View Full Version : TX Dereg: consumers lose $10B plus have the worst electricty in USA

01-06-2013, 01:00 PM
deregualtion ... consequence of discouraging the building of new power plants,

Texans in deregulated areas paid $10 billion over the national average for power over the past decade.

The state has gone from having the best electric power reserves prior to deregulation 12 years ago to having the nation's worst,

The state has gone from having the best electric power reserves prior to deregulation 12 years ago to having the nation's worst,

“Substantial indebtedness” threatens the solvency of the company, according to Energy Future's most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Yet John Young (http://www.mysanantonio.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=news%2Fenergy&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22John+Young%22), the president and CEO of Energy Future Holdings, had his pay package more than double between 2010 and 2011, from $6.9 million to $15 million.

CenterPoint CEO David McClanahan (http://www.mysanantonio.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=news%2Fenergy&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22David+McClanahan%22) got a $1.4 million pay raise, elevating his pay package to $7.6 million, more than seven times what he made just nine years earlier.

Investor-owned utility executives face tough choices weighing reliability improvements against cost,

In 2000, just after the Texas Legislature (http://www.mysanantonio.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=news%2Fenergy&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22Texas+Legislature%22) approved deregulation, the average CEO pay package was $2.7 million for the heads of major utilities

A decade later, in 2011, the average pay package hit $7.5 million,

tea party activists and other critics raised a furor about the pay package and expenses of CPS Energy CEO Doyle Beneby (http://www.mysanantonio.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=news%2Fenergy&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22Doyle+Beneby%22). Yet at $820,000 a year, half of that in deferred bonuses, Beneby receives only a buck for every $7 to $9 made by his private counterparts,



The fundamental story of all privatization: the 99% gets screwed, the 1% gets MORE wealthy, while delivering the shittiest possible product for the highest possible price.

water, roads, schools, public health facitlies etc All going, will go to hell and/or be much more expensive if privatized. It's the VRWC plutocracy strategy sucking wealth out of the 99%.

01-06-2013, 07:54 PM
seriously these power and utility companies get so much concessions and handouts from the govt when goings get tough, they then go pass the expenses onto the consumer...too much regulation and redtape bullshit also drives up prices, dont get me started when these clowns dont upgrade the infrastructure to the point the consumer/state are held to ransom by these clowns due to failures in the system/grid

01-06-2013, 10:06 PM
RickyBobby gives $19B in tax breaks and subsidies to TX corps every year, while cutting state funding for education by $5B.

"upgrade the infrastructure"

.... that denies $$$ for the execs and equity investors. won't happen

01-06-2013, 11:07 PM
Tea party bitches about it, yet continues to back the GOP, who DID this.

Well, fucking DUH!!

01-07-2013, 05:16 AM
Tea party bitches about it, yet continues to back the GOP, who DID this.

Well, fucking DUH!!

tea baggers are a facade, a proxy for the 1%, Kock Bros, etc. tea baggers bitching about anything might be from suckered grunts, but the money and top guys are all 1% proxies and distractedly whine about limiting/kiling govt, EXACTLY the strategy of the 1% and corps to distract from themselves being the Enemy of Freedom!