View Full Version : A view from Oz: There Is No American Left

Capt Bringdown
12-29-2012, 09:34 PM
There Is No American Left (http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/13567-there-is-no-american-left)
Salvatore Babones
University of Sydney in Australia

The Obama administration: Center-right Democrats
And Then There Are the Republicans

Over the past forty years, America has become much more politically correct with regard to gender and sexualiy. Men do not openly display calendars featuring topless models on their office walls, and public gay bashing is now considered inappropriate, even in Republican circles. But gender and sexuality are issues that transcend social class. Even rich, powerful men have gay children - or may be gay themselves. Even rich, powerful men have wives.

On every other issue, America - or at least American politics - has swung violently to the right. The more social class is involved, the further to the right America has swung. Poverty was once a social disease to be cured; it is now an individual crime to be punished. Put it down to individualism, conservatism, neoliberalism, or whatever -ism you want, America is now the world's greatest reactionary force.

Unfortunately, all the evidence is that the rest of the world is following America down the road to perdition. Nowhere are national health insurance schemes, access to free education, and old age pensions being expanded. Nowhere is the world moving forward. Everywhere the social gains of the twentieth century are either being eroded, or destroyed.

The mid-late twentieth century may or may not turn out to have been the highpoint of human civilization. Progress may yet return. But if it does, it will not be led by the United States. It will be resisted by the United States. It's up to the rest of the world to provide the hope for the future that once emanated from Washington, New York, and California.

- more - >

12-29-2012, 09:44 PM
LMAO what a crock of shit, america is moving further and further left by the second. we've gone from a patriarchal society to completely matriarchal, minorities have more rights than white americans, welfare has exploded in recent years, we accept illegals into our hospitals with open arms at no charge, gays can now get married in certain states, certain states are legalizing marijuana (the only good thing on the list), you're a fuckin leftist propagandist if you're trying to paint it any other way. that article was written by a leftist who just isn't seeing the results he wants quickly enough.

The Reckoning
12-29-2012, 09:47 PM
lol saying that moving "left" is "forward."

dumbass american-obsessed australians bored on their desert island. noone gaf about you.

Wild Cobra
12-29-2012, 09:47 PM
But the Lemmings will be happy thinking they are center-right.

12-29-2012, 09:56 PM
Meanwhile no one cares if there is no Oz left tbh. When people in other nations stop being fixated on the US, we will know we're in decline.

12-29-2012, 10:07 PM
LMAO what a crock of shit, america is moving further and further left by the second. we've gone from a patriarchal society to completely matriarchal, minorities have more rights than white americans, welfare has exploded in recent years, we accept illegals into our hospitals with open arms at no charge, gays can now get married in certain states, certain states are legalizing marijuana (the only good thing on the list), you're a fuckin leftist propagandist if you're trying to paint it any other way. that article was written by a leftist who just isn't seeing the results he wants quickly enough.

Another post in the day of m<s and another indication that he is intimidated by women.

:lol matriarchy

12-29-2012, 10:11 PM
Meanwhile no one cares if there is no Oz left tbh. When people in other nations stop being fixated on the US, we will know we're in decline.

Yeah because obviously because they are talking about us it means that everything is peachy keen. This is a pretty stupid argument. Non sequitor and all.

I can certainly understand why you specifically would see being a mark of scorn being a sign that your on the pinnacle. After all you do have to support that ego somehow but in my world other's do have valid criticisms from time to time.

12-29-2012, 10:12 PM
But the Lemmings will be happy thinking they are center-right.

If you want to see lemming you can look at the conservative circle knee jerk going on in the thread.

:lol ST is a liberal board.

12-29-2012, 10:17 PM
Hey red team make sure you read this part:

The official Republican party platform for the 2012 elections called for a return to the gold standard, the complete outlawing of all abortions, the disenfranchisement of the (mainly black) residents of the District of Columbia, the vitiation of food and drug regulation, "consumer choice" in education, a flat income tax, and the building of a nationwide missile defence system. It had an entire 26-point section on "American Exceptionalism" based on "the conviction that our country holds a unique place and role in human history."

The most loathsome of Republican policies, however, is not listed on any party platform. It is the wholesale use of voter suppression as a strategy for electoral victory. Far from being mandatory, in the US, voting is a minority activity, governed by state-by-state rules and procedures. Less than 60% of the adult population votes in presidential elections, far less in congressional and local elections. Every American government is a minority government.

With its pro-rich tax policies, demonization of Spanish-speaking immigrants, opposition to all things feminist, anti-idealism that turns off young voters, and outright racism, the Republican Party simply can't win a fair national election. There just aren't enough rich middle-aged white male racists to win a majority. So it tries to suppress the vote of everyone else.

Republicans have made proof of citizenship (and, more importantly, mailing address) a major campaign issue, despite the fact that only 10 (yes, ten) cases of in-person voter fraud have been identified over the five federal elections between 2000 and 2010. The real purpose of these Republican-sponsored voter ID laws is to disenfranchise those who move frequently or have no fixed address: the young, the homeless, the very old, and the poor. In other words, Democrats.

12-29-2012, 10:17 PM
Another post in the day of m<s and another indication that he is intimidated by women.

:lol matriarchy

you seem a little intimidated by the reality of the situation by the looks of it. pussy must rule you tbh.

12-29-2012, 10:18 PM
you seem a little intimidated by the reality of the situation by the looks of it. pussy must rule you tbh.

Yeah that's it...

You're the one saying that we are a matriarchy. You know what a matriarchy is right?

12-29-2012, 10:23 PM
yep its a society run by women, take a look around at all the cuckoldry going on

Will Hunting
12-29-2012, 11:08 PM
Outside of social issues, this country has undeniably moved to the right. Taxes on the rich are historically low and millions of people in this country think that lowering them even more will solve our problems (most notably a 15% bullshit cap gains tax Americans have bought into as good for the economy), trade has been completely deregulated over the last 30 years, the financial industry has been completely deregulated over the last 30 years, unions have been completely destroyed over the last 30 years and there's a push to destroy them even more, and we all know the recent history of military spending. Outside of a few states legalizing marijuana this country's stance towards the war on drugs has shifted further to the right. Our incarcerated population is higher than that of China and Russia combined with only 7% of it being violent offenders, and Obama has been a bigger marijuana nazi than any president in recent memory. Gun control is at an all time low and we currently have a "liberal" president who's stance on guns has been the opposite of what the liberal stance has historically been. You're out of your mind if you think this country has moved to the left.

Capt Bringdown
12-29-2012, 11:22 PM
yep its a society run by women, take a look around at all the cuckoldry going on

Today, women earn about 80 cents on the dollar compared to men (http://www.dol.gov/equalpay/#.UN_AqDXE1lM) — a gap that results in the loss of about $380,000 over a woman's career. For African-American women and Latinas, the pay gap is even greater.

If you’re a woman who suspects you’re making less than your colleagues (http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-05-25/the-war-on-equal-pay-for-women), it’s extremely hard to a) prove it and b) win in court. Many companies have human resource policies dictating that people be fired for asking about pay—or even for disclosing one’s own salary. “Over the last 20 to 25 years it has become considerably harder to bring and prevail in employment discrimination cases,” explains Joseph Sellers, a partner at Cohen Milstein who’s represented women in dozens of cases.

12-30-2012, 12:16 AM
Yeah because obviously because they are talking about us it means that everything is peachy keen. This is a pretty stupid argument. Non sequitor and all.

I can certainly understand why you specifically would see being a mark of scorn being a sign that your on the pinnacle. After all you do have to support that ego somehow but in my world other's do have valid criticisms from time to time.

I need to get a TRO on you.

Wild Cobra
12-30-2012, 12:42 AM
I need to get a TRO on you.

That would be a nice forum feature. Sign me up against the Fuzzy troll too!

12-30-2012, 04:48 AM
There's thing this thing about America. We're at the top of the world and have been since technology began reigning high. We think more of ourselves than we are. Which is why we have crazy lenient gun laws yet strip search grandma at the airport.

Second, and more importantly, the way women get abused pay-wise in this country disgusts me. IMHO many women still suffer from alpha male type domination in the work place.

Latarian Milton
12-30-2012, 06:26 AM
a matriachy is what the society will be following the current trend but it's not come true yet, and it's the duty of us all to prevent it from happening at all costs tbh

12-30-2012, 03:15 PM
I need to get a TRO on you.

Why when you can just argue around in circles with absolutely no point? When it's only you around, I have gone away and check back later for more entertaining discussion with others.

If you want me to go away, you can quit being a deceptive dissembling, racist, intellectually dishonest and cowardly douche, OR you can man up seeing that this is a lightly moderated political forum and quit pulling the bitch-wristed **** routine.

:cry I cannot make Fuzzy go away..... :cry

For all the machismo the gun enthusiasts around here try and portray, they sure don't have staying power. Seems the GOP needs some new middle aged, white racist men. This crop seems pretty weak willed.

You and WC are becoming very similar lately. It almost makes me think you are trolls of the same guy.

Wild Cobra
12-30-2012, 04:25 PM
You and WC are becoming very similar lately. It almost makes me think you are trolls of the same guy.
Since we know otherwise, just more proof of your idiocy.

12-30-2012, 04:53 PM
Why when you can just argue around in circles with absolutely no point? When it's only you around, I have gone away and check back later for more entertaining discussion with others.

If you want me to go away, you can quit being a deceptive dissembling, racist, intellectually dishonest and cowardly douche, OR you can man up seeing that this is a lightly moderated political forum and quit pulling the bitch-wristed **** routine.

:cry I cannot make Fuzzy go away..... :cry

For all the machismo the gun enthusiasts around here try and portray, they sure don't have staying power. Seems the GOP needs some new middle aged, white racist men. This crop seems pretty weak willed.

You and WC are becoming very similar lately. It almost makes me think you are trolls of the same guy.


12-30-2012, 04:55 PM
There's thing this thing about America. We're at the top of the world and have been since technology began reigning high. We think more of ourselves than we are. Which is why we have crazy lenient gun laws yet strip search grandma at the airport.

Second, and more importantly, the way women get abused pay-wise in this country disgusts me. IMHO many women still suffer from alpha male type domination in the work place.

You're so all over the place with your rant, if many Americans are like you, it's no wonder why you cannot get anything done. I'm surprised you didn't mention fire ants and traffic jams.

12-30-2012, 07:01 PM
Thanks for posting, good read. 'left'/'right' and what the boundaries are at any given time aren't intrinsically an American creation. I actually normally find the opinion of people outside the national political force field to be refreshing (irregardless if I agree with it or not).

Latarian Milton
12-30-2012, 07:14 PM
there's a difference between DMC and WC though, which is DMC seems to have sort of an advanced college degree while the other have none, except that they're basically the same haughty lonely adults who have nothing to do to kill their massive spare time but spend it arguing with teenagers and adolescents over a message board.

12-30-2012, 07:16 PM
there's a difference between DMC and WC though, which is DMC seems to have sort of an advanced college degree while the other have none, except that they're basically the same haughty lonely adults who have nothing to do to kill their massive spare time but spend it arguing with teenagers and adolescents over a message board.

There's a reason I have massive spare time; I don't have to work 15 hours a day to feed my extended family who just arrived in a 15' johnboat from China.

Latarian Milton
12-30-2012, 07:30 PM
the reason is you don't have no life nor friends and money is the only thing you own in the real world

12-30-2012, 07:41 PM
the reason is you don't have no life nor friends and money is the only thing you own in the real world

I have the right number of friends, my life couldn't be much better, and I don't have nearly as much money as I would like.

Latarian Milton
12-30-2012, 07:55 PM
if i had a similar life like the one you described i would probably not have dropped 22,968 posts on a message board like i got rewarded a candy for every post i made

12-30-2012, 07:58 PM
DMC vs. Rogue :corn:

12-30-2012, 09:51 PM
if i had a similar life like the one you described i would probably not have dropped 22,968 posts on a message board like i got rewarded a candy for every post i made

No, but you might have dropped about 50 lbs. The world needs minimum wage workers too.

Latarian Milton
12-31-2012, 04:20 AM
there're shitty jobs out there and they're exactly what your yellow relatives came here for imho, since even a shitty job would still pay more than a well-educated engineer earns in the country you immigrated from. you have every right to be proud of the decision you made tbh

The Reckoning
12-31-2012, 04:54 AM
youd be surprised of how ignorant international people are of american politics. they all seem to think obama is the nation's saving grace and that "conservative" implies regression.

their sense of the political spectrum is laughable.

12-31-2012, 05:02 AM
" "conservative" implies regression."

American conservative/Repug/VRWC DEFINES regression, 100% retrograde, "orginalism" of a dead Constitution, destroying pro-99% institutions like unions, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, VRA, worker/citizen/environment protections, the safety net, and attempt to return to no-tax Robber Baron era.

The conservative/Repugs have done NOTHING to move America forward since the VRWC got going after VN and their being humiliated by their hero Tricky Dick Nixon, and EVERYTHING to move America backward.

Rick Santorum
12-31-2012, 10:40 AM
youd be surprised of how ignorant international people are of american politics. they all seem to think obama is the nation's saving grace and that "conservative" implies regression.

their sense of the political spectrum is laughable.
It's because they think Obama is a liberal when he isn't. As THAT nigga Cornel West said, he's a Rockefeller Republican in blackface.