View Full Version : Timmy Duncs knees. What made them better?

12-29-2012, 08:55 PM
SpursTalk SpurFanPoster one and all are enjoying the amazing *comeback* of Timmy Dunks and his sore knees, tendenoisis(sp) -whatever it was.

What has made Timmy Duncs condition better? For a while there was rumor that Duncan saw the same Dr. Peter Wehling that Kirby Bryant visited in Germany to undergo Regenokine surgery. (As effective as the treatment might have been, the Los Angeles Lakers star actress decided a repeat procedure was not necessary heading into 2012-13.)

Did Duncs see Wehling?
Or just what has made Tims condition seem to roll back the years?

Maybe you party with Tim. Or his kids play with your kids. Or maybe you drink wine with Pop and he filled you in.

12-29-2012, 09:06 PM
Timmy said in an interview that he isn't playing with pain(like he was in the previous seasons)

12-29-2012, 09:06 PM
A major issue I agree. Condolences to all minds, for it is a paradox no one can comprehend. Solace to you, sir.

12-29-2012, 09:07 PM
Jinx thread TBH

12-29-2012, 10:39 PM
Jinx thread TBH

predictable lefty post tbh :P

honestly OP brings to mind an Isaac Newton quote: "I do no feign hypotheses." translation: "I don't care to speculate as to the 'why,' it's enough to that it works." The FACT that Duncan is playing so well mean that *something* is different physically, but all that matters is whether he's able to keep this up. If he's playing like this in the summer? FUCK the league, this man will not be denied! So imo it's worth enjoying in the moment, but no guarantee he'll be able to keep it up for another 6(!) months.

12-30-2012, 01:12 AM
Funyuns..lots of Funyuns.

12-30-2012, 02:30 AM
Cissus possibly? Look it up...great stuff.

12-30-2012, 03:27 AM
It's quite a mystery. It has been reported numerous times in the E-N that Duncan didn't do the German procedure Kobe and others have done.

It could be a lot of things: secret surgical procedure, diffeerent workout routines, new knees drills, loss of weight, new knee brace, new shoes... At the end, it's likely a combination of these things but it's hard to know what is the deciding factor. It's also noteworthy that Duncan got better last season after 8 months without playing a game because of an early playoffs loss against Grizzlies and the lockout.

12-30-2012, 05:03 AM
Steroids IMHO

No offense

Unlike most stars, Timmy waited til he really, really needed (and deserved) em before he began his cycle. Considering pro drug testing regimen, I'm pretty sure this is the answer.

12-30-2012, 06:06 AM
It's quite a mystery. It has been reported numerous times in the E-N that Duncan didn't do the German procedure Kobe and others have done.

It could be a lot of things: secret surgical procedure, diffeerent workout routines, new knees drills, loss of weight, new knee brace, new shoes... At the end, it's likely a combination of these things but it's hard to know what is the deciding factor. It's also noteworthy that Duncan got better last season after 8 months without playing a game because of an early playoffs loss against Grizzlies and the lockout.
This. There was a Buck Harvey article in the E-N news that explicitly stated Duncan didn't undergo the same procedure as Kobe.

But the improvement in his knee conditioning is certainly no fluke. As Bruno stated, that article mentioned that the Spurs' medical staff had been applying "aggressive treatments" on his knees, which, coupled with his weight loss to lessen his knees' wear and tear, playing more off the ball and on the perimeter to lessen the pounding he has to endure on the post, diet and weight loss to give him more mobility, and legendary work ethic, have all combined to put Duncan in the best shape of his life.

In hindsight, his renaissance this year when you put all these into consideration should've been something we would've expected.

12-30-2012, 07:08 AM
Duncan was quoted as saying he wasn't 'cool' enough to be invited to have that german surgery kobe had. So i dunno if he had that done, unless he did it on the quiet. Otherwise, i want whatever he had.

12-30-2012, 08:48 AM
I think it's the new left knee brace. It doesn't quite let him straighten it completely, and lock the knee up, causing pain. If you watch during timeouts as he walks off the floor, it looks like he's limping, but it's the brace not letting him straighten out his left leg all the way.

12-30-2012, 02:42 PM
his problem knee was the left one

the problem, when his left leg quit on him in Dallas game, was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tendinosis.

12-30-2012, 02:53 PM
Tim Duncan on rewinding the clock, health and getting yelled at