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View Full Version : Once upon a time.....

11-27-2012, 01:17 AM
....to talk about Xmas this early would have been weird, not anymore. Xmas starts right after turkey day more or less. Which is ....the Holiday Season. Cool with me, I enjoy the tree, the lights the .."what's in that box"..? I actually enjoy those old Xmas classics by all those old timers like Bing, Andy, Perry etc. I also dig...


How many of you out there ignore Xmas because it's all a load of bullshit? A baby Jesus in some manger, hahaha!!!!!, yeah right! How many of you go ahead with Xmas but it ain't got shit to do with why we have Xmas? Just think....

kid...so what did you get for Christmas Johnny?
Johnny...nothing, we don't play that silliness, way too smart.
kid...my folks are dumb but I did get a new bike and a bb gun.