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View Full Version : For all Democrats and Obama lovers living in the state of Texas ...

10-17-2012, 03:43 PM
Why even bother to get all worked up during these presidential elections? Why even vote considering the fact that your vote will never count? (And likely for the rest of your life as long as you live in Texas).

Texas is always going to vote Republican and the electoral college is all that matters. Your vote will never count. Pretty shitty when you really think about it huh?

(Now before you self righteous Democrats attack me for not pointing out the obvious that the same can be said the other way around in states like New York, Cali, etc. ... this is a Texas based message board and most posters are from Texas)

baseline bum
10-17-2012, 03:44 PM
If you vote for Romney your vote doesn't count either in Texas.

George Gervin's Afro
10-17-2012, 03:44 PM
I vote to show the rest of the world that not all Texans are brain dead idiots.. all you have to do is show up with an 'R' on your chest and you win...

10-17-2012, 03:46 PM
Bexar County went for Obama last election. Don't think it's gonna happen this time.

jack sommerset
10-17-2012, 03:51 PM
I'll go democrat if they have a candidate that I like. I voted for Clinton. God bless

10-17-2012, 03:57 PM
I vote to show the rest of the world that not all Texans are brain dead idiots.. all you have to do is show up with an 'R' on your chest and you win...

Ahh son the classic "if you don't agree with me you're an idiot. I know better than you".

Son the same can be said for those who block vote Democrat as well.

10-17-2012, 04:12 PM
"Texas is always going to vote Republican"

If the Hispanics would vote in high percentages, Texas would turn and stay blue.

Latarian Milton
10-17-2012, 04:14 PM
why even vote when both candidates are assholes of the same class?

10-17-2012, 04:51 PM
It wasn't too long ago that Texas elected a democratic governor.

Plus, demographic shift. Hispanics becoming a larger part of the electorate. I had a chance to vote in a semi-swing state, but chose to vote absentee for Texas instead. The shift is happening. It may be 15 years, may be 20, but it'll happen.

Latarian Milton
10-17-2012, 04:55 PM
texas is more like a swing state than a hardcore supporter of either party imho. even the DFW metro is pretty much split in politics with the south being predominantly democrat supporters and the north leaning to republicans

Clipper Nation
10-17-2012, 04:57 PM
BRHornet's thread has been disregarded due to obvious butthurt...

he has shown his butthurt by crying constantly about Democrats, Obama, and the people who vote for him on here after Willard got his ass handed to him at the debate....

10-17-2012, 05:00 PM
Why even bother to get all worked up during these presidential elections? Why even vote considering the fact that your vote will never count? (And likely for the rest of your life as long as you live in Texas).

Texas is always going to vote Republican and the electoral college is all that matters. Your vote will never count. Pretty shitty when you really think about it huh?

(Now before you self righteous Democrats attack me for not pointing out the obvious that the same can be said the other way around in states like New York, Cali, etc. ... this is a Texas based message board and most posters are from Texas)

Actually, quite a few studies show Texas turning blue in two to three decades, given the influx of immigration. Take that note with however many grains of salt you care to, of course.

10-17-2012, 05:02 PM
Yeah Texas will eventually turn blue again.

10-17-2012, 05:03 PM
These claims are all bullshit. Imagine you apply these claims across the board to every voter. So if no one else votes, there's at least one person who's vote would count for Texas. So then there's one person who could nullify that effect and one more who could shift the balance. You cannot say votes don't count. That's stupid and short sighted and is a fallacy of the beard imo.

10-17-2012, 05:13 PM
I've seen quite a few Obama/Biden signs in yards and on cars. I vote because it is my right to do so and yeah, I know Obama won't win TX but it won't stop me from voting. I hope Romney supporters in Ohio stay home though.

10-17-2012, 05:14 PM
These claims are all bullshit. Imagine you apply these claims across the board to every voter. So if no one else votes, there's at least one person who's vote would count for Texas. So then there's one person who could nullify that effect and one more who could shift the balance. You cannot say votes don't count. That's stupid and short sighted and is a fallacy of the beard imo.


10-17-2012, 05:19 PM
Your vote is your voice. If you don't vote, then I dont wanna hear you complain about shit.

Latarian Milton
10-17-2012, 05:22 PM
i'd rather place my money on obama winning the election which is much bigger fun than voting. hard for me to genuinely support either side knowing they're roughly the same, i'll only support the one where my money is at tbh

10-17-2012, 05:36 PM
Why even bother to get all worked up during these presidential elections? Why even vote considering the fact that your vote will never count? (And likely for the rest of your life as long as you live in Texas).

Texas is always going to vote Republican and the electoral college is all that matters. Your vote will never count. Pretty shitty when you really think about it huh?

(Now before you self righteous Democrats attack me for not pointing out the obvious that the same can be said the other way around in states like New York, Cali, etc. ... this is a Texas based message board and most posters are from Texas)Why are you so worked up about Obama supporters at all? You aren't going to change anyone's mind or actions anywhere. You don't count. Pretty shitty when you really think about it, huh?

lol @ sbm's inevitable post count reply

10-17-2012, 05:39 PM
That's the GOP strategy and even posters here who also discourage others from voting ....disenfranchise...if every disenfranchised possible Obama voter voted TX would go blue more often...but people get turned off with all the negative talk about politics, Washington, Power, cronyism, blah...blah..blah...meanwhile the wing-nut echo chamber shills put out misleading and outright lies about Obama being a socialist god hater to fire up the right-wing base...

baseline bum
10-17-2012, 06:04 PM
These claims are all bullshit. Imagine you apply these claims across the board to every voter. So if no one else votes, there's at least one person who's vote would count for Texas. So then there's one person who could nullify that effect and one more who could shift the balance. You cannot say votes don't count. That's stupid and short sighted and is a fallacy of the beard imo.

I say it doesn't matter because the race is so lopsided that I could tell every single person I have ever met in the state to vote for Uncle Tom, and if they all registered and voted for him, it wouldn't be close to enough to win him the state. The electoral college completely disenfranchises voters not in swing states with regard to picking the president.

10-17-2012, 06:17 PM
I say it doesn't matter because the race is so lopsided that I could tell every single person I have ever met in the state to vote for Uncle Tom, and if they all registered and voted for him, it wouldn't be close to enough to win him the state. The electoral college completely disenfranchises voters not in swing states with regard to picking the president.

That's a very limited number of people. It would be accurate if you said "I could tell every single person I have ever met in the state to vote for Uncle Tom, and if they all registered and voted for him, it wouldn't be close to enough to win him the state" but that's a limited scope. Just to say anyone's vote doesn't matter is incorrect though. If everyone you knew convinced everyone they knew and so forth, the tide would turn. So sure, one vote doesn't swing it, but that's not the same as saying no one's vote counts.

10-17-2012, 06:20 PM
"Texas is always going to vote Republican"

If the Hispanics would vote in high percentages, Texas would turn and stay blue.

hispanics are generally pro family and antiabortion, after they've been here a few generations and deportations are no longer an issue they vote republican. nobody but old perverts and masochists like you vote demonrat. btw, romney still pays a higher tax % than you, hahahhaa. fight me faggot, get off the computer for once posting about gecko's and shit 23 hours out of the day and get some sleep and a life.

10-17-2012, 06:21 PM

Very much like that, yes.

10-17-2012, 06:23 PM
i'd rather place my money on obama winning the election which is much bigger fun than voting. hard for me to genuinely support either side knowing they're roughly the same, i'll only support the one where my money is at tbh

So you support the post office then?

baseline bum
10-17-2012, 06:26 PM
That's a very limited number of people. It would be accurate if you said "I could tell every single person I have ever met in the state to vote for Uncle Tom, and if they all registered and voted for him, it wouldn't be close to enough to win him the state" but that's a limited scope. Just to say anyone's vote doesn't matter is incorrect though. If everyone you knew convinced everyone they knew and so forth, the tide would turn. So sure, one vote doesn't swing it, but that's not the same as saying no one's vote counts.

You're talking pretty extreme improbabilities. A Texan voting for president this election has no effect whatsoever. He can help change or strengthen the dominant political ideology over time, but not between now and November 6th. A Texan's presidential vote is completely meaningless for deciding who wins the state.

10-17-2012, 06:31 PM
It an intangible but The popular vote is always important when determining how strong a mandate or how much political capital the winne has, particularly if it's an incumbent.

10-17-2012, 06:33 PM
If frustrated independents in every predetermined state would vote for the third party candidate we might have more voices in the next election's debates. That wouldn't be a bad thing. But too many people are told a vote for neither of the two major parties is a wasted vote. Even if they're in a state where the victor is all but decided.

baseline bum
10-17-2012, 06:37 PM
If frustrated independents in every predetermined state would vote for the third party candidate we might have more voices in the next election's debates. That wouldn't be a bad thing. But too many people are told a vote for neither of the two major parties is a wasted vote. Even if they're in a state where the victor is all but decided.

I don't see it without a constitutional amendment that stops the House from picking the president when there is a strong third party keeping any one candidate from reaching 270. Our constitution is pretty effective at silencing dissent from the two parties in regards to presidential voting.

10-17-2012, 06:41 PM

stupid, it isn't really a paradox at all. it's false premise is in assuming that each ticket won't win whenever you can't make that assumption.

baseline bum
10-17-2012, 07:00 PM
If frustrated independents in every predetermined state would vote for the third party candidate we might have more voices in the next election's debates. That wouldn't be a bad thing. But too many people are told a vote for neither of the two major parties is a wasted vote. Even if they're in a state where the victor is all but decided.

You know... after thinking about it for a few minutes I can see a scenario where 3rd party presidential votes would be good. In our political climate there is no way in hell we wouldn't have large scale rioting following Congress choosing a president should there be no one hit 270. If congress is scared enough of getting overthrown I could see the Electoral college possibly being thrown out.

10-17-2012, 07:05 PM
I can also see extremists like Sarah Palin being elected by a highly motivated 35% of extremists populous..many who still believe in birther and socialist crap....you can't have it both way gentlemen...kinda like what happened in Libya and Egypt...moderates get split...extremists get elected...

10-17-2012, 07:08 PM
can ask why you fan of hornets when they not gon win shit, same premise wen you cheer fo loser or cheer fo blue in red state

baseline bum
10-17-2012, 07:08 PM
An extremist like Palin was already elected to two terms under our current system from 2000-2008.

10-17-2012, 07:10 PM
An extremist like Palin was already elected to two terms under our current system from 2000-2008.

Can you imagine if 'said candidate' was appointed by a Conservative supreme court and not by popular vote or the dreaded electoral college...

There would be riots on the streets...

10-17-2012, 07:22 PM
You know... after thinking about it for a few minutes I can see a scenario where 3rd party presidential votes would be good. In our political climate there is no way in hell we wouldn't have large scale rioting following Congress choosing a president should there be no one hit 270. If congress is scared enough of getting overthrown I could see the Electoral college possibly being thrown out.

I'm not even really thinking about them actually having a chance at winning. But getting to participate in the debates and having more visibility would improve the conversation.

10-17-2012, 07:39 PM
can ask why you fan of hornets when they not gon win shit, same premise wen you cheer fo loser or cheer fo blue in red state

Son thank you for your very educated response.

10-17-2012, 07:51 PM
Obama won the major urban areas (i.e., the largest county in Dallas, Austin, Houston, El Paso & San Antonio) and the hispanic vote. Texas will continue to become more urban and more hispanic, so it's really only a matter of time before Texas does turn blue.

10-17-2012, 07:55 PM
In certain areas, enthusiasm for a presidential candidate can transform down-ticket races that wouldn't have been competitive otherwise. Even if Obama doesn't carry Texas, it can still have an impact on local elections.

10-17-2012, 08:02 PM
Why even bother to get all worked up during these presidential elections? Why even vote considering the fact that your vote will never count? (And likely for the rest of your life as long as you live in Texas).

Texas is always going to vote Republican and the electoral college is all that matters. Your vote will never count. Pretty shitty when you really think about it huh?

(Now before you self righteous Democrats attack me for not pointing out the obvious that the same can be said the other way around in states like New York, Cali, etc. ... this is a Texas based message board and most posters are from Texas)

In two presidential election cycles, Texas will be a purple battle ground state. Whites are no longer a majority, only a plurality in the population.

10-17-2012, 08:03 PM
Bexar County went for Obama last election. Don't think it's gonna happen this time.

:lol That's like saying the GOP won't carry Harris Co. or Dallas Co. It's Bexar County for fucks sake.

10-17-2012, 09:03 PM
Obama won Dallas, Harris and Travis.

10-17-2012, 11:01 PM
Son thank you for your very educated response.

ya sour that I point out som hypocracy in yo post? maybe you gotta rethink watya gon say next time

10-17-2012, 11:04 PM
hispanics are generally pro family and antiabortion, after they've been here a few generations and deportations are no longer an issue they vote republican. nobody but old perverts and masochists like you vote demonrat. btw, romney still pays a higher tax % than you, hahahhaa. fight me faggot, get off the computer for once posting about gecko's and shit 23 hours out of the day and get some sleep and a life.

Yeah because just like women, you have the pulse of the minority vote.

10-17-2012, 11:15 PM
"Texas is always going to vote Republican"

If the Hispanics would vote in high percentages, Texas would turn and stay blue.

It would turn so darn blue it's ridiculous, but that would only happen if say.. Mayor Castro someday ran for Pres..not that he would be any good. I'm just saying if he ran, Hispanics in Texas might just do what blacks did for Obama. Castro, with the help of Obama's cronies could pull off the scam..nobody was sold on Bill Richardson.

10-18-2012, 04:28 AM
I voted Obama last election and I will vote for him again. For what he has done with the shit he was handed is beyond amazing.

10-18-2012, 06:28 AM
I voted Obama last election and I will vote for him again. For what he has done with the shit he was handed is beyond amazing.

yep, in the face of Repug reflexive, non-stop obstructionism (even to projects they proposed and supported in years past), that ACA got passed in nothing short of miraculous. And it was a huge advance for the 99%, which is why, among many reasons, the Repugs are against it.

10-18-2012, 07:49 AM
It would turn so darn blue it's ridiculous, but that would only happen if say.. Mayor Castro someday ran for Pres..not that he would be any good. I'm just saying if he ran, Hispanics in Texas might just do what blacks did for Obama. Castro, with the help of Obama's cronies could pull off the scam..nobody was sold on Bill Richardson.
Well if no one was sold on Richardson then it wouldnt be a scam for Castro.

10-18-2012, 08:45 AM
Even if you ignored the Presidential race because your vote would appear to be irrelevant, wholly choosing not to vote would seem a ridiculous way to express that frustration, since the down-ballot races are: (1) much more likely to affect a person's daily life; and (2) subject -- mostly -- to local majorities.

jack sommerset
10-18-2012, 04:40 PM
I voted Obama last election and I will vote for him again. For what he has done with the shit he was handed is beyond amazing.

Brother, he doubled the deficit when he said he would cut it in half. He knew what was "handed" to him and still he doubled it. That's amazing. God bless

10-18-2012, 10:52 PM
blah, blah, blah..we gave Obama a budget with build-in deficits and he did nothing to save you from us....bad Obama!

10-19-2012, 12:32 AM
all u liberal californians, you screwed up your liberal state, please don't bring your BS to texas!!!!!!!

10-19-2012, 12:35 AM
I voted Obama last election and I will vote for him again. For what he has done with the shit he was handed is beyond amazing.

obama has done nothing but add almost 6trillion to the national dept!!! obama had the house and senate his 1st 2 years in office and did nothing for jobs or the economy!!! wake the f-up man! obama took a bad economy and made it worse! fast and furious scandal, the Benghazi continuing cover-up etc.... give someone else a chance to get this country straight!

10-19-2012, 12:48 AM
Obama was the anti-Bush in 2008 and is pathetically trying to be the anti-Bush again in 2012 and the sad thing is that sheep will fall for the bullshit again.

Latarian Milton
10-19-2012, 12:49 AM
I voted Obama last election and I will vote for him again. For what he has done with the shit he was handed is beyond amazing.
making the shit he was handed even shittier isn't much of an achievement imho. never doubt dude's genuine willingness to make this country better (by stating that i mean im not one of those motherfuckers who act like obama was one islamic motherfucker who came to this country with the mission of sabotaging us) but i do believe he could've done better than he did, at the very least he could've lied less tbh

10-19-2012, 12:56 AM
Well said. Obama got this shit from Bush but he doesn't a pass because he made the shit worse, definitely not better. If Obama had achieved greatness in his first term, the unemployment would be like 5 or 6 percent right now and the deficit would have decreased not increase by 4 trillion dollars.