View Full Version : Filing complaints

09-23-2012, 01:07 AM
against your employer. Any hints? I mainly want to do it to get some stuff off my chest. I personally don't care if anyone listens, cares, or takes any action into looking into my complaints. I just want to get it out of my system and have it on record. I was disciplined this week and got my first strike and I want to file a complaint because I feel that a certain boss has a personal vendetta or grudge against me because in the past I have called out this person on numerous issues and this person basically just sweeps the issues or problems under the rug. I also asked to sign a voluntary termination form but I refused because I will only leave my job if I get fired, die, or get a better somewhat significantly better paying job.

I was just wondering if anyone on here knew of any 3rd party or indepedent organizations where you can file complaints like this. I looked into the EEOC but I thought that was only if you are mistreated, fired, or abused because of something like race, age, sexual orientation, or gender and not because of an employer having it out for you.

And look, I know some of you will laugh at me and talk shit about me and that's cool. I have accepted the fact that yes I work a job that I hate with a fiery passion and it pays shit and a lot of you probably have better jobs and more money than me so that's out of the way.

Again, I honestly don't care if anyone does anything about my complaints. I just want to tell someone and get it on the record and get it off my chest.

The best advice to survive working in retail is to follow "the yes and nod". That means you keep your fuckin' mouth shut and do exactly as your told. Do not ever tell your employer or boss any of your concerns or complaints because they don't want to hear it. Basically, keep your mouth shut.

09-23-2012, 01:40 AM
Which Bill Millers do you work at?

09-23-2012, 02:06 AM
Unless you were somehow discriminated against - in which case, I would imagine you would go to the EDD - your only option is to probably go to his boss and complain. Maybe contact corporate headquarters.

09-23-2012, 02:29 AM
The anyominuse letter is a great tool it could have been sent by a prior employee concerned with present day workers

It could be a customer. A letter from a gay lover ex fiance etc...

You can send a letter to the IRS the sky is the limit if this is a real douche your working with.

Just don't leave any fingerprints or lick the stamp.

Also the Bill Miller comment was legit I have heard horror stories about that place and have seen a new employee get yelled at like a 2nd class citizen.

I hope this isn't another help topic that never has an update

09-23-2012, 03:49 AM
Well, it's not the end of the world either way. I mean I hate the job and everyone there pretty much knows it. I just wish I could be like Peter in Office Space and truely not give a fuck at my job. I don't think I'm capable of absolute apathy. I don't think it's humanly possible to be 100 percent apathetic. I'm surprised I wasn't canned a long time ago because I've called out a lot of the bosses numerous times. And at my work, the bosses don't like that shit. They want you to keep your mouth shut. Unless a customer or co-worker is stealing something, a kid is lost or getting raped, or a customer or co-worker is dying or dead, you should not mention any problems to any bosses.

I can truthfully admit that I am a hypocrite when it comes to affirmative action. Since I'm a straight white male that is somewhere between being agnostic and Christian, there's basically nothing I can be discriminated against.

09-23-2012, 07:12 AM
see a therapist.

Wild Cobra Kai
09-23-2012, 08:54 AM
You need to get a new job. A new attitude might not be a bad idea, either. It sounds like you're a pain in the ass, so no wonder your boss doesn't like you. Stop kvetching so much, show up to work, and do your fucking job instead of trying to "change the world". You're not the fucking CEO so stop trying to do his job. Show up, do your job, then leave and enjoy the other 16 hours of the day. If it was fun/enjoyable, they wouldn't have to pay you to come there.

Latarian Milton
09-23-2012, 09:23 AM
seems your expecting every boss to be a great personality like steve jobs which is your problem, not theirs. if you don't like it you can quit it anytime you want and start seeking the life you really want to live, rather than continue with the relentless suffering at the current job. "a significantly better job" will never spontaneously knock your door imho

the good news is you don't have a family to support atm, knowing your a 26yr old virgin w/ no gf or shit IIRC, and there's really no reason for you to live a pathetic life like a married loser with several kids to feed tbh. you already have enough of this shit and you should free yourself from it sooner rather than later

silverblk mystix
09-23-2012, 11:53 AM
Well, it's not the end of the world either way. I mean I hate the job and everyone there pretty much knows it. I just wish I could be like Peter in Office Space and truely not give a fuck at my job. I don't think I'm capable of absolute apathy. I don't think it's humanly possible to be 100 percent apathetic. I'm surprised I wasn't canned a long time ago because I've called out a lot of the bosses numerous times. And at my work, the bosses don't like that shit. They want you to keep your mouth shut. Unless a customer or co-worker is stealing something, a kid is lost or getting raped, or a customer or co-worker is dying or dead, you should not mention any problems to any bosses.

I can truthfully admit that I am a hypocrite when it comes to affirmative action. Since I'm a straight white male that is somewhere between being agnostic and Christian, there's basically nothing I can be discriminated against.

Honestly, it sounds as if you just need a fresh start somewhere else, I would line something up and once you secure the new j.o.b. just quit.

I would strongly recommend that you really understand the meaning of "starting fresh."

Go in with a great attitude and do your eight hours and go home without stressing. If you find something you can be passionate about-then plan to make that your occupation.

Good luck.

09-23-2012, 11:57 AM

Homeland Security
09-23-2012, 12:06 PM
against your employer. Any hints? I mainly want to do it to ... (incessant whining snipped)Let's cut to the chase, shall we? You struggle to add value in an entry-level retail job. You should be very concerned about that. It means, compared to your peers, that you are either in the bottom or, at best, the second quintile.

There is good news, however. It appears that the cause of your poor performance is poor attitude rather than lack of innate cognitive ability. Poor attitude can be fixed. Essentially what you need to understand is that people who bitch and moan about problems all the time without offering constructive solutions are just about as bad as people who are functionally incompetent. If you aren't willing to be part of the solution, then shut the fuck up. If you are willing to be part of the solution, but your management is still intransigent, then look for another job. If you are willing to be part of the solution, and management is willing to let you, then congratulations! You're on your first step towards being a value-added member of society.

09-23-2012, 02:00 PM
Jacob, correct me if I'm wrong - but you have a college degree, and yet you've been working the same minimum wage retail job for a few years, right?

This seems like an attitude problem tbh. You should always be looking to upgrade, especially since from your point of view, practically any job will be an upgrade.

It wont help if you can't even get a decent reference from your current job though.

09-23-2012, 05:35 PM
Just pop some Xanax and let it go.

09-23-2012, 05:42 PM
This sounds like some mean racism against white people.

Latarian Milton
09-23-2012, 07:05 PM
Let's cut to the chase, shall we? You struggle to add value in an entry-level retail job. You should be very concerned about that. It means, compared to your peers, that you are either in the bottom or, at best, the second quintile.

There is good news, however. It appears that the cause of your poor performance is poor attitude rather than lack of innate cognitive ability. Poor attitude can be fixed. Essentially what you need to understand is that people who bitch and moan about problems all the time without offering constructive solutions are just about as bad as people who are functionally incompetent. If you aren't willing to be part of the solution, then shut the fuck up. If you are willing to be part of the solution, but your management is still intransigent, then look for another job. If you are willing to be part of the solution, and management is willing to let you, then congratulations! You're on your first step towards being a value-added member of society.
dude's one of the perfectionists who want to make the company he works for the finest it can be, but unfortunately his boss isn't one of them. it seems he tries too hard to achieve sort of success on his current job when it's totally impossible, it's a deadend job obviously and it was just a mistake he took this job in the first place. guy deserves credit for his working ethic and he deserves a better job imho

Latarian Milton
09-23-2012, 07:12 PM
Jacob, correct me if I'm wrong - but you have a college degree, and yet you've been working the same minimum wage retail job for a few years, right?

This seems like an attitude problem tbh. You should always be looking to upgrade, especially since from your point of view, practically any job will be an upgrade.

It wont help if you can't even get a decent reference from your current job though.

he has a college degree and no burden (like a bitch and children) so what's the point in sticking with such a shitty job instead of pursuing a better life where his intellect can be optimized?

money is the last thing that matters to a 26yr old lad at this phase imho, and even though a different job doesn't guarantee you better pay, it's still a better job only if you feel happier and less depressed everyday tbh

Wild Cobra Kai
09-23-2012, 07:54 PM
Thinking about it, you need to start looking yesterday. It's bad news when they do things like try to get you to sign a voluntary termination form. They will only turn the screws to either get you to quit, or do something termination worthy out of frustration. I think it's both unsustainable and unfixable at this point. Move on, and take the lessons with you to your next gig.

09-23-2012, 11:05 PM
I wouldn't hire a drama queen. It takes at least 2 years to fire someone who doesn't miss work and doesn't violate HR rules so you'd be cleaning up his mess 4 years after he's gone. That's 6 years of drama from one person.

So, the dude is either trolling (which I suspect) or he's a clueless drama queen that should be working a minimum wage job.

09-24-2012, 01:12 AM
No trolling here. 100 percent true.

Like I said, at my current job, I'm torn between caring and being apathetic. It's like I can't definitively choose one.

Look, I know I'm not a saint and I'm not Mr. Personality or Mr. Sunshine but I don't deserve to be bullied, threatened, and basically paranoid over the fear of what my superiors will to do to me. And yes, I've burned too many bridges at my job and it has definitely put a bullseye on my back. With that being, a boss is suppose to be fair and objective. I am being targeted because certain people have it out for me.
Am I a prick and a grumpy bastard most of the time? Yes. But I would look at my work performance, attendance, and willingess to help. I have had near perfect atttendance, I'm the most helpful in my department, and I would say my performance is up to standards.

To sum it up, my bosses including this asshole that I've been bitching about cannot stand being called out on problems. They want you to keep your fuckin' mouth shut and they will take whatever steps necessary to keep you quiet. I just wish this arrogant cocky asshole of a boss would step up and just admit that. I don't give a fuck if he fixes anything or gets someone to look into the problems. I just want this piece of shit to humble himself and admit the truth.

I can give examples of what I'm talking about.
I have bitched about the store not having enough equipment ie walkie talkies and scanners and that the equipment work properly. I have also bitched about co-workers not being trained properly or not even being trained at all to do certain tasks that they are supposedly required to do in their specific departments. I have bitched about co-workers not having access to certain machines. My boss basically gave me excuse after excuse. He bitched to me about how much it costs to fix things where I work. I straight up told him that I didn't care. He told me that I should be thankful to have a scanner that has some functionality rather than no functionality. I told him that I don't care and that since he is a boss it is his responsiblity to make sure that co-workers have properly working equipment to do their jobs.

Here is the clincher and this is something that really favors my side of the story.

I have a couple of co-workers in the department I work in. We all have the same job title, do the same work, and get close to having the same pay. However, there is not equality. We all work in the same department and have the same job title yet I am required to do more work. There are certain tasks that I am required to do that these other co-workers are not required to do. Hold on, it gets better. These co-workers were never even trained to do these tasks. I called out that douchebag boss about it and he deflected away from it and starts ragging on me for my attendance and my job performance. Get this, I have worked at this shitty job for 4 years and I've missed a whopping total of 2 days.

My questions about my co-workers are

If I have to operate the balers and make bales, why don't my other co-workers in my department have to do the same?
If I have to operate crown machines(machines that pick up wooden pallets), why don't my other co-workers in my department have to do the same?
If I have to talk on my walkie talkie and respond to salesfloor co-workers when they need help in the warehouse, why don't my other co-workers in my department have to do the same?
And these co-workers are women. I'm smelling sexism. I have a dick so obviously I get to do to the physical shit and weak helpless women get excused from that shit. Hahahahaha!
Fuck no, you do not get out of that shit in my opinion. I don't care if you are a woman, Jew, black, homosexual, or are missing your two front teeth. Unless you are physically unable to do that shit, you have no excuse in my opinion. Unless you have some type of physical handicap, I don't have an ounce of sympathy for you wanting to get out of doing shit like that.

I'm done venting for now.

And I will admit. Most of you are right. I have been an idiot for wasting 4 years of my life at this shitty job. I live with that regret and guilt 24/7. I am honestly ashamed and embarassed that I have let this shitty job fuck me up in the head mentally.

Wild Cobra Kai
09-24-2012, 07:47 AM
jacob, you're looking at this all wrong. If your boss trains and tasks you with doing something that no one else with your title in your department does, or even can do, he's given you an edge in job survival. You blew it all by complaining. My guess is that if the shit had hit the fan and cuts were required, one (or more) of the women would have been let go. Your boss is probably trained on those machines, but he sure as fuck doesn't want to do if he can keep you around. That's all over now.

09-24-2012, 08:13 AM
rofl what Jacob is complaining about sucks but is a regular occurence at retail jobs. It's exactly why you get an education that makes it so you aren't working in one of them.

09-24-2012, 08:56 AM
if you work with a bunch of mooks it should be pretty damn easy to look like a badass

Latarian Milton
09-24-2012, 10:17 AM
working with women 24/7 for four fucking years and remaining a virgin? that's a glimpse of the problem imho, dude must be either gay or an introvert asshole who refuse to talk with anyone but himself

09-24-2012, 11:22 AM
No trolling here. 100 percent true.

Like I said, at my current job, I'm torn between caring and being apathetic. It's like I can't definitively choose one.

Look, I know I'm not a saint and I'm not Mr. Personality or Mr. Sunshine but I don't deserve to be bullied, threatened, and basically paranoid over the fear of what my superiors will to do to me. And yes, I've burned too many bridges at my job and it has definitely put a bullseye on my back. With that being, a boss is suppose to be fair and objective. I am being targeted because certain people have it out for me.
Am I a prick and a grumpy bastard most of the time? Yes. But I would look at my work performance, attendance, and willingess to help. I have had near perfect atttendance, I'm the most helpful in my department, and I would say my performance is up to standards.

To sum it up, my bosses including this asshole that I've been bitching about cannot stand being called out on problems. They want you to keep your fuckin' mouth shut and they will take whatever steps necessary to keep you quiet. I just wish this arrogant cocky asshole of a boss would step up and just admit that. I don't give a fuck if he fixes anything or gets someone to look into the problems. I just want this piece of shit to humble himself and admit the truth.

I can give examples of what I'm talking about.
I have bitched about the store not having enough equipment ie walkie talkies and scanners and that the equipment work properly. I have also bitched about co-workers not being trained properly or not even being trained at all to do certain tasks that they are supposedly required to do in their specific departments. I have bitched about co-workers not having access to certain machines. My boss basically gave me excuse after excuse. He bitched to me about how much it costs to fix things where I work. I straight up told him that I didn't care. He told me that I should be thankful to have a scanner that has some functionality rather than no functionality. I told him that I don't care and that since he is a boss it is his responsiblity to make sure that co-workers have properly working equipment to do their jobs.

Here is the clincher and this is something that really favors my side of the story.

I have a couple of co-workers in the department I work in. We all have the same job title, do the same work, and get close to having the same pay. However, there is not equality. We all work in the same department and have the same job title yet I am required to do more work. There are certain tasks that I am required to do that these other co-workers are not required to do. Hold on, it gets better. These co-workers were never even trained to do these tasks. I called out that douchebag boss about it and he deflected away from it and starts ragging on me for my attendance and my job performance. Get this, I have worked at this shitty job for 4 years and I've missed a whopping total of 2 days.

My questions about my co-workers are

If I have to operate the balers and make bales, why don't my other co-workers in my department have to do the same?
If I have to operate crown machines(machines that pick up wooden pallets), why don't my other co-workers in my department have to do the same?
If I have to talk on my walkie talkie and respond to salesfloor co-workers when they need help in the warehouse, why don't my other co-workers in my department have to do the same?
And these co-workers are women. I'm smelling sexism. I have a dick so obviously I get to do to the physical shit and weak helpless women get excused from that shit. Hahahahaha!
Fuck no, you do not get out of that shit in my opinion. I don't care if you are a woman, Jew, black, homosexual, or are missing your two front teeth. Unless you are physically unable to do that shit, you have no excuse in my opinion. Unless you have some type of physical handicap, I don't have an ounce of sympathy for you wanting to get out of doing shit like that.

I'm done venting for now.

And I will admit. Most of you are right. I have been an idiot for wasting 4 years of my life at this shitty job. I live with that regret and guilt 24/7. I am honestly ashamed and embarassed that I have let this shitty job fuck me up in the head mentally.

You have zero legal recourse in Texas. If you are determined to get resolution one way or another then go to your bosses boss and air your grievances.

Expect to be fired.

You will not be able to claim unemployment be4cause they have a discipline paper trail.

The advice to shut the fuck up while you look for another job was good advice.

09-24-2012, 01:28 PM
To quote Tommy Lee Jones from The Fugitive "I DON'T CARE"

I don't give a shit if any action is taken against that asshole boss. I just want him to man up, grow a pair of balls, and admit the truth. He is a lazy arrogant cocky piece of shit who gets off on the small amount of power he has and acts like a bully to people like me. He cannot stand when I call him out on problems because he doesn't want to deal with problems. How he ever became a boss is mind boggling to me? Oh wait, it's not mind boggling because the Umbrella like Corporation that I work for supports and promotes giving the "less fortunate" handouts to even the playing field.
Since I'm an evil white protestant straight male, the only type of handouts I can get is foodstamps and financial aid for college. Other than that, I'm shit out of luck on that.

But whatever, being fired or canned would probably be the best thing ever for me. I would be free from a terrible shitty job that has caused me nothing but pain for 4 years.
I have a borderline death wish but I can truthfully say that I'm too much of a pussy and scared to end it all for me. So suicide is not an option.

09-24-2012, 01:34 PM
Did you used to post as Mr. Sinister?

I don't usually make threads like this, so...I dunno. Yeah. So, my girlfriend and two of our friends are at my house, we're in the basement playing Guitar Hero, and we decide, "O hai, let's go get some caffeine!" So, I offer to drive, offering my mom's minivan on the grounds that it can comfortably seat the most people. I barely have the van out the driveway when my mom calls and screams at me, "Get the van back in the garage right now, god damn you, etc etc." So, I do, then she demands the keys to my car, I refuse, and she drags me upstairs so my dad can join in the yelling at me. Keep in mind, my mother also threatened to "kick my ass" over the phone. So, I go upstairs, and I admit, point blank, in clear wording, that I made a mistake, that I wasn't thinking, and I apologized. Not good enough. So, as I'm trying to talk, my mom keeps cutting me off, prompting me to tell her, "No, you shut the fuck up and let me talk." My father responds with that admonitory finger...thing, and I lose it. I grab my dad's finger and push him back. He yells at me, "Get out of the house, get out of the house, get out of the house." So, I start down the stairs, and my parents are still yelling at me. I respond simply, "No, I'm getting out of the house." I run outside, slam the door and *scream* "FUCK!" as loud as I can, and scratch my own face up to shit, actually drawing a little blood. So, we pile into my friend's car, we go to Wal-Mart, and the whole time, my girlfriend's holding both my hands to keep me from hurting myself again. We get our shit, and head back to my house to pick stuff up, because A) one of my friends has a laptop and a guitar at my house and B) I'm not staying in that house tonight. So, I grab some clothes, work clothes, and some other stuff, and head down the stairs. My parents both try to dissuade me, unsuccessfully, and I'm about a 10 minute walk away at another friend's house.

Which leaves me with no set-in-stone safe place to go to for the next few days, because apparently when my father said "Get out of the house," he meant "Get out of the house until you calm down." Either way, I'm probably going to be crashing from place to place for a while, all without a set of wheels of my own. The only bright side, is that one of the people who was present for this tonight, told me his dad is going to rent a second house behind theirs once it's finished, something I have offered to do, because I now know for sure I need out of the house in which, a week ago, my dad compared me to cancer. I suppose I want to ask you to pray for me, but in my current mental state, I don't think I deserve it. At the very least, it can do me no harm.


09-24-2012, 02:12 PM
holy shit another epic jacob meltdown...damn bro, I honestly feel for you. You need to get out of that shit job asap it's not worth being emo on ST and revealing your suicidal ideations to strangers on the internet...

09-24-2012, 02:22 PM
I am officially opening the "Jacob Wish Foundation" - anyone interested in donating for a good cause, is more than welcome. Together, we can stop his very likely suicide.

09-24-2012, 02:23 PM
To quote Tommy Lee Jones from The Fugitive "I DON'T CARE"

I don't give a shit if any action is taken against that asshole boss. I just want him to man up, grow a pair of balls, and admit the truth. He is a lazy arrogant cocky piece of shit who gets off on the small amount of power he has and acts like a bully to people like me. He cannot stand when I call him out on problems because he doesn't want to deal with problems. How he ever became a boss is mind boggling to me? Oh wait, it's not mind boggling because the Umbrella like Corporation that I work for supports and promotes giving the "less fortunate" handouts to even the playing field.
Since I'm an evil white protestant straight male, the only type of handouts I can get is foodstamps and financial aid for college. Other than that, I'm shit out of luck on that.

But whatever, being fired or canned would probably be the best thing ever for me. I would be free from a terrible shitty job that has caused me nothing but pain for 4 years.
I have a borderline death wish but I can truthfully say that I'm too much of a pussy and scared to end it all for me. So suicide is not an option.

You need help. You sound very depressed. I would get involved in community activities of some sort because it seems you have no friends. Life can be a great thing when you are not taking it for granted.

09-24-2012, 03:24 PM
Yeah, I know. I'm fucked up in the head. It is what it is.

09-24-2012, 04:01 PM
Yeah, I know. I'm fucked up in the head. It is what it is.

I don't think you are as fucked up in the head as you are lacking in perspective. A therapist might help give you one. I have gone through therapy and I know plenty of other people who have. If you are seeking it here though, then you wont find success. Good luck.

Homeland Security
09-24-2012, 04:07 PM
I don't give a shit if any action is taken against that asshole boss. I just want him to man up, grow a pair of balls, and admit the truth. He is a lazy arrogant cocky piece of shit who gets off on the small amount of power he has and acts like a bully to people like me. He cannot stand when I call him out on problems because he doesn't want to deal with problems. How he ever became a boss is mind boggling to me? Oh wait, it's not mind boggling because the Umbrella like Corporation that I work for supports and promotes giving the "less fortunate" handouts to even the playing field. Sounds like you have a vendetta against the boss. You want him to "admit the truth" that he is a "lazy arrogant cocky piece of shit?" How exactly, as a low-level, easily-replaceable low-wage retail worker do you expect to do that? Are you going to show up at his house one evening with a loaded handgun and make him beg for his life?

And what's this about "less fortunate handouts?" You're a Protestant white male with an obvious attitude problem giving grief to a protected minority supervisor and somehow you expect this to end well?

But whatever, being fired or canned would probably be the best thing ever for me. I would be free from a terrible shitty job that has caused me nothing but pain for 4 years. Why wait to be fired? Are you thinking that somehow you "lose" if you quit? Are you willing to make yourself miserable to "win" some "fight" against a low-level supervisor? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I have a borderline death wish but I can truthfully say that I'm too much of a pussy and scared to end it all for me. So suicide is not an option.Ordinarily I'd view you as prime recruiting material for a militia but you have some things to sort out first.

09-24-2012, 04:15 PM
For the record, I have only have beef with that boss because he treats me like shit and acts like a bully. I got bullied enough in high school. I don't need that shit right now.

09-24-2012, 04:17 PM
For the record, I have only have beef with that boss because he treats me like shit and acts like a bully. I got bullied enough in high school. I don't need that shit right now.

Do you have a distinguishable body type? Have you ever considered finding a new job, waiting a month, grabbing some goons and ski masking up, long sleeves covered from head to toe and jumping this bitch?

Homeland Security
09-24-2012, 04:36 PM
For the record, I have only have beef with that boss because he treats me like shit and acts like a bully. I got bullied enough in high school. I don't need that shit right now.
What exactly is keeping you in this job? Do you feel that you will be unable to find work at least equivalent to an entry-level retail job? Have you attempted to be transferred to a different department or location?

Homeland Security
09-24-2012, 04:40 PM
I just don't understand the problem here. If it were a low-paying thankless retail job but you liked working there, maybe there would be a dilemma. If it were a high-paying job with tons of opportunity, but the boss was a total asshole, maybe there would be a dilemma. I just don't see how the decision tree here ends up with anything other than "go find another job" unless you just don't think you are hireable for anything else, in which case your value as a medical research cadaver is probably higher than other alternatives.

Homeland Security
09-24-2012, 04:41 PM
40,000 men and women everyday

We can be like they are

Don't fear the reaper

09-24-2012, 04:46 PM

09-24-2012, 04:56 PM
The simple problem is that I want out of retail in general. I have a college degree in a shitty major(psychology) and have no idea how to use it. That's the problem. I went to college to avoid retail jobs.

09-24-2012, 04:59 PM
The simple problem is that I want out of retail in general. I have a college degree in a shitty major(psychology) and have no idea how to use it. That's the problem. I went to college to avoid retail jobs.

You should be perfect for West Telemarketing. You can psych those people into buying shit.

09-24-2012, 05:00 PM
You got a degree in psychology to avoid shitty jobs :lol

09-24-2012, 05:01 PM
40,000 men and women everyday

We can be like they are

Don't fear the reaper

(like romeo and juliet!)

09-24-2012, 05:01 PM
You got a degree in psychology to avoid shitty jobs :lol

LOL, yeah the basic problem goes back a few years.

09-24-2012, 05:02 PM
You got a degree in psychology to avoid shitty jobs :lol

depressing to think that it's gonna take me a long time to become a psychiatrist :depressed

09-24-2012, 05:03 PM
depressing to think that it's gonna take me a long time to become a psychiatrist :depressed

Don't you have to be an MD first?

log in/log out goods
09-24-2012, 05:03 PM
Jacob1983 with the no helmet, thinking he can outrun the defense and be the hero, only to be caught from behind by 'ased Lo, face shoved into the dirt, and stepped on by cleats bads par per etc

09-24-2012, 05:04 PM
^If you plan on a bunch of additional education then a psychology degree makes sense, but as an undergrad degree by itself it's about as useful as an asshole on your elbow.

09-24-2012, 05:07 PM
lmfao maybe jacob should consult thispego on how to find work in a psychology related field..you might still make minimum wage tho :lmao

09-24-2012, 05:08 PM
lmfao maybe jacob should consult thispego on how to find work in a psychology related field..you might still make minimum wage tho :lmao

Axe Murderer
09-24-2012, 05:08 PM
Jacob1983 with the no helmet, thinking he can outrun the defense and be the hero, only to be caught from behind by 'ased Lo, face shoved into the dirt, and stepped on by cleats bads par per etc

Big hn Sul! With the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, game on the line, everyone on the edge of their seat, pitcher gets the sign, game stops, everyone looks out into the outfield, fan jumps onto the field out of nowhere naked with a clown mask, gets security's attention, then disappears over the left field wall never to be seen again goods par per etc

09-24-2012, 05:09 PM
Or selling variable annuities to old people. You can use that degree to scare the fuck out of them and the save them with your pitch. Lot of money in that shit if you can live with yourself and sleep at night.

09-24-2012, 05:11 PM
Or selling variable annuities to old people. You can use that degree to scare the fuck out of them and the save them with your pitch. Lot of money in that shit if you can live with yourself and sleep at night.
That's probably something a PHD in psych teaches you :lol

The undergrad psych classes are more focused on tings like why people smile or frown.

09-24-2012, 05:25 PM
Don't you have to be an MD first?

i plan on going that route yeah

09-24-2012, 05:34 PM
Expect to be fired.
The advice to shut the fuck up while you look for another job was good advice.

Gotta love straight answers to a problem.:lmao
got a love it!


09-24-2012, 05:41 PM
i plan on going that route yeah

Afraid of blood? The big money is in cutting.

09-24-2012, 05:42 PM
nah i just want to pursue something i actually enjoy and find interesting. my dream is to listen to manic housewives complain about how their husbands don't fuck them no more for $200 an hour

09-24-2012, 07:09 PM
You have a degree in psychology and yet you think your course of action is going to produce positive results?

If your boss gives you more responsibility, it is actually a good thing in a low-level job.

09-24-2012, 07:58 PM
I don't give a shit about extra responsibility. If I'm going to have to do extra tasks while my supposedly equal co-workers from the same department that I work in do not have to do then you gotta show me some more money. However, at the Sweatshop, that's not how they roll. You only get one raise a year and the way they calculate the raise is a joke.

The way I feel about this drama is weird. I really only care about it when I'm there and when I'm mad. If I'm in a good mood or very sleepy/tired, then I don't give a shit. And yes, I am usually sleep deprived when I go to work. I do it to numb me up. When I'm like that, I'm more mellow and calm and don't give that much of a fuck about anything. You could say I'm addicted to sleep deprivation.

And yes, I am quite aware that 95 percent of you guys are tearing me down and throwing stones at me. Guess what? It does nothing to me. Trust me, I had that shit done to me in high school and I survived. It made my heart black and hard but I'm still here and alive. I survived 4 years of insults, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse from ignorant rednecks and wiggers in high school then I can survive the insults from posters on an internet message board.

Wild Cobra Kai
09-24-2012, 08:05 PM
The simple problem is that I want out of retail in general. I have a college degree in a shitty major(psychology) and have no idea how to use it. That's the problem. I went to college to avoid retail jobs.

Your advisor was a POS. You can't do ANYTHING with just a Bachelor's in Psych. You need at least Master's.

09-24-2012, 08:11 PM
I don't give a shit about extra responsibility. If I'm going to have to do extra tasks while my supposedly equal co-workers from the same department that I work in do not have to do then you gotta show me some more money. However, at the Sweatshop, that's not how they roll. You only get one raise a year and the way they calculate the raise is a joke.

The way I feel about this drama is weird. I really only care about it when I'm there and when I'm mad. If I'm in a good mood or very sleepy/tired, then I don't give a shit. And yes, I am usually sleep deprived when I go to work. I do it to numb me up. When I'm like that, I'm more mellow and calm and don't give that much of a fuck about anything. You could say I'm addicted to sleep deprivation.

And yes, I am quite aware that 95 percent of you guys are tearing me down and throwing stones at me. Guess what? It does nothing to me. Trust me, I had that shit done to me in high school and I survived. It made my heart black and hard but I'm still here and alive. I survived 4 years of insults, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse from ignorant rednecks and wiggers in high school then I can survive the insults from posters on an internet message board.

LOL @ high school hell. Enjoy your long and unfulfilling life in retail hell. You could end your career on a high note as a Walmart greeter except everyone will still make fun of you as they come in the door.

09-24-2012, 08:17 PM
Your advisor was a POS. You can't do ANYTHING with just a Bachelor's in Psych. You need at least Master's.

thismouthbreather has a masters in psych, and he's still stuck doing a min wage shitty job......

Wild Cobra Kai
09-24-2012, 08:23 PM
thismouthbreather has a masters in psych, and he's still stuck doing a min wage shitty job......

Well, it's not a guarantee, just the starting point for meaningful employment in that field.

09-24-2012, 08:28 PM
Well, it's not a guarantee, just the starting point for meaningful employment in that field.

I don't know much about the field, but other then therapist/teacher, what other options does he really has?

09-24-2012, 08:39 PM
Psychology degrees are good when you don't have any toilet paper.

09-24-2012, 08:42 PM
(like romeo and juliet!)
I got a fever, and the only cure is more Xanax. Now come on babies, explore the space.

Woo Bum-kon
09-24-2012, 08:48 PM
Did you used to post as Mr. Sinister?


:lol at MiamiHeat trying to give life advice even though he freaks about his girlfriend reheating pizza.

09-24-2012, 09:03 PM
http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p55/RackTheMouse/th_mouse-ESPN-1.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/albums/p55/RackTheMouse/?action=view&current=mouse-ESPN-1.mp4)

Latarian Milton
09-24-2012, 09:03 PM
I don't give a shit about extra responsibility. If I'm going to have to do extra tasks while my supposedly equal co-workers from the same department that I work in do not have to do then you gotta show me some more money. However, at the Sweatshop, that's not how they roll. You only get one raise a year and the way they calculate the raise is a joke.

The way I feel about this drama is weird. I really only care about it when I'm there and when I'm mad. If I'm in a good mood or very sleepy/tired, then I don't give a shit. And yes, I am usually sleep deprived when I go to work. I do it to numb me up. When I'm like that, I'm more mellow and calm and don't give that much of a fuck about anything. You could say I'm addicted to sleep deprivation.

And yes, I am quite aware that 95 percent of you guys are tearing me down and throwing stones at me. Guess what? It does nothing to me. Trust me, I had that shit done to me in high school and I survived. It made my heart black and hard but I'm still here and alive. I survived 4 years of insults, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse from ignorant rednecks and wiggers in high school then I can survive the insults from posters on an internet message board.

it's never your business to worry about where the company goes, whether it becomes a huge success or ends up bankrupted. it seems to me you expected your boss to be another steve jobs who's willing to hear his employees voices, but there was only ONE steve jobs and he was dead.

you may act you don't give a shit about whatever you've suffered at your job but that shouldn't be at the cost of the happiness in your life young man, life can be much more meaningful than it is. the shitty job was never the right one for you imho, you deserve a better life and you go out seeking it RIGHT NOW.

09-24-2012, 09:09 PM

09-24-2012, 09:11 PM
it's never your business to worry about where the company goes, whether it becomes a huge success or ends up bankrupted. it seems to me you expected your boss to be another steve jobs who's willing to hear his employees voices, but there was only ONE steve jobs and he was dead.

you may act you don't give a shit about whatever you've suffered at your job but that shouldn't be at the cost of the happiness in your life young man, life can be much more meaningful than it is. the shitty job was never the right one for you imho, you deserve a better life and you go out seeking it RIGHT NOW.

:lmao @ you thinking Steve Jobs was the ultimate humanitarian boss. Dude was a marketing genius but he was an asshole to his employees.

09-24-2012, 09:22 PM
Psychology degrees are good when you don't have any toilet paper.

:lmao yup, unless you're my cousin who has a PHD and gets shit published all the time. that's WAY too long to be in school..especially for a guy, that seems like more of a feminine profession than being a male nurse i saaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiidd!!

baseline bum
09-24-2012, 09:35 PM
Fuck you guys. Tim Duncan has a psychology degree (only bachelor's) and makes millions.

Woo Bum-kon
09-24-2012, 10:08 PM
lmfao maybe jacob should consult thispego on how to find work in a psychology related field..you might still make minimum wage tho :lmao

Nah, pego would be more helpful advising Jacob how to get a girl whose parents have money pregnant.

09-25-2012, 12:10 AM
I don't give a shit about extra responsibility. If I'm going to have to do extra tasks while my supposedly equal co-workers from the same department that I work in do not have to do then you gotta show me some more money.

Then you really have no clue how the work world functions.

You asked for advice, but you obviously have no interest in it.

09-25-2012, 12:21 AM
^has DD's, knows how the work world functions :eyebrows

09-25-2012, 12:27 AM
If your boss gives you more responsibility, it is actually a good thing in a low-level job.

or it's your boss passing on the shit he doesn't want to do, which means you're doing managerial work for less money which is not a good thing

09-25-2012, 12:55 AM
Wild Cobra, you're right. My college advisors were terrible. With that being said, it was ultimately me that listened to the shitty terrible advice. In high school and college, I was too trusting and naive and gave people the benefit of the doubt too easily. I shouldn't have listened to the advice that I got. I should have thought things through and created a better plan for my future. However, I didn't and I'm paying the price for it right now. In life you don't get do overs.

My main problem is confidence. I basically have none and I'm paranoid out of my mind about trusting people. I always think that bad things are going to happen no matter what and it's gotten to the point that I never really get happy or can have a good time for too long because in the back of my mind, I think something bad is going to happen. I have had a lot of failures, setbacks, and disappointments in the last 10 years that it's changed me into what I am today. Even with that being said, I know I have to change. If I don't change, I will go full on bat shit crazy and will have to go to the looney bin. So basically, I have to change. The problem is I don't know how to change. I wouldn't know where to start. I need to be positive and try to look at things with a better perspective and not be so paranoid but it's an extremely hard habbit to break when you've been doing it for so long.

09-25-2012, 01:21 AM
i dont get it why would you be paranoid? you act like you were raped or something as a child

09-25-2012, 02:06 AM
Wild Cobra, you're right. My college advisors were terrible. With that being said, it was ultimately me that listened to the shitty terrible advice. In high school and college, I was too trusting and naive and gave people the benefit of the doubt too easily. I shouldn't have listened to the advice that I got. I should have thought things through and created a better plan for my future. However, I didn't and I'm paying the price for it right now. In life you don't get do overs.

My main problem is confidence. I basically have none and I'm paranoid out of my mind about trusting people. I always think that bad things are going to happen no matter what and it's gotten to the point that I never really get happy or can have a good time for too long because in the back of my mind, I think something bad is going to happen. I have had a lot of failures, setbacks, and disappointments in the last 10 years that it's changed me into what I am today. Even with that being said, I know I have to change. If I don't change, I will go full on bat shit crazy and will have to go to the looney bin. So basically, I have to change. The problem is I don't know how to change. I wouldn't know where to start. I need to be positive and try to look at things with a better perspective and not be so paranoid but it's an extremely hard habbit to break when you've been doing it for so long.

You have some serious issues. However, you can be helped. I know people who were worse off than you and that are now happy. Those people went to therapy though--to steer them in right direction. Good luck.

Wild Cobra
09-25-2012, 02:31 AM
Even my daughter after getting a degree in Architectural Design, isn't getting paid well. She had no problems finding a job, but of course, entry positions don't pay well. At least she makes more than a retail job pays though.

Latarian Milton
09-25-2012, 10:31 AM
Wild Cobra, you're right. My college advisors were terrible. With that being said, it was ultimately me that listened to the shitty terrible advice. In high school and college, I was too trusting and naive and gave people the benefit of the doubt too easily. I shouldn't have listened to the advice that I got. I should have thought things through and created a better plan for my future. However, I didn't and I'm paying the price for it right now. In life you don't get do overs.

My main problem is confidence. I basically have none and I'm paranoid out of my mind about trusting people. I always think that bad things are going to happen no matter what and it's gotten to the point that I never really get happy or can have a good time for too long because in the back of my mind, I think something bad is going to happen. I have had a lot of failures, setbacks, and disappointments in the last 10 years that it's changed me into what I am today. Even with that being said, I know I have to change. If I don't change, I will go full on bat shit crazy and will have to go to the looney bin. So basically, I have to change. The problem is I don't know how to change. I wouldn't know where to start. I need to be positive and try to look at things with a better perspective and not be so paranoid but it's an extremely hard habbit to break when you've been doing it for so long.
you'll never trust anyone if you don't even trust yourself young man, and if you don't have confidence in yourself, no one else will. setbacks and failures are what make a man strong, the elements that will give you the fortitude in similar difficulties in the future. just spent a few minutes reading abraham lincoln's biography and you'll learn his life was also full of failures, failures are great fortunes for you life if you can learn lessons from them once at a time

you've wasted 4 years of life on a dead end job but ive gotta tell you this, it's never too late to fix what you've done wrong. the economy will recover in a few years and it'd be much easier to get a decent job even w/o a degree or shit, and the best thing you can do at this point of time is get better prepared for the future, going back to school or picking another job where you can actually learn something everyday regardless of the pay, or by whatever means that you think fits you best

Clipper Nation
09-25-2012, 01:52 PM
:lol Jacob
:lol Xanax
:lol Still salty that King James rang

Homeland Security
09-25-2012, 02:53 PM
My main problem is confidence. I basically have none and I'm paranoid out of my mind about trusting people.
Lack of trust like that is related to something that happened to you as a child. Did you spend any time at a Catholic church, or at a football camp in central Pennsylvania?

I always think that bad things are going to happen no matter what and it's gotten to the point that I never really get happy or can have a good time for too long because in the back of my mind, I think something bad is going to happen.
Anxiety/depression. Coupled with your frustrated sense of impotence, could reflect serotonin imbalance. Wait, didn't you get a degree in psychology? Why the fuck do I have to explain this to you? Does the fact that I have to explain this to you have anything to do with your inability to find a better job than at Target?

The problem is I don't know how to change. I wouldn't know where to start. I need to be positive and try to look at things with a better perspective and not be so paranoid but it's an extremely hard habbit to break when you've been doing it for so long.I see Jeebotardism in your future.

09-25-2012, 03:14 PM
Lack of trust like that is related to something that happened to you as a child. Did you spend any time at a Catholic church, or at a football camp in central Pennsylvania?

Anxiety/depression. Coupled with your frustrated sense of impotence, could reflect serotonin imbalance. Wait, didn't you get a degree in psychology? Why the fuck do I have to explain this to you? Does the fact that I have to explain this to you have anything to do with your inability to find a better job than at Target?

I see Jeebotardism in your future.


09-25-2012, 03:15 PM
you'll never trust anyone if you don't even trust yourself young man, and if you don't have confidence in yourself, no one else will. setbacks and failures are what make a man strong, the elements that will give you the fortitude in similar difficulties in the future. just spent a few minutes reading abraham lincoln's biography and you'll learn his life was also full of failures, failures are great fortunes for you life if you can learn lessons from them once at a time

you've wasted 4 years of life on a dead end job but ive gotta tell you this, it's never too late to fix what you've done wrong. the economy will recover in a few years and it'd be much easier to get a decent job even w/o a degree or shit, and the best thing you can do at this point of time is get better prepared for the future, going back to school or picking another job where you can actually learn something everyday regardless of the pay, or by whatever means that you think fits you best

So did Lincoln really hunt zombies?

Woo Bum-kon
09-25-2012, 03:23 PM
So did Lincoln really hunt zombies?

No, he hunted vampires.

09-29-2012, 01:10 AM
I'm over it. I've been doing some new age hippie yoga exercises with my hippie California neighbors. That shit really helped me out. It really relaxes me so I'm good. My neighbors are really nice people and a lot better than my previous neighbors.

09-29-2012, 04:16 AM
I'm over it. I've been doing some new age hippie yoga exercises with my hippie California neighbors. That shit really helped me out. It really relaxes me so I'm good. My neighbors are really nice people and a lot better than my previous neighbors.

That is just another way of saying that you have lubricated your asshole and getting screwed is not as noticeable/painful as before.

It is good to here you are in a better place now, but getting screwed in the ass with lubrication is still getting screwed in the ass. If your job actually really does suck then you will eventually need to make a change for your own mental health.

09-29-2012, 05:08 AM
I'm over it. I've been doing some new age hippie yoga exercises with my hippie California neighbors. That shit really helped me out. It really relaxes me so I'm good. My neighbors are really nice people and a lot better than my previous neighbors.

You should remove yourself from such a shit job. Have you thought about graduate school with your degree? I'd look into applying for Ph.D schools across Texas (assuming your from TX).

Just a suggestion.

Latarian Milton
09-29-2012, 09:08 AM
I'm over it. I've been doing some new age hippie yoga exercises with my hippie California neighbors. That shit really helped me out. It really relaxes me so I'm good. My neighbors are really nice people and a lot better than my previous neighbors.
delightful news you're feeling happier with the new neighbors than with the old ones, and you didn't expect life to turn so much better before it actually does im guessing. the same change could be made to your career as well.

going back to school wouldn't be a bad option for you since you're still relatively young and don't have a family to feed, a Ph.D or even a vocational degree will do you a world of good. the economy will have recovered by the time you graduate so when you come out of school, your entering a blooming economy with an advanced degree. it's never too late to fix what you've done wrong tbh, the shitty job was never the right one for you and you should've quit it years ago (shouldn't have taken it in the first place tbh)

09-29-2012, 09:14 AM

09-29-2012, 11:28 AM
wiggy wiggy wiggy outsmart the piggy

09-29-2012, 11:32 AM
Jacob, I wish you luck on your eventual murder-suicide.

09-29-2012, 11:38 AM
OP just trollin trolls tbh keep up the good work Jacob :tu