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09-09-2012, 01:39 PM
Apple Patents New “Kill Switch” That can cut off your Smartphone from the Net

the Cupertino-based company has just patented a newly developed technology that would allow the government and/or police to disable phone cameras and block the transmission of multimedia content from devices, including video, photos and other files, any time the authorities decide they want to.

Essentially, what it means is that the powers that be will be able to access a “kill switch”, cutting off mobile devices from the rest of the net and preventing the documentation of anything they don’t want to be seen or shared.

Apple, which is still defending itself from accusations that it passed private information regarding its customers to the FBI, stresses that the technology would most likely be used to prevent copyright theft, such as in cinemas, or to prevent cheating during school exams, or else to prevent mobile phones from interrupting important business meetings.

But the statement that came with the official patent ventures into far murkier waters, when it goes into detail about the full capability of the technology:

“This policy enforcement capability is useful for a variety of reasons, including for example to disable noise and/or light emanating from wireless devices (such as at a movie theater), for preventing wireless devices from communicating with other wireless devices (such as in academic settings), and for forcing certain electronic devices to enter “sleep mode” when entering a sensitive area.”

“…the wireless transmission of sensitive information to a remote source in sensitive areas is one example of a threat to security. This sensitive information could be anything from classified government information to questions or answers to an examination administered in an academic setting.”

The technology works by transmitting an encoded signal to wireless devices, which effectively overrides them, forcing them to disable recording functionality, and cutting them off from the net. Authorities could activate the signal by means of Wi-Fi, GPS, or even over the standard phone line, in order to ‘geo-fence’ a restricted area and cut it off from the world.


Wild Cobra
09-09-2012, 01:40 PM
You know, this has parental control applications, and are probably designed for that. It may also be that anyone who wants such a feature, they want a cut of it. A patent doesn't mean it will become mainstream. have a fear of it? Just don't buy a phone with it inside.

09-09-2012, 01:46 PM
Apple patent could remotely disable protesters' phone cameras


09-09-2012, 02:46 PM
You know, this has parental control applications, and are probably designed for that. It may also be that anyone who wants such a feature, they want a cut of it. A patent doesn't mean it will become mainstream. have a fear of it? Just don't buy a phone with it inside.

It will become mainstream in the Apple base if, eg, Apple puts in in iOS6.

I expect NatSec/CIA/FBI/Police/DHS will require Google Android to do similar.

The police's widespread brutalities caught on mobile device videos has stung them badly (but of course they won't stop the brutalities or murdering non-threatening people running away)

Latarian Milton
09-09-2012, 08:30 PM
you have no privacy with a smart phone in your pocket, people should know that before buying it imho and that's why smart people never buy shits like smart phones