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View Full Version : Kevin Towers is a shitty general manager...

12-11-2012, 10:02 PM
He was in San Diego, and he continues to be in Arizona. Beyond disenchanting Upton by shopping him when he's gone a week without a homer, and beyond the facts that much of the current success of the Diamondbacks stems from the play of inherited players, Towers consistently finds ways to fuck up the roster while hiding behind a shield of "improved" play.

His latest gaffe is trading the top prospect in AZ's organization along with two valued relief pitchers for a mid-level shortstop prospect from the Reds org, and a slightly better lefty reliever. Yes they need a SS, and yes they are on a budget, but is six years of club control on a dude named Didi really worth six years of Trevor Bauer, a pitcher many rank as a likely #2 starter for his career?

Since when does having a surplus of young, cheap, talented arms mean you should just flippantly trade them for middling players? He did it with Jarrod Parker last year, now Bauer. Next, Skaggs. I'm almost certain of it.

T Park
12-12-2012, 03:56 AM
As a complete outsider of the DiamondBacks, but I have a few friends who are fans and they can't tell me.

Maybe you can. Why are they so desperate to trade Upton? I understand he hasnt been Willie Mays like everyone thought he and his brother would be but hes still a damn good player.

12-12-2012, 10:46 AM
He's inconsistent from season to season, and can sulk in all aspects if not hitting well. That said he started last season with a broken thumb and never got his power numbers back. Beyond, he's their most expensive player and when you have glaring needs on the entire left side of the infield, have outfield depth, they figure a trade of Upton bring CAP flexibility, yields top-tier solutions at positions of need, and allows them to see what their cheaper OF options bring. If we were Oakland or Tampa, it would make sense, but Arizona has an 80 million payroll and can afford Upton through his contract.

Supposedly he's no longer being traded, but it cost Arizona six years of a potential ace in Bauer to get a decent SS to make that determination. Frankly, the stupidity in trading Bauer does not bring about much hope/faith in Towers to not do something stupid with Upton.

12-25-2012, 05:14 PM
The Cody Ross signing after trading away Young earlier makes him look even worse. And now they're leaning toward trading another outfielder. At this point, he needs to get a haul for Upton and move on. Trading Kubel for more middling prospects will just piss everyone off even more.

12-26-2012, 11:04 AM
Word is they want to trade Kubel and maybe B/B+ prospect Matt Davidson for a better prospect like Olt or a proven major leaguer at 3B. If he can pull that off, solid, but anything less, and for being the first GM to throw both excessive money and excessive years at a journeyman outfielder like Ross, I say fire his ass because it's clear there's no real plan, he's far too flippant with the team's top prospects, and far too alienating with his star players.

12-26-2012, 10:58 PM
rumor is kt has the ok to have a 95 million payroll
trading bauer was ok with me except could have gotten more
bauer was a bad apple and could not get along with any catchers or coaches in az
also some writers say bauer could be the scariest part of the trade
he still has the potenitally to be a complete waste

dbacks need a prospect for hill after he retires

I for one do not want j-up gone tell atleast the allstar break
I for one think he will turn it on this year
sept was a pretty good month for him last year and he should have gotten his confidence back

I agree with towers
he needs to go
I wanted them to keep jerry angles gm
word is they went over his head and got josh

12-26-2012, 10:59 PM
young pop outouted way to much last year he started hot and was not popping out
then he got hurt again
I say enough off cy especially with eaton and polluck in the wings

01-10-2013, 09:41 PM
Towers proving his ineptitude yet again...apparently Upton used his no-trade to opt out of a deal to the Mariners.

01-10-2013, 09:55 PM
The package was: https://twitter.com/ken_rosenthal/status/289552531170918400

If true, that's a damn good haul. Ain't mad at that. Might be a ploy by Upton to get another year or two at a higher rate.

01-11-2013, 02:51 PM
Upton didn't want to play for the shitty Mariners :lol

01-11-2013, 05:58 PM
More about their ballpark than anything.

01-15-2013, 02:34 PM
Upton didn't want to play for the shitty Mariners :lol

Why would anybody? 2nd worst team in the division (sorry Astros...)

01-24-2013, 10:34 AM
And there it is. Selling low, backing yourself into a must-trade corner, seeing market dry up, then taking a crappy deal for a one-time MVP candidate.

01-24-2013, 12:10 PM
I thought they were at least going to get Simmons in the deal...

01-24-2013, 12:31 PM
We have no need for Atlanta's top prospects/players when, as evidenced by the trades of Bauer for a shitty-hitting SS and Upton for an expensive utility infielder, mediocre MLB pitcher, and a bevy of B and C level prospects, Towers would only end up trading them for mediocre players down the road, so he's simply expediting the time frame.

01-24-2013, 12:31 PM
From a lifelong Braves fan here, WOW. Prado is a really good player, and an excellent clubhouse guy. Love him, hes going to be a big loss for this team. Zeke Spruill is probably going to be a number 4 or 5 guy in the rotation. Delgado, probably a number 3 or 4. Nick Ahmed is a really solid player, probably a lock for the big leagues, but hes not going to set the world on fire. Brandon Drury is young and has some potential, but he has yet to produce. I like these prospects, but these just arent big name guys. Its a pretty safe haul for Arizona. They are all likely major leaguers. Drury is stell an unkown. But all of these guys were blocked. Very expandable by the Braves. I would do this trade everyday. Im very excited about the Athleticsm, speed, and power in our outfield. The Diamondbacks didnt get completely hosed, but the could have got at least one premium prospect for Upton, possibly more. Theres just nobody going back aside from Prado that even really have All Star potential.

01-24-2013, 12:39 PM
Who plays RF, Justin or Heyward?

01-24-2013, 12:42 PM
It's a shitty haul. You don't trade MVP candidates for light-hitting infielders and back end rotation pitchers. Not ever. And certainly not when you don't have a cant-miss prospect to replace him. Replacing Upton's salary is utility outfielder Cody Ross and utility infielder/outfielder Martin Prado.

That is a terrible allocation of funds. You can get both players' production from other players for half the price.

This really has been one of the worst offseasons I can remember.

01-24-2013, 12:47 PM
Who plays RF, Justin or Heyward?

Heyward in Right, BJ in Center, and Justin in left

01-24-2013, 12:51 PM
It's a shitty haul. You don't trade MVP candidates for light-hitting infielders and back end rotation pitchers. Not ever. And certainly not when you don't have a cant-miss prospect to replace him. Replacing Upton's salary is utility outfielder Cody Ross and utility infielder/outfielder Martin Prado.

That is a terrible allocation of funds. You can get both players' production from other players for half the price.

This really has been one of the worst offseasons I can remember.

Lol pretty much. Your gonna like Prado. But still. The guys you got....they just dont have potential to be anything more than solid players. They are pretty safe bets, but they just dont have an extra level besides a backend of the rotation, or a decent everyday player. And we had talented prospects. Your GM is an idiot....and I feel bad for you, but at least you got likeable players.

01-24-2013, 12:57 PM
Prado will likely rake at Chase. Most newcomers do. But he will not replace the power of Upton, and he will only be retained if AZ pays 8-10 per in extension. Everyone else is a shit offering.

01-24-2013, 01:01 PM
Very true. He hustles on every play, he will do whatever it takes to win. But no in all honesty, 10-15 homers at best is what your looking at.

01-24-2013, 02:56 PM
After seeing this deal I'm left wondering how bad the Rangers offer must've been...

01-24-2013, 03:32 PM
Wouldn't surprise me at all if Prado approaches 20 HR in Arizona. The stadium just screams for homeruns. It's not just that it yields a lot of homeruns, but I think players, especially new players to the stadium, tend to try to hit more fly balls there because once they see a couple of would-be ordinary pop flies leave the park, they start hitting differently. If Stephen Drew can hit 20+ HRs there, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Prado do it.

01-24-2013, 03:56 PM
Prado, with 140 games, should easily hit .315 with 16-23 HR, 90+ runs, 80+ RBI with improved walk rate. The batters eye is huge, and the porches shallow. It's also at near 2000 elevation so air is thinner, and it's largely blocked from wind.

01-24-2013, 03:57 PM
It still doesn't come close to what a healthy Upton does to a lineup.

01-31-2013, 10:52 PM
towers just wanted his face of the francise on the team goldsmith he callhil up
everything jerry did is gone now
so stupid
kt is no good
should have never signed coddy ross
oh and I am on record braves are going DEEP in playoffs
j-up is going to left because the other dude won a gold glove in right and j-up already said that

01-31-2013, 10:53 PM
oh and kt only wants guys that go out dive into stands and gets hurt and wheres their emotion on their sleeve
kt go to hell

01-23-2014, 02:24 PM
You motherfucker, you...

Goddamn it Towers. 6/120 for proven nothing Tanaka, holding the little money you have hostage in a fight you were doomed to lose, when your shitty GM ass could have had Matt Garza for 4/55-60, not had to give up a compensation pick, and would have saved you enough money to sign another quality player this year or next.

But no. Now Garza sign with Milwaukee for 4/52, you have no quality options to sign to upgrade, and sit at roughly the same iffy rotation that couldn't hang with the Dodgers last year.


That's three All-stars for a sum total of about 70 million over next 3/4 years.

You motherfucker!

01-23-2014, 03:27 PM
I like Byrnes better. Thanks for pretty much trading towers for him.

02-07-2014, 02:41 PM
Oh, way!!! He got an extension!

02-08-2014, 10:14 AM
I like Byrnes better. Thanks for pretty much trading towers for him.

Byrnes was always outcast by the Media here. Towers is under their protection.

ginobili's bald spot
04-14-2014, 01:40 AM

04-15-2014, 09:08 PM
I'm going to punch that mother fucker right in the face.