View Full Version : How Stupid is Chris Mattews?

Wild Cobra
12-22-2012, 09:23 AM

12-22-2012, 03:28 PM
That entire network has the IQ of carpet.

12-22-2012, 05:42 PM
He's annoying as fuck. The entire lot of whatever the fuck he is, all of them, they are so saturated mentally with the "sell copy" mantra that they will say anything to get a headline response.

12-23-2012, 01:27 PM
He's annoying as fuck. The entire lot of whatever the fuck he is, all of them, they are so saturated mentally with the "sell copy" mantra that they will say anything to get a headline response.

Hey dipshit....Chris Matthews, Ed Shultz, Keith Olberman (former host), are all highly intelligent people that I rely on for true accurate information...some of the best in the business...

however, the following people hold a special place in my life for their wisdom, wit, honesty, and integrity..they mean the world to me:

Racheal Maddow
Michael Eric Dyson
Lawrence O'Donnell
Jon Stewart

and the great Bill Maher

there's no one on TV today more intellectually stimulating than these people....no hyperbole...put your best and brightest against the ones I've listed and there's no comparison...Rush Limpaugh / Sean Hannity all only high school educations

12-23-2012, 07:02 PM
Hey dipshit....Chris Matthews, Ed Shultz, Keith Olberman (former host), are all highly intelligent people that I rely on for true accurate information...some of the best in the business...

however, the following people hold a special place in my life for their wisdom, wit, honesty, and integrity..they mean the world to me:

Racheal Maddow
Michael Eric Dyson
Lawrence O'Donnell
Jon Stewart

and the great Bill Maher

there's no one on TV today more intellectually stimulating than these people....no hyperbole...put your best and brightest against the ones I've listed and there's no comparison...Rush Limpaugh / Sean Hannity all only high school educations


12-24-2012, 12:13 AM
who's paying you to post this garbage WC?

12-24-2012, 12:20 AM
who's paying you to post this garbage WC?

It's understandable to believe that WC is being paid to embarrass himself, but I assure you, he is actually doing it voluntarily.

12-24-2012, 02:53 AM
Matthews was a pretty level headed guy. And although he pushed Social stories, he was definitely into the political discourse style before Fox came. He now seems to be trying everything to get ratings. On an extremely liberal news channel, you have to fight to get those ratings by being more liberal than the rest.

The Reckoning
12-24-2012, 03:55 AM
theyre brilliant. they find ways to make you believe the most ridiculous shit so that you give them your money.

12-24-2012, 03:58 AM
Why couldn't the man just answer Chris Mathews properly?

It reminds of trying to debate Agloco or another Darwin supporter they avoid basic questions that may make them look bad.