View Full Version : Grats on Greinke Rangers

12-06-2012, 06:57 PM
Angels dont want to pay...Dodgers getting impatient....My source say Rangers are front runners. Gg.

12-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Looks like Dodgers...

DJ Mbenga
12-08-2012, 09:36 PM
son your jynx worked

12-08-2012, 09:40 PM
Awful lot of money for a mentally fragile, kid-gloves kind of pitcher.

12-08-2012, 10:29 PM
As long as its not the rangers...haha

12-08-2012, 11:42 PM
Looks like he is headed to the true LA team..

12-09-2012, 12:17 AM
Angels have won a world series within the last 25 years.

12-09-2012, 03:33 AM
Whats up with the obsession about being the "real" LA team?! As if having the Real LA name makes a difference on how good your team is.

12-09-2012, 11:27 AM
It's an interesting twist on little brother syndrome. Too bad the Dodgers are underachievers like few others. Still not certain how a mentally fragile pitcher changes that.

12-09-2012, 11:33 AM
In 3 postseason starts, Grienke has pitched 16.2/3 innings, allowing 12 earned runs on a 1.6 whip, allowing more runs than strikeouts for a 6.50 ERA.

Mentally weak.

Cuppycake Gumdrop
12-09-2012, 11:34 AM
At least the leap from badwagons won't be too far for LA fan.

12-11-2012, 07:43 AM
The fucking Dodgers are a joke. Trying to become the Yankees of the west by buying mostly has-beens or oft-injured never will be's.

lol Greinke. like JMark said, he's a mental midget

12-11-2012, 07:57 AM
I suppose if you bring in so much inconsistent talent that you can ride out the various ebbs and flows in a consistent sort of way, but Greinke has never been the difference maker his raw stats indicate, and when you place him in front of a group whose whole is less that the sum of its parts, with that many overpaid, borderline contented players, who on the field challenges and leads by example when, A. Everyone is fat and happy, and B. Nobody has ever led before?