View Full Version : Larry Flynt offering $1 million for Romney's financial records

09-10-2012, 09:04 AM

Hustler magazine publisher, and self-described free speech activist, Larry Flynt is offering $1 million for anyone who will provide him with Mitt Romney's financial records.

Flynt, 69, has purchased full-page ads in Sunday's Washington Post and Tuesday's, September 11 issue of USA Today.

"What is he hiding?" the ad text reads, "Maybe, now, we'll find out." The ad also includes a phone number and email address where anyone with information can contact Flynt.

A press release credited to Hustler says Flynt is "offering up to a million dollars in cash for documented evidence concerning Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's unreleased tax returns and/or details of his offshore assets, bank accounts and business partnerships."

Romney has only agreed to release his 2010 and 2011 tax returns so far.

On Friday, the Secret Service and FBI announced they are investigating an anonymous letter from an individual claiming to have stolen copies of Romney's tax returns. The letter reportedly demands $1 million in hard to trace Internet funds. Romney's accounting firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, has denied that any records were stolen.

Flynt, a registered Democrat who once ran for president as a Republican, is no stranger to politics. And he's certainly no stranger to offering $1 million rewards for his various political interests. He's made similar offers against everything including a request to debunk the Warren Commission's investigation into the death of John F. Kennedy to most recently asking for evidence supporting his belief that Texas Governor Rick Perry was guilty of infidelity.

Back during the impeachment trial of then-President Bill Clinton, Flynt made a $1 million offer for evidence of marital infidelity against Republican members of the House who were leading the trial against Clinton. That offer led to incoming House Speaker Bob Livingston resigning after evidence of his own affair was publicly revealed.

In 2007, Flynt offered a financial reward for evidence showing that Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter had cheated on his wife. Vitter has remained in office, even after the evidence was made public.

Back in 2003, Flynt was one of several atypical candidates to run in the California gubernatorial recall election to replace Democrat Gray Davis.

Flynt has also run into some political troubles of his own recently. In August, California's Fair Political Practices Commission accused him of failing to report campaign donations in a timely manner that Flynt made to a state assembly candidate. However, Flynt was not fined by the agency since he filed his report immediately after the complaint was issued.

George Gervin's Afro
09-10-2012, 09:57 AM
Larry FLynt needs to go away.

09-10-2012, 10:23 AM
lol Larry Flynt.

09-10-2012, 10:27 AM
I find it really appalling that enough people buy hustler magazines to make him a multi-millionaire.

Those skanks with their open garage doors are freaking disgusting.

09-10-2012, 12:21 PM
Larry FLynt needs to go away.
Corrupt hypocritical politician needs to go away.

I don't support Hustler mag but LOL on these phonies being exposed.

4 straight years of Billy Clinton balancing the budget and all bitter evil spirited Repugnatin can do is witch hunt him over Monica. Spare us.

09-10-2012, 12:49 PM
I find it really appalling that enough people buy hustler magazines to make him a multi-millionaire.

Why? There's nothing more American than that.

baseline bum
09-10-2012, 02:48 PM
I find it really appalling that enough people buy hustler magazines to make him a multi-millionaire.

Those skanks with their open garage doors are freaking disgusting.

I haven't bought one since the early 90s, but they were pretty awesome then. Has the quality of skank taken a nosedive in the internet era?

09-10-2012, 03:09 PM
I haven't bought one since the early 90s, but they were pretty awesome then. Has the quality of skank taken a nosedive in the internet era?

Oh I always thought those spread shots where they would stretch their labia out to the max like they wanted you to see their cervix were unnatural and gross as hell.

baseline bum
09-10-2012, 03:13 PM
Oh I always thought those spread shots where they would stretch their labia out to the max like they wanted you to see their cervix were unnatural and gross as hell.

You have to admit the scratch and sniff centerfolds were great though.

10-17-2017, 09:20 AM
Trash Accepts Larry Flynt’s Ten-Million-Dollar Offer for Information Leading to His Impeachment

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report (https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report))—Just minutes after the publisher Larry Flynt offered ten million dollars in exchange for information leading to Donald Trump’s impeachment, Trump contacted Flynt and said that he would gladly provide the information himself in exchange for the cash.

According to Flynt, shortly after their phone conversation

Trump sent him a voluminous number of e-mails, phone records, and other evidence of impeachable offenses, after which Flynt wired ten million dollars to Trump’s Swiss bank account.

“That was a lot easier than I thought it would be, to be honest,” Flynt told reporters.

The swift denouement to Trump’s tenure in the White House raised more than a few eyebrows in Washington, with some insiders wondering if

Trump’s eagerness to accept the ten-million-dollar payment indicated that his net worth was considerably smaller than he had professed.

Robert Mueller, the independent counsel investigating Trump’s ties to Russia, expressed some sadness that he was not able to bring his probe to a conclusion.

“I don’t know what evidence Trump had against himself, but I guarantee you I had more,”

he said.

Meanwhile, the success of Flynt’s cash offer appears to have only emboldened the publisher, who announced that

he is now offering twenty million dollars for information leading to the impeachment of Mike Pence.

https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-accepts-larry-flynts-ten-million-dollar-offer-for-information-leading-to-his-impeachment (https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/trump-accepts-larry-flynts-ten-million-dollar-offer-for-information-leading-to-his-impeachment)