View Full Version : Lakers: Kobe already implying that he's going to continue taking too many shots

10-02-2012, 12:56 AM
Lakers Still Kobe Bryant's Team? (http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/story/_/id/8450210/kobe-bryant-makes-clear-los-angeles-lakers-team)

Kobe: "I don't want to get into the, 'Well, we share ...' No, it's my team."


10-02-2012, 01:20 AM
lol chucker

Venti Quattro
10-02-2012, 01:22 AM
Cutting the quote ftw. Spurfans spinning things out of control out of sheer fear. This has been Kobe's team for a long time now and you're still acting like it's the first time you read or heard about it. :lol

"I got a question earlier about whose team this is," Bryant told reporters at the Lakers media day Monday. "I don't want to get into the, 'Well, we share ...' No, it's my team. But I want to make sure that Dwight, when I retire, this is going to be his. I want to teach him everything I possibly know so that when I step away this organization can ride on as if I never left."

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao Eddy Curry

10-02-2012, 01:24 AM
"It's my team"

What an egomaniac bitch :lol

10-02-2012, 01:28 AM
Cutting the quote ftw. Spurfans spinning things out of control out of sheer fear. This has been Kobe's team for a long time now and you're still acting like it's the first time you read or heard about it. :lol

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao Eddy Curry

"I don't want to get into the, 'Well, we share ...' No, it's my team."

:lol kobe's words, not mine

10-02-2012, 01:29 AM
Thus is the mentality of a man that gets what he wants, no matter what.

Venti Quattro
10-02-2012, 01:32 AM
"I don't want to get into the, 'Well, we share ...' No, it's my team."

:lol kobe's words, not mine

Newsflash, faggot: It's his team.

10-02-2012, 01:35 AM
Newsflash, faggot: It's his team.

Kobespeak for "I like things the way they are and I am going to continue taking too many shots."

A winning strategy to get to the second round these past few years, tbh.

10-02-2012, 01:37 AM
Kobes is gonna "teach" Dwight. :rollin

What, how to rimjob refs?

10-02-2012, 02:50 AM
Thus is the mentality of a man that gets what he wants, no matter what.


10-02-2012, 05:44 AM
Newsflash, faggot: It's his team.

Yea, everyone knows this is his team. But his saying so is kinda a bitch move. It's not the kind of thing you say to build rapport.
I'm liking Kobe less and less with each season. I'm already calling it Kobe's fault if the Lakers don't have a great year.
If he's still chucking the ball and taking stupid shots when he has Steve Nash and DH on the team...fuck him.

Latarian Milton
10-02-2012, 05:49 AM
it's been the team of his and only his, and it'll still be. kobe's ego is a bigger enemy to this team rather than spurs and OKC imho

10-02-2012, 05:51 AM
kobe's ego is a bigger enemy to this team rather than spurs and OKC imho

Clipper Nation
10-02-2012, 10:14 AM
:lol Food Stamps
:lol Ballhog
:lol "His team" until they lose and then it's all his teammates' fault

10-02-2012, 10:19 AM
Thus is the mentality of a man that gets what he wants, no matter what.


The Gemini Method
10-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Meh, people on here are like parrots: they post shit from Kobe as if anyone with a conscious mind thinks he'll ever stop being who he is...

To quote J.A. Adande--the dude is surrounded by more A's than Oakland...this season is on him and/or Mike Brown.

10-02-2012, 12:07 PM
http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/19/551953_390269684372891_509374978_n.jpg (http://www.threadbombing.com/details.php?image_id=5852)

10-02-2012, 12:17 PM
Newsflash, faggot: It's his team.

Why does it have to be anyone's team? Why can't it just be a team Period?

Anyway, Kobe won't be the Lakers best player, why is it his team? Seniority?

With that said, here's to Kobe taking 25 18footers fadeaways per game. :toast

10-02-2012, 05:52 PM
Yea, everyone knows this is his team. But his saying so is kinda a bitch move. It's not the kind of thing you say to build rapport.
I'm liking Kobe less and less with each season. I'm already calling it Kobe's fault if the Lakers don't have a great year.
If he's still chucking the ball and taking stupid shots when he has Steve Nash and DH on the team...fuck him.

I will only say it once..stop being overly emotional...Kobe is doing nothing but sharpening his tools..it's nothing but a chin check of Dwight..trying to see wear his head is..no big at all...

10-02-2012, 05:58 PM
Koolaid_Man haha you a sissy bitch

10-02-2012, 05:58 PM
lakerfan, with the damage control

10-02-2012, 06:06 PM
Koolaid_Man (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=19058) haha you a sissy bitch

I have no desire to tango BS with you...I'm preparing for the Presidential debate...Obama knows what's at stake...I want nothing but a complete and total annihilation of Romney...he's bad for the economy all the way around..and tell Kori I'm disappointed that she leans Republican...I know it's because LJ is Republican...and that's sad...LJ is a good guy but like most immigrants they tend to vote Republican thinking that they're going to get a piece of the 1950's white man's success...it's all a lie...just like in the case of Arab dealings...the white man has been in bed with the Arabs for the past 50 yrs while demonizing blacks and it was the Arabs who turned around and bit them in the ass over the past 10yrs ...now Arabs want to be down with the brothers because they're feeling the heat...

Wake Up LJ and Kori come to the dem side...

10-02-2012, 06:07 PM
^ didn't read

10-02-2012, 06:09 PM
^ didn't read

^ yeah right

10-02-2012, 06:12 PM
^ didn't read


10-02-2012, 08:09 PM
sounds like he is speaking the truth tbh..

10-02-2012, 09:42 PM
lol kobespeak

10-02-2012, 11:30 PM
He realized that when he single handedly blew 2 leads vs OKC in the playoffs

:lol Kobe

:lol Hero mode

:lol tries hard to be like Mike

:lol but it always backfires

:lol Chucking Scottie Pippen

:lol cant even play D like Scottie

:lol Kobie

10-03-2012, 02:01 AM
IMO, Kobe taking too many shots is kinda the norm, so I'm not sure it's newsworthy....

Plus Dwight has more important things to be concerned about, tbh. If he's paying hush money to hoes he gotta be extra careful because he now has a teammate who is a known snitch...

10-03-2012, 10:17 AM
I think this is just a case of a little punctuation taking his comments out of their context. I read it as:

"I don't want to get into the, 'Well, we share; No, it's my team.'"

It's like one of those "this/that" internalized arguments in his quote within a quote. He's basically saying he doesn't want to get into the whole "whose team is it?" debate, not outright saying it his team. Things sometimes don't read (or aren't written) the same way they are spoken.

10-03-2012, 12:08 PM
After all these years, I am surprised that you guys still don't understand that Kobe is a marketing genius, and this latest stunt is simply, another move.

It's just human nature that if you hear something being repeated enough times, it becomes true. That is why propaganda works. Granted, propaganda doesn't work with the well-informed, but we are talking about the general population who doesn't really watch and study the game (that is to say basketball junkies/nerds).

Kobe does things to promote himself, and he is very successful at it. Look at his popularity in Asia, a place where you guys have continuously bashed at lacking basketball knowledge, and consume merchandise blindly.

Let's track the history of Kobe's marketing genius:

In the late 90's, when Kobe was a young buck, he wasn't all that great. He lacked mid-range jumper, chucks too much, was OK on defense. But what he does have though is great athleticism and ability to copy Jordan down to the most minute details. He would smartly market himself as the next Jordan.

In the early 00s, his game improved to the point where he was arguably the best complimentary player to ever play the game, along the likes of greats like McHale and Pippen. But being the genius that he is, he realized 2nd bananas don't get the cash. So he created this fake feud (with the help of an immature Shaq) to bring himself up to the level of O'Neal. Years later, it worked! Just look at how many Kobe fans think that Kobe shared first billing with Shaq.

At around the same time, there were talks that Kobe is out of touch, and that he doesn't have any ghetto in him. So he raped a white girl. I mean, how much more ghetto can you get? Iverson threw his woman out the door, guess what? Kobe raped! To top it off, he snitched. Now you may think that that is a totally un-ghetto move, but come on, you know how people in the ghetto survives? They snitch to take out the opposition, and that is exactly what Kobe did, he snitched on Shaq to further bring the image that he and Shaq are one and the same.

At the tail end of the relationship with Shaq, Kobe feign interest in the Clippers. Not only does this force management's hand in getting rid of Shaq, it created news worthy material that would keep Kobe in the limelight after his massive failure in the finals, drawing attention from his failure to his success in playing management around. He eventually joined the Lakers (no surprises), creating an image of him being loyal to the team that brought him from nothing to a major superstar.

In the mid 00's, after the departure of Shaq, the Lakers wasn't all that good, facing first round exist and missed playoffs. At the same time, Shaq won his 4th championship, and Kobe is in desperate danger of being knocked off the Shaq pedestal that he worked so hard to climb onto, so he "leaked" a video of him lambasting manager to create the diversion that it wasn't his fault, it was somebody elses'. While most people would have been grilled alive, remember Kobe's audience is different. He plays in a major market with a rich history, TV is desperate to create ratings (Lebron wasn't around then), casual fans are too lazy/ignorant to care, and Kobe fans were already sold on the idea that Kobe can do no wrong, so whatever he said is true. This helped create the image that Kobe is all about winning, and that if the Lakers couldn't win, it's not his fault, it's management.

Then in the late 00s, the Lakers got the most dominant front line in the league, but failed to win the championship that year. So Kobe grilled Gasol publicly, to bring the criticism to his teammates, yet again. He continuously have this fierce looking facial expression that projects the image that he is intense (likely stolen from Garnett), and yet his skillful frontcourt teammate is too mature to care about creating his legacy, but more concerned about trying to get the ball in the low block rather than rebounding missed 18-foot fade away jumpshots. This moved Kobe to a level where he can get all the credit for the next two championships, despite Gasol shooting a much better %, rebounded better, was the defensive core, and sliced the defense with his pinpoint passing. It wasn't Gasol and Kobe won the championship, it was Kobe won the championship despite Gasol.

Now, with a clearly better Howard on the team, and at risk of losing the firm grip on the franchise, he comes out and stated something that can not be verified or disputed as some sort of a fact. The lemmings will continue to follow, and nothing will change. While the Kobe fans hum along and take everything Kobe said as the gospel, knowledgeable basketball junkies know what's really the deal.

10-03-2012, 03:32 PM
After all these years, I am surprised that you guys still don't understand that Kobe is a marketing genius, and this latest stunt is simply, another move.

It's just human nature that if you hear something being repeated enough times, it becomes true. That is why propaganda works. Granted, propaganda doesn't work with the well-informed, but we are talking about the general population who doesn't really watch and study the game (that is to say basketball junkies/nerds).

Kobe does things to promote himself, and he is very successful at it. Look at his popularity in Asia, a place where you guys have continuously bashed at lacking basketball knowledge, and consume merchandise blindly.

Let's track the history of Kobe's marketing genius:

In the late 90's, when Kobe was a young buck, he wasn't all that great. He lacked mid-range jumper, chucks too much, was OK on defense. But what he does have though is great athleticism and ability to copy Jordan down to the most minute details. He would smartly market himself as the next Jordan.

In the early 00s, his game improved to the point where he was arguably the best complimentary player to ever play the game, along the likes of greats like McHale and Pippen. But being the genius that he is, he realized 2nd bananas don't get the cash. So he created this fake feud (with the help of an immature Shaq) to bring himself up to the level of O'Neal. Years later, it worked! Just look at how many Kobe fans think that Kobe shared first billing with Shaq.

At around the same time, there were talks that Kobe is out of touch, and that he doesn't have any ghetto in him. So he raped a white girl. I mean, how much more ghetto can you get? Iverson threw his woman out the door, guess what? Kobe raped! To top it off, he snitched. Now you may think that that is a totally un-ghetto move, but come on, you know how people in the ghetto survives? They snitch to take out the opposition, and that is exactly what Kobe did, he snitched on Shaq to further bring the image that he and Shaq are one and the same.

At the tail end of the relationship with Shaq, Kobe feign interest in the Clippers. Not only does this force management's hand in getting rid of Shaq, it created news worthy material that would keep Kobe in the limelight after his massive failure in the finals, drawing attention from his failure to his success in playing management around. He eventually joined the Lakers (no surprises), creating an image of him being loyal to the team that brought him from nothing to a major superstar.

In the mid 00's, after the departure of Shaq, the Lakers wasn't all that good, facing first round exist and missed playoffs. At the same time, Shaq won his 4th championship, and Kobe is in desperate danger of being knocked off the Shaq pedestal that he worked so hard to climb onto, so he "leaked" a video of him lambasting manager to create the diversion that it wasn't his fault, it was somebody elses'. While most people would have been grilled alive, remember Kobe's audience is different. He plays in a major market with a rich history, TV is desperate to create ratings (Lebron wasn't around then), casual fans are too lazy/ignorant to care, and Kobe fans were already sold on the idea that Kobe can do no wrong, so whatever he said is true. This helped create the image that Kobe is all about winning, and that if the Lakers couldn't win, it's not his fault, it's management.

Then in the late 00s, the Lakers got the most dominant front line in the league, but failed to win the championship that year. So Kobe grilled Gasol publicly, to bring the criticism to his teammates, yet again. He continuously have this fierce looking facial expression that projects the image that he is intense (likely stolen from Garnett), and yet his skillful frontcourt teammate is too mature to care about creating his legacy, but more concerned about trying to get the ball in the low block rather than rebounding missed 18-foot fade away jumpshots. This moved Kobe to a level where he can get all the credit for the next two championships, despite Gasol shooting a much better %, rebounded better, was the defensive core, and sliced the defense with his pinpoint passing. It wasn't Gasol and Kobe won the championship, it was Kobe won the championship despite Gasol.

Now, with a clearly better Howard on the team, and at risk of losing the firm grip on the franchise, he comes out and stated something that can not be verified or disputed as some sort of a fact. The lemmings will continue to follow, and nothing will change. While the Kobe fans hum along and take everything Kobe said as the gospel, knowledgeable basketball junkies know what's really the deal.

As my great friend and mentor Cully would say:

Boiled down to:

Kobe 5
Tired Old Shitbag 4

Let us proceed!!!

10-03-2012, 03:33 PM
IMO, Kobe taking too many shots is kinda the norm, so I'm not sure it's newsworthy....

Plus Dwight has more important things to be concerned about, tbh. If he's paying hush money to hoes he gotta be extra careful because he now has a teammate who is a known snitch...


10-03-2012, 06:02 PM
As my great friend and mentor Cully would say:

Boiled down to:

Kobe 5
Tired Old Shitbag 4

Let us proceed!!!

And as anybody who isn't ignorant would say:

Boiled down to:

Kobe fans think 2nd bananas win championships.

Let us proceed.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:07 PM
ambchang's hatred of Kobe is so visceral

10-03-2012, 06:07 PM
Stop supporting the chucker DD makes you look like a fag

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:10 PM
What's not to like about a player whose mere presence incites jealousy and hatred among opposing fans?

he's black Jesus

10-03-2012, 06:11 PM
more like his chucking and selfish behavior is bad basketball and people just don't approve

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:12 PM
Winning 5 rings is bad basketball?

10-03-2012, 06:20 PM
3 were as a sidekick, 1 was either co-captain or another 2nd banana ring its hard to say. kobe played in la, that's about all he's got going for him.

10-03-2012, 06:25 PM
You think Kobe is selfish, can’t mesh with Nash. He thinks you’re dumb. (http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/02/you-think-kobe-is-selfish-cant-mesh-with-nash-he-thinks-youre-dumb/)

“Here’s the thing: Some people are just very, very dumb. I keep hearing it from some people that I just want to score and that other stuff. Nobody has won more championships than me in my entire generation. I’ve got five of them. You can’t be selfish and win one championship, let alone five. That argument should be in the coffin by now. I don’t like having the ball.”


10-03-2012, 06:27 PM
Newsflash, faggot: It's his team.
:lol beta male wanting that rapist cock in his ass

ambchang's hatred of Kobe is so visceral
true, but he puts it so succinctly, there's nothing to add. Food Stamps is your false god.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:30 PM
My false god can beat up your false god

10-03-2012, 06:36 PM
Deep down inside spurfan wishes Jim was a more selfish player because the reality is, relying on scrubs and fatasses won't get the job done.

But at this point TOSB is done, he couldn't be selfish even if he wanted to :lmao

10-03-2012, 06:41 PM
ambchang's hatred of Kobe is so visceral

My false god can beat up your false god

he can definitely out-snitch and out-rape, no argument from me.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:43 PM
Unoriginal comeback is unoriginal.

10-03-2012, 06:46 PM
The difference between lakerfan and spurfan is that spurfan accepted their TOSB is done. Lakerfan is still in denial.

tbh, I hope he keeps "not liking the ball" like the last two seasons...

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:48 PM
The difference between lakerfan and spurfan is that spurfan accepted their TOSB is done.
That's fucking rich:lmao

10-03-2012, 06:49 PM
true, there's not much more to add about kobe. glorified second options are boring. ready for that nig to retire tbh.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:50 PM
true, there's not much more to add about kobe. glorified second options are boring.

Unoriginal comeback is unoriginal.

10-03-2012, 06:53 PM
That's fucking rich:lmao

:lol what's rich about it? These days dude is good for a quick 2nd round exit.

Now that the lakeshow has an actual superstar again, maybe he'll coattail to the WCF... but it's all up to Dwight...

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 06:57 PM
You missed the point...I was laughing at your notion that spur fans think Duncan is a tosb now. They were spraying so much semen upstairs over him last year:lol

10-03-2012, 07:00 PM
You missed the point...I was laughing at your notion that spur fans think Duncan is a tosb now. They were spraying so much semen upstairs over him last year:lol

Should've added a disclaimer: The views expressed here are not shared by TD21 or the good doctor, tbh...

Ashy Larry
10-03-2012, 07:01 PM
I think he said what every one already knew ........ really don't see a problem with the statement but the actions on the floor should damn sure be different. Use Nash, Gasol, Meeks, Howard, Jamison and Ron Ron. He'd be a dumb fuck not to.

10-03-2012, 07:01 PM
The difference between lakerfan and spurfan is that spurfan accepted their TOSB is done. Lakerfan is still in denial.

tbh, I hope he keeps "not liking the ball" like the last two seasons...

Spurfan didn't really "accept" Jim's TOSB status, it was shoved down your throats. Jimmy boy is beyond done.

The aftermath, the spurs are left with nothing but a playoff ghost at the point.

Meanwhile, the Lakers have a pretty decent shot at their 17th :toast

10-03-2012, 07:05 PM
Spurfan didn't really "accept" Jim's TOSB status, it was shoved down your throats. Jimmy boy is beyond done.

Jimmy boy is good enough to take his team to the early rounds of the playoffs... you know, like you boi Kobe.

The only question with the flaccid mamba is if he's going to jump into dwight's coattail and ride the wave or lose his team another season...

10-03-2012, 07:20 PM
Jimmy boy is good enough to take his team to the early rounds of the playoffs... you know, like you boi Kobe.

Not gonna hate tbh. Let spurfan celebrate their regular season championships and WCF banners :toast

The only question with the flaccid mamba is if he's going to jump into dwight's coattail and ride the wave or lose his team another season...

Wishful thinking won't make the spurs better or the Lakers worse. The reality is, the Lakers have a pretty good team right now, certainly better than the team they had the last couple of seasons and that's a fact. I like their chances tbh.

10-03-2012, 07:27 PM
Not gonna hate tbh. Let spurfan celebrate their regular season championships and WCF banners :toast

Wishful thinking won't make the spurs better or the Lakers worse. The reality is, the Lakers have a pretty good team right now, certainly better than the team they had the last couple of seasons and that's a fact. I like their chances tbh.

Now that's intelligent thinking. :toast

10-03-2012, 07:31 PM
Now that's intelligent thinking. :toast

So you were saying Nike is responsible for Kobe's successful career :lmao spurfan :lmao

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-03-2012, 07:34 PM
racm embodies the gnsf state of mind:lol

10-03-2012, 07:35 PM
Not gonna hate tbh. Let spurfan celebrate their regular season championships and WCF banners :toast

We take what we can get, tbh... watching them in the WCFs certainly beats the view from the fishing boat...

Wishful thinking won't make the spurs better or the Lakers worse. The reality is, the Lakers have a pretty good team right now, certainly better than the team they had the last couple of seasons and that's a fact. I like their chances tbh.

Wishing has nothing to do with it, tbh. Lakers had a pretty good team last season too (Gasol/Bynum? I'll take them). The problem is the cancer that cares more about record-chasing than the team. I'd like their chances too if Kobe actually does what he preaches (like Ash pointed out)

10-03-2012, 09:06 PM
Never really expected so many people proving my theory to be true.

Thanks guys.

10-04-2012, 03:05 PM
ambchang's hatred of Kobe is so visceral

I have repeated this many many times, I do not hate Kobe. In fact, I would have loved to have Kobe with the Spurs during his prime, or maybe even now. I think Kobe will be an upgrade over Manu Ginobili playing a supporting role to Duncan during the mid 00's, and that the Spurs will be almost unbeatable with him as a SG.

The issue I have is just that Kobe is overrated. His accomplishments put him in the top 15 in the history of the league, his talent puts him in the top 25 (probably top 20, but I am too lazy to list out everyone), and he was overrated because of the following factors:
1) Revisionist history
2) Continuous marketing push (tied to point 3)
3) He played for the Lakers, which is a team with a rich history, huge market, and glitz and glamour galore.
4) He was an extremely athletic player
5) He played for multiple very well-built teams, but kept getting individual glory for team accomplishments

It is point 1, 2, and 5 that I hate

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-04-2012, 03:14 PM
You don't hate Kobe, and OJ didn't kill Nicole andRon.

10-04-2012, 03:18 PM
I have repeated this many many times, I do not hate Kobe. In fact, I would have loved to have Kobe with the Spurs during his prime, or maybe even now. I think Kobe will be an upgrade over Manu Ginobili playing a supporting role to Duncan during the mid 00's, and that the Spurs will be almost unbeatable with him as a SG.

The issue I have is just that Kobe is overrated. His accomplishments put him in the top 15 in the history of the league, his talent puts him in the top 25 (probably top 20, but I am too lazy to list out everyone), and he was overrated because of the following factors:
1) Revisionist history
2) Continuous marketing push (tied to point 3)
3) He played for the Lakers, which is a team with a rich history, huge market, and glitz and glamour galore.
4) He was an extremely athletic player
5) He played for multiple very well-built teams, but kept getting individual glory for team accomplishments

It is point 1, 2, and 5 that I hate

shut the fuck up you gotdam, pussy ass, punk bitch, dick in the booty ass Ho.
U just mad its Kobe 5 and Duncan 4
Furthermore has Duncan ever played with Kwame Brown, Smush Parker, Chucky Atkins, Brian Cook, and Luke Walton?

Gtfoh u playa hating bitch.

10-04-2012, 05:18 PM
The mirror thread to this would be "Kool already implying that he's going to continue taking too many cocks"

10-05-2012, 09:22 AM
I am not trying to convince you guys I don't hate Kobe, I don't care either way, but I would like to tell the truth, and it seems like Kobe fans can't handle the truth, so instead of responding in a mature, well thought out manner, you guys just go into these offensive, profanity-laced insults.

We are civilized people here, and while I understand some of you are just Kobe fans, and the concept of civility is foreign to you, after so many years of hanging out in Spurstalk, one of the most intelligent basketball forums there is, you guys should have the ability to leave some of your barbaric raw instincts behind, and stop acting like savages.

I am sorry for you, I really do. But on the other hand, I felt that I am really wishing for someone to have some sort of bi-polar disorder, because, at the end of it, those who overrate Kobe and put him in the top 10 of all time, or the best there was since Jordan, are, by definition, ill-informed, ignorant, and in a simple word, sheep. To expect sheep to act with civility, use his/her brains to analyze situations and not let the media sway you blindly is perhaps something too much to ask, like asking an ape to work a computer.

10-05-2012, 09:06 PM
I am not trying to convince you guys I don't hate Kobe, I don't care either way, but I would like to tell the truth, and it seems like Kobe fans can't handle the truth, so instead of responding in a mature, well thought out manner, you guys just go into these offensive, profanity-laced insults.

We are civilized people here, and while I understand some of you are just Kobe fans, and the concept of civility is foreign to you, after so many years of hanging out in Spurstalk, one of the most intelligent basketball forums there is, you guys should have the ability to leave some of your barbaric raw instincts behind, and stop acting like savages.

I am sorry for you, I really do. But on the other hand, I felt that I am really wishing for someone to have some sort of bi-polar disorder, because, at the end of it, those who overrate Kobe and put him in the top 10 of all time, or the best there was since Jordan, are, by definition, ill-informed, ignorant, and in a simple word, sheep. To expect sheep to act with civility, use his/her brains to analyze situations and not let the media sway you blindly is perhaps something too much to ask, like asking an ape to work a computer. Nice reply, I enjoyed reading everything :toast Your so awesome dude, show me yo face so I can prove the fact that you don't look like that ugly ape.

10-05-2012, 11:18 PM
You will likely be disappointed.

10-05-2012, 11:29 PM
Kobe is pretty much the perfect example of "right place, right time".

10-06-2012, 08:53 AM
Bb, couldn't have put it better. Kobe is a unique player in the sense that he is an amalgamation of multiple players. In any other organization, and I mean a team who does not have the tradition and attraction as the lakers franchise and a good if not great management, you are looking at a player with a combination of Vince carter, Karl Malone and John Havlicek.

Carter because of his athletic ability, slashing and generally extremely entertaining, if somewhat inefficient game.
Malone because of his longevity and elbows, as well as the ability to take his teammates credit away.
Havlicek because of his longevity and his drive to continuously improve his game. Additionally, the ability to play 2nd banana as well as "leading" loAded teams to rings.

Venti Quattro
10-06-2012, 09:17 AM
Kobe is pretty much the perfect example of "right place, right time".

That's rich to say from a fan of an entire city and an entire franchise laid on the foundation of "right place, right time".

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-06-2012, 09:19 AM
That's rich to say from a fan of an entire city and an entire franchise laid on the foundation of "right place, right time".

BOOM. Headshot.

10-06-2012, 10:38 AM
That's rich to say from a fan of an entire city and an entire franchise laid on the foundation of "right place, right time".

He'd be shit without the Lakers and Phil and you fuckin know it.

Also I didn't know that my team being fortunate enough to land Duncan had anything to do with it.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-06-2012, 10:43 AM
He'd be shit without the Lakers and Phil and you fuckin know it.

Also I didn't know that my team being fortunate enough to land Duncan had anything to do with it.
He's simply matching one "what if?" to another. If the Spurs hadn't lucked out in the draft (aided by tanking, though) then they would have zero rings.

Hypotheticals are fun, and make great bases for arguments.

10-06-2012, 10:48 AM
He's simply matching one "what if?" to another. If the Spurs hadn't lucked out in the draft (aided by tanking, though) then they would have zero rings.

Hypotheticals are fun, and make great bases for arguments.

Hypotheticals are all there is to talk about in this sub forum when there's no basketball being played.

That and laughing at whatever new player the Spurs have acquired that everyone upstairs jizzes over(surprisingly not too many Eddy Curry slurpers).

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-06-2012, 10:56 AM
Hypotheticals are all there is to talk about in this sub forum when there's no basketball being played.

That and laughing at whatever new player the Spurs have acquired that everyone upstairs jizzes over(surprisingly not too many Eddy Curry slurpers).
Trade me Gronk

10-06-2012, 10:59 AM
Trade me Gronk

What kind of offer can you make, tbh?

Ryan Fitzpatrick
10-06-2012, 11:01 AM
:DI have one Cedric Benson that might interest you...throw in Owen Daniels too. The way i sees it, teams are keying on Gronk now and he's got a bum hip.

10-06-2012, 11:11 AM
:DI have one Cedric Benson that might interest you...throw in Owen Daniels too. The way i sees it, teams are keying on Gronk now and he's got a bum hip.

Rather have Cruz/Benson.....:lol

Clipper Nation
07-22-2013, 01:47 PM
Deep down inside spurfan wishes Jim was a more selfish player because the reality is, relying on scrubs and fatasses won't get the job done.

But at this point TOSB is done, he couldn't be selfish even if he wanted to :lmao
:lmao Duncan = rennaissance season, trip to the Finals, swept the Lakers
:lmao Kirby = The Achilles

07-22-2013, 01:49 PM
:lmao Duncan = rennaissance season, trip to the Finals, swept the Lakers
:lmao Kirby = The Achilles

Flop City's best season and Lakers worst season both ending in the 1st round :lmao

Clipper Nation
07-22-2013, 01:51 PM
Lakerfan spending 90% of his posts talking about the supposedly irrelevant Clippers :lol

Clipper Nation
07-22-2013, 01:53 PM
Not gonna hate tbh. Let spurfan celebrate their regular season championships and WCF banners :toast

Wishful thinking won't make the spurs better or the Lakers worse. The reality is, the Lakers have a pretty good team right now, certainly better than the team they had the last couple of seasons and that's a fact. I like their chances tbh.
:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao

07-22-2013, 01:54 PM
Grizzlies are in the Clippers rear view mirror.

Clippers match up well with OKC and the Heat and could definitely win it all this season.