View Full Version : Explain to me how Roe v. Wade will be overturned if Willard is elected

10-14-2012, 12:22 AM
I hear about this shit all the time and it's really pathetic and annoying. I am not an expert on the Constitution or how laws get passed and/or overturned. I just want someone to explain to me how abortion is going to get banned nationwide if Romney is elected next month. I want to know because apparently Obama koolaid drinkers and liberals honestly believe that abortion will be banned nationwide if Romney is elected.
I want someone to explain to me the process of how that would work. Does Congress vote on it or does the Supreme Court just flat out say "that shit is overturned"? And if Congress votes on it, wouldn't the GOP have to have a majority for Willard to sign it into law? Personally, I don't think Roe V. Wade will be overturned any time soon. I just want to know the process of how it could be overturned. I think abortion is going to still be legal for a long long time because it's basically a non issue. It's an issue that the GOP and Democratic Party use as a distraction so people will talk about it and not focus on the more important things which are jobs and the economy. The same could be said for gay marriage. Let's be honest most politicians don't give a shit about either abortion or gay marriage because those trivial issues won't decide elections.

Wild Cobra
10-14-2012, 12:28 AM
It's called scare tactics.

10-14-2012, 12:32 AM
The rationale behind that is that the executive selects the SCOTUS members should any of them retire/passes away/etc... The high court already has somewhat of a conservative leaning, but if you were to replace one of the more liberal leaning justices with another conservative, it would allegedly turn into a decidedly conservative court, which means another challenge to Roe vs Wade might not survive scrutiny from *that* potential SCOTUS.

Now, obviously, it's all an exercise in futurology, and there's no guarantee any of that would happen. I'm just explaining you what I understand as the rationale behind that claim.

10-14-2012, 01:20 AM
It won't be overturned. Williard's camp is the one that brings it up. Its not the other way around. The religious right makes this an issue. You think women's groups make it an issue considering they already have freedom of choice? Which side is always passing legislation regarding abortion? Its the GOP. Forced sonograms etc etc.

10-14-2012, 01:35 AM
Isn't it the fault of the Democrats for the SOCTUS leaning conservative since there have only been 2 presidents from the Democratic Party in the last 30 years? Democrats need to stop fucking losing all the damn time.

Clipper Nation
10-14-2012, 01:37 AM
It's called scare tactics.
It's also wishful thinking from the neocon Jeebotard GOP....

10-14-2012, 01:48 AM
So why do koolaid drinking liberals and neocons fall for the scare tactics? I mean hasn't the talk of overturning Roe v. Wade been around every since it was created? And nothing has been done to ban abortions nationwide. I don't want to hear about states making women do stupid crazy shit just so they can kill their unwanted unborn baby. So you have to do something that you don't want to do in order to get your way, who the fuck cares? You still are going to kill your unborn baby at the end of the day. Be happy about that and shut the fuck up.

10-14-2012, 01:54 AM
Isn't it the fault of the Democrats for the SOCTUS leaning conservative since there have only been 2 presidents from the Democratic Party in the last 30 years? Democrats need to stop fucking losing all the damn time.

I mean, in the last 20 years, Dems have been in power in the exec. branch for 12, which is more than half. Soon to be 16/24.

Justices will probably retire or die soon, so we'll see the court swing left for sure in that case. Scalia, of course, will hang on to his seat 'til the bitter end, but he's pretty old and as I have heard he's in poor health.

10-14-2012, 02:02 AM
Isn't it the fault of the Democrats for the SOCTUS leaning conservative since there have only been 2 presidents from the Democratic Party in the last 30 years? Democrats need to stop fucking losing all the damn time.

AFAIK, Democrats don't really have an issue with Roe vs Wade.

10-14-2012, 02:54 AM
Democrats aren't falling for scare tactics since they're not the ones running on the issue. I don't think you understand that.

10-14-2012, 04:21 AM
There are a few things that get or lose votes consistently: raising taxes, abortion issues, entitlements, welfare, jobs. There are people who only hear those things just as a dog only hears his name. When those things are said, people get riled. Tell an elderly person the candidate will cut their social security or medicare and see what happens. Politicians know this and it's the "easy button" they just cannot avoid pressing even though their campaign up to that point has been about change and honesty and transparency and all that other bullshit.

10-14-2012, 08:00 AM
An abortion case goes to SCOTUS. SCOTUS accepts the case and votes 5-4 to overturn R v W as violating the Constitution. Exec and legislative out of the loop.

Pretty much how Citizens United happened.

"corporations are people, my friend".

Money is Corporate-American 1st-amendment-protected speech. And Kennedy said there is no chance for corruption because of the transparency, and Corporate-Americans can be trusted. :lol

10-14-2012, 10:27 AM
Democrats aren't falling for scare tactics since they're not the ones running on the issue. I don't think you understand that.

:lol seriously, more stupidity from gaycob. Republicans are the ones who promise to overturn Roe v. Wade in order to get bible beater votes knowing that they'll never overturn it. The day Roe v. Wade is overturned is the day bible beaters stop giving enough of a shit to keep voting Republican.

10-14-2012, 01:03 PM
:lol seriously, more stupidity from gaycob. Republicans are the ones who promise to overturn Roe v. Wade in order to get bible beater votes knowing that they'll never overturn it. The day Roe v. Wade is overturned is the day bible beaters stop giving enough of a shit to keep voting Republican.

Why do you want to kill babies? Why do you hate God?

baseline bum
10-14-2012, 01:18 PM
Why do you want to kill babies? Why do you hate God?

:cry You're asking the guy whose people put god up on that cross why he hates Him? :cry

10-14-2012, 05:08 PM
:cry You're asking the guy whose people put god up on that cross why he hates Him? :cry

Oh yeah, nm.

10-14-2012, 06:00 PM
:lol seriously, more stupidity from gaycob. Republicans are the ones who promise to overturn Roe v. Wade in order to get bible beater votes knowing that they'll never overturn it. The day Roe v. Wade is overturned is the day bible beaters stop giving enough of a shit to keep voting Republican.

Nope there is fear mongering on the other side too, all these women vote Obama because "I don't want to lose my rights as a woman :cry"

Yeah, that was a real facebook status. Democrats really think if Romney gets in that abortion will be outlawed..it most certainly goes both ways.

10-14-2012, 06:21 PM
^Keep telling yourself that.

When Republicans run on the platform of overturning Roe v. Wade, Democrats don't exactly need to do any fear mongering. Republicans do it themselves.

So are you now completely out of the closet as a die hard Mitt Romney fan?

10-14-2012, 06:47 PM
^Keep telling yourself that.

I will tbh.

10-14-2012, 07:16 PM
A lot of conservatives think it will be overturned if Willard is elected too. It wouldn't be such a reliable every-4-years wedge issue if not.

10-14-2012, 09:08 PM
Nope there is fear mongering on the other side too, all these women vote Obama because "I don't want to lose my rights as a woman :cry"

Yeah, that was a real facebook status. Democrats really think if Romney gets in that abortion will be outlawed..it most certainly goes both ways.

There's more to women's rights than just abortion.

10-14-2012, 10:50 PM
I just laugh at people think that abortion will banned and gay people will die if Willard is elected. It's hilarious to me that people are that stupid to buy the bullshit that the talking heads are selling. Dummy evil Bush was president for 8 years and abortion was still legal in America while he was president.

10-14-2012, 10:54 PM
Whottts funny is Bush got reelected specifically because bible beaters in this country were under the impression he would make abortion illegal.

10-14-2012, 11:00 PM
^ Not to mention that the last time Congress tried to pass a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage was indeed during Bush's second term (2006)

10-14-2012, 11:07 PM
Didn't happen though. States should be allowed to have their marriage laws. If you don't like that, move to a state where the marriage laws make you happy.

10-14-2012, 11:21 PM
I thought this wasn't a real issue for you... :rolleyes

10-14-2012, 11:38 PM
Well if I'm being completely honest, no. Do I cry myself to sleep at night if unborn babies are killed? No. Do I weep every time two men have sex and/or get married? No. I honestly don't care either way. I just thought it was interesting how Obama koolaid drinkers and Willard koolaid drinkers worry about trivial shit like gay marriage and abortion. It's like those two issues are the most important ones and more important than the economy and job creation. I think survival is the only thing that most humans truely care about because death is the only thing that humans cannot escape. Yes, I know it's harsh, cruel, and vain but it's nature.

10-14-2012, 11:47 PM
Well for gay people gay marriage would be a pretty important issue.

Just like how job creation is an important issue for psychology majors who look for a government to provide them low-skill labor opportunities.

10-15-2012, 12:19 AM
Well if I'm being completely honest, no. Do I cry myself to sleep at night if unborn babies are killed? No. Do I weep every time two men have sex and/or get married? No. I honestly don't care either way. I just thought it was interesting how Obama koolaid drinkers and Willard koolaid drinkers worry about trivial shit like gay marriage and abortion. It's like those two issues are the most important ones and more important than the economy and job creation. I think survival is the only thing that most humans truely care about because death is the only thing that humans cannot escape. Yes, I know it's harsh, cruel, and vain but it's nature.

I agree they're overrated issues. They're just successful to wedge and reel in votes. If you actually look at poll data though, they're nowhere near as important as other issues like the economy.

baseline bum
10-15-2012, 12:32 AM
I agree they're overrated issues. They're just successful to wedge and reel in votes. If you actually look at poll data though, they're nowhere near as important as other issues like the economy.

We already know neither candidate is going to do anything positive for the economy.

Latarian Milton
10-15-2012, 01:07 AM
bitches should never have the right to make decisions on unborn babies' fates, the right belongs to their biological fathers, or the government if the bitches are too dumb to even know whom they got impregnated by. bitches are given the chances to decide whether or not to have babies when they're asked to have sex with guys, which they have the right to decline. it's an automatic "yes" choice when they stretch their legs out and expose their crotches with panties gone imho

10-15-2012, 02:21 AM
To be honest, I'm only working my current job so I can sleep in a bed in a house/duplex at night. Like I said, it's about survival.

I think it sucks that homos can't get married but if I'm being honest, I'm not going to go out of my way to make sure they can get married. I am not passionate about the issue so I don't really care that much about it. The same goes for abortion. Homos and abortion don't affect me.

10-15-2012, 03:31 AM
To be honest, I'm only working my current job so I can sleep in a bed in a house/duplex at night. Like I said, it's about survival.

I think it sucks that homos can't get married but if I'm being honest, I'm not going to go out of my way to make sure they can get married. I am not passionate about the issue so I don't really care that much about it. The same goes for abortion. Homos and abortion don't affect me.

Yeah agreed, doesn't really affect me in any way at all nevertheless I hope they both become legal. If there was a real separation of church and state like there should be in a secular state it would have happened already tbh

10-15-2012, 08:23 AM
AFAIK, Democrats don't really have an issue with Roe vs Wade.

I agree. The case that concerns most liberals would be Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. This case put more limitations on abortion. I do disagree with Manny though. I heard several people raise the issue at the democratic convention that they needed to re-elect the president so that left-leaning judges would be nominated to the bench. A president’s legacy can be greatly affected by the judged they appoint. Look to John Adams and Andrew Jackson as early examples of chief judges they nominated that greatly altered the Supreme Court and its role.

10-15-2012, 08:40 AM
"Democrats don't really have an issue with Roe vs Wade."

bullshit. Dems and most Americans are pro-choice, and pro-contraception, even Catholics. Bible-thumpers and their Repug exploiters are anti-abortion, and anti-contraception, and anti-health-care for poor women, eg, TX destroying perinatal health care for poor women, which should increase TX abortions from 80K to 100K/year. fucking brilliant.

10-15-2012, 08:58 AM
Top Romney Adviser Calls Romney’s New Abortion Position ‘Completely Consistent’ (http://thinkprogress.org/health/2012/10/15/1009571/romney-adviser-new-abortion-position/)

Mitt Romney changed his stance on abortion in a late appeal to moderate voters last week, saying (http://blogs.desmoinesregister.com/dmr/index.php/2012/10/09/romney-says-abortion-legislation-isnt-part-of-his-agenda), “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.”

Romney’s statement contradicts his pledge earlier this campaign to usher in anti-choice legislation. However, senior Romney adviser Ed Gillespie maintained on Sunday that the candidate has stayed “completely consistent” throughout the campaign.

Senior campaign adviser Ed Gillespie said on Fox News Sunday:

FOX’S CHRIS WALLACE: Why would he say he has no legislative agenda when there are at least two bills we know of that he would sign?

GILLESPIE: He would sign those bills. I think what they were talking about was the economy obviously [...]

WALLACE: He was talking abortion. When he was talking to the Des Moines Register he wasn’t talking about the economy, he was talking about abortion.

GILLESPIE: He has been consistent throughout the campaign. Governor Romney believes that Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided that it should be overturned that the American people should be allowed to adress this very important issue through their elected representatives. He believes there shouldn’t be federal funding for abortion and will act immediately to ensure that is not the case by reversing the Mexico City policy. And he would indeed sign legislation that further protects innocent life. He has been completely consistent here.


Gecko Etch-a-Sketched this way, then that way, then this way, which way is next? :lol

A man of firm moral principle no matter what the consequences (except when $Ms are involved, then ethics, morals, good faith don't apply). :lol

10-15-2012, 09:54 AM
Democrats really think if Romney gets in that abortion will be outlawed..it most certainly goes both ways.

You only get away with doubting that will happen is if you haven't been paying attention.

Roe v. Wade has set a bar that Republican-dominated legislatures have been trying to get over to varying degrees of success for forty years. I could easily offer up the lists of passed and proposed bills to show an active, ready group of state lawmakers eager to outlaw abortion, if not outright, through making it so onerous and burdensome that it is practically outlawed.

The stated goal of people who want to overturn Roe V. Wade to make these laws possible, have plainly and forthrightly stated what they want to do, and intend to do, just as Ryan did in the debate. Again this information is easy to find.

The current split is generally held to be 5-4 to keep it.

Do you think that a Republican president with a chance to appoint 2-3 justices to that court is going to pass on tilting that balance?

10-15-2012, 10:17 AM
You only get away with doubting that will happen is if you haven't been paying attention.

Roe v. Wade has set a bar that Republican-dominated legislatures have been trying to get over to varying degrees of success for forty years. I could easily offer up the lists of passed and proposed bills to show an active, ready group of state lawmakers eager to outlaw abortion, if not outright, through making it so onerous and burdensome that it is practically outlawed.

The stated goal of people who want to overturn Roe V. Wade to make these laws possible, have plainly and forthrightly stated what they want to do, and intend to do, just as Ryan did in the debate. Again this information is easy to find.

The current split is generally held to be 5-4 to keep it.

Do you think that a Republican president with a chance to appoint 2-3 justices to that court is going to pass on tilting that balance?

Who knows? The swing vote has been republican appointed, including in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey.

10-15-2012, 10:20 AM
Who knows? The swing vote has been republican appointed, including in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey.

That is a valid point, however, although you can never be certain, that doesn't mean that people don't try to stack the deck. They do.

Latarian Milton
10-15-2012, 10:43 AM
To be honest, I'm only working my current job so I can sleep in a bed in a house/duplex at night. Like I said, it's about survival.

I think it sucks that homos can't get married but if I'm being honest, I'm not going to go out of my way to make sure they can get married. I am not passionate about the issue so I don't really care that much about it. The same goes for abortion. Homos and abortion don't affect me.
working on a shitty job doesn't give you a better bed to sleep in than not having one would tbh. the fetuses are technically not humans and it's not against humanity to all abortions on them for financial/health or other reasons if necessary, but the decisions shouldn't be made up to women that's my point

Clipper Nation
10-15-2012, 10:46 AM
To be honest, I'm only working my current job so I can sleep in a bed in a house/duplex at night. Like I said, it's about survival.

I think it sucks that homos can't get married but if I'm being honest, I'm not going to go out of my way to make sure they can get married. I am not passionate about the issue so I don't really care that much about it. The same goes for abortion. Homos and abortion don't affect me.
For someone who supposedly doesn't care, you rant an awful lot about "them thar homos tryin' to marry each other," B....

10-15-2012, 11:05 AM
I agree. The case that concerns most liberals would be Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. This case put more limitations on abortion. I do disagree with Manny though. I heard several people raise the issue at the democratic convention that they needed to re-elect the president so that left-leaning judges would be nominated to the bench. A president’s legacy can be greatly affected by the judged they appoint. Look to John Adams and Andrew Jackson as early examples of chief judges they nominated that greatly altered the Supreme Court and its role.

I don't think the limitations upheld per-se are what democrats find 'dangerous'. It's that at least two judges that remain in the SCOTUS (Scalia & Thomas) went on record in that case stating that Roe was decided incorrectly. Which really puts the onus on the court's composition if Roe is to survive.

10-15-2012, 12:24 PM
Do you think that a Republican president with a chance to appoint 2-3 justices to that court is going to pass on tilting that balance?

I think Republican leadership is far less interested in overturning Roe v Wade than they are keeping it a hot button issue every two year election cycle.

10-15-2012, 01:44 PM
Homos is short for homosexuals. If you want to throw the whole "look at this guy, he hates gay people and minorities so let's stone him to death at me" then why I would be working at a place that is full of gay people and minorities? I'm not perfect and I'm not the poster boy for equality or tolerance but I'm not the KKK racist type. I stereotype and make assumptions like everyone else but I'm not a part of the Klan. Thank you.

And again, right now I really only care about being able to sleep in a bed at my place and not starve to death. Yes, I know it's fucked up and probably the reason why I'm still stuck at a shitty job but I'm fucked up in the head. I've made mistake after mistake and those mistakes have put me where I am right now. I was a naive dumbass when I was younger and it has cost me big time.

10-15-2012, 01:49 PM
" I'm fucked up in the head"

Finally, you and I agree 100% on one thing.

10-15-2012, 01:50 PM
" I'm fucked up in the head"

Finally, you and I agree 100% on one thing.

Peas in a pod no doubt.

10-15-2012, 03:07 PM
I don't think the limitations upheld per-se are what democrats find 'dangerous'. It's that at least two judges that remain in the SCOTUS (Scalia & Thomas) went on record in that case stating that Roe was decided incorrectly. Which really puts the onus on the court's composition if Roe is to survive.

I tried to draw a distinction between democrat and liberal. I agree that your run-of-the-mill democrat would not find the case dangerous. However, when I was in law school, this case pissed off all the hardcore liberals as it placed limitations on abortion.

I agree with your assesment. For those interested, here is a brief explanation from Scalia.


10-15-2012, 03:08 PM
Sorry but I am no good at actually posting the videos instead of the link.