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View Full Version : Finally, a Fiscal Cliff Deal - Did Obama Even Try?!

01-06-2013, 07:24 PM
One of the most honest segments ever done on Obama and his supporters..


01-06-2013, 07:30 PM
Truly a horribly failed Presidency, one of the worst ever, and one of the most Anti-American Presidents ever, with regard to civil liberties, NDAA, Secret Kill Lists, Drone programs, expansion of wars, Espionage Act being utilized on Americans more than all Presidents combined, deportation of Mexicans more than Bush, more pot busts more than Bush, even less transparency than Bush.

The President killed an American 16 year old boy without any charge or trial whatsoever, and his administration told us that the son should have had a better father.
Yet we debate all this SS, Fiscal Cliff, Marital Affairs, Red team, Blue team bullshit that is all just show

The man is a criminal. Should be impeached, and tried for murder, lies and treason, same as Bush/Cheney.

01-06-2013, 07:33 PM
Finally a YouTube!

01-06-2013, 09:10 PM
Truly a horribly failed Presidency, one of the worst ever, and one of the most Anti-American Presidents ever, with regard to civil liberties, NDAA, Secret Kill Lists, Drone programs, expansion of wars, Espionage Act being utilized on Americans more than all Presidents combined, deportation of Mexicans more than Bush, more pot busts more than Bush, even less transparency than Bush.

The President killed an American 16 year old boy without any charge or trial whatsoever, and his administration told us that the son should have had a better father.
Yet we debate all this SS, Fiscal Cliff, Marital Affairs, Red team, Blue team bullshit that is all just show

The man is a criminal. Should be impeached, and tried for murder, lies and treason, same as Bush/Cheney.


01-06-2013, 09:10 PM
Finally, a recycled meme.

01-06-2013, 09:31 PM
The part that I liked is where he wrote out the content of the meme and then half an hour later posted the meme. I don't see a better way of demonstrating how one does not think for one's self.

I don't know what to think so let's check the email.

Wild Cobra
01-07-2013, 03:11 AM
The Fuckhead named Obama simply doesn't understand. We need more people working and paying taxes to fix the deficit. Not more taxes.

01-07-2013, 04:18 AM
The part that I liked is where he wrote out the content of the meme and then half an hour later posted the meme. I don't see a better way of demonstrating how one does not think for one's self.

I don't know what to think so let's check the email.

You're an idiot that can't think your YOURself. The meme applied to what I said so I posted it, however I'm still trying to figure out how your retarded response refutes the actual things said in the meme or my post. It doesn't of course, that's the tactic of simple minded fools of course, to change the subject and attack the messenger for having to make people think for themselves. lol

01-07-2013, 06:23 AM
Finally, smug self-righteousness.

01-10-2013, 12:17 AM
.....ideology sucks

01-10-2013, 12:48 AM
Obama sucks but he's not anti-American. He just went to the dark side like Bush did. Nothing new here.

01-10-2013, 01:00 AM
You're an idiot that can't think your YOURself. The meme applied to what I said so I posted it, however I'm still trying to figure out how your retarded response refutes the actual things said in the meme or my post. It doesn't of course, that's the tactic of simple minded fools of course, to change the subject and attack the messenger for having to make people think for themselves. lol

I think being told your news via video is a poor medium. Reading your news or seeing the events themselves without the commentary forces you to analyze. That you get spoonfed everything through youtubes is disconcerting. I am quite serious. Read a book.

01-10-2013, 01:32 AM
I think being told your news via video is a poor medium. Reading your news or seeing the events themselves without the commentary forces you to analyze. That you get spoonfed everything through youtubes is disconcerting. I am quite serious. Read a book.

lol You don't even know me fool, I read lots of books, in fact I read a lot which is why I'm not lost like you. I don't live on here day and night to be holding your little hands like a little kid every-time you feel dissed by the content, explaining what's already posted for you to begin with. Sorry you and others are too dumb to watch a youtube and understand a news reporter telling you words you claim that you'd rather read, lol How many times did you turn off the evening news because it didn't come in text form as it was being fed to you live on the screen? :lmao

Where are the rules of Spurstalk that says we can't post youtubes?

Youtubes on Spurstalk are ok unless it makes people feel stupid, then they just change the subject from the actual topic lol.
I'm quite serious myself, get off the bandwagon and think for yourself.

01-10-2013, 02:51 AM
lol You don't even know me fool, I read lots of books, in fact I read a lot which is why I'm not lost like you. I don't live on here day and night to be holding your little hands like a little kid every-time you feel dissed by the content, explaining what's already posted for you to begin with. Sorry you and others are too dumb to watch a youtube and understand a news reporter telling you words you claim that you'd rather read, lol How many times did you turn off the evening news because it didn't come in text form as it was being fed to you live on the screen? :lmao

Where are the rules of Spurstalk that says we can't post youtubes?

Youtubes on Spurstalk are ok unless it makes people feel stupid, then they just change the subject from the actual topic lol.
I'm quite serious myself, get off the bandwagon and think for yourself.

I don't watch much TV and never TV news. It's something I picked up.

What you put up the majority of the time are youtubes that are staged like newscasts. We have been discussing your youtube topics nonstop for the past year. Sorry if I wanted to talk about something else. There is no rule against it obviously but I do find it hard to take you seriously because you do it.

And you really think that your youtubes make me feel stupid? Come on man.

You believe that there are really al Qaeda soldiers in Yemen, Pakistan or wherever and that our drone program is some fucked up program cooked up by the establishment or whomever right? You don't believe 9/11 was the work of said terrorist groups right?

Is that an unfair characterization? I may very well be wrong and am asking this honestly.

01-10-2013, 02:53 AM

01-10-2013, 03:58 AM
Hey SA, if you think Obama is one of the worst presidents ever, what do you think about, oh, say, Roosevelt? Or Abraham Lincoln? Did you see any problems with their presidencies?

01-10-2013, 04:00 AM
Youtubes on Spurstalk are ok unless it makes people feel stupid, then they just change the subject from the actual topic lol.
I'm quite serious myself, get off the bandwagon and think for yourself.

:lmao Says the person who's too stupid to produce an original thought of his own. SA can't even post why he agrees or disagrees with posters unless there's a youtube out there to do it for him.