View Full Version : Suspicious Strangers

10-12-2012, 03:13 PM
I've seen some suspicious people walking around my neighborhood. They seem to look into windows, knock on doors to see who's in the house and stuff. Today, I had some random person knock on my door and asked if my father was home (told him he was, to not make it seem that I was alone in the house. After I told him he just left without saying anything else). I do worry at times thinking that these guys may be burglars looking to see which houses to rob. My question is, have you seen stuff like this before in your neighborhood, if so what do you do.

10-12-2012, 03:20 PM
I've seen some suspicious people walking around my neighborhood. They seem to look into windows, knock on doors to see who's in the house and stuff. Today, I had some random person knock on my door and asked if my father was home (told him he was, to not make it seem that I was alone in the house). I do worry at times thinking that these guys may be burglars looking to see which houses to rob. My question is, have you seen stuff like this before in your neighborhood, if so what do you do.

When you told Random Guy that your father was home what did he say/do?

10-12-2012, 03:22 PM
He didn't say anything he just left.

10-12-2012, 03:32 PM
He didn't say anything he just left.

After they leave, can you remember what they looked like? Or does the memory of their image begin to blur as soon as they leave?

10-12-2012, 03:32 PM
i leave my door slightly open.

i like to encourage intruders.

10-12-2012, 03:35 PM
After they leave, can you remember what they looked like? Or does the memory of their image begin to blur as soon as they leave?
He was a black man wearing a button down shirt and slacks. He was wearing a yellow tie as well.

10-12-2012, 03:35 PM
Was he wearing a hoodie?

10-12-2012, 03:35 PM

10-12-2012, 03:37 PM
I've seen some suspicious people walking around my neighborhood. They seem to look into windows, knock on doors to see who's in the house and stuff. Today, I had some random person knock on my door and asked if my father was home (told him he was, to not make it seem that I was alone in the house. After I told him he just left without saying anything else). I do worry at times thinking that these guys may be burglars looking to see which houses to rob. My question is, have you seen stuff like this before in your neighborhood, if so what do you do.

Call George Zimmerman. He will take care of it for you.

10-12-2012, 03:38 PM
BTW I don't believe that he was a business man, he wasn't trying to sell me anything and all he wanted to know was who was in the house.

10-12-2012, 03:42 PM
Maybe he's just looking for sex.

10-12-2012, 03:44 PM
He was a black man wearing a button down shirt and slacks. He was wearing a yellow tie as well.

no...I mean can you remember his actual facial details?

10-12-2012, 03:45 PM
He didn't say anything he just left.

Well in that case you might have a problem, obviously he wasn't there to see your dad so why ask for him? Do you own any dogs? If you do I leave them out front for awhile, tie them to something if you have to. I'm assuming they bark.

10-12-2012, 03:45 PM
BTW I don't believe that he was a business man, he wasn't trying to sell me anything

and as you mentioned, he was black.

10-12-2012, 03:45 PM
I found an online photo of your suspect. This man should be considered armed and dangerous.


10-12-2012, 03:48 PM
Well in that case you might have a problem, obviously he wasn't there to see your dad so why ask for him? Do you own any dogs?
I have a minature poodle

10-12-2012, 03:50 PM

10-12-2012, 03:51 PM
I found an online photo of your suspect. This man should be considered armed and dangerous.

He kinda looked like that but he was wearing earings and not a suit. Also his tie had some design figures on it.

10-12-2012, 03:59 PM
They may be religious zealots, did they have backpacks on and water bottles in their hands?

10-12-2012, 04:01 PM
They may be religious zealots, did they have backpacks on and water bottles in their hands?
No, he didn't have a backpack on, he wasn't holding anything either.

10-12-2012, 04:20 PM
can't a muthafucka make a livin without you peepin out your gotdamn windows all the gotdam time.

10-12-2012, 04:22 PM
can't a muthafucka make a livin without you peepin out your gotdamn windows all the gotdam time. :rollin

10-12-2012, 05:26 PM
I have a minature poodle

I wasn't actually talking about a dog to protect you I was talking about just what you have if it barks it's head off like most little dogs do. Nothing is more annoying than a dog that won't shut up, they would change a crooks mind.

10-12-2012, 05:42 PM
yeah people do that shit whenever they're casing houses to rob. ask him what's his business and why he wants to know, if he won't tell you/seems shady then get loud tell him you're pistol packin and he better not come the fuck back or you'll blow his head off.

10-12-2012, 05:49 PM
yeah people do that shit whenever they're casing houses to rob. ask him what's his business and why he wants to know, if he won't tell you/seems shady then get loud tell him you're pistol packin and he better not come the fuck back or you'll blow his head off. Yea, luckly I have a pistol ready in my house just in case anything happens. I appreciate the help.

10-12-2012, 05:53 PM
yeah people do that shit whenever they're casing houses to rob. ask him what's his business and why he wants to know, if he won't tell you/seems shady then get loud tell him you're pistol packin and he better not come the fuck back or you'll blow his head off.

O hell yes that will work, why not just go ahead and piss some stupid punk off. What a retarted thing to tell somebody.

I don't want no trouble so beat it or I'll blow your ass away....hahahaha!!!!!!

10-12-2012, 05:55 PM
he's already casing out his house, what's he going to do be really polite and nice in hopes that the guy decides against robbing him and wants to become his friend instead? shut the fuck up you pussy bitch. your act sucks whether it's here, or in the nfl forum. nobody likes you anywhere you post so stop.

10-12-2012, 06:03 PM
he's already casing out his house, what's he going to do be really polite and nice in hopes that the guy decides against robbing him and wants to become his friend instead? shut the fuck up you pussy bitch. your act sucks whether it's here, or in the nfl forum. nobody likes you anywhere you post so stop.

Like you cock sucker I'm not here to make buddies, nobody likes your retarted ass either so fuck you. You don't go around telling people to jump bad on some punk at your door, that is fucking stupid but you are too fucking retarted to see that. You suck asshole.

silverblk mystix
10-12-2012, 06:05 PM
An inmate told me once that he was paid 1,000 bux cash a week to walk through neighbor hoods in the daytime and walk up to a house...ring the doorbell or knock. If no answer, he would kick the door down and run to the corner.

If no one came out...he would call his buddies and they would burglarize the house.

I have a no soliciting sign on my door....if someone knocks, I usually don't answer to see what they are up to...I am still waiting for someone to fuck up and break my door down.

10-12-2012, 06:06 PM
"retarted" gmafb you fucking retard. he was casing out his house..i said ask him what he needs first, react second. this mr upstanding pussy act sucks worse than the track/football trivia shtick. nobody gives a fuck if you'd let a bitch beat your ass or let your house get robbed. go fuck off and die on another forum.

10-12-2012, 06:07 PM
An inmate told me once that he was paid 1,000 bux cash a week to walk through neighbor hoods in the daytime and walk up to a house...ring the doorbell or knock. If no answer, he would kick the door down and run to the corner.

If no one came out...he would call his buddies and they would burglarize the house.

I have a no soliciting sign on my door....if someone knocks, I usually don't answer to see what they are up to...I am still waiting for someone to fuck up and break my door down.

exactly, people really do this. avante is old as shit and doesn't understand how the world works in 2012.

silverblk mystix
10-12-2012, 06:07 PM
"retarted" gmafb you fucking retard. he was casing out his house..i said ask him what he needs first, react second. this mr upstanding pussy act sucks worse than the track/football trivia shtick. nobody gives a fuck if you'd let a bitch beat your ass or let your house get robbed. go fuck off and die on another forum.

u mad? :lol

10-12-2012, 06:08 PM
^avante sucks buddy, it's our duty to let him know that

silverblk mystix
10-12-2012, 06:10 PM
^avante sucks buddy, it's our duty to let him know that

sorry bro, Avante is cool in my book...:lol

10-12-2012, 06:11 PM
^avante sucks buddy, it's our duty to let him know that
I see, I'm new to the forum so I don't really know anyone.

10-12-2012, 06:12 PM
just vist the nfl forum he gets treated like a bitch in there

10-12-2012, 06:13 PM
just vist the nfl forum he gets treated like a bitch in there
:rollin I've noticed.

10-12-2012, 06:14 PM
"retarted" gmafb you fucking retard. he was casing out his house..i said ask him what he needs first, react second. this mr upstanding pussy act sucks worse than the track/football trivia shtick. nobody gives a fuck if you'd let a bitch beat your ass or let your house get robbed. go fuck off and die on another forum.

Spoken like a true dumbass as usual, you are beyond stupid asshole not a clue what's going on in real life, this tought guy bullshit you play is totally retarted. Listen up dumbass, the last thing youi wannsa do is let them know you are on to them, if you don't think so I wouldn't be surprised. You do not give these freaks any reason to remember you. Keep in mind idiot we really don't know what we are dealing with here. Now run along sonny, go play mini bully someplace else.

10-12-2012, 06:16 PM
^avante sucks buddy, it's our duty to let him know that

Could it be I'm not some 19 year old dumbass punk like so many of you?

10-12-2012, 06:17 PM
exactly, people really do this. avante is old as shit and doesn't understand how the world works in 2012.

Am I not living 2012 like everyone else, are you really that stupid?

10-12-2012, 06:18 PM
no...I mean can you remember his actual facial details? Don't remember much of his facial details.

10-12-2012, 06:18 PM

10-12-2012, 06:19 PM
just vist the nfl forum he gets treated like a bitch in there

They need me to come down to their level and I refuse to, that simple shit bores me.

Wild Cobra
10-12-2012, 07:00 PM
Keep a camera ready and take pictures on a regular basis. Preferable both video and hi res.

10-12-2012, 07:08 PM
Keep a camera ready and take pictures on a regular basis. Preferable both video and hi res.
Yea, will do.

10-12-2012, 08:18 PM
kinda disappointed by how this thread went.. some posters need to chill out...

What part of SA did this occur? can we stay in topic?

10-12-2012, 08:54 PM
kinda disappointed by how this thread went.. some posters need to chill out...

What part of SA did this occur? can we stay in topic?
It happens. I don't like to say the exact part, but in the deerfield area.

10-13-2012, 11:00 AM
lol avante. this is texas you fucking idiot. if some negrobeast is OBVIOUSLY casing houses in your neighborhood and asks a question that makes no sense (obviously trying to see if youre alone or just making up some shit to not seem as suspicious) then you ask him what the fuck business is it of his as to inquire, and if he can't give you a good answer, you let him know you got a mossberg in your closet. you really think they're going to break into your house after that? god damn you're stupid :lol

bus driver
10-15-2012, 08:43 AM
had a person knock on my door once, started to tie up my PB in front of the house with a sign that read beware of dog then no more knocks on the door.
but every so often when i am in the garage there will be a brave soul that will come up but my PB gets their attention will quick.

10-16-2012, 05:59 AM
lol avante. this is texas you fucking idiot. if some negrobeast is OBVIOUSLY casing houses in your neighborhood and asks a question that makes no sense (obviously trying to see if youre alone or just making up some shit to not seem as suspicious) then you ask him what the fuck business is it of his as to inquire, and if he can't give you a good answer, you let him know you got a mossberg in your closet. you really think they're going to break into your house after that? god damn you're stupid :lol

10-16-2012, 07:18 AM
lol avante. this is texas you fucking idiot. if some negrobeast is OBVIOUSLY casing houses in your neighborhood and asks a question that makes no sense (obviously trying to see if youre alone or just making up some shit to not seem as suspicious) then you ask him what the fuck business is it of his as to inquire, and if he can't give you a good answer, you let him know you got a mossberg in your closet. you really think they're going to break into your house after that? god damn you're stupid :lol

"I've got guns in my closet. Feel free to come back and steal them when I'm not here."

10-16-2012, 07:45 AM
The dude was more than likely going to break in and rob at some point. The fact that he just took off and didn't saying a thing means something. In that case, you gotta stand by your fort in arms.
Avante, what do you suppose one ought to do? Just let things be as is? This is probably one of the more moronic things I've ever seen you post.

10-16-2012, 10:07 AM
"I've got guns in my closet. Feel free to come back and steal them when I'm not here."

Exactly what I was thinking.

Suspicious people walking around your neighborhood, you call the police. They knock on your door, get your gun at the ready, ask them to state their business. If response is stupid, tell them to leave, plain and simple. If they ask a leading question like if your father is home or some other round-about way of knowing if youre home alone, you have a choice to make.

1. Tell them yes, youre home alone and know he just might try and enter right then and there (or come back in a bit, basically youre using yourself as bait)
2. Tell them no, you are not home alone and hope that is enough of a deterrent to them.

10-16-2012, 10:20 AM
True story;

I guy I never spoke to in high school was tortured and murdered by random burglars.

I am fuzzy on the details this many years later, but the gist went like this.

A couple up north in rural Michigan were taken in as strays by some poor soul. They killed him, robbed him and stole his truck. They took the truck to Clinton Township, MI, which is a suburb of Detroit. They picked a person out randomly to kidnap and take hostage. It was this guy from high school at a convenience store (or some shit, cant remember).

They took him back to his own house and had him call his wife to come home immediately. This...pussy loser actually did what he was told. Wife came home, was immediately accosted. They were both tied up to chairs. The kidnappers had no intention for them, only that they wanted a place to stay for awhile (their house) and didnt want anyone to inquire at the house. Thus, the reason they wanted both of them in the house so they could buy time.

(this is where my memory is pretty good)

Anyway, kidnappers suck at killing. Apparently, they didnt have the guts to cut anyone's throat or shoot them in the head, so they tried strangling them both to death...separately, basically as the other one watched. One passed out and the other was next (they thought he was dead). So they strangled her, she did die. He woke up a while later and they tried again. He woke up again. Someone was diabetic in the house, so they grabbed the needle, filled it with bleach and injected him multiple times and beat him with objects trying to kill him. Apparently, it took a looooooong time to kill him this way. But he did end up dying.

Moral of the story; Do not do what youre told by kidnappers when it requires you involving someone else in your plight. Especially a loved one. I thought that to be obvious. Moreover, never open your main door to anyone you dont know. Address through a window or equivalent. The human brain has spent thousands of years perfecting its sense of danger, its why your peripheral vision is so sensitive to movement, why you react to anything that crosses it unexpectedly. Thats why you get gut feelings, feel that something isnt right. Trust your damn instincts.

If alarm bells are going off as you watch people walking around your neighborhood, raise a fucking alarm. Whats the problem with being wrong? You look like an over reactive neighbor that doesnt like strangers doing strange things? Trust your damn instincts. Act of them accordingly.

10-16-2012, 10:34 AM
Lets see how damaged my memory is.


Had it backwards. They killed the couple first, then killed the old guy up north.

silverblk mystix
10-16-2012, 10:37 AM
True story;

I guy I never spoke to in high school was tortured and murdered by random burglars.

I am fuzzy on the details this many years later, but the gist went like this.

A couple up north in rural Michigan were taken in as strays by some poor soul. They killed him, robbed him and stole his truck. They took the truck to Clinton Township, MI, which is a suburb of Detroit. They picked a person out randomly to kidnap and take hostage. It was this guy from high school at a convenience store (or some shit, cant remember).

They took him back to his own house and had him call his wife to come home immediately. This...pussy loser actually did what he was told. Wife came home, was immediately accosted. They were both tied up to chairs. The kidnappers had no intention for them, only that they wanted a place to stay for awhile (their house) and didnt want anyone to inquire at the house. Thus, the reason they wanted both of them in the house so they could buy time.

(this is where my memory is pretty good)

Anyway, kidnappers suck at killing. Apparently, they didnt have the guts to cut anyone's throat or shoot them in the head, so they tried strangling them both to death...separately, basically as the other one watched. One passed out and the other was next (they thought he was dead). So they strangled her, she did die. He woke up a while later and they tried again. He woke up again. Someone was diabetic in the house, so they grabbed the needle, filled it with bleach and injected him multiple times and beat him with objects trying to kill him. Apparently, it took a looooooong time to kill him this way. But he did end up dying.

Moral of the story; Do not do what youre told by kidnappers when it requires you involving someone else in your plight. Especially a loved one. I thought that to be obvious. Moreover, never open your main door to anyone you dont know. Address through a window or equivalent. The human brain has spent thousands of years perfecting its sense of danger, its why your peripheral vision is so sensitive to movement, why you react to anything that crosses it unexpectedly. Thats why you get gut feelings, feel that something isnt right. Trust your damn instincts.

If alarm bells are going off as you watch people walking around your neighborhood, raise a fucking alarm. Whats the problem with being wrong? You look like an over reactive neighbor that doesnt like strangers doing strange things? Trust your damn instincts. Act of them accordingly.

Some good & obvious points.

Also- when someone calls you and begins asking questions- I never answer. I ask them who is this? Why are you calling?
If they ask, is this the ____ residence? I say- you tell me-- you dialed the number.

I also leave and return to my house from different directions- or take different routes and try to be as unpredictable as I can. Sometimes I leave both cars garaged and out of view, sometimes 1 outside- 1 garaged, etc...

If someone knocks on my door (even though I have no soliciting signs posted) and I do decide to answer, I grill them and ask them to provide me with an ID or a number so I can call their company and confirm who they are and what is their business...

they don't like this and usually think twice before returning.