fifty Years

Homeland Security
09-04-2012, 09:47 AM
I. The Precipice

This period will last 10-20 years starting now. Following fiscal crises that rock Europe and then Asia, the United States will be the last domino to fall. The country's accelerating debt will be like dry tinder stacked up against the cabin, with the owner shrugging his shoulders at the warnings because there is no sign of fire. When investors lose confidence in the U.S. markets it will happen quickly. Unemployment will surge to over 30%. All levels of government will be bankrupt and unable to provide services.

II. The Chaos

This period will only last six months to a year. With the collapse of civic order and many people desperate, lacking means to basic necessities, society will collapse into anarchy and violence. This will be the 'zombie apocalypse' period where people are living off canned food and using their arsenals to kill those coming after their stores.

III. The Eye

People will be desperate for anyone to come in and restore order. Grassroots organizations that have been planning for this time will have the means to restore order. These will be brutal and authoritarian at least at first. Importantly, different groups will take control in different parts of the country. At this point, the United States effectively ceases to exist and at least two, but probably more, successor states come into being. Some of these will be social-democratic or even Marxist-Leninist (east and west coast). Some will be a combination of laissez-faire and right-wing authoritarian (Gulf Coast at least, maybe the intermountain west). There might be some that are relatively moderate (midwest, west). A period of relative stability, though with great poverty, comes into being. This will take a few years to work itself out.

IV. The Reckoning

This period will last a couple of decades. It will involve rising tensions among the successor states. During this time, people will ask, "Why did this happen?" In the right-wing successor states, the liberal cultural elite, (i.e. academia, journalists, and entertainers), homosexuals, and probably ethnic minorities (though my work will be making the blame more on the first two and less the minorities) will be blamed. In the left-wing successor states, the bourgoisie (businessmen, some professionals) and right-wing Christians will be blamed. These respective groups will experience varying degrees of persecution, ranging from special restrictions to outright pogroms.

The various successor states will observe that "our people" are being oppressed in the other successor states. This will become the rallying point around which the successor states develop national identities. Calls to take action against the other successor states will escalate.

V. The Inferno

At some point, an event, impossible to predict, will be the lit match to sets everything off. The successor states will go to war with one another. World War II in Europe will look like a gentleman's disagreement in comparison. Seething hatred will be the motivation. People will love the death of their enemies more than their own lives. Most of what we recognize as the civilization in central North America will be annihilated -- cities, infrastructure, economy -- everything. Nuclear weapons will be tossed around like Halloween candy. This war will last at least a decade.

VI. The Aftermath

Probably the "right wing" will win the war, simply because the left is too tightly congregated in the cities, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory at best. At least 40% of the pre-war population will be dead, and they may be the lucky ones. The cultural legacy of the United States will be gone, and what is left will be a stunted, post-fundamentalist, deeply impoverished civilization that lies in ruins for a century or more.

Latinos will die in relatively fewer numbers than Anglos or blacks, such that in the postwar landscape they make up at least a third of the population, and an outright majority in what was once Mexico pre-1836. They may be the ones who eventually build the next great North American power in the middle of the third millenium.

Blacks will have just a remant left.

The United States of America will have passed into history like the great empires before it.

09-04-2012, 09:49 AM
seems plausible. hope you're wrong, though.

09-04-2012, 09:50 AM
One of the best videogames ever, tbh... I particularly liked the 3rd installment, Fallout 3... Bethesda really up the ante when it took over the franchise...

09-04-2012, 09:57 AM
I can certainly see I-IV happening.

In that scenario Texas should fare infinitely better than most states/areas.

09-04-2012, 10:27 AM
You forgot the part where Jesus returns.

09-04-2012, 11:03 AM
It seems to me that I-V describe Germany between the end of WWI and the end of WWII.

Didn't take nearly as long as this scenario indicates, and the next one likely won't either.

09-04-2012, 11:33 AM
The cultural legacy of the United States will be gone, and what is left will be a stunted, post-fundamentalist, deeply impoverished civilization that lies in ruins for a century or more.

Until a rugged drifter discovers the skeleton of a postal worker. He poses as a postal worker to con people for food & shelter. In doing so he inadvertently gives the people the hope and strength to rebuild America. He also finds Tom Petty living in a dam.

Homeland Security
09-04-2012, 11:39 AM
I can certainly see I-IV happening.

In that scenario Texas should fare infinitely better than most states/areas.
Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin will all be destroyed, but they can be rebuilt. What gets rebuilt will look very different.

Hopefully the Texas that gets rebuilt will have much more of an Anglo-Hispanic hybrid culture than the present iteration. The Anglo-Hispanic mixture should be its national identity. That is what I am pushing for anyway, but it is not a popular idea right now. Too much of the right wing is Anglo nativist. I don't see a clear path to Anglo-Hispanic collaboration but will keep pushing.

I could see Texas being the dominant North American regional power in the 22nd century if everything plays out right.

Homeland Security
09-04-2012, 11:40 AM
Until a rugged drifter discovers the skeleton of a postal worker. He poses as a postal worker to con people for food & shelter. In doing so he inadvertently gives the people the hope and strength to rebuild America. He also finds Tom Petty living in a dam.
Snark has zero calories.

Homeland Security
09-04-2012, 11:47 AM
So anyway my work is focusing on stage III, making sure the left-wing "hipster" class, the academics, the civil bureaucracy, etc. gets the blame. The idea being we have a list of them and systematically kill them off. Many are upper-middle class or rich -- we can seize their assets and redistribute them primarily to minorities. That buys the support of the minorities -- they're not going to care if whitey gets killed and may even celebrate it. The difficulty is that many on the right don't think strategically and would just want to go after the minorities. You can't go after people who annoy you but have little power. You have to focus on the people who have power even though it's more difficult and it's uncomfortable killing people who sort of look like you and might even be family.

Some of you posting on this forum may be on the list but just take solace in knowing you totally fucking deserve it.

09-04-2012, 11:48 AM
This troll is good.

Homeland Security
09-04-2012, 11:53 AM
This troll is good.
Yeah, see, every time I broach the subject of going after the white left, people's minds shut off. They're not ready to view them as the "other." Much work left to do.

09-04-2012, 12:01 PM
So do you start with Janet Incompetano?

09-04-2012, 12:13 PM
Srsly. Hunger Games.

09-04-2012, 01:23 PM
Some of you posting on this forum may be on the list but just take solace in knowing you totally fucking deserve it.it is a solace. the real losers will be the survivors.

09-04-2012, 01:27 PM
there are fates worse than death, by far

09-04-2012, 01:28 PM
Srsly. Hunger Games.


I knew taking archery in college P.E. was going to pay off sooner or later.

Clipper Nation
09-04-2012, 02:13 PM
You forgot to mention the success of the Paul administration in restoring liberties and preventing a tragedy such as this, tbh..... Ron bless

09-04-2012, 02:38 PM
this made me laugh out loud

09-04-2012, 03:42 PM
Nuclear weapons will be tossed around like Halloween candy. This war will last at least a decade.
For a decade? What the fuck is the rest of the world doing while we're having this nuclear Mardi Gras?

The United States of America will have passed into history like the great empires before it.
Kind of an understatement, eh? I'd say, according to your description, the United States of America will pass into history in spectacular fashion. In fact, there may not be anyone left to record the history.

:lmao Thanks for the laugh.

09-04-2012, 06:26 PM
But, we will still have HBO and the Internet, right?

09-05-2012, 04:29 AM
when does this shit start so i can kick boutons ass and run all the libtards the fuck out of town? :lol