View Full Version : Ginobili: I don't feel like Maradona

06-30-2005, 04:52 PM
from clarin.com

Ginobili: "I don't feel like Maradona"

The brand new NBA champion with San Antonio returned to Argentina this morning to take part in a clinic at Cenard. "What's happening to me is incredible", he confessed.

Emanuel Ginobili is back in Argentina, this time with his second championship ring, to take part in a clinic organized by the NBA. The San Antonio Spurs star came back this morning, a little after 7.

After an arduous season, now it's time for Manu to teach. Along with the other 2 argentines in the NBA, Andres Nocioni and Carlos Delfino, they will take part in "Basketball without Borders", a clinic that will start today and will last until the 4th of July with 57 young basketball players.

In the afternoon, Manu was in Puerto Madero where he took part of a press conference, where he described:

To be a star. "One lives in a cloud for 9 months. Betwen trips and security everywhere. Here it's different. I live a quiet life in San Antonio, I'm very homey. I don't feel like Maradona."

His comeback to Argentina. "It's incredible what's happening to me and this trip back adds to it. And on top of it to be representing the NBA here. I'm happy, of course. When one arrives here, the feelings are unique. I needed more time to understand how hard it's to get there. Now I'll value all this.

The latins in the NBA. "They're at a growth stage. It started years ago, and it's changing a lot with the boom of international basketball. There are a lot of brazilian kids that will be successful. And of course argentines".

The National Team. "There is a lot of time until 2006 and time will tell if I play or not. They've asked me that before and I answered, 'I don't know'. I say the same today. I'm guessing I will play, but I cannot commit yet.

The argentines and the NBA final. "I was told that people here lived it with a lot of happiness and I was surprised they followed it as if it was the Futbol Team. I could not beleive it. During the final, I tried not to think about this, but it gives me pleasure. It's good that basketball keeps growing here".

His present. "I was not expecting to have the stats I obtained this season, especially in the playoffs. It's very hard to improve on them, but I will try to do it.".

Future. "I'll take a month of vacation, without even looking at a basketball. I come from playing 4 hard years. Then I want to lift some weights and work-out to start the season in a good way".

Hernandez, the new National Team coach. "He's got the credentials and the championships to support that decision. All the options were very good".

How would a match between Argentina and San Antonio turn out? "Depends on what rules are used. If ours or the NBA's". :smokin

His role in the team. "It changed little by little. One has to gain their confidence little by little, the teammates and the coaches'. What happened in the Olympics helped a lot and made Popovich beleive I could do more. It flattered me a lot to have this opportunities, especially in the playoffs".

Ginóbili: "No me siento Maradona"

El flamante campeón de la NBA con San Antonio regresó a la Argentina esta mañana para participar de una clínica en el Cenard. "Es increíble lo que me está pasando", confesó.
Emanuel Ginóbili ya está nuevamente en la Argentina, esta vez con su segundo anillo de campeón, para participar en una clínica organizada por la NBA. La estrella de San Antonio Spurs regresó esta mañana, poco antes de las 7.

Tras una ardua temporada, para Manu será ahora tiempo de enseñar. Junto con los otros dos argentinos en la NBA, Andrés Nocioni y Carlos Delfino, participará en "Básquetbol sin fronteras", una clínica que se desarrollará desde hoy y hasta el 4 de julio con 57 jóvenes basquetbolistas.

Por la tarde, Manu estuvo en Puerto Madero donde dio una conferencia de prensa en la que se refirió a:

Ser una estrella. "Uno vive en una nube durante nueve meses. Entre viajes y seguridad por todos lados. Acá es distinto. Yo allá vivo una vida tranquila, soy muy casero. No me siento Maradona".

Su vuelta a Argentina. "Es increíble lo que me está pasando y eso se suma volver a casa. Y encima estar representando a la NBA. Estoy feliz, claro. Cuando uno llega a este lugar, las sensaciones son únicas. Necesitaba más tiempo para entender lo difícil que es llegar ahí. Ahora le doy valor a todo esto".

Los latinos dentro de la NBA. "Están en una época de crecimiento. Empezó hace años y últimamente con el boom del básquetbol internacional, está cambiando mucho. Hay muchos chicos brasileños que va a tener éxito. Y ni hablar de los argentinos".

La Selección. "Falta mucho para el 2006 y se verá si juego o no. Hace poco me preguntaron eso y yo respondí: 'No sé'. Lo mismo digo hoy. Yo calculo que voy a jugar, pero no lo puedo asegurar todavía".

Los argentinos y la final de la NBA. "Me enteré que la gente lo vivió con mucha alegría y me sorprendió que la siguieran como si jugara la Selección de fútbol. No lo podía creer. Durante la final traté de no pensar en eso, pero a uno lo llena de placer. Es bueno que el básquetbol siga creciendo".

Su presente. "No esperaba tener los números que tuve en esta temporada, sobre todo en los play off. Es complicadísimo superarlos, pero trataré de hacerlo".

De aquí en más. "Me voy a tomar un mes de vacaciones sin siquiera ver una pelota de básquetbol. Vengo de cuatro años durísimos. Después quiero hacer un plan de pesas y completarlo con la parte atlética para empezar bien la temporada".

Hernández, el nuevo DT de la Selección. "Tiene las credenciales y los títulos suficientes para apoyar esa decisión. Todas las opciones que había eran muy buenas".

¿Cómo saldría un partido entre Argentina y San Antonio? "Depende con las reglas que se juegue. Si son las nuestros o las de la NBA".

Su rol en el equipo. "Fue cambiando de a poco. Uno se tiene que ganar la confianza de a poco, tanto de compañeros como de cuerpo técnico. Lo de los Juegos Olímpicos potenció mucho mi juego e hizo creer a Popovich (el técnico) que yo podía dar más. Me halagó muchísimo tener esas posibilidades, sobre todo en juegos de play off".

06-30-2005, 05:36 PM
How would a match between Argentina and San Antonio turn out? "Depends on what rules are used. If ours or the NBA's".

No offense to the Argentina national team, but Spurs vs. Argentina would be a destruction. If they played 100 times, Spurs would win 99 times.


It'd be odd with Manu being on both teams.


06-30-2005, 05:38 PM
No offense to the Argentina national team, but Spurs vs. Argentina would be a destruction. If they played 100 times, Spurs would win 99 times.


It'd be odd with Manu being on both teams.


He's such a spaz, he'd probably try to play for both teams. Seven minutes at a time.

06-30-2005, 05:40 PM
No offense to the Argentina national team, but Spurs vs. Argentina would be a destruction. If they played 100 times, Spurs would win 99 times.


It'd be odd with Manu being on both teams.

I don't know about that, but it would be funny if the two Manus bumped into each other and they both flopped! LOL

06-30-2005, 05:43 PM
I liked after one game one reporter asked Manu what it's like to play against him and he said I don't know I never had to play against myself :lol.

06-30-2005, 05:48 PM
Ginobili: I don't feel like Maradona

Good...because Maradona is a coke fiend.

06-30-2005, 05:49 PM
Good...because Maradona is a coke fiend.

WAS a coke friend.

06-30-2005, 05:51 PM
Good...because Maradona is a coke fiend.
he's rehabilitated now. Have you seen him? he's lost like 40 pounds and is exercising like hell. He's getting his life back together. He now works for Boca Juniors.

06-30-2005, 05:54 PM
Glad to hear it. Hopefully he can stay that way.

06-30-2005, 06:11 PM
No offense to the Argentina national team, but Spurs vs. Argentina would be a destruction. If they played 100 times, Spurs would win 99 times.

Maybe you have some facts that can prove it, how Tim could play with FIBA rules?

If they have to play just one game with FIBA rules, Spurs chances are 40%, but best of 7, Spurs will win even without Manu.

PD: Sometimes I just forget that you're just a writer.

Kori Ellis
06-30-2005, 06:17 PM
Sometimes I just forget that you're just a writer.

What does that mean?

Kori Ellis
06-30-2005, 06:19 PM
I would like to watch NBA play some international teams.

We'll find out how NBA teams would fare against Euroleague teams in 2006. They are also going to have that 4-team tournament (2 NBA teams and the Euroleague Champion and Runner-Up) in Europe.

06-30-2005, 06:30 PM
I don't know about that, but it would be funny if the two Manus bumped into each other and they both flopped! LOL


On a shallow note- He looks so cute with that hat. :makeout

06-30-2005, 07:07 PM
No offense to the Argentina national team, but Spurs vs. Argentina would be a destruction. If they played 100 times, Spurs would win 99 times.


It'd be odd with Manu being on both teams.


Are you saying Spurs would also beat a team composed of Lebron, Melo, Stoudemire, Marbury, Iverson, Wade, Boozer, etc!!!!! 99 out of 100 times!

what are u smokin????

and led by coach Brown :smokin

Like Manu said it depends what rules they use. I think Argentina would win if Fiba rules were used, and Spurs would win if NBA rules.

I think Manu's answer should have been: "Depends which team I play for." - that's the truth

06-30-2005, 07:17 PM
Are you saying Spurs would also beat a team composed of Lebron, Melo, Stoudemire, Marbury, Iverson, Wade, Boozer, etc!!!!! 99 out of 100 times!

what are u smokin????

and led by coach Brown :smokin

Like Manu said it depends what rules they use. I think Argentina would win if Fiba rules were used, and Spurs would win if NBA rules.

I think Manu's answer should have been: "Depends which team I play for." - that's the truth

The US team had like two weeks to practice. And putting Larry Brown in charge of a team of young players is like putting oil in charge of water. Brown is the worst coach in the league at trusting young players.

The Spurs would destroy Argentina, are you kidding?

Parker > Sanchez or Montecchia
Manu = Manu
Bowen > Nocioni
Duncan > Scola
Mohammed and Rasho > Oberto and Wolkowisky

Where are you hoping to have an advantage? :lol

Unlike the US national team, the Spurs have played with each other all year (and some for longer than that).

Please don't lose all your credibility by claiming something so far fetched.


Kori Ellis
06-30-2005, 07:19 PM
Ginobili basks in glow of Spurs NBA victory back in Argentina

Associated Press

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Tim Duncan was the Finals MVP but Manu Ginobili is the people's choice here, returning to his native Argentina after his second NBA ring with the Spurs in three years.

Ginobili, who lost the MVP title to Duncan by a 6-4 vote after San Antonio's 81-74 victory over Detroit in game 7, said he's just glad his team turned up the Series winner.

He told a news conference Thursday after flying to Buenos Aires that he's just ready for a vacation.

"About the MVP, they commented a lot about that here and that's understandable," said Ginobili, looking relaxed in a T-shirt as he was mobbed by local journalists at a Buenos Aires hotel.

Speaking in Spanish, he added, "I believe Tim was the rightful winner ... we both now have the ring and I just feel enormous satisfaction for what we've just lived through."

Ginobili flew here to take part in a program backed by the NBA and the International Basketball Federation called "Basketball Without Borders."

The program was to include a basketball training clinic for young people of diverse backgrounds, stops to promote education and even a visit to a hospital that treats children with the HIV virus.

The first Basketball Without Borders event took place in Europe in 2001 and similar stops are expected this year in China and South Africa, among other venues.

On Monday, Ginobili also was to make a homecoming visit to his southern Argentine city of Bahia Blanca, where hundreds filled a basketball arena to cheer during the NBA final.

Ginobili said every game was grueling in the Series and that he had now been playing basketball nearly nonstop for four years if he included his Olympic medal-winning performance with Argentina's national team along with the regular NBA seasons.

"I'm now going to take a month of vacation doing nothing, not even look at a basketball," said Ginobili. "It's been four straight years without stopping between NBA games and the national team."

Meanwhile, he said he's getting accustomed to fans stopping him in the streets in a country where soccer is the craze but basketball is gaining new adherents thanks to Ginobili's stardom.

In the 1970s, Argentine Guillermo Vilas gave tennis an enormous push here and some sports columnists are already placing Ginobili among the greats of Argentine sport along with Vilas and soccer legend Diego Maradona.

Ginobili said modestly, "I'm still not accustomed to that kind of thing: people stopping your car and waving or fans approaching you."

But he added, "I'm not the kind of person who is besieged like Maradona. He can't take two steps in the street while my situation is different."

06-30-2005, 07:26 PM
Ginobili basks in glow of Spurs NBA victory back in Argentina

Associated Press

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - Tim Duncan was the Finals MVP but Manu Ginobili is the people's choice here, returning to his native Argentina after his second NBA ring with the Spurs in three years.

Ginobili, who lost the MVP title to Duncan by a 6-4 vote after San Antonio's 81-74 victory over Detroit in game 7, said he's just glad his team turned up the Series winner.

He told a news conference Thursday after flying to Buenos Aires that he's just ready for a vacation.

"About the MVP, they commented a lot about that here and that's understandable," said Ginobili, looking relaxed in a T-shirt as he was mobbed by local journalists at a Buenos Aires hotel.

Speaking in Spanish, he added, "I believe Tim was the rightful winner ... we both now have the ring and I just feel enormous satisfaction for what we've just lived through."

Ginobili flew here to take part in a program backed by the NBA and the International Basketball Federation called "Basketball Without Borders."

The program was to include a basketball training clinic for young people of diverse backgrounds, stops to promote education and even a visit to a hospital that treats children with the HIV virus.

The first Basketball Without Borders event took place in Europe in 2001 and similar stops are expected this year in China and South Africa, among other venues.

On Monday, Ginobili also was to make a homecoming visit to his southern Argentine city of Bahia Blanca, where hundreds filled a basketball arena to cheer during the NBA final.

Ginobili said every game was grueling in the Series and that he had now been playing basketball nearly nonstop for four years if he included his Olympic medal-winning performance with Argentina's national team along with the regular NBA seasons.

"I'm now going to take a month of vacation doing nothing, not even look at a basketball," said Ginobili. "It's been four straight years without stopping between NBA games and the national team."

Meanwhile, he said he's getting accustomed to fans stopping him in the streets in a country where soccer is the craze but basketball is gaining new adherents thanks to Ginobili's stardom.

In the 1970s, Argentine Guillermo Vilas gave tennis an enormous push here and some sports columnists are already placing Ginobili among the greats of Argentine sport along with Vilas and soccer legend Diego Maradona.

Ginobili said modestly, "I'm still not accustomed to that kind of thing: people stopping your car and waving or fans approaching you."

But he added, "I'm not the kind of person who is besieged like Maradona. He can't take two steps in the street while my situation is different."


Ginobili "losing" the MVP award gets bigger press than the Spurs winning the NBA champion. Someone needs to clue them in that basketball is a team sport.

06-30-2005, 07:30 PM
The US team had like two weeks to practice. And putting Larry Brown in charge of a team of young players is like putting oil in charge of water. Brown is the worst coach in the league at trusting young players.

The Spurs would destroy Argentina, are you kidding?

Parker > Sanchez or Montecchia
Manu = Manu
Bowen > Nocioni
Duncan > Scola
Mohammed and Rasho > Oberto and Wolkowisky

Where are you hoping to have an advantage? :lol

Unlike the US national team, the Spurs have played with each other all year (and some for longer than that).

Please don't lose all your credibility by claiming something so far fetched.


It's not about looking at who's better than who. If we go by your way of thinking, let me put it this way:

is Parker > Marbury/Iverson?
Manu > Wade/Richardson?
Bowen > Lebron/Melo?

where are u seeing the advantage there? but Argentina moped the floor with that team.

nope, I did not claim anything. I said I concurr with Manu. Are you saying Manu was lying to the press?? He is one of the most honest guys out there, so I beleive he really beleives what he said, so I just said I concurr. If I'm losing credibility, then Manu is losing credibility to you. You're the one claiming something.

I was mainly surprised with your statement of 99 out of 100 times and saying it would be destruction.

So my statement is I concurr with Manu. Your statement is Spurs will destroy and beat Argentina and why not Team USA 99 out of 100 times and it doesn't matter what rules are used. just checking w/u. It's ok to disagree :tu

06-30-2005, 07:38 PM

Ginobili "losing" the MVP award gets bigger press than the Spurs winning the NBA champion. Someone needs to clue them in that basketball is a team sport.
Well, he's the biggest sports star of Argentina right now, you sort of expect this.

06-30-2005, 07:38 PM
It's not about looking at who's better than who. If we go by your way of thinking, let me put it this way:

is Parker > Marbury/Iverson?
Manu > Wade/Richardson?
Bowen > Lebron/Melo?

where are u seeing the advantage there? but Argentina moped the floor with that team.

nope, I did not claim anything. I said I concurr with Manu. Are you saying Manu was lying to the press?? He is one of the most honest guys out there, so I beleive he really beleives what he said, so I just said I concurr. If I'm losing credibility, then Manu is losing credibility to you. You're the one claiming something.

I was mainly surprised with your statement of 99 out of 100 times and saying it would be destruction.

So my statement is I concurr with Manu. Your statement is Spurs will destroy and beat Argentina and why not Team USA 99 out of 100 times and it doesn't matter what rules are used. just checking w/u. It's ok to disagree :tu

There's a big difference between a team that was just thrown together and a championship team that went through the playoffs and came out as the best.

And what was Manu supposed to say? He would have been booed out of the country if he said the Spurs would destroy Argentina. :lol

06-30-2005, 07:49 PM
Argentina's Team Play is what makes them a great team...

The Spurs play team ball too...unlike Team USA...plus being experienced together...

The Spurs would roll Team Argie...their second best player is going to be coming off of our bench...and it's not because we are stupid or can't judge talent...

But all that doesn't matter...because Argentina beat Team USA fair and square and that's all there is to it....Arrogance and Ignorance aren't excuses for losing...they are reasons for it.

06-30-2005, 07:52 PM
So my statement is I concurr with Manu. Your statement is Spurs will destroy and beat Argentina and why not Team USA 99 out of 100 times and it doesn't matter what rules are used. just checking w/u. It's ok to disagree :tu

The Spurs would kill them. They a) have more talent AND b) are a team (which is what the Olympic team was lacking). Any NBA champion would kill them.

06-30-2005, 08:28 PM
I don't know about that, but it would be funny if the two Manus bumped into each other and they both flopped! LOL

Thank god for NBA LIVE.

06-30-2005, 08:59 PM
Ginobili "losing" the MVP award gets bigger press than the Spurs winning the NBA champion.
Is it so hard for you guys to understand how big it would've been for an Argentine to win this award? The voting was so close (6-4 voting results) its pretty obvious the media was going to focus on that.

Someone needs to clue them in that basketball is a team sport.
We've been playing basketball for a long time, timvp, we know its a team sport. :wtf

Even our media knows it.

06-30-2005, 09:04 PM
I understand that, but Ginobili not winning Finals MVP shouldn't trump the Spurs winning the NBA championship. I gather that the Argentine media (and some of its people) would have been happier if the Spurs lost in the Finals but Manu was named MVP.

06-30-2005, 09:04 PM
Is it so hard for you guys to understand how big it would've been for an Argentine to win this award? The voting was so close (6-4 voting results) its pretty obvious the media was going to focus on that.

We've been playing basketball for a long time, timvp, we know its a team sport. :wtf

Even our media knows it.

Just wondering if there was any sort of resentment amongst the Argentinian media or people of Tim because he won the MVP and not Manu?

06-30-2005, 09:16 PM
Just wondering if there was any sort of resentment amongst the Argentinian media or people of Tim because he won the MVP and not Manu?
From what I read, which is limited to the internet, I don't think so. The reality is (confirmed by the close voting results) that Manu was up there with TD regading candidates.

06-30-2005, 09:26 PM
Is it so hard for you guys to understand how big it would've been for an Argentine to win this award? The voting was so close (6-4 voting results) its pretty obvious the media was going to focus on that.

We've been playing basketball for a long time, timvp, we know its a team sport. :wtf

Even our media knows it.

I think the point is, nobody ever hears it put that way. That someone "lost" an MVP award. It's not something to be lost. I've never heard that expressed and it sounds a little petty and unsportsman like. And as much as Argentina is probably thrilled with Manu (as we all are), it's just kind of crass and dismissive toward the rest of the team to say things like that. It shows almost no appreciation for the great performances of Bowen, Horry, and the rest of the guys. I honestly think we should get rid of the MVP award altogether.

06-30-2005, 09:32 PM

Ginobili "losing" the MVP award gets bigger press than the Spurs winning the NBA champion. Someone needs to clue them in that basketball is a team sport.
I understand that, but Ginobili not winning Finals MVP shouldn't trump the Spurs winning the NBA championship. I gather that the Argentine media (and some of its people) would have been happier if the Spurs lost in the Finals but Manu was named MVP.

awww come on! It is only natural for Argentina to make a big deal - Manu is "theirs" I would be more concerned if they didn't care :lol

06-30-2005, 09:36 PM
awww come on! It is only natural for Argentina to make a big deal - Manu is "theirs" I would be more concerned if they didn't care :lol

NOOO!!! Manu is OURS !!!! :spin

06-30-2005, 09:42 PM
NOOO!!! Manu is OURS !!!! :spin
:nope :lol

06-30-2005, 09:47 PM
Somebody has some info about timvp, name, age, etc; so I can find out why she hates so much argies. I could get really good data about this girl.

06-30-2005, 09:55 PM
Somebody has some info about timvp, name, age, etc; so I can find out why she hates so much argies. I could get really good data about this girl.

:lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao :lmao

He is a guy. He does not hate us. I think his grandad was Argie.

Horry For 3!
06-30-2005, 09:56 PM
I saw this article on Yahoo.

06-30-2005, 10:00 PM
Somebody has some info about timvp, name, age, etc; so I can find out why she hates so much argies. I could get really good data about this girl.

come on now. no cyber-stalking and/or identity exposing. even if you don't like what someone has to say.

06-30-2005, 10:08 PM

WTF? I hate Argentines because I said they should talk about the NBA championship before they talk about Manu "losing" the MVP award? It's a team game. And the way the Argentina national team plays, they should know this better than any other country.

Soy uno de usted. Mi abuelo jugó para la Argentina en la taza del mundo. Apenas no pienso que el mundo gira alrededor de Ginobili:)

06-30-2005, 10:34 PM
Soy uno de usted. Mi abuelo jugó para la Argentina en la taza del mundo. Apenas no pienso que el mundo gira alrededor de Ginobili:)
You spanish is not that bad. It's a little rough around the edges. :lol

06-30-2005, 11:21 PM
I don't know about that, but it would be funny if the two Manus bumped into each other and they both flopped! LOL


07-01-2005, 08:11 AM
Soy uno de usted. Mi abuelo jugó para la Argentina en la taza del mundo. Apenas no pienso que el mundo gira alrededor de Ginobili:)

"I am one of you"?? what's that?? I think you're on crack. If your GrandPa is/was argentine then... Did he beat you or something? Did he tickle you ears all the time?
I mean, I couldn't find a single sentence from you saying good things about none of Argentina, argentine players, argentine reporters, argentine people... nothing.
So please... just to uncover the mistery of your childhood:
Whats your grandpa's name?
Which team did he play in?
Which years?

07-01-2005, 08:44 AM
The US team had like two weeks to practice. And putting Larry Brown in charge of a team of young players is like putting oil in charge of water. Brown is the worst coach in the league at trusting young players.

The Spurs would destroy Argentina, are you kidding?

Parker > Sanchez or Montecchia
Manu = Manu
Bowen > Nocioni
Duncan > Scola
Mohammed and Rasho > Oberto and Wolkowisky

Where are you hoping to have an advantage? :lol

Unlike the US national team, the Spurs have played with each other all year (and some for longer than that).

Please don't lose all your credibility by claiming something so far fetched.


Timvp, if you did the same analysis with Team USA it would have been far worst:

Iverson > Sanchez
Lebron > Manu
Melo > Nocioni
Amare > Scola
Duncan > Oberto

and so on. It's seems you didn't learn the lesson Argentina gave Team USA. It's not about the individuals, it's about the team. Arg squad has been playing together since they were kids. Besides, they all have the same nature as Manu. They are winners who give it all out. The have more heart than 100 Carmelos.

07-01-2005, 10:05 AM
Timvp, if you did the same analysis with Team USA it would have been far worst:

Iverson > Sanchez
Lebron > Manu
Melo > Nocioni
Amare > Scola
Duncan > Oberto

and so on. It's seems you didn't learn the lesson Argentina gave Team USA. It's not about the individuals, it's about the team. Arg squad has been playing together since they were kids. Besides, they all have the same nature as Manu. They are winners who give it all out. The have more heart than 100 Carmelos.

Thank you, that was my point too. Like timvp said, there is a big difference between a "team" and a team that was recently and badly pu together. But talent is talent. Don't mean to bring up the subject again, but I'm happy someone sees my point of view.

And there is also a huge difference between Fiba and NBA officiated matches.

I beleive people still underestimate international level of basketball. :rolleyes

07-01-2005, 02:10 PM
"I am one of you"?? what's that?? I think you're on crack. If your GrandPa is/was argentine then... Did he beat you or something? Did he tickle you ears all the time?
I mean, I couldn't find a single sentence from you saying good things about none of Argentina, argentine players, argentine reporters, argentine people... nothing.

:lol :flipoff

You need to learn how to read English then Jimi. You're always right there after I make a post regarding anything Manu. If I don't say that Manu is the greatest in the world or that Argentina is the best country on the planet, you always start crying like a little girl. Grow up and realize that there is more to basketball than Manu Ginobili and there are more important things in life than making sure Manu is looked upon as a God by every human walking the earth.

That said, I'm a member of the Church of Manu, in case you missed it. Enjoy, mi vato numero uno.

Honestly, I've actually converted to the Church of Manu. Manu has improved so much that I think he's a top ten player in the league. His drive to win is unmatched and his performances have been out of this world. His improvement from year to year has been jaw dropping. Hell, his improvement from this regular season to the playoffs has been awesome.

Now if he has a big Finals and continues to play how he's been playing in the playoffs, I will go on record saying he's a top five player in the league.


07-01-2005, 02:15 PM
What about your grandpa?

07-01-2005, 02:20 PM
Find me in chat one day and I'll give you the info. I don't want to be hounded by autograph requests here in the forum.


07-01-2005, 02:21 PM
What about your grandpa?

:lol This has got to be the weirdest thread PCS (Post Championship season)

07-01-2005, 02:21 PM
Find me in chat one day and I'll give you the info. I don't want to be hounded by autrograph requests here in the forum.


:lmao We're not all your groupies you know.

07-01-2005, 02:30 PM
I love how a few argentinian reporters questions about manu "losing" the mvp award is representative of the entire argentinian media. Get a clue. What if someone oversees read or heard one Bill Walton comment and assumed that represented the entire US media. We would look like complete morons.

07-01-2005, 02:31 PM
I think the point is, nobody ever hears it put that way. That someone "lost" an MVP award. It's not something to be lost. I've never heard that expressed and it sounds a little petty and unsportsman like. And as much as Argentina is probably thrilled with Manu (as we all are), it's just kind of crass and dismissive toward the rest of the team to say things like that. It shows almost no appreciation for the great performances of Bowen, Horry, and the rest of the guys. I honestly think we should get rid of the MVP award altogether.

All we heard about was how Shaq and TD got screwed out of the MVP this year. Don't say those kind of things never happen.

07-01-2005, 02:31 PM
:lol :flipoff

You need to learn how to read English then Jimi. You're always right there after I make a post regarding anything Manu. If I don't say that Manu is the greatest in the world or that Argentina is the best country on the planet, you always start crying like a little girl. Grow up and realize that there is more to basketball than Manu Ginobili and there are more important things in life than making sure Manu is looked upon as a God by every human walking the earth.

That said, I'm a member of the Church of Manu, in case you missed it. Enjoy, mi vato numero uno.

Timvp, you didn't answer my post or nkdlunch's. I thought it took a bronze medal for America to realize there's more to bball than a tomahawk dunk, but I guess I was wrong.
You people were proven wrong, but still didn't figure it out.

07-01-2005, 02:34 PM
I love how a few argentinian reporters questions about manu "losing" the mvp award is representative of the entire argentinian media. Get a clue. What if someone oversees read or heard one Bill Walton comment and assumed that represented the entire US media. We would look like complete morons.

I agree, give the argetine press some slack. First of all compared to US press, they don't know shit about NBA basketball. It's all new to them. All they know is futbol(soccer) and frankly that's all they care about. But Manu is argentine and they have to report on it, 'cause it's big news and Argentines are proud of Manu.

So those reporters who mentioned "losing" the MVP basically don't know shit about basketball and don't understand why Tim Duncan more than deserved that trophy over Manu.

Think of it as US media reporting on a US soccer star who shines overseas. They don't like to, but they still have to report on it.

If you're laughing at how Argetine press covers the NBA, you should see how much they laugh when they hear US press talking about soccer.

07-01-2005, 02:38 PM
Find me in chat one day and I'll give you the info. I don't want to be hounded by autograph requests here in the forum.

Yeah... right... Once again, you proved you were full of...

Kori Ellis
07-01-2005, 02:40 PM
Yeah... right... Once again, you proved you were full of...

So are you trying to say his Grandpa isn't Argentinean and didn't play soccer there? You can ask who he is by private message if you want. But just because timvp didn't announce it in the forum doesn't mean it's not true. Even his mom and dad spend a lot of time in Argentina these days.

You are quickly becoming one of the most attacking assholes on the forum and I'm quite sick of it.

07-01-2005, 02:43 PM
If you're laughing at how Argetine press covers the NBA, you should see how much they laugh when they hear US press talking about soccer.

You mean like Donovan nominated to the ESPYs for soccer player of the year with Ronaldinho?

07-01-2005, 02:44 PM
You mean like Donovan nominated to the ESPYs for soccer player of the year with Ronaldinho?

is this true!?? :lmao :lmao :lmao

07-01-2005, 02:45 PM
Timvp, you didn't answer my post or nkdlunch's. I thought it took a bronze medal for America to realize there's more to bball than a tomahawk dunk, but I guess I was wrong.
You people were proven wrong, but still didn't figure it out.

Yes, I've already covered that. Please try to catch up.

Like I said, there is a difference between a team that played together for two weeks and a team that went through an 82 game season and fought through the playoffs. This Spurs team has chemistry. That Olympic team didn't know each other.

But I'm not going to convince the homer Argentineans that the Spurs could beat the Almight Argentine National Team.

Your team could beat the original dream team. Your team would win all championship ever competed for. Better?

07-01-2005, 02:48 PM
Timvp, if you did the same analysis with Team USA it would have been far worst:

Iverson > Sanchez
Lebron > Manu
Melo > Nocioni
Amare > Scola
Duncan > Oberto

and so on. It's seems you didn't learn the lesson Argentina gave Team USA. It's not about the individuals, it's about the team. Arg squad has been playing together since they were kids. Besides, they all have the same nature as Manu. They are winners who give it all out. The have more heart than 100 Carmelos.

I think you are arguing the point for the U.S. team here. Especially when you emphasize the "team" component and then state that the Argentina team had played together since they were kids. If anything you are proving that Argentina and other nations had an advantage. And Duncan can only do so much when he is fouled out twice from the FIBA refs - the same number of times he'd been fouled out in eight years of playing in the NBA. Also, aside from Duncan, we did not send our top players to the Olympics. Everybody knows that. Yes, those players were all well know and are considered great, but we had better players who chose to stay home...like weasels. Read Tony Parkers blog. He has an entry before the Olympics were he predicts that the U.S. will have a tough time because the country's best players weren't going. Allen Iverson also called out (before the olympics) players that wouldn't go represent their country. Argentina has every right to be proud that they won, fair and square. But you have to admit it wasn't really a contest between Argentinas best and Americas best.

07-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Yes, I've already covered that. Please try to catch up.

Like I said, there is a difference between a team that played together for two weeks and a team that went through an 82 game season and fought through the playoffs. This Spurs team has chemistry. That Olympic team didn't know each other.

But I'm not going to convince the homer Argentineans that the Spurs could beat the Almight Argentine National Team.

Your team could beat the original dream team. Your team would win all championship ever competed for. Better?

timvp, sorry to stay on this subject. Lets say:

- FIBA officiated game.
- In a neutral spot, like Europe.
- Argentina National Team from 2004 olympics vs. Spurs Team from 2005 championship
- No Manu, let's say he decided not to play for either team

Please give me your reasons why you think Spurs would destroy Argentina. And no, please not your little list of guy1 > guy2, etc.

and btw, I'm not argentinian. Please educate me, cause I see it as an even matchup, not a destruction.

07-01-2005, 02:54 PM
I think you are arguing the point for the U.S. team here. Especially when you emphasize the "team" component and then state that the Argentina team had played together since they were kids. If anything you are proving that Argentina and other nations had an advantage. And Duncan can only do so much when he is fouled out twice from the FIBA refs - the same number of times he'd been fouled out in eight years of playing in the NBA. Also, aside from Duncan, we did not send our top players to the Olympics. Everybody knows that. Yes, those players were all well know and are considered great, but we had better players who chose to stay home...like weasels. Read Tony Parkers blog. He has an entry before the Olympics were he predicts that the U.S. will have a tough time because the country's best players weren't going. Allen Iverson also called out (before the olympics) players that wouldn't go represent their country. Argentina has every right to be proud that they won, fair and square. But you have to admit it wasn't really a contest between Argentinas best and Americas best.

But at the same time you can't say Argentina wouldn't have beaten our best. Yes, you can think it all you want. But because they chose not to play, we can't say they would have dominated Argentina. We don't know.

07-01-2005, 02:56 PM
timvp, sorry to stay on this subject. Lets say:

- FIBA officiated game.
- In a neutral spot, like Europe.
- Argentina National Team from 2004 olympics vs. Spurs Team from 2005 championship
- No Manu, let's say he decided not to play for either team

Please give me your reasons why you think Spurs would destroy Argentina. And no, please not your little list of guy1 > guy2, etc.

and btw, I'm not argentinian. Please educate me, cause I see it as an even matchup, not a destruction.

How is it an even matchup? Nobody on Argentina's team would start for the Spurs. When the chemistry on the teams are even, the most talented team will win. The Spurs, by anyone who looked at it, would have more talent.

Without Manu, Argentina's national team wouldn't have done anything close to what they did in the Olympics. So no Argentina - Manu would beat Spurs - Manu?


07-01-2005, 02:56 PM
But at the same time you can't say Argentina wouldn't have beaten our best. Yes, you can think it all you want. But because they chose not to play, we can't say they would have dominated Argentina. We don't know.

We don't know. Exactly. That's exactly why I'm surprised when people state Spurs would destroy the Olympic champion. like its a fact.

07-01-2005, 02:59 PM
We don't know. Exactly. That's exactly why I'm surprised when people state Spurs would destroy the Olympic champion.

Stunning. Nothing is known unless it happens.

Who is to say that me, nkdlunch and benjirh can't beat the Spurs? The game hasn't been played. We don't know.

07-01-2005, 03:00 PM
How is it an even matchup? Nobody on Argentina's team would start for the Spurs. When the chemistry on the teams are even, the most talented team will win. The Spurs, by anyone who looked at it, would have more talent.

So this is your sole reason why you think Spurs will destroy, under FIBA rules??? Sorry I disagree.

Without Manu, Argentina's national team wouldn't have done anything close to what they did in the Olympics. So no Argentina - Manu would beat Spurs - Manu?

Without Manu, Spurs wouln't have done anything close to what they did in the NBA also.

So no Argentina - Manu would beat Spurs - Manu?

I didn't catch this one.

07-01-2005, 03:00 PM
So are you trying to say his Grandpa isn't Argentinean and didn't play soccer there? You can ask who he is by private message if you want. But just because timvp didn't announce it in the forum doesn't mean it's not true. Even his mom and dad spend a lot of time in Argentina these days.

You are quickly becoming one of the most attacking assholes on the forum and I'm quite sick of it.

Well... excuse me... I wasnt getting an answer about his grandpa, what would you think?

07-01-2005, 03:01 PM
Stunning. Nothing is known unless it happens.

Who is to say that me, nkdlunch and benjirh can't beat the Spurs? The game hasn't been played. We don't know.

now you're getting it. ;)

07-01-2005, 03:02 PM
now you're getting it. ;)

Alright. I got it.

From now on I only discuss things that have happened so there's no confusion :)

07-01-2005, 03:07 PM
Without Manu, Argentina's national team wouldn't have done anything close to what they did in the Olympics.

I strongly disagree on that one. Argentina still had the now last two ACB's (strongest european league) MVPs in Scola and Nocioni, Oberto who is probably one of the best big men in Europe, great role players (Sanchez, Wolkowyski, Monthecchia) etc...

We almost won the WBC finals against Yugoslavia with Manu on the bench because of the twisted ankle. Maybe we wouldn't have won a gold medal, or gotten to the finals in both tournament, but we have put up a fight with the best teams out there.

Kori Ellis
07-01-2005, 03:10 PM
Well... excuse me... I wasnt getting an answer about his grandpa, what would you think?

I would think that it's not normal to ask people the names of their family members on the internet and would ask them privately.

07-01-2005, 03:11 PM
Stunning. Nothing is known unless it happens.

Who is to say that me, nkdlunch and benjirh can't beat the Spurs? The game hasn't been played. We don't know.

Thanks. Hopefully, Pop is reading this. I am going to hold out for a 5yr-92mil deal. Actually what is the max, maybe I could get more. But I need you as my agent TIMVP. I pay my agents 15%.

07-01-2005, 03:13 PM
By the way, I am not claiming that the a true US superstar team wouldn't kill Argentina, I just don't like making excuses that would put an * by a championship. Argentina beat the US fair and square.

07-01-2005, 03:14 PM
I strongly disagree on that one. Argentina still had the now last two ACB's (strongest european league) MVPs in Scola and Nocioni, Oberto who is probably one of the best big men in Europe, great role players (Sanchez, Wolkowyski, Monthecchia) etc...

We almost won the WBC finals against Yugoslavia with Manu on the bench because of the twisted ankle. Maybe we wouldn't have won a gold medal, or gotten to the finals in both tournament, but we have put up a fight with the best teams out there.

Actually, yeah you are probably right. Argentina wins with a team game. They played well after Manu was injured in 2002 or whenever that was.

I apologize.


07-01-2005, 03:14 PM
By the way, I am not claiming that the a true US superstar team wouldn't kill Argentina, I just don't like making excuses that would put an * by a championship. Argentina beat the US fair and square.


07-01-2005, 03:14 PM
Thanks. Hopefully, Pop is reading this. I am going to hold out for a 5yr-92mil deal. Actually what is the max, maybe I could get more. But I need you as my agent TIMVP. I pay my agents 15%.

You have yourself a deal.


07-01-2005, 03:21 PM
Alright. I got it.

From now on I only discuss things that have happened so there's no confusion :)

nah don't go that far. But just don't act like Carmelo on David Letterman: "I guarantee a gold medal for the US!" :lmao good job Melo :rolleyes

07-01-2005, 03:24 PM
Timvp, I am neither a Manu homer, nor argentinean. I just don't like that fact that the majority of the US did not learn a lesson from the Olympics and still think that a team like the Spurs without their second star would DESTROY the olympic champion. You are leaving out a MAJOR fact out, and that is the guts and heart that argie team had. It's not always about the talent you know. You can ask Vince Carter about it...

07-01-2005, 03:54 PM
What happened to the Game ARG against Harlem Globes...?

Will they play in Las Vegas?

07-01-2005, 03:57 PM
I would pay to watch Bowen vs Nocioni :smokin

07-01-2005, 04:10 PM
I would pay to watch Bowen vs Nocioni :smokin

I second that!

07-01-2005, 04:54 PM
whats this about arg team players not being good enough for the spurs?

the spurs more so than any other NBA team have been interested or made formal offers:
nocioni, oberto, scola, montechia...

and in a FIBA game, guys like nazr and parker are considerably less effective (lack of shooting/passing/ball IQ)

add to that that intl ball has less fouls to give (anybody think that might be a reason why tim fouled out twice ?) and the spurs aggressive D might not be effective.

i dont think arg > spurs, but if they played 100 times under FIBA rules, arg would win at least 10, and possibly up to 40-50. in no way would they be destroyed. the most important skill in FIBA ball is outside shooting to break the zone, and we know that is not a spurs strength.

under NBA rules on the other hand, no contest, argentina gets killed.

happy now TimVP?

07-01-2005, 05:28 PM
I understand that, but Ginobili not winning Finals MVP shouldn't trump the Spurs winning the NBA championship. I gather that the Argentine media (and some of its people) would have been happier if the Spurs lost in the Finals but Manu was named MVP.
you seem to overlook the fact that not every Argentinian is a basketball fan, and more importantly not every Argentinian basketball fan is a Spurs fan. however, every Argentinian is a fan of Argentinian athletes. So why exactly should Argentinian reporters focus on the performance of other Spurs when the national interest lies on Manu. Only real basquetball fans care about how each and every player performed, and over here real basketball fans are not a majority. You're not being realistic Timvp.

I also disagree about the Spurs DESTROYING the Argentinian national team, although I do think the Spurs would win, I don't think it would be by a wide margin.

P.S. Hey TimVP, if its not too much trouble, I would love to find out more about your grandfather. If you could send me a PM with the info that would be great.

07-01-2005, 05:36 PM
it's an interesting and absurd discussion. It had never happened, and never will.

You can always be right hipothetically.

I think (and hope) that Manu is just the first argie player in his way to the top of the NBA. He's not just an exception.

But, only time will tell. I can't wait to see what happens next season.

nkdlunch, where are you from??? I thought you were from Argentina too!

BTW: Manu always talks about young brazilians players that are about to explode. They already own us in football, please, let us keep with basketball, in southamerica at least! Brazilians are so damn talented! :bang

07-01-2005, 09:43 PM
whats this about arg team players not being good enough for the spurs?

the spurs more so than any other NBA team have been interested or made formal offers:
nocioni, oberto, scola, montechia...

and in a FIBA game, guys like nazr and parker are considerably less effective (lack of shooting/passing/ball IQ)

add to that that intl ball has less fouls to give (anybody think that might be a reason why tim fouled out twice ?) and the spurs aggressive D might not be effective.

i dont think arg > spurs, but if they played 100 times under FIBA rules, arg would win at least 10, and possibly up to 40-50. in no way would they be destroyed. the most important skill in FIBA ball is outside shooting to break the zone, and we know that is not a spurs strength.

under NBA rules on the other hand, no contest, argentina gets killed.

happy now TimVP?

Don't go getting your panties in a twist. Nobody said that Argentine players aren't good enough. Obviously, we San Antonians are very thrilled with our Argentinean player extraordinaire.

07-01-2005, 09:58 PM
If you're laughing at how Argetine press covers the NBA, you should see how much they laugh when they hear US press talking about soccer.

Good point. Although I have to tell you I NEVER hear the US press talking about soccer. (but I'm sure they do in some obscure circles, and I'm sure that whatever they do say it probably sounds pretty silly to real "futbol" fans)