View Full Version : Preseason Game Thoughts: Spurs @ Heat - Oct. 20, 2012

10-20-2012, 07:16 PM
Spurs lost 104-101 against the Heat an are now 3-2 for this preseason. After reportedly putting an emphasis on defense, Spurs played really bad on that end of court in the first half. The third quarter was a good one for Spurs. The fourth quarter was some ugly basketball played by end of the bench players.


Tim Duncan
Duncan continue to look amazing in this preseason. He showed his whole repertoire offensively but the most impressive was maybe his mobility. He was matched up against Bosh, a player that has historically given Spurs troubles with his speed, and did a great job. If Tim can stay healthy and in that kind of shape the whole year, it's going to be damn fun to follow.

Manu Ginobili
It wasn't a good game from Manu. He made some bad choices in his passing games and took complicate shoots he missed. It's a game to forget for him where his talent didn't overtake a lack of rigor.

Tony Parker
Tony played 9 bad minutes in the first quarter and didn't come back in the game. Defensively he struggled against Cole while his offensive game cruelly miss of penetrations. The part where it's getting a little worrisome is that Parker hasn't been good for the whole preseason with a .30 FG%. While a part of the issue is likely that he doesn't play a full speed these games, he seems to be rusty and not in a great shape. Parker has still 10 days before the start of season to get back his rhythm and his legs.

Kawhi Leonard
After a Summer League where he showed the potential to play a bigger role for Spurs, this preseason has been a big step back in that area for Leonard. He can't really create his shoot or drive and should be limited as a finisher for the moment. With no Lebron James, Leonard mainly defended on Wade with mixed results. He did a good job when Wade was close to the rim but get burned on the perimeter by his drives.

Boris Diaw
It was a good typical Diaw game. Boris took what the defense gave him and wasn't overly passive. His passing was great as usual and he was solid defensively.

Danny Green
After going 8/31 from the field against OKC in last year playoffs, Green started the preseason the same way with a 4/15 form the field in the first 3 preseason games. For the last 2 games, he is 12/19 on FG with 8-13 from 3 point range. It's maybe a little early to say it, but Green's slump seems to be over. He was especially confident today when taking his jumpshot with no hesitations at all. Defensively, he was one of the most solid Spur with a good job on Ray Allen.

Stephen Jackson
Did jack even tried in this game? With Pop going small, Jack played some PFs, a spot where he especially needs to be physical and he laid an egg. He looked slow, uninspired and uninterested. He was a big reason why Spurs small ball didn't work at all.

Gary Neal
Gary Neal was mono-dimensional in that game. He scored some points but that's all. He showed no playmaking skills whether he was playing PG and SG but the biggest issue was his defense. It could be understandable to see Neal struggling because of a lack of size or a lack of speed but he should be a least focused and trying on that end of the court. Mike Miller can send a big thank you note to Neal for his great second quarter. At that stage, Pop has to wonder if giving some playing time to Neal if compatible with the whole "we are trying to improve our defense" talk.

Tiago Splitter
After some lackluster performances, Splitter finally comes with a pulse in that game. He was playing well and was aggressive on the offensive end with a lot of good strong moves. He wasn't a force defensively and rebounding wise but he wasn't too help by his teammates. All in all, it was an encouraging game for Splitter.

Nando De Colo
Pop gave him a chance to get that backup PG spot and he didn't take it. Aside of a solid passing, he was bad. In the first half, he was passive and when he took some shots later in the game, he missed them. I'm not sure how his work with Chip Engeland affect his shots but he was just way off today. Another negative points was his inability to do something when he dribbled the ball. He couldn't get some kind of penetration and was often trapped along the sideline. Defensively, he wasn't really bad but showed his limits against the quick Norris Cole.

Eddy Curry
Curry is just a great offensive player. His combination of size, soft hands, shooting touch and post moves makes him hard to stop. In this game, he hit too his FTs after struggling in that area earlier in the preseason. Saying that, Curry was put in a nightmare situation defensively for him. Heat had tons of spacing on the court and consistently picked and rolled him. As a result, Curry looked more like a traffic cone than a player on that end of court. If Spurs keep him after the training camp, Pop had to be careful when to play him. There are some situations where he shouldn't be put on the court and today's was one of them.

Corry Joseph
Joseph might have pedestrian stats but I keep liking what I saw from him. Defensively he is very active and while he doesn't bring a lot offensively, he is playing the right way and show some quality. He might not be ready to contribute this year because he is too young and raw but he remains intriguing.

Josh Powell
When Powell airballed his first shoot, it sounded like the end of the 2 games stretch early in the preseason where he was walking on water. The rest of his game confirmed it. He was active and made some good plays but he made a lot of bad plays on both end of court. This game could have shown us what Powell really is that is to say an average end of the bench player.

DeJuan Blair
Blair played in the 4th quarter alongside end of the bench players and the bad news was that he didn't look to be a step ahead of the others. You had to wonder what was his psychological state of mind after not having played for 3 quarters and entering in game for the garbage time.

Matt Bonner, Patrick Mills, Derick Brown and Wesley Witherspoon
They didn't play.
Witherspoon hasn't even traveled with the team to Florida. Witherspoon not being with the team could be a sign he will be cut but Spurs could wait before doing it to raise his odds of ending with the Toros.
After his performances in previous preseason games, Brown should be on his way out.
After what De Colo, Joseph and Neal did today, Mills has a legit shot of getting the backup PG slot. Despite his injury, he still should be considered the front rummer for that spot.
Bonner getting another DNP-CD, deepen the weirdness of his case.

Coach Pop
Honestly, I'm lost by what Pop is doing this preseason. After 2 minutes and a bad defensive play, he took a timeout, a sign that he wanted to see Spurs being serious in this game. After that, he let Spurs commit defensive mistakes after defensive mistakes without flinching.
And while I'm lost with what Pop is trying to do, I think he is himself lost with his roster. He still has a lot of things to figure it out and he is running out of time with only 2 preseasons games left.
Spurs will face tomorrow the Magic and they shouldn't have they regular rotation with Pop likely giving the night off to at least Duncan.

10-20-2012, 07:35 PM
New sheriff in town?

Seriously, though, thanks for the write-up. I've got to say that I'm kind of scared with what I'm seeing from Jackson and Leonard thus far in the pre-season. The SF position is one that I thought we had nailed down, but I'm not seeing consistent ball from these guys. I hope they find their groove sometime soon.

10-20-2012, 07:44 PM
Thanks Bruno. I'm currently unavailable to fulfill my duties. Thankfully Bruno was able to step in with very little notice and produce great work. :tu

10-20-2012, 07:46 PM
“We’re looking at basically two guys, Eddy Curry and Derrick Brown,” Popovich said.

Curry, a 29-year-old center whose career has become synonymous with squandered promise, has throughout the preseason displayed a consistent ability to put the ball in the basket.

In his Saturday return to Miami, where he was a little-used member of last season’s NBA championship squad, Curry contributed nine points in less than eight minutes.

“Eddy lost 20 pounds to come to camp, and he’s played through being tired, which has always been a bugaboo for him in the past,” Popovich said. “He’s worked very hard, and he’s done a lot of good things.”

Brown, a 25-year-old former Charlotte Bobcat who can guard both small and power forwards, did not play Saturday.

Still, Popovich has been impressed with Brown’s versatility and defensive chops.

“He’s a talented kid,” Popovich said. “Sometimes it takes people a little longer for the light to go on. You get them into another program and things work for them.”


That quote from Pop on Brown is a bit strange, is he showing something in practice that we aren't seeing in games? Honestly I wish I could say I was right about Brown (he was the one I endorsed the most along with Wilkerson with best chance when training camp roster was named).

At this point Curry hands down deserves the spot, but if somehow Brown gets it, then clearly Pop sees something in that defensive versatility potential Brown has.

10-20-2012, 07:47 PM
Jackson definitely looked like he was half-assing it out there.

10-20-2012, 07:58 PM
Random thoughts:

-Bonner's DNP-CD really is making me think. Previously, I chalked it up to Pop just resting a known quantity. Now I'm starting to think Bonner may begin the year as the fifth big ... which would obviously be a great move by Pop.

-That quote about it being between Curry and Brown is great news in one regard: Josh Powell is out of the running. He was the most dangerous addition the Spurs could have made because he's seemingly good enough to win minutes but will ultimately hurt you. I'm rooting for Curry since Brown has been horrible in preseason but if the Spurs keep Brown, that's fine. He won't hurt as a practice player 15th man who won't see meaningful minutes unless massive injuries strike.

-Parker's regression is a little worrisome. I thought he looked great in that first preseason game. Since then ......... not so much.

-Hopefully Kahwi has a regular season switch. As bad as he looks, I just remember that he was bad last year in the preseason too (and early in the season).

-Duncan's great preseason has me even more excited about this year. If he plays like he did in the second half of last season, the Spurs' chances of making noise will be maximized.

10-20-2012, 08:07 PM
Random thoughts:

-Bonner's DNP-CD really is making me think. Previously, I chalked it up to Pop just resting a known quantity. Now I'm starting to think Bonner may begin the year as the fifth big ... which would obviously be a great move by Pop.

-That quote about it being between Curry and Brown is great news in one regard: Josh Powell is out of the running. He was the most dangerous addition the Spurs could have made because he's seemingly good enough to win minutes but will ultimately hurt you. I'm rooting for Curry since Brown has been horrible in preseason but if the Spurs keep Brown, that's fine. He won't hurt as a practice player 15th man who won't see meaningful minutes unless massive injuries strike.

-Parker's regression is a little worrisome. I thought he looked great in that first preseason game. Since then ......... not so much.

-Hopefully Kahwi has a regular season switch. As bad as he looks, I just remember that he was bad last year in the preseason too (and early in the season).

-Duncan's great preseason has me even more excited about this year. If he plays like he did in the second half of last season, the Spurs' chances of making noise will be maximized.

Bonner being behind even Eddy Curry on the depth chart is a good sign. Last time he was just a garbage time big the Spurs rang, tbh.

I think everyone except Timmy (who is a rhythm player) and the out-of-slump Green weren't taking the game super seriously. Then again, the Spurs haven't won at the American Airlines Arena since the Decision, even if LeBron got the night off.

A crunch time lineup of Joseph/De Colo/Green/Powell/Blair? :lmao

10-20-2012, 08:08 PM
Thanks Bruno. Good job! :tu

TD 21
10-20-2012, 08:19 PM
Kawhi Leonard
After a Summer League where he showed the potential to play a bigger role for Spurs, this preseason has been a big step back in that area for Leonard. He can't really create his shoot or drive and should be limited as a finisher for the moment.

I always thought this season was always going to go one of two ways for Leonard: Either he'll flourish to the point where he's in the conversation for being a borderline top five SF by season's end or he tries to do too much and he fails miserably.

Stephen Jackson
Did jack even tried in this game? With Pop going small, Jack played some PFs, a spot where he especially needs to be physical and he laid an egg. He looked slow, uninspired and uninterested. He was a big reason why Spurs small ball didn't work at all.

He better be careful if he thinks he's going to be handed a rotation spot in perpetuity. He will be to start the season, but if he looks like he's not all there mentally (which would be surprising given that he's entering a contract year), I could see a scenario where they start Ginobili at SG, Neal becomes the backup, Mills the backup PG and Green the backup SF.

Nando De Colo
Pop gave him a chance to get that backup PG spot and he didn't take it.

He did? Why are some still pretending that this spot is going to anyone but Neal? Mills was his competition going in, but he faced an uphill battle to win that spot and missing the entire preseason has killed his chances.

Eddy Curry
If Spurs keep him after the training camp, Pop had to be careful when to play him. There are some situations where he shouldn't be put on the court and today's was one of them.

For all his flaws, the reason I want them to keep him is for that game in the middle of the season, where they're in the midst of 4 in 5 out West and either they want to give Duncan the night off or Splitter is injured. It'd be nice to have Curry to throw at Cousins for 15-20 minutes as opposed to Blair.

Matt Bonner, Patrick Mills, Derick Brown and Wesley Witherspoon
Bonner getting another DNP-CD, deepen the weirdness of his case.

I'm still not getting my hopes up. I think this all had to do with getting a look at the myriad PF options and he'll probably play something like 40 combined minutes in the last two games.

10-20-2012, 08:22 PM
Cutting Curry and keeping Brown would pretty foolish IMO. It's pretty obvious where the need is.

10-20-2012, 08:24 PM
Yeah -- I don't buy that Bonner is going to be the 5th big. He'll be the fourth big (getting third big-like minutes) until someone knocks him off...And that doesn't seem likely since he's always unconscious from three to start the season.

10-20-2012, 08:25 PM
Yeah -- I don't buy that Bonner is going to be the 5th big. He'll be the fourth big (getting third big-like minutes) until someone knocks him off...And that doesn't seem likely since he's always unconscious from three to start the season.

It's preseason and he's yet to knock in a shot, let alone a three pointer.

10-20-2012, 08:26 PM
Exactly; it's the preseason.

10-20-2012, 08:32 PM
It's preseason, normally the time when Bonner looks like Larry Bird, tbh.

The fact that he's been bad heading INTO the season... make of that what you will.

10-20-2012, 08:35 PM
I hope you're right.

10-20-2012, 08:38 PM
We have three professional basketball playing Guard or SF who can't dribble or pass--Green, Jackson, and Leonard. Green and Leonard have no passing skills, nada, zilch. Green in particular throws passes with such bad direction and a high arc that he makes it difficult for his teammates to catch them, even when they come within range. All three of those guys look like Bonner when they fake a pass and begin dribbling. It's painful to watch.

Makes you wonder how they got to this level--and stay there for years--with such terrible skills. Kwahi, at least, is still learning, but he better accept his role as a spot-up shooter and defender. If Green wants to stay he has to have a consistent 3 pt. shot and rely on his defense.

Jax gave a clinic on how to play more than 16 minutes without contributing more than taking up space.

De Colo can't shoot a lick and needs time to learn how to play defense (hopefully). Joseph spends most of his time with the ball in his hands looking for something to do out beyond the arc. He's clearly not ready for the big show.

I thought Powell missed more than five shots on his 3-8 shooting. Maybe I was influenced by the fact that most of the shots he missed were either layups or dunks.

Curry showed some nice touch on his shots, but how a guy that big can play without getting a defensive rebound is amazing. It's probably because his offensive opponent is always inside of him in the paint.

10-20-2012, 08:42 PM
I personally think Kawhi's trying to do too much. If he simply lets the game come to him, all the better.

10-20-2012, 08:53 PM
Pop is saving BonBon. He will be traded and SA will keep both Brown and Curry.

10-20-2012, 08:59 PM
Pop is saving BonBon. He will be traded and SA will keep both Brown and Curry.

One can only hope :hat

10-20-2012, 09:04 PM
some IMO's from my post in game thread

Leonard- If he's gonna be an all-star for us, he's a year or two away tbh. His offensive transition game isn't average, it's terrible- he dribbles way too aimlessly and doesn't seem to have the confidence or ability to finish even when he has numbers (or recognize the numbers in the first place). His shot selection and positioning in the halfcourt when he wants to create is mediocre- he settles for contested perimeter jumpers without taking the time to survey the floor or size up his opponent. He has a nice floater going, which went in once and was sent back 100 feet the other. Watching that game he looks nothing more than a system player. A world class system player- he moved and shot beautifully, and defended Wade pretty okay- but a system player nonetheless. Which is fine tbh as long as he progresses throughout the season.

Curry- Like Tiago he showed a lot of positives on offense, but in different ways. He's just naturally more reliable to finish one on one- it's just easy to him. He has an inherent ability to draw a lot of contact and get to the line, and if you play him soft he'll dunk or lay it up easily on you. He's clinched the final roster spot, and tbh he's clinched a solid role of 15-20 mpg, eating up Blair/Bonner's minutes. It's way too obvious at this point. The bugaboo is his invisibility on the defensive glass, which Blair still showed he is still good at in the 7 minutes he played.

Neal- didn't play as bad as a lot of people thought. to be fair, his worst minutes came when he was playing with another 2 and another 1, not exactly putting Gary in the position to succeed. His defense was mediocre but what else is new. He made shots and broke down the defense, didn't make too many bad decisions at his natural 2-guard position.

CJ- very impressed with CJ. When he gets comfortable he moves beautifully through screens and holes, he's making a lot quicker decisions. When they pressure him he reacts a lot faster than he used to. Doesn't try to do too much. He didn't stand out with anything spectacular, but he stood out in how composed he played, and by not getting burned defensively tbh. Not sure he's gonna play his way into a big role this season, but he's definitely shown he belongs.

Nando- also moving through the offense like he's been here for years, only problem his that he's such a liability when he's open. It makes Neal the perfect pair offensively, but a nightmare defensively. Big dilemma there...unfortunately one of them has to fall back to the third string or we'll be in trouble. Nando was good, grabbed a board or two, showed a lot of heart and ability--- I'm just not so sure I saw a positive impact on the game. Then again, playing with Powell tends to do that.

Pop- not happy with the Nando/Gary/Green/Leonard midgetball lineup, or the lineup at the end. Obviously he's feeling out lineups, but he's not putting his players in the position to succeed, especially defensively. Of course no one big is gonna look good with that rebound-deficient lineup on the floor. Bonner not getting minutes is interesting, tbh.

10-20-2012, 09:05 PM
He better be careful if he thinks he's going to be handed a rotation spot in perpetuity. He will be to start the season, but if he looks like he's not all there mentally (which would be surprising given that he's entering a contract year), I could see a scenario where they start Ginobili at SG, Neal becomes the backup, Mills the backup PG and Green the backup SF.

I think Pop is going to be really patient with Jack providing it's needed. Even if Jack doesn't do great in the regular season, Pop will trust him to deliver in the playoffs like he did in the past with Horry.

He did? Why are some still pretending that this spot is going to anyone but Neal? Mills was his competition going in, but he faced an uphill battle to win that spot and missing the entire preseason has killed his chances.

I don't know if you have watched the few last preseasons games but Pop has almost played Neal at the SG spot. If the backup PG spot was promised to Neal, Pop would have mostly played him at that spot during the preseason to make him work on his PG game.

10-20-2012, 09:05 PM

10-20-2012, 09:08 PM
some IMO's from my post in game thread [...]

We actually agree on a lot of points so it's a great post you made. :)

10-20-2012, 09:15 PM
New sheriff in town?

Seriously, though, thanks for the write-up. I've got to say that I'm kind of scared with what I'm seeing from Jackson and Leonard thus far in the pre-season. The SF position is one that I thought we had nailed down, but I'm not seeing consistent ball from these guys. I hope they find their groove sometime soon.

We kind of should be worried about Jackson. I'm not sure how many of you knew this but Jackson doesn't practice at all during the off season....I'm not even sure if this is news to any of you. Lol I'll post the video where he admits the only time he worked out over the summer was the video they posted online. Kind of worried...he seems more focused on rapping.

10-20-2012, 09:17 PM
Random thoughts:

-Bonner's DNP-CD really is making me think. Previously, I chalked it up to Pop just resting a known quantity. Now I'm starting to think Bonner may begin the year as the fifth big ... which would obviously be a great move by Pop.

I won't believe it until I see it but I hope you're right.

10-20-2012, 09:18 PM
Yeah I like Green but man how can you be in the NBA and not be able to dribble the ball? That was to me the biggest thing he needed to work on other then his three point shooting this summer.

I am worried about Jax I don't know if he is just old but if he don't step it up I can see the Spurs using him in a trade.

Das Texan
10-20-2012, 09:29 PM
Maybe CIA pop will cut the copper headed choker and keep both curry and brown.

*ends dream sequence*

10-20-2012, 09:34 PM
It's preseason and he's yet to knock in a shot, let alone a three pointer.

Sounds like a duplication of Bonner's playoff performances.

10-20-2012, 09:35 PM
gary neal never amazes me with his production, when he gives up just as much on the other end....

10-20-2012, 09:43 PM
I think Pop is going to be really patient with Jack providing it's needed. Even if Jack doesn't do great in the regular season, Pop will trust him to deliver in the playoffs like he did in the past with Horry.

I don't know if you have watched the few last preseasons games but Pop has almost played Neal at the SG spot. If the backup PG spot was promised to Neal, Pop would have mostly played him at that spot during the preseason to make him work on his PG game.

Exactly. Jax isn't here to eat up minutes at the forward slots, he's here be Horry 2.0.

10-20-2012, 10:08 PM
Pop is saving Bonner so he can play 40 minutes when the season starts. Seriously I hope Pop doesn't do a repeat of '10 where it took him half a season and more to figure out his rotation. He's got to make some decisions. I think his main criteria should be defense, defense, and defense. That should help the Spurs improve defensively. The offense will figure itself out.

10-20-2012, 10:21 PM
Just watched the game as they had it on NBA League Pass broadband and I wasn't really happy with anyone except Tim Duncan.

Lots of these guys really wouldn't be shit without TD. Amazing how good he still is. If Tim can continue moving like he did today, all season, then that would be really, really good for the Spurs chances.

Again, I loved what Curry did on offense, but he is not very good on defense at all. Now that I have been able to watch a couple of games, his defense sticks out, or lack thereof. Way too slow to react or move. How much better do you guys think Curry can get defensively if he keeps working on it? I still want him on the team, but he's gotta rebound and at least be serviceable on defense. Can't really play him much if he is a traffic cone on defense. Even though he is bad on defense, I just think that his post offense is too hard to ignore. Anytime you are having trouble scoring, you can get the ball to Curry and he most likely can get you an easy bucket or draw the foul. That's too valuable to pass up IMO, especially for the salary he would get. I just don't think you can pass that up for the amount of money you'd pay him, you'd be silly if you did.

I am also very surprised about Pop's comment on it being a race between Derrick Brown and Eddy Curry. DB has the versatility to make a difference on defense, but he has looked completely out of place on offense. If we are going by the games alone, he really hasn't shown much on the court at all, so he must be playing really well in practice or something?

10-20-2012, 10:32 PM
Come on, the ideal scenario would be Bonner dumped for a second round pick then keeping Brown AND Curry. Bonner to the 'Cats, why not?

10-20-2012, 11:47 PM
Nice writeup Bruno, thanks.

10-20-2012, 11:54 PM
is any of our backup pgs guarantee contract? should get rid at least one of them and keep curry + brown

why not just cut blair? his on nba minimum anyway...

10-20-2012, 11:58 PM
is any of our backup pgs guarantee contract? should get rid at least one of them and keep curry + brown

why not just cut blair? his on nba minimum anyway...

Neal's contract becomes fully guaranteed January, IIRC.

10-21-2012, 12:05 AM
Splitter looks like a different player, slimmer, quicker and more aggressive.

He looks like he was supposed to look two years ago.

Let's hope it's not just a one game aberration.

10-21-2012, 12:14 AM
I don't think Bonner is going anywhere... I suspect he was rested today because of the back to back. It would be interesting is if he doesn't play tomorrow against Orlando. I expect him and Blair to play the bulk of the minutes, along with Curry, Brown and maybe Powell. Wouldn't surprise me if Duncan and Diaw rest.

10-21-2012, 12:15 AM
Splitter looks like a different player, slimmer, quicker and more aggressive.

He looks like he was supposed to look two years ago.

Let's hope it's not just a one game aberration.

I hate it when I see guys who can be solid but aren't assertive enough or mentally strong enough to reach their potential. I think Splitter has been a perfect example of this in his time in San Antonio. I really hope he puts it together this year because I think he could be a huge factor for this team.

10-21-2012, 12:41 AM
Splitter's softer than Gasol tbh

10-21-2012, 01:00 AM
Danny Green is now the "modern day Bruce Bowen". Who knew? It seems anyone who shoots a 3 from the corner is a modern day Bruce Bowen.

10-21-2012, 01:03 AM
Good write up Bruno.

I agree with you about Curry. There are times when he's appropriately needed, tonight was not one of them. Miami will torch opposing defenses this upcoming season like we've never seen before...especially considering the offensive juggernaut of options they now possess from the perimeter.

10-21-2012, 02:01 AM
i think duncan should play 32 minutes per game this year, it's silly to play him like he's a child ready to get injured, because right now he looks the old timmy with that mobility.. Also, why should we keep messing with our lineups if in the PO tim is playing anyway yet we still don't know who is the best fit with him and how that big man should defend with him...

10-21-2012, 02:05 AM
I personally think Kawhi's trying to do too much. If he simply lets the game come to him, all the better.

the point is that pops wants him to be lebron, not tony allen.. and even if there will be bumps, it is still the right thing to force him to do stuff he's not comfortable right now...

10-21-2012, 02:31 AM
i think duncan should play 32 minutes per game this year, it's silly to play him like he's a child ready to get injured, because right now he looks the old timmy with that mobility.. Also, why should we keep messing with our lineups if in the PO tim is playing anyway yet we still don't know who is the best fit with him and how that big man should defend with him...

Tim *is* old, and was diagnosed back in 2009 with chronic knee tendinosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendinosis). Basically, his knee needs as much rest as possible, and he simply can't really handle the 82 game seasons playing extended minutes.

10-21-2012, 02:36 AM
the point is that pops wants him to be lebron, not tony allen.. and even if there will be bumps, it is still the right thing to force him to do stuff he's not comfortable right now...

Fair enough, better get it out of him in the preseason than in playoff games...

And Kawhi's a big game guy. :toast

10-21-2012, 02:38 AM
Tim *is* old, and was diagnosed back in 2009 with chronic knee tendinosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendinosis). Basically, his knee needs as much rest as possible, and he simply can't really handle the 82 game seasons playing extended minutes.

i remember that, i remember him not being able to jump at all, but tbh that's far in the past and while i agreen on takin things slow last year, he seems as healthy as he can be this year.. i'd prefer to see him resting more games and play more minutes in the games he actually plays..

10-21-2012, 02:41 AM
Tim *is* old, and was diagnosed back in 2009 with chronic knee tendinosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendinosis). Basically, his knee needs as much rest as possible, and he simply can't really handle the 82 game seasons playing extended minutes.

I know it's tough balancing Tim's condition but Pop has to keep the playoffs in mind as well otherwise it's pointless.

10-21-2012, 03:00 AM
The problem the Spurs face is that Tim is the best rebounder and probably still relatively best paint defender the team has. Curry could help a bit with his size and physicality, but he isn't really the anchor-type Tim is.

Basically, when Tim isn't out there, the defense really drops. Unfortunately, there's not much to do about that with the rest of the players we have in those positions (undersized/unathletic/soft).

10-21-2012, 03:22 AM
Thanks Bruno. For all the talk about who will be our 14th and 15th player its great to see that Duncan is in top shape. I'm not that worried about the play of our other vets since it seems they are not that interested. Pop is not in winning mode either. By all means sign Curry and let him have 5 min here and there.

10-21-2012, 03:47 AM
There's a reason Tim Duncan wears that sick knee brace.

Spurs Brazil
10-21-2012, 09:13 AM
Thanks Bruno

10-21-2012, 09:30 AM
Thanks for the post Bruno.

It was good to see the Heat attack Curry, they know his weaknesses better than any other team right now. Seeing the results gives Pop a chance to think about adjustments.

10-21-2012, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the post Bruno.

It was good to see the Heat attack Curry, they know his weaknesses better than any other team right now. Seeing the results gives Pop a chance to think about adjustments.

Good observation... should have played him longer to expose more of his weaknesses.

10-21-2012, 11:45 AM
Thanks Bruno. I'm wondering about Bonner, as well. If he is indeed the fifth big, as many agree he should be, then is Curry going to be the sixth and Blair the fourth? I realize Curry is playing morre now due to pre-season decision making. I guess Blair is the back-up 4 and Curry is the third 5. I'm really hoping we keep Curry for many reasons, not the least of which is resting Tim throughout the year.

TD 21
10-21-2012, 04:46 PM
I think Pop is going to be really patient with Jack providing it's needed. Even if Jack doesn't do great in the regular season, Pop will trust him to deliver in the playoffs like he did in the past with Horry.

Good point.

I don't know if you have watched the few last preseasons games but Pop has almost played Neal at the SG spot. If the backup PG spot was promised to Neal, Pop would have mostly played him at that spot during the preseason to make him work on his PG game.

Pop's played Neal at SG because De Colo is more facilitator than scorer and Neal is more scorer than facilitator, so it makes sense for De Colo to be the PG when they're paired together. But I wouldn't at all take that as a sign of Pop's intentions.

Unlike the backup PF battle, Pop made his intentions clear early in camp when it came to the backup PG battle. It wasn't "promised to Neal", but it was clearly earmarked for him and though De Colo and Joseph have both had their moments, it's not as if either has exactly snatched the spot from Neal's grasp.