View Full Version : Interview with Diaw, Nando, and Parker

11-27-2012, 11:25 AM
needs some translation from Bruno


Seems to have some good info

11-27-2012, 11:54 AM
I'll do the translation.

11-27-2012, 11:58 AM
I translated the first two questions:

Hello Boris, the Spurs show a record of eleven wins and three defeats. You must be satisfied with this good start to the season?

It's okay, we all know how long it takes to get to the playoffs. We've already won several games against so called contenders like Oklahoma City, and the Lakers as well as beaten up on the poor teams of the league like Portland. We still aren't very fluid in our offense at times but we are still happy with the results of our road trip. We will probably lose in Miami.

You started the season in the starting 5 before Gregg Popovich decided to put you on the bench at kickoff games. How do you live this situation?

I discussed this with the coach a lot and he told me to help out Tiago because he was awful to start the year. He says I compliment him even though I disagree. My playing time is still the same, but I hope they offer me a better contract as it is not always easy making sacrifices. In San Antonio the bench is just as important as the starting five. I just want the team to be peaking in April for the playoffs.

11-27-2012, 12:08 PM
"as well as beaten up on the poor teams in the league like Portland" :lmao

Diaw with the goods !

I wonder if Diaw talking about a new contract means that he will opt out after this season. I like him, but I find it hard to believe that he will receive a better offer than 4.7m.

11-27-2012, 12:12 PM
lol if that translation is correct from Boris. He hasn't played well this year overall & complaining (somewhat) about a bench role when Manu did it in his prime for the Spurs. Yikes.

11-27-2012, 12:12 PM
Diaw's interview:

Spurs have 11 wins ans 3 losses. You should be satisfied with that start of the season?
We are. We have well started this season even if the road until the playoffs is still very long. We have won some close tough games against OKC, at Portland or at the Lakers. There are still a quite big margin of improvement and we sometimes lack of fluidity offensively. For the moment, our east coast road trip goes really well since we haven't lost but the last game at Miami won't be an easy one.

You started the season as a starter and then Gregg Popovich has decided to put you on the bench? How do you fell about that?
We talked a lot about that subject with the coach. He rather have me on the bench to pair me with Tiago Splitter because we are very complementary. For me, it doesn't matter at all to be or not a starter. My playing time remains the same and at San Antonio, bench is at least as important as the starting unit. Our goal is clearly to have a roster at its best in April to start the playoffs.

What is your biggest rival in the West?
There are 4 or 5 teams that are really dangerous and that will be difficult to beat in the playoffs. Clippers still beat us twice. Lakers have suffered at the start of the season but I don't see how they can't climb again the hill. Memphis has had a great start of the season. OKC is still at the top. The team that will win the west will truly deserve to be in the Finals.

There were some rumors about Mickael Pietrus joining Spurs to replace the injured Stephen Jackson. Have you some news about that?
You've just learned me that. I haven't heard at all about these rumors. I talked with Mike few weeks ago and I'm sure he will find a NBA team. He belongs to that league.

11-27-2012, 12:16 PM
I got a D+ in french in high school so I was just doing my best.

Bruno's should be much more accurate :toast

11-27-2012, 12:29 PM
Ok, that translation makes much more sense .

11-27-2012, 12:36 PM
Nando's interview:

You have been in SA for now 2 months. How well goes your transition to the NBA and with the Spurs?
Everything is going really well, thank you. I have the luck to be with a very well structured and organized team which is always a positive for a rookie. Spurs are now at the top of the NBA for 15 years and it's a joy and a honor to wear that jersey. Regarding the team, they are being together for quite a few years. I'm not only talking about Tim, Manu and Tony but too about Matt Bonner Gary Neal or Tiago Splitter. It's up to me to fit into the mold and to mesh with the team's philosophy.

How do you see your role within the team?
For the moment, I'm still in the discovery and learning stage but I think I'm getting better game after game. Gregg Popovich made me play in almost every games even if my playing time remains relatively limited. That's still a positive point for me. I had to be patient. Spurs are using a lot of players and so the bench plays a lot of minutes. For the moment, I just want to enjoy every second spend on the court.

Is being in the same team than Tony and Boris an edge for you?
It's true that it's always nice to have people you know when you arrived in a new country and a new league. I got this luck in Valencia with Florent Pietrus. When I arrived to SA, I've lived at Tony's house for a few weeks while I was looking for a place to live. We often see each other outside games and practices. There is a true brotherhood between all the members of the NBA French diaspora.

Did you have the time to discover the city of SA?
A little. It's obviously a biggest city than all the cities where I played previously in my career but people are very friendly. I haven't really had the time to visit the city. It's still our second big road trip and I've spend more time on planes than in SA.

You've met your former Cholet teammate, Kévin Séraphin.
It's always nice to play against a friend. He is doing a very good start of the season with the Wizards eve if his team is in a difficult situation. It's a team that is better than its record. They've lost a lot of games in the money time and I'm sure they will be fine.

11-27-2012, 12:58 PM
Parker's interview:

You keep having a perfect road trip with this win at Washington.
Yes, we do. After the Sunday double overtime game at Toronto, we've been lucky to be able to open the bench in that game. Starters have been able to rest during most of the second half and the coach has made the bench practice. Washington has started well the game but we've played consistently the whole game which allowed us to create a gap. The ball movement was good and we got a lot of open shots.

The player of the game was Tiago Splitter with almost a triple double.
Tiago has been huge tonight. Nobody could stop him. When we got the stat sheet at the end of the third quarter, we saw that he was close to a triple double and we tried to help him to get 10 assists. The coach took him out with 7 minutes left so our plan has a little failed. Out bigmen were really dominant with Tiago, Tim or Boris. It's that area that gives us the win.

Manu Ginobili scored 12 points and looked in great shape. How does he feel?
He is getting better and better even if he isn't at 100% of his abilities. Popovich doesn't want to rush the process and rather him back little by little. What matters is to have him back at his best level for the Spring when we will really need him.

Nando played 16 minutes today. How well are his first steps with Spurs?
I'm happy for him. He fit well with our game and our plays. He will need some time to learn all the plays but I'm not worried for him. He has been great in the preseason and he will be ready to help us the whole year. When I come to the NBA, we were 3 french players. We are now ten french players with 3 in the same team. It's really good for the french basketball and our basketball schools. Nando and Evan Fournier are the last ones to have joined us this year but I'm eagerly waiting the younger ones.

Wizards were celebrating today their French evening. How did you feel about seeing so much french speaking people in the arena?
It's awesome to have that kind of support from french people. They are really interested in the NBA and I see french flags in almost all the arenas. It's heartwarming to see hundreds of french people at our games. Despite the loss, fans have been able to see a very good game from the 4 french players. I'm happy to be able to give back to the people what they brought to me during my whole career.

11-27-2012, 12:59 PM
Looks like Tony Parker is a leading member of the CoM. :depressed

11-27-2012, 01:46 PM
Thanks for translations, Bruno. It's good to see that Diaw has accepted his bench role and that De Colo remains positive even though he can't shoot right now.

11-27-2012, 02:30 PM
Looks like Tony Parker is a leading member of the CoM. :depressed

the fuck

11-27-2012, 02:31 PM
I got a D+ in french in high school so I was just doing my best.

Bruno's should be much more accurate :toast

Haha, thank goodness. I was scared for a minute. Thanks for trying and thank you Bruno. Excellent info!!:flag:

11-27-2012, 03:40 PM
When we got the stat sheet at the end of the third quarter, we saw that he was close to a triple double and we tried to help him to get 10 assists.

Didn't know they got stat sheets in the game. Seems like it might be a distraction. I wonder if they get stat sheets regularly, or just when the coaches want to point something out in particular.

11-27-2012, 09:58 PM
do not like diaw said spurs will probly lose against the heat

I am wanting a blow out against the magic to rest the big three and go after the heat and beat them
spurs beat the heat with their 2 three roation players
spurs can get in heat head

11-27-2012, 10:00 PM
We'll see in spring if he passes the ball to Manu more... right now, it's all lip service, tbh...

11-27-2012, 10:03 PM
do not like diaw said spurs will probly lose against the heat

good thing then he didn't say that

11-27-2012, 10:03 PM
Amuseddaysleeper's translation made Diaw seem like a total douchebag :lol

11-27-2012, 10:14 PM
Amuseddaysleeper's translation made Diaw seem like a total douchebag :lol

true dat

this part is pretty awful "He says I compliment him even though I disagree. My playing time is still the same, but I hope they offer me a better contract as it is not always easy making sacrifices."

11-27-2012, 10:16 PM
I translated the first two questions:

Hello Boris, the Spurs show a record of eleven wins and three defeats. You must be satisfied with this good start to the season?

It's okay, we all know how long it takes to get to the playoffs. We've already won several games against so called contenders like Oklahoma City, and the Lakers as well as beaten up on the poor teams of the league like Portland. We still aren't very fluid in our offense at times but we are still happy with the results of our road trip. We will probably lose in Miami.

You started the season in the starting 5 before Gregg Popovich decided to put you on the bench at kickoff games. How do you live this situation?

I discussed this with the coach a lot and he told me to help out Tiago because he was awful to start the year. He says I compliment him even though I disagree. My playing time is still the same, but I hope they offer me a better contract as it is not always easy making sacrifices. In San Antonio the bench is just as important as the starting five. I just want the team to be peaking in April for the playoffs.

:rollin the unintentional goods.

11-27-2012, 11:36 PM
Does he actually say anything about his contract?

11-27-2012, 11:50 PM
Lol Amused does not only translate, but adds in his own words to be put into Boris Diaw's mouth. "Contract"? Even Google Translate didn't show that.

I am sure he was adding up a lot of spice for the heck of it :)

11-28-2012, 12:13 AM
Lol Amused does not only translate, but adds in his own words to be put into Boris Diaw's mouth. "Contract"? Even Google Translate didn't show that.

I am sure he was adding up a lot of spice for the heck of it


11-28-2012, 12:38 AM
Man, I love starting shit :lol

11-28-2012, 01:32 AM
Man, I love starting shit :lol
That, you did! I was thinking Boris is going to be chained in the doghouse after saying all that!!

11-28-2012, 02:25 AM
haha.. amused had me like


but after reading bruno's post ...


11-28-2012, 06:56 AM
After reading the real translation. Gotta say the spiced up one had me in stitches. :lol

11-28-2012, 08:36 AM
I don't understand why the Spurs focus on the bench so much. Just start the strongest starting lineup and let the bench guys hold the lead. The bench doesn't have to be this amazing unit that blows games open. Blow games open from the start of the game.

11-28-2012, 11:20 AM
Oh, Nando lived at Tony's house. That is kinky.

11-28-2012, 01:44 PM
I don't understand why the Spurs focus on the bench so much. Just start the strongest starting lineup and let the bench guys hold the lead. The bench doesn't have to be this amazing unit that blows games open. Blow games open from the start of the game.

The starters did exactly that in the playoffs last year. The problem is the bench sucked. If the bench was able to "hold the lead", the Spurs would have been in the Finals.

11-28-2012, 01:49 PM
Amused sucks at everything.

11-28-2012, 03:47 PM
San Antonio Spurs (https://www.facebook.com/Spurs?ref=stream)
Boris Diaw answers a variety of questions in his Spurs.com Fast Break. Do you think he knows what Frito Pie is? http://www.nba.com/spurs/video/121128_diaw

11-28-2012, 03:52 PM
:lol Boris acting like he doesn't know/love frito pie.

11-28-2012, 05:24 PM
The starters did exactly that in the playoffs last year. The problem is the bench sucked. If the bench was able to "hold the lead", the Spurs would have been in the Finals.

Not entirely true tim

Danny Green was starting and he sucked balls big time in the OKC series. From 12ppg/4rpg @ 72%TS and 58% from deep in the Clippers series to 3.3ppg/2.2rpg @ 32%TS and 17% from deep. That's the biggest downfall I've seen from a SA player in the last decade. His struggles were huge in the OKC series because Pop was forced to start Manu and Neal was suddenly leading the 2nd unit alone and that was a receipt for a disaster (and it was). No to mention Diaw completely invisible that OKC would simply ignore him, Timmy struggling offensively and Parker struggling after game 2 when OKC put Thabo on him and they started to switch on the P&R.

Manu and S-Jax were huge in the series, especially Jax. I don't disagree that some bench players like Neal and Splitter had a subpar series, but the starters sucked balls as well and deserve just as much criticism.

11-28-2012, 06:06 PM
Durant and Westbrick gif.

11-28-2012, 06:25 PM
So did Boris. Triple kinky. Ah, those Frenchmen.

11-28-2012, 06:38 PM
Not entirely true tim

Danny Green was starting and he sucked balls big time in the OKC series. From 12ppg/4rpg @ 72%TS and 58% from deep in the Clippers series to 3.3ppg/2.2rpg @ 32%TS and 17% from deep. That's the biggest downfall I've seen from a SA player in the last decade. His struggles were huge in the OKC series because Pop was forced to start Manu and Neal was suddenly leading the 2nd unit alone and that was a receipt for a disaster (and it was). No to mention Diaw completely invisible that OKC would simply ignore him, Timmy struggling offensively and Parker struggling after game 2 when OKC put Thabo on him and they started to switch on the P&R.

Manu and S-Jax were huge in the series, especially Jax. I don't disagree that some bench players like Neal and Splitter had a subpar series, but the starters sucked balls as well and deserve just as much criticism.

All that needs to be said:

Plus/minus per 100 possessions against the Thunder
Tim Duncan: +3.6
Tony Parker: +2.4
Danny Green: +1.8
Boris Diaw: +0.4
DeJuan Blair: -1.6
Manu Ginobili: -3.4
Stephen Jackson: -4.1
Patrick Mills: -5.2
Kawhi Leonard: -7.6
Gary Neal: -20
Matt Bonner: -21.2
Tiago Splitter: -23.6

The bench was horrible with and without Ginobili. If the bench holds serve, the Spurs win the series. Obviously, the starters didn't play flawless basketball but as a group they played well enough for the Spurs to win the series.

11-28-2012, 06:56 PM
The bench was horrible with and without Ginobili. If the bench holds serve, the Spurs win the series. Obviously, the starters didn't play flawless basketball but as a group they played well enough for the Spurs to win the series.

That's why it was detrimental to start Ginobili. It basically took DG out of the rotation and forced everyone else to take on a heavier load. At least when DG was starting you were at least getting some defense on Westbrook out of him.

11-28-2012, 06:58 PM
I don't understand why the Spurs focus on the bench so much. Just start the strongest starting lineup and let the bench guys hold the lead. The bench doesn't have to be this amazing unit that blows games open. Blow games open from the start of the game.

That's why it was detrimental to start Ginobili. It basically took DG out of the rotation and forced everyone else to take on a heavier load. At least when DG was starting you were at least getting some defense on Westbrook out of him.

Damn, try not to contradict yourself in the same thread.

11-28-2012, 07:02 PM
Damn, try not to contradict yourself in the same thread.

You owe me a new keyboard, tbh.

Wow :lol

11-28-2012, 08:15 PM
All that needs to be said:

Plus/minus per 100 possessions against the Thunder
Tim Duncan: +3.6
Tony Parker: +2.4
Danny Green: +1.8
Boris Diaw: +0.4
DeJuan Blair: -1.6
Manu Ginobili: -3.4
Stephen Jackson: -4.1
Patrick Mills: -5.2
Kawhi Leonard: -7.6
Gary Neal: -20
Matt Bonner: -21.2
Tiago Splitter: -23.6

The bench was horrible with and without Ginobili. If the bench holds serve, the Spurs win the series. Obviously, the starters didn't play flawless basketball but as a group they played well enough for the Spurs to win the series.

But the plus/minus don't tell the whole story tim. Danny Green with +1.8 and Jackson with -4.1 just shows that Green benefited big time from the the 5-man unit he played while Jackson took a big hit because of that.

Simply compare Green's numbers with Jackson's numbers :

Green - 3.3ppg/2.2rpg @ 32%TS and 17% 3P
Jackson - 11.8ppg/2rpg @ 91%TS and 68% 3P

The plus/minus of the whole series doesn't show how the series changed with the P&R switch, how it changed once Thabo started guarding Parker or how Pop took Green out of the series completely.

I don't disagree with you that most of the guys off the bench sucked, but I don't see how the starters take a pass, especially Green and Boris.

11-28-2012, 10:37 PM
Damn, try not to contradict yourself in the same thread.

It's not a contradiction. My idea is the Spurs should have stuck with what got them there at that point. I advocated earlier on in the season for them to start Manu because they didn't want to take any chances with Green's inexperience. I turned out to be correct. As evidenced by Pop's nonsensical rotations in game 5, that wasn't the time to start messing around.

11-28-2012, 11:19 PM
Amused sucks at everything.

You're A-OK, OV

11-29-2012, 12:19 AM
But the plus/minus don't tell the whole story tim. Danny Green with +1.8 and Jackson with -4.1 just shows that Green benefited big time from the the 5-man unit he played while Jackson took a big hit because of that.

Simply compare Green's numbers with Jackson's numbers :

Green - 3.3ppg/2.2rpg @ 32%TS and 17% 3P
Jackson - 11.8ppg/2rpg @ 91%TS and 68% 3P

The plus/minus of the whole series doesn't show how the series changed with the P&R switch, how it changed once Thabo started guarding Parker or how Pop took Green out of the series completely.

I don't disagree with you that most of the guys off the bench sucked, but I don't see how the starters take a pass, especially Green and Boris.

I'm just saying as a whole, the starters more than held their own. The bench got destroyed. Obviously we can break it down further than that (and I have), but that was the main theme of the series. When the starters were on the court, the Spurs did okay. When the bench came in, the Spurs got annihilated.

The same thing happened in the Clippers series, btw.

11-29-2012, 11:52 AM
It's not a contradiction.

Of course it is.