View Full Version : another coward with a gun ambushes and kills 2 firefighters..smh

Trill Clinton
12-24-2012, 05:10 PM
By Jason White, NBC NewsThe gunman who ambushed four volunteer firefighters, killing two, in upstate New York had spent 17 years in prison for beating his grandmother to death with a hammer in 1980, police said.
http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Slideshows/_production/ss-121217-misp-year/121224-spengler-webster-ny-115p.380;380;7;70;0.jpgMonroe County Sheriff's Office
Undated booking photo of William Spengler, who shot and killed two firefighters Monday.

William Spengler opened fire on the volunteers as they responded to a blaze just before 6 a.m. ET in a small cluster of homes along Lake Ontario in Webster, N.Y., police said, rocking this close-knit community.

The 62-year-old convicted felon had apparently set a trap, firing on the first responders from atop an earthen berm.
"It does appear that it was a trap that was set," said Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering, his voice breaking at times. “People who get up in the middle of the night to fight fires, they don’t expected to get shot and killed."

Pickering lost a colleague in the incident: Police Lieutenant Michael Chiapperini, who was a volunteer firefighter. The other firefighter killed by Spengler was Tomasz Kaczowka.
Despite being shot, one of the injured firefighters was able to flee from scene under his own power. But the others remained pinned down on the narrow strip of land between Lake Ontario and Irondequoit Bay until a SWAT team arrived.

As police closed in, Spengler took his own life with a gunshot wound to the head, Pickering said. He was convicted of manslaughter in 1981 after the death of his grandmother, Rose Spengler, and was paroled in 1998.

Spengler's 67-year-old sister Cheryl Spengler is unaccounted for, Pickering said. Spengler lived in the house with his sister and mother, Arline, who died in October.
Prior to Monday's shooting, Webster police had not had any run-ins with Spengler since he was paroled, they said.
Police would not say what kinds of guns Spengler used, but as a convicted felon, he could not legally own firearms.

At least two firefighters were killed and two others were wounded after arriving at the scene of a fire early Monday morning in Webster, N.Y. WHEC-TV's Amanda Ciavarri reports.

The two injured firefighters, Theodore Scardino and Joseph Hofstetter, were being treated for "significant injuries," according to Dr. Nicole Stassen, a surgeon at the University of Rochester Medical Center. She said both were awake and alert, however, and not on ventilators.

An off-duty police officer was also injured when he was hit by shrapnel after his car took bullets to the windshield and engine block, according to the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle (http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20121224/NEWS01/312240026/webster-shooting?odyssey=mod%7Cbreaking%7Ctext%7CHome&nclick_check=1). His condition is unclear at this time.

After the shooting, the fire grew to engulf at seven homes and one motor vehicle.

“These firemen are part of our family. You go into a fire with these guys. To see them go down with something like this is totally unexpected. We are in shock,” Billy Gross, fire commissioner for West Webster, told the Democrat and Chronicle (http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20121224/NEWS01/312240026/webster-shooting?odyssey=mod%7Cbreaking%7Ctext%7CHome&nclick_check=1).

Dozens of area residents were evacuated, with police searching them as they left, the newspaper reported.
"Miserable thing to happen this time of year," Mark Johns, a state assemblyman who represents the area, told local NBC station WHEC (http://www.whec.com/news/). Johns said he knew some of the firefighters who were shot.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a statement after the shooting, offering his "deepest condolences."
“All of our thoughts and prayers go to the families and friends of those who were killed in this senseless act of violence," Cuomo said. “New York's first responders are true heroes as they time and again selflessly rush toward danger in order to keep our families and communities safe."

12-24-2012, 05:50 PM
The NRA: Firefighters must be armed asap.

12-24-2012, 08:46 PM
It's high time we started profiling white males with guns...they are a threat to our nation, civility, common sense, and peace every where...

12-24-2012, 08:51 PM
This is disgusting. Can't believe someone would do that. This & church shootings too??


Walked into a house of God and killed someone during prayers?

12-24-2012, 09:16 PM
What the fuck is wrong with some people?

12-24-2012, 09:33 PM
What the fuck is wrong with white people?


Trill Clinton
12-24-2012, 09:34 PM
This is disgusting. Can't believe someone would do that. This & church shootings too??


Walked into a house of God and killed someone during prayers?

yea that was horrible too.

thank God he was caught and is being punished.

but these types of crimes are rare in the african american community.

meanwhile, socially awkward white males are committing mass murders at schools, killing public officials and then committing suicide.

when is enough enough?

12-24-2012, 09:36 PM
dem white folk smh

meanwhile in everyday chicago...

12-24-2012, 09:38 PM
yea that was horrible too.

thank God the white bastard was caught and is being punished.

but these types of crimes are rare in the african american community.

meanwhile, socially awkward white males are committing mass murders at schools, killing public officials and then committing suicide.

when is enough enough?


12-24-2012, 09:39 PM
This is disgusting. Can't believe a white man would do that. This & church shootings too??


Walked into a house of God and killed someone white during prayers?


Trill Clinton
12-24-2012, 09:41 PM
dem white folk smh

meanwhile in everyday chicago...

but you and the rest of america don't care about what's going on in chicago lol.

20 white children and 6 white teachers were murdered and that hit home to with white america.

these crimes are being committed by men such as yourself.

i hope you get out the house and socialize.

i'd hate to see cubansucks on the news for killing his neighbors kid or molesting little boys.

12-24-2012, 09:45 PM
but you and the rest of white america don't care about what's going on in chicago lol.

20 white children and 6 white teachers were murdered by white men and that hit home to with white america.

these crimes are being committed by white men such as yourself.

i hope you get out the house and socialize.

i'd hate to see cubansucks on the news for killing his white neighbors kid or molesting white little boys.


Trill Clinton
12-24-2012, 09:46 PM

12-24-2012, 10:54 PM
Just more innocent Americans dying :(

12-24-2012, 11:06 PM


12-24-2012, 11:08 PM
I say they don't know, don't show, or don't care about what's going on in the hood.

12-24-2012, 11:09 PM
The NRA: Firefighters must be armed asap.

I'm sure the NRA would say "you had him for murder already. You let him go. What did you expect from a guy who beat his own grandmother to death with a hammer?"

12-24-2012, 11:38 PM
yea that was horrible too.

thank God he was caught and is being punished.

but these types of crimes are rare in the african american community.

meanwhile, socially awkward white males are committing mass murders at schools, killing public officials and then committing suicide.

when is enough enough?

This white guy killing multiple people, then himself is becoming all too common. It has to stop.


Trill Clinton
12-25-2012, 12:10 AM
This white guy killing multiple people, then himself is becoming all too common. It has to stop.


i agree, it needs to stop.

can you please drop a link of a brotha shooting up a school of innocent children, please?

i know its a sensitive topic but tip-toeing around it wont do us any good.

now, why are so many mass killings and school shootings done by white males?

12-25-2012, 12:11 AM
Sorry, I don't click lanks..

Trill Clinton
12-25-2012, 12:12 AM
lol you posted the lank!

12-25-2012, 12:12 AM

Damn, her own kids :wow 4 of them? When will this all stop?

12-25-2012, 12:17 AM

OMG, more kids dead, wtf is happening??? Taking your time to research, plot then poision beautiful kids, unreal

12-25-2012, 12:20 AM
the only obvious solution is to chemically lobotomize everyone and ban free will

Trill Clinton
12-25-2012, 12:22 AM
didn't click the lank but nancy grace has a show dedicated to white children murdered by their parents.

when i hear there was a school shooting, white male.

when i hear about a shooting at a political rally, white male.

when i hear about a shooting at a movie theater, white male.

when i hear a family murdered by the father, white male.

when i hear of firefighters ambushed, shot and killed, white male.

12-25-2012, 12:24 AM
I didn't click the links either. It's so sad that I couldn't bear it.

12-25-2012, 12:27 AM
liberals and especially their media have been trying to tear down the white male for some time now..the strong white christian middle class headed by the white male was the major obstacle to implementing a total foreign banker takeover and one world government. white males are finally starting to get pissed off by getting shit on by society..white males can't go to college and get scholarships like minorities can, we are hurt in the job place by feminism and affirmative action, we get constantly demonized in the liberal media, we get our dicks cut at birth and are left somewhat sexually frustrated and crippled (not by any fault of our own) tbh it's just natural that the white male is lashing out. i think it's a good thing that the white male is getting pissed and has had enough, but rather than misplace our rage we need to channel it into taking back our rightful place at the top of society.

Trill Clinton
12-25-2012, 12:27 AM

welp, i'm about to get back to eating this lobster bisque and drinking some egg nog.

hopefully when i log in tomorrow there will be some talking points and an action plan in place.

i have some theories as to why the white male lashes out on society the way he does but i will reserve that information when i feel you guys are genuinely receptive to the help, hint hint.

Trill Clinton
12-25-2012, 12:28 AM
liberals and especially their media have been trying to tear down the white male for some time now..the strong white christian middle class headed by the white male was the major obstacle to implementing a total foreign banker takeover and one world government. white males are finally starting to get pissed off by getting shit on by society..white males can't go to college and get scholarships like minorities can, we are hurt in the job place by feminism and affirmative action, we get constantly demonized in the liberal media, we get our dicks cut at birth and are left somewhat sexually frustrated and crippled (not by any fault of our own) tbh it's just natural that the white male is lashing out. i think it's a good thing that the white male is getting pissed and has had enough, but rather than misplace our rage we need to channel it into taking back our rightful place at the top of society.


12-25-2012, 12:30 AM
laugh all you want, but you'd be in chains shining my boots if not for the good heart of the white man. we let you out of slavery and gave you everything that you have, brought you into our civilization that we built. you'd either be spearchucking in africa or working in the fields if not for the white man. you ought to show a little respect.

12-25-2012, 12:39 AM
laugh all you want, but you'd be in chains shining my boots if not for the good heart of the white man. we let you out of slavery and gave you everything that you have, brought you into our civilization that we built. you'd either be spearchucking in africa or working in the fields if not for the white man. you ought to show a little respect.

but we do respect you...just ask your mamma, sister, girlfriend, lover, aunt, cousin, daughter, greasy grandma :lol

12-25-2012, 12:43 AM
You two just remember that you're only able to go on the Internet and pop off at the cocksucker because a white man invented it and it was a white man who set you ancestors free.

12-25-2012, 12:44 AM
yall all are dumb and I don't wish any of you a merry christmas.

12-25-2012, 01:06 AM
yall all are dumb and I don't wish any of you a merry christmas.:lol

Did m>s just say he would be a slaveowner were it still legal?

12-25-2012, 01:13 AM

12-25-2012, 01:37 AM
You two just remember that you're only able to go on the Internet and pop off at the cocksucker because a white man invented it and it was a white man who set you ancestors free.

:lol actually we'll take credit for the internet too...why? well because life originated in Africa...
Early humans first migrated out of Africa into Asia probably between 2 million and 1.8 million years ago. They entered Europe somewhat later, between 1.5 million and 1 million years. :lol


12-25-2012, 03:04 AM
What's next? Someone going into a hospital and killing old people? People are fucked up. We need a super hero.

12-25-2012, 03:07 AM
white trash at it again...

12-25-2012, 09:11 AM
Lol, black crimes are never reported on the news because they simply happen so often that no one cares.....

Lol, no one cares about your race.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 10:21 AM
I'd like to direct you gentlemen to the "love" thread.

None of this bickering and racism in that thread and everyone feels the "love"

You are welcome...now let me exit this den of hatred and fear...

12-25-2012, 10:37 AM
when i hear there was a school shooting, white male.

when i hear about a shooting at a political rally, white male.

when i hear about a shooting at a movie theater, white male.

when i hear a family murdered by the father, white male.

when i hear of firefighters ambushed, shot and killed, white male.

You should know why. You just said indirectly that it's because the media would rather focus on white on white crimes

but you and the rest of america don't care about what's going on in chicago lol.

See? You kinda botched your own point. U DUN GOOFED

12-25-2012, 11:09 AM
I'd like to direct you gentlemen to the "love" thread.

None of this bickering and racism in that thread and everyone feels the "love"

You are welcome...now let me exit this den of hatred and fear...Keep your sad attention whoring confined to that thread.

12-25-2012, 11:40 AM
laugh all you want, but you'd be in chains shining my boots if not for the good heart of the white man. we let you out of slavery and gave you everything that you have, brought you into our civilization that we built. you'd either be spearchucking in africa or working in the fields if not for the white man. you ought to show a little respect.

So you're dropping the "I'm a huge Native American" schtick?

12-25-2012, 11:52 AM

Did m>s just say he would be a slaveowner were it still legal?

if slavery were legal today Mavs>Spurs would likely get butt raped by a female slave with a strap on :hat

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 12:23 PM
Keep your sad attention whoring confined to that thread.

...and, I might also add...

In that thread everyone is welcome and loved....including Cucks, Faggots & Switch-hitting bull dykes and/or lipstick switch-hitting lezzies.

Because everyone deserves love.

You are welcome.

12-25-2012, 12:28 PM
...and, I might also add...

In that thread everyone is welcome and loved....including Cucks, Faggots & Switch-hitting bull dykes and/or lipstick switch-hitting lezzies.

Because everyone deserves love.

You are welcome.:lol

I knew you couldn't keep it up.

[awaits "but I don't do it in the love thread" rationalization]

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 12:32 PM

I knew you couldn't keep it up.

[awaits "but I don't do it in the love thread" rationalization]

That is the beauty of that thread. It is a "civilized" thread.

Embrace the concept.

Happy Holidays chumpie!

12-25-2012, 12:33 PM
That is the beauty of that thread. It is a "civilized" thread.

Embrace the concept.

Happy Holidays chumpie!There it is.

As predictable as it is pathetic.

If it's such an embraceable concept, you'd do it in all the other threads, dumbass. Another of your failures.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 01:01 PM
There it is.

As predictable as it is pathetic.

If it's such an embraceable concept, you'd do it in all the other threads, dumbass. Another of your failures.


Because it makes sense to YOU?

No way Jose Feliciano. It makes sense to ME to be whomever I want to be in whichever thread I want. I can be loving in a thread about love and I can be an a-ho in a thread where a-ho's act like a-ho's.

Simple common sense.

12-25-2012, 02:06 PM

Because it makes sense to YOU?
No way Jose Feliciano. It makes sense to ME to be whomever I want to be in whichever thread I want. I can be loving in a thread about love and I can be an a-ho in a thread where a-ho's act like a-ho's.

Simple common sense.Consistency would make logical sense. Since that thread and every post of yours directed at me is born of an insane hatred, I shouldn't expect you so make any logical sense.

My bad.

You lost your shit long ago and never got it back.

12-25-2012, 02:33 PM
chump/silver back and forth dialogues always read like a homoerotic love story..Merry Christmas you two silly gooses

12-25-2012, 02:44 PM
Anything to distract from your slaveowning rant, I suppose.

12-25-2012, 03:04 PM
Is black racism new in Texas or something? I know TX has a lot of latinos, which is why I dont think people engage the shit spewed one way or the other in these "debates".

But every time Trill or Koolaid says "boo" about the white devil, same roll of folks comes in ready to sink to new levels of verbal hatred.

Most conversations I see between blacks and whites up here in Metro Detroit, both sides seem to genuinely want to kill it with kindness and/or logic. Mind you, my relevant examples come from reading the comments of news articles in the Detroit News and Free Press...but seriously, its kind of encouraging to see that both "sides" (if there is such a thing) are just....fucking done with it.

So old, so tired, time to try something new. Just had a nice Christmas Eve soiree last night with a pretty diverse group of family and friends, discouraging to see others still stuck on worthless data points.

Funny thing, real talk. Crime is a socio-economic condition that is completely color blind. It just so happens that black people and latinos in this country are, on average, far more likely to be below or barely above the poverty line. Seeing as that has been the case since the Declaration of Independence, its no wonder things are the way they are (on average).

Still, good to see some people have gotten over this sillyness and decided to worry about themselves and not the pride in their race of people. Better, more important things to do.

Merry Christmas.

12-25-2012, 03:09 PM
slim shady with the peacemaking wigga goods

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 03:10 PM
Consistency would make logical sense. Since that thread and every post of yours directed at me is born of an insane hatred, I shouldn't expect you so make any logical sense.

My bad.

You lost your shit long ago and never got it back.

What makes sense to sleeping people is not what makes sense to people who are awake. Some day you might (or not) awaken and understand it.

I will continue to tap my toes and do my dance regardless of what your opinion is.

12-25-2012, 03:19 PM
What makes sense to sleeping people is not what makes sense to people who are awake. Some day you might (or not) awaken and understand it.

I will continue to tap my toes and do my dance regardless of what your opinion is.Eh, you're broken -- over a message board slight.

Who knows? Some day you might heal and be over it. Personally, I doubt it. You don't seem to have it in you.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 03:22 PM
Eh, you're broken -- over a message board slight.

Who knows? Some day you might heal and be over it. Personally, I doubt it. You don't seem to have it in you.

Unfortunately you are out of touch with reality again. Sucks to be you.

12-25-2012, 03:26 PM
Unfortunately you are out of touch with reality again. Sucks to be you.Nah, you've held these e-grudges for years and continue to try to find ways to even the score in your mind. That you keep trying shows it hasn't worked out for you. You would be wise to take your own fake advice in your fake love thread and try to forget the past.

But you won't.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 03:52 PM
Nah, you've held these e-grudges for years and continue to try to find ways to even the score in your mind. That you keep trying shows it hasn't worked out for you. You would be wise to take your own fake advice in your fake love thread and try to forget the past.

But you won't.

Entertainment. That is all it is. Sometimes it is entertaining-sometimes you just bore me, but thanks for trying.

Sean Cagney
12-25-2012, 04:15 PM
It's high time we started profiling white males with guns...they are a threat to our nation, civility, common sense, and peace every where...

Yes because white crazy males are the only ones who are murdering people, not latin or black folks etc. They never use guns Koolaid. SMH.

12-25-2012, 04:18 PM
Mind you, my relevant examples come from reading the comments of news articles in the Detroit News and Free Press...

lol well there you go. The end

avg naive yankee white boy with the self-righteous peacemaking goods


12-25-2012, 04:22 PM
Entertainment. That is all it is. Sometimes it is entertaining-sometimes you just bore me, but thanks for trying.Of course, you melt down and get banned from the site to entertain yourself. Thanks for trying to act like you don't take it seriously.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 04:31 PM
Of course, you melt down and get banned from the site to entertain yourself. Thanks for trying to act like you don't take it seriously.

It entertained you amirite?

Case closed.

12-25-2012, 05:16 PM
It entertained you amirite?

Case closed.Oh, so you melted down and got banned from the site all for my entertainment.

Case closed, indeed.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 05:40 PM
Oh, so you melted down and got banned from the site all for my entertainment.

Case closed, indeed.

Yours and mine. Entertainment.

12-25-2012, 05:45 PM
Yours and mine. Entertainment.You melt down and get yourself banned for your own entertainment.


You must still be laughing about that one.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 05:52 PM
You melt down and get yourself banned for your own entertainment.


You must still be laughing about that one.

Sounds like it means a lot to you though.

It made your whole year!

You still can't get over it.

12-25-2012, 06:03 PM
Sounds like it means a lot to you though.

It made your whole year!

You still can't get over it.Why would anyone want to be "over" that kind of entertainment at the expense of someone else?

No wonder you can't get over anything -- you don't even know how it works.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 06:24 PM
Why would anyone want to be "over" that kind of entertainment at the expense of someone else?

No wonder you can't get over anything -- you don't even know how it works.

Sounds like it was a major highlight for you, and after 72,000 posts-I am sure thrills aren't easy to come by for you.

Glad you find so much interesting here-maybe your real life lacks excitement. Sad.

12-25-2012, 06:55 PM
Sounds like it was a major highlight for you, and after 72,000 posts-I am sure thrills aren't easy to come by for you.

Glad you find so much interesting here-maybe your real life lacks excitement. Sad.Maybe not.

Thank you for your continued intense interest in my personal life. It must be a major highlight for you.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 07:02 PM
Maybe not.

Thank you for your continued intense interest in my personal life. It must be a major highlight for you.

Says the 72,000 post- "fart sniffer deluxe"!

12-25-2012, 07:12 PM
Says the 72,000 post- "fart sniffer deluxe"!lol post count smack

lol love thread

lol banned for your own entertainment

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 07:38 PM
lol post count smack

lol love thread

lol banned for your own entertainment

Your entire adult life has been spent on a computer following others around only to give your little insignificant remarks. You are buddies with other such like minded losers who have spent their entire adult lives doing the same thing and encouraging each other in these little insignificant e-battles.

Try to name something more pathetic than that and well - you just couldn't.

"Chumpie, this is your pathetic existence defined."



12-25-2012, 08:04 PM
Your entire adult life has been spent on a computer following others around only to give your little insignificant remarks. You are buddies with other such like minded losers who have spent their entire adult lives doing the same thing and encouraging each other in these little insignificant e-battles.

Try to name something more pathetic than that and well - you just couldn't.

"Chumpie, this is your pathetic existence defined."


/thread.Um, this thread is about murdered firefighters.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 08:23 PM
Your entire adult life has been spent on a computer following others around only to give your little insignificant remarks. You are buddies with other such like minded losers who have spent their entire adult lives doing the same thing and encouraging each other in these little insignificant e-battles.

Try to name something more pathetic than that and well - you just couldn't.

"Chumpie, this is your pathetic existence defined."



12-25-2012, 08:28 PM
Now you're ashamed at having hijacked this thread.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 08:45 PM
Now you're ashamed at having hijacked this thread.

72000 +

12-25-2012, 08:52 PM
I can't tell who's trolling who or if yall are both fucking retards. This is far and away the lamest feud I can remember

12-25-2012, 08:55 PM
I can't tell who's trolling who or if yall are both fucking retards. This is far and away the lamest feud I can rememberAgreed.

But he tried to end the thread only because it entertained him.

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 09:03 PM
I can't tell who's trolling who or if yall are both fucking retards. This is far and away the lamest feud I can remember

So STFU then moron.

12-25-2012, 09:03 PM
I can't tell who's trolling who or if yall are both fucking retards. This is far and away the lamest feud I can remember

12-25-2012, 09:13 PM
I can't tell who's trolling who or if yall are both fucking retards. This is far and away the lamest feud I can remember

silverblk mystix
12-25-2012, 09:48 PM
I can't tell who's trolling who or if yall are both fucking retards. This is far and away the lamest feud I can remember

12-26-2012, 12:03 AM
Is black racism new in Texas or something? I know TX has a lot of latinos, which is why I dont think people engage the shit spewed one way or the other in these "debates".

But every time Trill or Koolaid says "boo" about the white devil, same roll of folks comes in ready to sink to new levels of verbal hatred.

Most conversations I see between blacks and whites up here in Metro Detroit, both sides seem to genuinely want to kill it with kindness and/or logic. Mind you, my relevant examples come from reading the comments of news articles in the Detroit News and Free Press...but seriously, its kind of encouraging to see that both "sides" (if there is such a thing) are just....fucking done with it.

So old, so tired, time to try something new. Just had a nice Christmas Eve soiree last night with a pretty diverse group of family and friends, discouraging to see others still stuck on worthless data points.

Funny thing, real talk. Crime is a socio-economic condition that is completely color blind. It just so happens that black people and latinos in this country are, on average, far more likely to be below or barely above the poverty line. Seeing as that has been the case since the Declaration of Independence, its no wonder things are the way they are (on average).

Still, good to see some people have gotten over this sillyness and decided to worry about themselves and not the pride in their race of people. Better, more important things to do.

Merry Christmas.

From what I was told from several posters was that all of this racism stuff is just an "internet thing". If I was to spew "honky this" or "honky that" all over this board, I wouldn't be a racist because it's just the internet.

12-26-2012, 08:40 AM
From what I was told from several posters was that all of this racism stuff is just an "internet thing". If I was to spew "honky this" or "honky that" all over this board, I wouldn't be a racist because it's just the internet.

Honky is the most docile word. I've never been offended when my slave calls me that. I find it cute.

12-26-2012, 12:28 PM
Honky is the most docile word. I've never been offended when my slave calls me that. I find it cute.

That wasn't my point and you're not even white either. My point was that I'm told that internet racism is not connected to the "real" person typing it. I find it hard to separate the two though.

12-26-2012, 12:41 PM
That wasn't my point and you're not even white either. My point was that I'm told that internet racism is not connected to the "real" person typing it. I find it hard to separate the two though.

So you think it's OK to have white posters pretend to be black but then other white posters aren't allowed to pretend to be racist? If there is no fake racism, what's the point of having the fake blacks?

12-26-2012, 01:01 PM
So you think it's OK to have white posters pretend to be black but then other white posters aren't allowed to pretend to be racist? If there is no fake racism, what's the point of having the fake blacks?

There is no point having fake blacks.

12-26-2012, 01:01 PM
Honky is the most docile word. I've never been offended when my slave calls me that. I find it cute.


Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 01:14 PM
yea there is no point of having fake blacks but i understand it.

the hip-hop culture has crossed over into the mainstream and a lot of white, hispanic, asian, etc people want to identify with the black race.

they can only do so much in the real world, so they create online personas and live out their fantasy of being black.

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 01:18 PM

:lol that was pretty funny

12-26-2012, 01:32 PM
:lol that was pretty funny

Yeah it is. Louis CK is pretty hilarious.

"ruined my day"

12-26-2012, 03:04 PM
There is no point having fake blacks.

IDK. When my kids are playing Plantation, I really don't want to use real blacks to play the slaves.

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 03:17 PM
IDK. When my kids are playing Plantation, I really don't want to use real blacks to play the slaves.

what's up fam?

hope you had a good christmas.

12-26-2012, 03:22 PM
what's up fam?

hope you had a good christmas.

it was cool. got a pretty good snow which made the chillun happy. you?

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 03:33 PM
it was cool. got a pretty good snow which made the chillun happy. you?

that's what's up. i'm happy the kids enjoyed the snow.

it was cool, man. just spent some quality time with my loved ones and got drunk.

12-26-2012, 03:38 PM
that's what's up. i'm happy the kids enjoyed the snow.

it was cool, man. just spent some quality time with my loved ones and got drunk.


We went to Denny's the other day and ColinB was there eating some eggs but his teeth are so big and fucked up that every time, he took a bite, his teeth would gouge a chunk out of the table.

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 03:45 PM

We went to Denny's the other day and ColinB was there eating some eggs but his teeth are so big and fucked up that every time, he took a bite, his teeth would gouge a chunk out of the table.


i don't know how you were able to sit through that.

i would have spoken to a manager and asked that they make him leave or i'm taking my business elsewhere.

12-26-2012, 03:47 PM

i don't know how you were able to sit through that.

i would have spoken to a manager and asked that they make him leave or i'm taking my business elsewhere.

I walked out. By the time he was done, the gouges had collected small pools of spittle with pieces of egg.

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 03:57 PM
I walked out. By the time he was done, the gouges had collected small pools of spittle with pieces of egg.


12-26-2012, 04:00 PM
yes...got dayum to be sure. as I was walking out, he was eagerly slurping out the egg and spittle with a straw.

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 04:06 PM
that's a sick individual.

i hope he doesn't live anywhere near the san antonio area.

lord knows a nigga be up in denny's with the crew on random nights eating fluffed cakes with exotic pork meats.

i would hate to see some shit like that.

12-26-2012, 05:12 PM
Trill, who is the man with the master plan?

12-26-2012, 05:15 PM
Trill, who is the man with the master plan?

nigga witta motherfuckin gun

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 05:19 PM
my bro CTOA beat me to it.

btw, welcome back, deadly.

your old accnt>>>>your new one.

12-26-2012, 06:43 PM
whats up you dumb coon supremacists? still think you're like, really cool because you have black skin and excel at the javelin through and certain other sporting events?

Trill Clinton
12-26-2012, 06:58 PM
whats up you strong nubian kings? still think you're like, really cool because you have black skin and excel at the javelin through and certain other sporting events?


12-26-2012, 07:03 PM
so now you're fantasizing about white men finding you attractive? that's pretty gay

Dirk Oneanddoneski
12-26-2012, 08:31 PM
Is black racism new in Texas or something? I know TX has a lot of latinos, which is why I dont think people engage the shit spewed one way or the other in these "debates".

But every time Trill or Koolaid says "boo" about the white devil, same roll of folks comes in ready to sink to new levels of verbal hatred.

Most conversations I see between blacks and whites up here in Metro Detroit, both sides seem to genuinely want to kill it with kindness and/or logic. Mind you, my relevant examples come from reading the comments of news articles in the Detroit News and Free Press...but seriously, its kind of encouraging to see that both "sides" (if there is such a thing) are just....fucking done with it.

So old, so tired, time to try something new. Just had a nice Christmas Eve soiree last night with a pretty diverse group of family and friends, discouraging to see others still stuck on worthless data points.

Funny thing, real talk. Crime is a socio-economic condition that is completely color blind. It just so happens that black people and latinos in this country are, on average, far more likely to be below or barely above the poverty line. Seeing as that has been the case since the Declaration of Independence, its no wonder things are the way they are (on average).

Still, good to see some people have gotten over this sillyness and decided to worry about themselves and not the pride in their race of people. Better, more important things to do.

Merry Christmas.


12-27-2012, 03:49 PM
Ironic that a gangsta wannabe starts a thread about guns. Probably loves rap songs about shooting people, about guns and shit, but then the white boy in him kicks into liberal mode and it's a struggle.

Trill Clinton
12-27-2012, 04:00 PM
Ironic that a gangsta wannabe starts a thread about guns. Probably loves rap songs about shooting people, about guns and shit, but then the white boy in him kicks into liberal mode and it's a struggle.

nothing you said in this post was true.

12-27-2012, 05:24 PM
nothing you said in this post was true.

Then I stood up start walking toward him
Screaming man get out my house
Then he yells freeze she scream
Please and I pulled my barretta out

She cried out, Sylvester please don't
Visions of him making love to her
He said man put the gun on the floor
I can't thinking about him and her
I slowly put the gun and then I put my hands up.
He winked at me and smiled And that is when I went nuts
Hopped all over him grabbed the gun
She screaming settle down
Going all around both handling the gun
Then all of a sudden pow

R Kelly


Trill Clinton
12-27-2012, 08:06 PM
Then I stood up start walking toward him
Screaming man get out my house
Then he yells freeze she scream
Please and I pulled my barretta out

She cried out, Sylvester please don't
Visions of him making love to her
He said man put the gun on the floor
I can't thinking about him and her
I slowly put the gun and then I put my hands up.
He winked at me and smiled And that is when I went nuts
Hopped all over him grabbed the gun
She screaming settle down
Going all around both handling the gun
Then all of a sudden pow

R Kelly


okay i thought you were serious but i see you were joking around.

no way in hell you were using these lyrics to prove a point.

that was pretty funny, dmc.
