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01-10-2013, 12:00 AM
Where the hell is it?? How can people say he's better or close to The GOAT *MJ.
I'm not trying to troll or disrespect anybody. but WTF?? Where's the fucking Defense??? He couldn't guard anybody. That's sad.
Kobe sure can score a lot of points like *MJ did don't get me wrong, but he's not even half as clutch of a player The GOAT *MJ was.
Kobe looks just as bad as Nash's ass on Defense.

Night Night.

*Michael Jordan not Michael Jackson

01-10-2013, 12:07 AM

Sean Cagney
01-10-2013, 12:48 AM
Overrated like it always was, he just lost a step now though so it's worse. He could play D do not get me wrong, but he never was a lock down defender who could change a game on D.

01-10-2013, 10:11 AM
Kobe's defense was amazing, got him off the hook in that Katelyn Faber incident. Any other guy would be in prison up till now, but Kobe's defense stepped up.

He is still benefiting from it almost a decade later, that's awesome defense.

01-10-2013, 10:19 AM
Overrated like it always was, he just lost a step now though so it's worse. He could play D do not get me wrong, but he never was a lock down defender who could change a game on D.

Kobe's defensive rep is overrated but he was an excellent defender at times in his career and still CAN play Excellent defense when motivated ... which is why when he does it helps us win more than his 40 point games. To me it's more of an indictment that he can, but is unwilling to focus on it. If he just sucked on defense ... that could be forgiven but he plays lazy and undisciplined defense more times than not. Sure he is older and slower but Bowen and many others still played good defense at 30+ ...

01-10-2013, 10:21 AM
Kobe hasn't played great defense in close to a decade. Been living off reputation for years. He's capable of pretty good defense for short stretches, maybe late in games when he's motivated against someone like LeBron or Melo. But he's not all that good anymore, definitely not consistently good. And it's been many years since he sniffed good defense.

01-10-2013, 10:29 AM
Kobe hasn't played great defense in close to a decade. Been living off reputation for years. He's capable of pretty good defense for short stretches, maybe late in games when he's motivated against someone like LeBron or Melo. But he's not all that good anymore, definitely not consistently good. And it's been many years since he sniffed good defense.

True. and what is comical he played some of his best defense all season (last one) in a meaningless ASG which pissed off Wade so much he hacked him which broke Kobe's nose ...

Look Im obviously a Laker fan, but dude can be frustrating. his shot selection, sometimesy defense and hot and cold clutch performances are ALL part of his legacy as are the game-winners, great scoring binges, exeptional foot-work and all around game he has. I just think the hate on him gets ridiculous ...but so does the idolatry. The Kobe close to or better than MJ ship... sailed years ago even winning a 6th wont change that. But MJ is overrated a bit too on defense and his fans get all butthurt when anyone is compared to him. at best Kobe can be considered in teh 2nd best to MJ convo but again Lebron may make that debate moot anyway ....

Like I have said on here for years Lebron has a slim chance at passing MJ and Kobe though not close to MJ isnt as far as many people think either ...but I would say TODAY that Magic and especiallly Kareem have much stronger GOAT arguments than Kobe ... and I doubt that is changing much.

01-10-2013, 10:36 AM
Same can be said for Dwight Howard. He's basically been a write in for all defense teams because he used to block shots early in his career. Now that his back is about as durable as Bynum's knee, he's next to useless. lol paying for basketball reasons

01-10-2013, 10:38 AM
Kobe's probably still my favorite player in the NBA. But that doesn't mean I don't realize and admit his many flaws. I've always liked flawed players though. I was a huge KG fan even though he's an emo bitch, fake tough guy (and it's waned since he's been in Boston). I loved Allen Iverson pretty much his whole career even though he was a selfish team cancer. I love Manu Ginobili even though he's bald and Argentine. Love CP3 and his game. All flawed players. I think it's their approach to the game, even if that approach itself is flawed. They are all extremely tough competitors who will do close to anything to win. Win at all costs type of players. Leave it all on the court type players. I appreciate knowing the guys playing hate losing even more than they like winning. If they're selfishly chucking or fake barking or flopping or chest bumping because of it, so be it.

01-10-2013, 10:45 AM
Kobe hasn't played great defense in close to a decade. Been living off reputation for years. He's capable of pretty good defense for short stretches, maybe late in games when he's motivated against someone like LeBron or Melo. But he's not all that good anymore, definitely not consistently good. And it's been many years since he sniffed good defense.


01-10-2013, 10:58 AM
Kobe's defense was amazing, got him off the hook in that Katelyn Faber incident. Any other guy would be in prison up till now, but Kobe's defense stepped up.

He is still benefiting from it almost a decade later, that's awesome defense.


01-10-2013, 10:59 AM
Kobe's lost a step this year. This is the last year he'll be in discussions for top SG in the league. It's been a long run, however looking at him play the last few months while admirable, it's clear that he's in his twilight. Phenominal his #'s have been I can see Harden take top stop next year. Nothing wrong with that at all. Defensively while he still racks up a lot of steals, he gambles too much and when he doesn't get a call on the offensive end the opposing guards sprint back for easy transition hoops. Every team does this to the Lakers and Kobe needs to address this and get back. However, he still plays good man D when motivated and will play against the best guards as well. He, however is not the stopper he was in the early 2000's.

Still, you can't deny his intensity, fire and passion for the game.

01-10-2013, 11:11 AM
Kobe's lost a step this year. This is the last year he'll be in discussions for top SG in the league. It's been a long run, however looking at him play the last few months while admirable, it's clear that he's in his twilight. Phenominal his #'s have been I can see Harden take top stop next year. Nothing wrong with that at all. Defensively while he still racks up a lot of steals, he gambles too much and when he doesn't get a call on the offensive end the opposing guards sprint back for easy transition hoops. Every team does this to the Lakers and Kobe needs to address this and get back. However, he still plays good man D when motivated and will play against the best guards as well. He, however is not the stopper he was in the early 2000's.

Still, you can't deny his intensity, fire and passion for the game.


That is all.


01-10-2013, 11:13 AM
What percentage of your posts are Lakers related?

Why are you obsessed with a team 5 games under .500 this deep into the season?

01-10-2013, 11:19 AM
What percentage of your posts are Lakers related?

Why are you obsessed with a team 5 games under .500 this deep into the season?

Looks like you too are frustrated with the current state of your favorite team.

01-10-2013, 11:23 AM
Looks like you too are frustrated with the current state of your favorite team.

You're better than this bro.

01-10-2013, 11:32 AM
Looks like you too are frustrated with the current state of your favorite team.

Lol @ this version of "you mad bro"

It was a simple question. If you didn't feel like answering, you didn't need to respond to it. So fair enough.

01-10-2013, 11:37 AM
Lol @ this version of "you mad bro"

It was a simple question. If you didn't feel like answering, you didn't need to respond to it. So fair enough.

Not at all. Since the Pistons are an embarrassment, who else are you going to root for this year?

It was a simple, yet highly accurate, observation of your closet Laker fandom.

01-10-2013, 11:41 AM
Jamstone pretty much nailed it. It's not that different than how his offense would look sometimes. I'm sure we can all think of a few occasions where 3 and a half quarters of subpar work would suddenly be replaced by five minutes of incredible offense. He could flip the switch on the defensive side too for a few possessions in a row. All the same basic building blocks that make a guy a good option in the post (which Kobe became) translate to perimeter defense: enough lower body strength to hold position, enough upper body strength to shoot through contact, long arms, good footwork. In his prime if called upon I think he COULD have been a lock down defender for 35 minutes every day, certainly had the tools for it at least. Even then it seemed like his tendency to gamble on passing lanes only got exploited by teams with really good ball movement, so on the whole the steals he'd snag or created for others were ususally a net positive for the team.

I don't know of anyone still saying he's an elite defender, but whatever step he lost has lead to some horrific defense when I've seen the Lakers play this year. Once upon a time he might have had the speed to recover on rotations to get out to the assignment his abandoned in the corner, but now it seems like he's lucky to get within spitting distance of his man when the shot's going up.

01-10-2013, 11:45 AM
Not at all. Since the Pistons are an embarrassment, who else are you going to root for this year?

It was a simple, yet highly accurate, observation of your closet Laker fandom.

Pistons are and always will be my favorite team. I don't fairweather. As bad as the Pistons have been this season and in recent years, I've watched all but like 2-3 games. I've attended two Pistons games this year, in woeful Palace crowds of like 5,000 people. But I've never hidden from the fact that I like the Lakers. Willingly admitted I grew up a Lakers fan too because I loved Magic. Willingly admit that I'm a Kobe fan. The Lakers are not my favorite team. But sure, I still like them.

And yet you still don't want to answer my question. How about a slight variation then? Maybe you'll answer this one:

Do you admit that you are obsessed with the Lakers?

01-10-2013, 11:50 AM
Jamstone pretty much nailed it. It's not that different than how his offense would look sometimes. I'm sure we can all think of a few occasions where 3 and a half quarters of subpar work would suddenly be replaced by five minutes of incredible offense. He could flip the switch on the defensive side too for a few possessions in a row. All the same basic building blocks that make a guy a good option in the post (which Kobe became) translate to perimeter defense: enough lower body strength to hold position, enough upper body strength to shoot through contact, long arms, good footwork. In his prime if called upon I think he COULD have been a lock down defender for 35 minutes every day, certainly had the tools for it at least. Even then it seemed like his tendency to gamble on passing lanes only got exploited by teams with really good ball movement, so on the whole the steals he'd snag or created for others were ususally a net positive for the team.

I don't know of anyone still saying he's an elite defender, but whatever step he lost has lead to some horrific defense when I've seen the Lakers play this year. Once upon a time he might have had the speed to recover on rotations to get out to the assignment his abandoned in the corner, but now it seems like he's lucky to get within spitting distance of his man when the shot's going up.

Part of it is what killa suggested in that it's effort related. Sometimes, he just doesn't care to put the effort in. If he gambles for a steal and doesn't get it, he doesn't hustle back to recover. And when his man makes a lay-up or dunk on the defensive rotations, Kobe will laugh throw up his hands like he's disgusted that his teammates didn't bail him out. Lol it's hilarious. He actually did the same thing a couple times in the gold medal match in the Olympics. Gambled for steals, didn't get them, just stood near halfcourt, and wondered why his man scored a lay-up. Also, he does argue non-calls so his transition defense is often non-existent. He really only plays good and tough defense when he can put on a show against a great player. Should be a nationally televised game against someone like Melo or LeBron or CP3 or Durant. You'll see a 1-2 minute stretch if the game is close in the 4th quarter where Kobe will go all Gary Payton on Kevin Johnson.

01-10-2013, 11:56 AM
Pistons are and always will be my favorite team. I don't fairweather. As bad as the Pistons have been this season and in recent years, I've watched all but like 2-3 games. I've attended two Pistons games this year, in woeful Palace crowds of like 5,000 people. But I've never hidden from the fact that I like the Lakers. Willingly admitted I grew up a Lakers fan too because I loved Magic. Willingly admit that I'm a Kobe fan. The Lakers are not my favorite team. But sure, I still like them.

And yet you still don't want to answer my question. How about a slight variation then? Maybe you'll answer this one:

Do you admit that you are obsessed with the Lakers?

If you think me talking shit on a message board about a specific team, regardless of the frequency with which I do it, is "obsession," then you don't really understand the definition of the term.

I can bump 10 Lakerfan threads in about a minute. To you, that might seem like an "obsession," while to me it's killing time with some innocent fun that you read too much into and take much too seriously.

01-10-2013, 11:59 AM
Kobe's defense was amazing, got him off the hook in that Katelyn Faber incident. Any other guy would be in prison up till now, but Kobe's defense stepped up.

He is still benefiting from it almost a decade later, that's awesome defense.


01-10-2013, 12:03 PM
If you think me talking shit on a message board about a specific team, regardless of the frequency with which I do it, is "obsession," then you don't really understand the definition of the term.

I can bump 10 Lakerfan threads in about a minute. To you, that might seem like an "obsession," while to me it's killing time with some innocent fun that you read too much into and take much too seriously.

Why are you getting so defensive?

See, to me, it seems like 90%+ of your posts are Lakers related. That seems obsessive to me. Innocent fun though it may be, seems like an obsession wrapped up in a convenient blanket called "hobby" so you can defend the fact that you're obsessed. But hey, I was just asking a question. All in innocent fun, you know.

01-10-2013, 12:10 PM
Why are you getting so defensive?

See, to me, it seems like 90%+ of your posts are Lakers related. That seems obsessive to me. Innocent fun though it may be, seems like an obsession wrapped up in a convenient blanket called "hobby" so you can defend the fact that you're obsessed. But hey, I was just asking a question. All in innocent fun, you know.

Now I'm getting defensive :lol

Why are you so obsessed with talking basketball on Spurstalk, homie? 20K posts and 90% percent of them 200 words or more, which are usually a long winded regurgitation of a point someone already made.

Ashy Larry
01-10-2013, 12:14 PM
Kobe hasn't played great defense in close to a decade. Been living off reputation for years. He's capable of pretty good defense for short stretches, maybe late in games when he's motivated against someone like LeBron or Melo. But he's not all that good anymore, definitely not consistently good. And it's been many years since he sniffed good defense.




Dude has lived off his reputation for a while. He's been put on All-Defensive Teams without really doing anything to stand out especially in the last few years. His center field play may work in baseball but that shit really doesn't fly on the hardwood.

01-10-2013, 12:14 PM
Now I'm getting defensive :lol

Why are you so obsessed with talking basketball on Spurstalk, homie? 20K posts and 90% percent of them 200 words or more, which are usually a long winded regurgitation of a point someone already made.

When I was making those long posts, I was really into talking about NBA basketball. You could say I was obsessed with the NBA and having discussions about the NBA.

See how easy it is to admit? Why so hard for you?

01-10-2013, 12:23 PM
When I was making those long posts, I was really into talking about NBA basketball. You could say I was obsessed with the NBA and having discussions about the NBA.

See how easy it is to admit? Why so hard for you?

I was being somewhat facetious when I brought up your posting history, which isn't an example of an obsession. Unless of course posting on Spurstalk affected your social and professional lives in some fashion, which I highly doubt.

You seem to only understand the term in its most generic, pop-psychology form.

Culburn posting 5>4 for 20 hours straight would come closer to the actual meaning of the term.

That said, nice passive-aggressive trolling. You got me to reply :tu

01-10-2013, 12:36 PM
All I know is that the Lakers are 5 games below .500 35 games into the season. They are an irrelevant team in the NBA right now. At least they should be. Yet in the NBA section on these boards, they are the most talked about team, probably significantly so. The team about which the most threads have been created and most posts made. More than the Heat, OKC, the Clippers or the Knicks. And since the Lakers have been so poor this season, especially by the standards of expectations, it's likely many if not most of those threads and posts weren't made by Lakers fans, except in defensive response. Many of the Laker fanbois go into hiding when the Lakers suck.

So by my unscientific but fairly sound logic, I conclude much of the Laker threads and posts are created by insecure Laker haters, such as yourself. What would speak even more volumes as to the irrelevance of the Lakers would be no more threads and posts be created on their behalf and allow them to be the mediocre and irrelevant team that they have performed to be so far this season. But we know Laker haters such as yourself can't help yourselves. Quibble over definitions and semantics. To me, that's still an obsession, no matter how trivial and innocent and harmless the form it is.

01-10-2013, 12:39 PM
The Lakers really are that funny this year though. Seriously, this is a team with a 100 million dollar payroll that people had in the WCF and they aren't even over 500. That's not obsession, that's the biggest story in the league. And there's no Smush Parker to blame this time either.

01-10-2013, 12:52 PM
All I know is that the Lakers are 5 games below .500 35 games into the season. They are an irrelevant team in the NBA right now. At least they should be. Yet in the NBA section on these boards, they are the most talked about team, probably significantly so. The team about which the most threads have been created and most posts made. More than the Heat, OKC, the Clippers or the Knicks. And since the Lakers have been so poor this season, especially by the standards of expectations, it's likely many if not most of those threads and posts weren't made by Lakers fans, except in defensive response. Many of the Laker fanbois go into hiding when the Lakers suck.

So by my unscientific but fairly sound logic, I conclude much of the Laker threads and posts are created by insecure Laker haters, such as yourself. What would speak even more volumes as to the irrelevance of the Lakers would be no more threads and posts be created on their behalf and allow them to be the mediocre and irrelevant team that they have performed to be so far this season. But we know Laker haters such as yourself can't help yourselves. Quibble over definitions and semantics. To me, that's still an obsession, no matter how trivial and innocent and harmless the form it is.

Are you forgetting where you are? Regardless of this being labeled the "NBA Forum," the majority of posters are Spurs fans, and because the Lakers are the Spurs number 1 historical rival, who are having a disaster of a season that was preceded by an ungodly amount of hype, of course they're going to be talked about. Why would you think anyone on here would give a shit enough to post more threads about the Knicks or Heat or even the Thunder (who you could say is now on Spurfan radar from last season) than the Lakers? With that loaded roster of theirs, they're going to stay relevant throughout the entire season, regardless of record. This isn't the Randy Pfund Lakers. This is a team that was predicted to go to the Finals, so of course they'll persist as a hot topic.

And there's no "quibble" over semantics. You flat out don't understand what obsession means in the diagnostic sense of the term. But feel free to continue to misinterpret it. That's your right I guess.

Here's a question for you: Why so concerned with my posting activity about the Lakers? This is probably the 10th time you called me out on my "obsession."

Cry Havoc
01-10-2013, 12:52 PM
All I know is that the Lakers are 5 games below .500 35 games into the season. They are an irrelevant team in the NBA right now. At least they should be. Yet in the NBA section on these boards, they are the most talked about team, probably significantly so. The team about which the most threads have been created and most posts made. More than the Heat, OKC, the Clippers or the Knicks. And since the Lakers have been so poor this season, especially by the standards of expectations, it's likely many if not most of those threads and posts weren't made by Lakers fans, except in defensive response. Many of the Laker fanbois go into hiding when the Lakers suck.

So by my unscientific but fairly sound logic, I conclude much of the Laker threads and posts are created by insecure Laker haters, such as yourself. What would speak even more volumes as to the irrelevance of the Lakers would be no more threads and posts be created on their behalf and allow them to be the mediocre and irrelevant team that they have performed to be so far this season. But we know Laker haters such as yourself can't help yourselves. Quibble over definitions and semantics. To me, that's still an obsession, no matter how trivial and innocent and harmless the form it is.

Jamstone, you're a good poster, which is why it kind of shocks me frankly for you to try to connect these dots. The Lakers aren't just being lambasted because they're the Lakers, it's because they have a $100 million dollar payroll, supposedly the 2nd greatest SG of all-time having his best statistical season, with THREE potential HOF teammates around him, and yet they're sitting 4 games out of the playoffs. All this from a pre-season that Laker fans were basically dismissing the entire conference and saying only the Heat had a chance to beat them with the caveat that they'd probably knock LeBron out in 5. The Spurs are obviously going to make the playoffs, that's settled, so in some manner they're less exciting to watch, with the fate already known, than this Lakers crew, which collapses every night for about 3 quarters. But their fate hasn't been decided, so there's a lot more drama there to watch than just figuring out if we're a 1, 2, or 3 seed by season's end.

This board has been full of nothing but Lakers fans and trolls for the past ~3-4 years, all of whom were FAR more obsessive about posting and braying the greatness of their team, yet you call this one person out? The entire NBA fanbase is celebrating right now outside of SoCal. The Lakers are a laughingstock, a trainwreck. The Lakers have always been entertaining, and now that they're losing it's, well, still entertaining. And they've been our rivals since Duncan came into the league. Are you really going to call out a poster for celebrating the apparent demise of an arch-rival in a historically hyped season? Go to any nba/sports board and you see the same thing. People laughing at the Lakers.

:lmao at hating a team = insecurity. Patently ridiculous. As if rivals are borne of nothing but insecurity. :lol

01-10-2013, 12:57 PM
Jamstone, you're a good poster, which is why it kind of shocks me frankly for you to try to connect these dots. The Lakers aren't just being lambasted because they're the Lakers, it's because they have a $100 million dollar payroll, supposedly the 2nd greatest SG of all-time having his best statistical season, with THREE potential HOF teammates around him, and yet they're sitting 4 games out of the playoffs. All this from a pre-season that Laker fans were basically dismissing the entire conference and saying only the Heat had a chance to beat them with the caveat that they'd probably knock LeBron out in 5. The Spurs are obviously going to make the playoffs, that's settled, so in some manner they're less exciting to watch, with the fate already known, than this Lakers crew, which collapses every night for about 3 quarters. But their fate hasn't been decided, so there's a lot more drama there to watch than just figuring out if we're a 1, 2, or 3 seed by season's end.

This board has been full of nothing but Lakers fans and trolls for the past ~3-4 years, all of whom were FAR more obsessive about posting and braying the greatness of their team, yet you call this one person out? The entire NBA fanbase is celebrating right now outside of SoCal. The Lakers are a laughingstock, a trainwreck. The Lakers have always been entertaining, and now that they're losing it's, well, still entertaining. And they've been our rivals since Duncan came into the league. Are you really going to call out a poster for celebrating the apparent demise of an arch-rival in a HISTORICALLY hyped season? Go to any board and you see the same thing.

:lmao at hating a team = insecurity. Patently ridiculous. As if rivals are borne of nothing but insecurity. :lol

What it really comes down to is Jamstone being asshurt that his second favorite team sucks almost as much as his first, and with me being the most prominent Laker hater, I'm an easy target he can vent his frustration at. Similar to how pained Spursfans used to call out Luva for his "obsession" with Tim Duncan. It's an easy "take the high ground" move for a poster to pull.

01-10-2013, 12:59 PM
Shrugs. Even if I hated the Lakers, by now, I'd just be at a point of disregarding them and ignoring them. They simply don't deserve much attention, probably don't deserve any.

To each his own.

01-10-2013, 01:02 PM
What it really comes down to is Jamstone being asshurt that his second favorite team sucks almost as much as his first, and with me being the most prominent Laker hater, I'm an easy target he can vent his frustration at. Similar to how pained Spursfans used to call out Luva for his "obsession" with Tim Duncan. It's an easy "take the high ground" move for a poster to pull.

You're entitled to your opinion. I only see you post about the Lakers, whether it's directly or indirectly. And I just wonder why. Maybe you post more about the Spurs upstairs. You could have said that if you do. I don't really go upstairs ever. But anytime I see you post, especially if you start a thread, it's about the Lakers or taking a shot at the Lakers. So again, why do you expend so much energy with them? It's not like it's 50% of your posts. It's like ALL of your posts. Lol @ you bumping a thread from last June that wasn't about the Lakers. Is that the most recent one you could find?

Cry Havoc
01-10-2013, 01:03 PM
Shrugs. Even if I hated the Lakers, by now, I'd just be at a point of disregarding them and ignoring them. They simply don't deserve much attention, probably don't deserve any.

To each his own.

It'll get old when it's clear that they aren't making the post-season. Until then, I'm enjoying the ride, same I do anytime a team from Philly starts to flame out of the post-season. As it stands, the Lakers still have a decent probability of making the playoffs, so each loss is still statistically significant. That's the difference, because it means the meltdown is still progressing.

01-10-2013, 01:05 PM
It'll get old when it's clear that they aren't making the post-season. Until then, I'm enjoying the ride, same I do anytime a team from Philly starts to flame out of the post-season. As it stands, the Lakers still have a decent probability of making the playoffs, so each loss is still statistically significant. That's the difference, because it means the meltdown is still progressing.

Fair enough. I don't think it's a decent probability of them making the playoffs still though.

Cry Havoc
01-10-2013, 01:13 PM
Fair enough. I don't think it's a decent probability of them making the playoffs still though.

Hollinger has them at 28%. Given the fact that they still have 4 HOFers, that's probably pretty low, since those stats are not reflective of potential, merely what's happened so far.

01-10-2013, 01:17 PM
Fair enough. I don't think it's a decent probability of them making the playoffs still though.

That's the reason people keep watching. They gotta be thinking "these guys have to have at least a 10 game win streak in them". That would really help them in the standings. And it just never comes :lmao

Though ill give you they're a little more boring now that they don't have an active C.

01-10-2013, 01:22 PM
You're entitled to your opinion. I only see you post about the Lakers, whether it's directly or indirectly. And I just wonder why. Maybe you post more about the Spurs upstairs. You could have said that if you do. I don't really go upstairs ever. But anytime I see you post, especially if you start a thread, it's about the Lakers or taking a shot at the Lakers. So again, why do you expend so much energy with them? It's not like it's 50% of your posts. It's like ALL of your posts. Lol @ you bumping a thread from last June that wasn't about the Lakers. Is that the most recent one you could find?

Because the Lakers are what interests me.

I like talking about basketball as much as the next guy, but all too often, threads about the Bucks or whatever don't get much play, so offering an opinion that probably won't be responded to is a waste of time. Also, the "trolling" element on ST intrigues me far more than the basketball discussion. Not that the basketball talk is bad, but in long threads with multiple responses, someone usually has already made the point I wanted to make, so rather than elaborate on someone else's take that won't add much to the discussion, I'll go fuck with Kool or start a satire thread with my most notable troll.

And lol at posting about the Lakers = expending so much energy.

Kidd K
01-10-2013, 02:49 PM
True. and what is comical he played some of his best defense all season (last one) in a meaningless ASG which pissed off Wade so much he hacked him which broke Kobe's nose ...

Look Im obviously a Laker fan, but dude can be frustrating. his shot selection, sometimesy defense and hot and cold clutch performances are ALL part of his legacy as are the game-winners, great scoring binges, exeptional foot-work and all around game he has. I just think the hate on him gets ridiculous ...but so does the idolatry. The Kobe close to or better than MJ ship... sailed years ago even winning a 6th wont change that. But MJ is overrated a bit too on defense and his fans get all butthurt when anyone is compared to him. at best Kobe can be considered in teh 2nd best to MJ convo but again Lebron may make that debate moot anyway ....

Like I have said on here for years Lebron has a slim chance at passing MJ and Kobe though not close to MJ isnt as far as many people think either ...but I would say TODAY that Magic and especiallly Kareem have much stronger GOAT arguments than Kobe ... and I doubt that is changing much.

Jordan's not that overrated on D'. The only time he's overrated on D' is whe people say he was the best defender in the league. That's obviously a joke, but to say he was the best defensive SG in the league I don't think is a big stretch for many of the seasons he played prior to the tail end of his run with the Bulls. And obviously, he wasn't a good defender on the Wizards since he was 40. But I don't think anyone claims he was.

Kobe's been mediocre on D' since 28 or 29 years old. What kills me about it is that it's a complete lack of effort. It's like he saves all his energy for offense. That's why I don't buy that junk about "oh he's capable of good D'". No he isn't, not for extended periods of time. He can't do both offense and defense at once. It's either one, the other, or medium on both. He usually just picks offense.

I'd have less of a problem with it if his D' wasn't still be heralded as great. All defensive 1st team awards still? . . .what a joke.

01-10-2013, 05:02 PM
The Lakers really are that funny this year though. Seriously, this is a team with a 100 million dollar payroll that people had in the WCF and they aren't even over 500. That's not obsession, that's the biggest story in the league. And there's no Smush Parker to blame this time either.

How about Darius Morris or the injuiries to our wonder bread PGs?
I kid, injury is no excuse ...

01-10-2013, 05:13 PM
Jamstone being a Kobe fan is disappointing tbh. Kobe stands against everything the Larry Brown Pistons stood for imo.

Do agree with his assessment of Kobes defense though. He used to get up defensively for guys like Tmac and now hell do it for guys like Bron, his goal has always been the same selfish one though...he doesnt do it to help out the team he does it to show the world that hes better than them. If hes guarding someone irrelevant like Danny Green he has no problem lollygagging around and giving him a wide open look for a game winning 3 pointer. Kobe has the ability to play defense and even the ability to be a playmaker for his teammates, but hes only worried about chucking and getting his tbh.

01-10-2013, 05:21 PM
Jam, the Lakers being under .500 makes them more relevant than ever and you know it. The entire seasons storyline has been watching the Lakers fail. Everyone is enjoying it, except for Lakerfans. Even Kobefan doesn't mind because Kobe is scoring 30ppg at decent efficiency so they can say at least it's not Kobe's fault. For a team with so much damn talent, them being 5 games below .500 is a big deal.

It's not just mid, who may have an obsession with the Lakers, but look at the general board on RealGM and half the topics are about Kobe or the Lakers. Fans of basketball are closely watching the Lakeshow drama, it's as good of a storyline as it gets :lol

01-10-2013, 05:22 PM
Tbh, Kobe never was a great defender ... or even a very good one. Back in his prime, he never defended Manu or TP (well, he tried to defend TP once and that ended comically bad for him). Kobe spent his time "guarding" Bruce Bowen. And despite having room to roam off of Bowen, he never really was much of a pest. Truly great defenders like Scottie Pippen (or, hell, even someone like Dirk) could "guard" Bowen and then wreak havoc elsewhere. Kobe, on the other hand, did little away from the ball even though he paid such little attention to Bowen that Bowen had some of his best offensive games of his career against him.

I'd classify Kobe as "good" defensively in his prime just because he was so athletic that he could impact the game via steals and blocks. But he was never a lockdown defender and probably doesn't deserve any of his All-Defense honors, tbh.

01-10-2013, 05:27 PM
Tbh, Kobe never was a great defender ... or even a very good one. Back in his prime, he never defended Manu or TP (well, he tried to defend TP once and that ended comically bad for him). Kobe spent his time "guarding" Bruce Bowen. And despite having room to roam off of Bowen, he never really was much of a pest. Truly great defenders like Scottie Pippen (or, hell, even someone like Dirk) could "guard" Bowen and then wreak havoc elsewhere. Kobe, on the other hand, did little away from the ball even though he paid such little attention to Bowen that Bowen had some of his best offensive games of his career against him.

I'd classify Kobe as "good" defensively in his prime just because he was so athletic that he could impact the game via steals and blocks. But he was never a lockdown defender and probably doesn't deserve any of his All-Defense honors, tbh.

So in your expert opinion why do you think he was voted to so many first team all defense noms? Also, the gameplan was to have Kobe guard Bowen back in the day to conserve energy and play off the ball D. It's called Strategy and it worked the majority of the time, if my history is correct.

01-10-2013, 05:27 PM
good point timvp, Kobe let Bruce Bowen outscore him in a playoff game in his prime. Not much more needs to be said. Jordan would never have allowed this to happen

01-10-2013, 05:31 PM
So in your expert opinion why do you think he was voted to so many first team all defense noms? Also, the gameplan was to have Kobe guard Bowen back in the day to conserve energy and play off the ball D. It's called Strategy and it worked the majority of the time, if my history is correct.

Same reason hes considered a Top 10 player tbh. All hype. It doesnt matter if he has the ability to defend when hes not showing it out on the court because 'hes conserving energy for chucking'. Rick Fox, Devean George, Trevor Ariza, and now Ron Artest have always guarded the opposing teams best wing player...wouldnt expect a kobe fanboy to know any better though tbh.

Clipper Nation
01-10-2013, 05:31 PM
So in your expert opinion why do you think he was voted to so many first team all defense noms?

Because not all NBA coaches are geniuses, tbh...

01-10-2013, 05:32 PM
Kobe's probably still my favorite player in the NBA. But that doesn't mean I don't realize and admit his many flaws. I've always liked flawed players though. I was a huge KG fan even though he's an emo bitch, fake tough guy (and it's waned since he's been in Boston). I loved Allen Iverson pretty much his whole career even though he was a selfish team cancer. I love Manu Ginobili even
though he's bald and Argentine. Love CP3 and his game. All flawed players. I think it's their approach to the game, even if that approach itself is flawed. They are all extremely tougcompetitors who will do close to anything to win. Win at all costs type of players. Leave it all on the court type players. I appreciate knowing the guys playing hate losing even more than they like winning. If they're selfishly chucking or fake barking or flopping or chest bumping because of it, so be it.

Not sure why but have similar sentiments towards Kg, Manu CP3 and even LeBron ... I even like some of the guys the forum hates on most for being chuckers, especially since they ignore the other aspects of their game. Obviously they have ways to go and things to prove but Melo, Rose and Westbrook are guys I enjoy and defend on here and at the rec center etc. I just dont see how hate blinds you to appreciating the talent of these guys ...

01-10-2013, 05:35 PM
Tbh, Kobe never was a great defender ... or even a very good one. Back in his prime, he never defended Manu or TP (well, he tried to defend TP once and that ended comically bad for him). Kobe spent his time "guarding" Bruce Bowen. And despite having room to roam off of Bowen, he never really was much of a pest. Truly great defenders like Scottie Pippen (or, hell, even someone like Dirk) could "guard" Bowen and then wreak havoc elsewhere. Kobe, on the other hand, did little away from the ball even though he paid such little attention to Bowen that Bowen had some of his best offensive games of his career against him.

I'd classify Kobe as "good" defensively in his prime just because he was so athletic that he could impact the game via steals and blocks. But he was never a lockdown defender and probably doesn't deserve any of his All-Defense honors, tbh.


01-10-2013, 05:38 PM
Tbh, Kobe never was a great defender ... or even a very good one. Back in his prime, he never defended Manu or TP (well, he tried to defend TP once and that ended comically bad for him). Kobe spent his time "guarding" Bruce Bowen. And despite having room to roam off of Bowen, he never really was much of a pest. Truly great defenders like Scottie Pippen (or, hell, even someone like Dirk) could "guard" Bowen and then wreak havoc elsewhere. Kobe, on the other hand, did little away from the ball even though he paid such little attention to Bowen that Bowen had some of his best offensive games of his career against him.

I'd classify Kobe as "good" defensively in his prime just because he was so athletic that he could impact the game via steals and blocks. But he was never a lockdown defender and probably doesn't deserve any of his All-Defense honors, tbh.

:lmao ^ Nigga please.....Kobe typically didn't defend players like Bowen because he didn't respect their offensive game...I used to do that shit all the time in my prime....I'm not gonna spend the energy to guard your ass if I feel the shit you throw up is luck....

but when he wanted to..Kobe was lights out...same with MJ....and one fact remains...Kobe is the only player in NBA history that I know of that blocked Timmy's shit 3 times in the same dam game...:lol --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrfElBT_BOY

Here's a good DVD of Kobe's defense take notes sons.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBu28UwDzps

01-10-2013, 05:41 PM
Tbh, Kobe never was a great defender ... or even a very good one. Back in his prime, he never defended Manu or TP (well, he tried to defend TP once and that ended comically bad for him). Kobe spent his time "guarding" Bruce Bowen. And despite having room to roam off of Bowen, he never really was much of a pest. Truly great defenders like Scottie Pippen (or, hell, even someone like Dirk) could "guard" Bowen and then wreak havoc elsewhere. Kobe, on the other hand, did little away from the ball even though he paid such little attention to Bowen that Bowen had some of his best offensive games of his career against him.

I'd classify Kobe as "good" defensively in his prime just because he was so athletic that he could impact the game via steals and blocks. But he was never a lockdown defender and probably doesn't deserve any of his All-Defense honors, tbh.

Disagree to an extent ... At one point Kobe was one of the better perimeter defenders ... but I do agree he was never a Bowen lock down guy (few are) even at his best ...because he had plenty of other responsibilities. And though I do think they are better defenders than Kobe ... MJ and Lebron arent lock down guys either for the record imho.
Lock down defenders are like shutdown corners. ...people use the term far to loosely and to me (in the recent NBA) young artest, Tony allen, a young Battier, Bowen are some of the very few who deserve that label. (avery Bradley and Shumpert are promising). Being a lockdown defender (like Cooper or Bowen) requires so much energy and effort not many can commit, to it and carry a team offensively. Some other guys have shown flashes of lockdown ability like Kobe, Lebron, Iggy but becaue they have so many other responsibilites they never sustain it. Furthermore, outside of Lebron most of the uber stars never guard the opposing best player ... MJ had Pippen handle it as well so not sure what Timvp point is here ...

Oh and Rodman was a lockdown defender before he got older and rebound obsessed ... back in his Pistons days he was one of the best I had ever seen ...a true lockdown defender. But post Detroit very overrated on defense but lived off his rep as well.

01-10-2013, 05:42 PM
good point timvp, Kobe let Bruce Bowen outscore him in a playoff game in his prime. Not much more needs to be said. Jordan would never have allowed this to happen

Bruce Bowen was Kobe's pinata...sometimes you gotta take a break from beating tha living shit outta the fucking pinata

in that ass productions presents --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvh9kEwekY8 or more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NgoMC2TUgw or try this face plant --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x55VxeRs0Q

01-10-2013, 05:47 PM
Jordan's not that overrated on D'. The only time he's overrated on D' is whe people say he was the best defender in the league. That's obviously a joke, but to say he was the best defensive SG in the league I don't think is a big stretch for many of the seasons he played prior to the tail end of his run with the Bulls. And obviously, he wasn't a good defender on the Wizards since he was 40. But I don't think anyone claims he was.

Kobe's been mediocre on D' since 28 or 29 years old. What kills me about it is that it's a complete lack of effort. It's like he saves all his energy for offense. That's why I don't buy that junk about "oh he's capable of good D'". No he isn't, not for extended periods of time. He can't do both offense and defense at once. It's either one, the other, or medium on both. He usually just picks offense.

I'd have less of a problem with it if his D' wasn't still be heralded as great. All defensive 1st team awards still? . . .what a joke.

This and I dont think he was the best SG defender either at least not consistently so.

01-10-2013, 05:48 PM
good point timvp, Kobe let Bruce Bowen outscore him in a playoff game in his prime. Not much more needs to be said. Jordan would never have allowed this to happen

Kool already said it, but the amount of times the Lakers and Kobe raped Bowen and the spurs it's legendary. Bringing up a scrub's one hero game doesn't change anything. Oh, and MJ played the same damn role, guarding the weaker player while Pip and Rodman took the major defensive assignments. Oh, I am old enough to actually have watched MJ in his day.

01-10-2013, 06:04 PM
Kool already said it, but the amount of times the Lakers and Kobe raped Bowen and the spurs it's legendary. Bringing up a scrub's one hero game doesn't change anything. Oh, and MJ played the same damn role, guarding the weaker player while Pip and Rodman took the major defensive assignments. Oh, I am old enough to actually have watched MJ in his day.

:lol these niggas and mom jean wearing faggots on this site are fucking insane....

MJ's was a phantom defender of great players....he tried to clown on the scrubs basically over compensating....he could easily be posted up...Magic posted his ass on the regular...Go back and look at games 1 and 2 of the 1991 finals. Magic was roasting his ass almost fouled him out and then Phil put Pip on Magic to hide and protect MJ...and they slide MJ onto Worthy who had ankle injury...made it easy for MJ...

Then MJ started stealing Ron Harpers defensive shine because the white boys in the media cut for him at the time. Ron Harper was the one guarding the opposing teams best player if it wasn't Pip...People posted MJ up on the regular and MJ kept making first team all -defense but Ron Harper did not. It was foul shit then and it still stands today...these clowns can get the fuck on with that revisionist NBA history

01-10-2013, 06:05 PM
Jam, the Lakers being under .500 makes them more relevant than ever and you know it. The entire seasons storyline has been watching the Lakers fail. Everyone is enjoying it, except for Lakerfans. Even Kobefan doesn't mind because Kobe is scoring 30ppg at decent efficiency so they can say at least it's not Kobe's fault. For a team with so much damn talent, them being 5 games below .500 is a big deal.

It's not just mid, who may have an obsession with the Lakers, but look at the general board on RealGM and half the topics are about Kobe or the Lakers. Fans of basketball are closely watching the Lakeshow drama, it's as good of a storyline as it gets :lol

I don't think there's anything wrong with laughing at the Lakers and their demise this season. And when I talked about insecurity, I wasn't suggesting all Laker haters are insecure. I was directing that to mid and other Laker haters that obsess over the Lakers. It's one thing to laugh at the Lakers and spend say 20% of your posting on ST on that. I initially directed my questioning to mid because it seemed to me that almost all of his posts and threads are about the Lakers. As I said, whether that's accurate or not, I don't know. Just seemed that way. I think there's a difference. Laughing at the Lakers but still talking about other shit versus being a Spurs fan and devoting next to all your posting to the Lakers... a bit carried away in my opinion. I just asking him why. Why devote that amount of his posting to the team he supposedly hates?

I agree that it's a story. It's the Lakers. And they were projected to be one of the few teams to legitimately contend this year. And it's been a disaster. I just don't think it's "the" story of the season. Maybe I'm wrong. I think so far the Knicks and the Clippers have been bigger stories. At some point, everyone will have to come to grips with the Lakers being a mediocre at best under .500 team, both Laker fans and Laker haters alike. Then maybe they won't be so noteworthy.

01-10-2013, 06:58 PM
So in your expert opinion why do you think he was voted to so many first team all defense noms?1. Voters are lazy. They go with the big names most of the time unless there is an undeniable defensive talent. Plus, scoring a lot helped ... as backwards as that sounds. It's just like how being a great hitter helps your chances of winning a Gold Glove. Same ish.

2. He played a ton of minutes. Those minutes were usually televised.

3. Kobe was a pretty good defender. Don't get me wrong, back in the Phil Jackson days, Kobe wasn't allowed just to be a non-entity on defense. He was decidedly above average with some great games sprinkled in.

Also, the gameplan was to have Kobe guard Bowen back in the day to conserve energy and play off the ball D. It's called Strategy and it worked the majority of the time, if my history is correct.Well, yeah, but my point is that his off the ball D wasn't really that good either. He was never a standout help defender or a standout individual defender. A lot better than a guy like Iverson (who also got All-Defense honors) but just not close to elite, IMO.

Cry Havoc
01-10-2013, 11:44 PM

01-11-2013, 09:18 AM
IMO Kobe has never been a clutch player... I've been saying this for years. Guy is Way Overrated...This was written in 2011.

Here's an article written in 2012.
This stupid ass Bleacher Report says Kobe Is 2nd in the Top 10 Clutch Athletes In Sports. lol... But Just Look at the reason why they give it to him.

"Even though statistics may sometimes disprove his crunch-time ability, Kobe has proven time and time again that he is the best option on the court when the game is on the line. If you don't believe that, then take a look at the five championship rings he has on his fingers." BY SAMMY SUCU (http://bleacherreport.com/users/181751-sammy-sucu)

lol So Kobe is Clutch cuz he has rings?? fucking stupid ass people. Kobe Lovers are so blind when it comes to actual stats.

Kidd K
01-11-2013, 10:43 AM
This and I dont think he was the best SG defender either at least not consistently so.

Let's not forget that despite his somewhat shorter-than-should-have-been career, he's second all time in total steals for guards, and 1st in career BPG for guards. Not exactly bitch stats.

He really was a great defender. I'll list out his league ranks in defensive win shares and defensive ratings. btw, he was the top SG in these ranks every year besides his rookie year and 2nd year.

Year: D. Win Shares rank, Defensive rating rank.

1998: 6th, 18th
1997: 12th, just outside of top 20
1996: 13th, just off top 20
1995: 2nd, 9th
1993: 6th, 14th
1992: 5th, 5th
1991: 5th, 7th
1990: 11th, just off top 20
1989: 5th, 18th
1988: 3rd, 6th
1987: 4th, just barely off top 20
1986: was hurt and out most of the year
1985: 20th, didn't make top 20

So entire career, failed to be in the top 6 of ALL positions in Defensive win shares. . .only 5 times. Once as a rook, once because he missed a season, and twice when he was in his mid 30s. Still never failed to make the top 20 despite SGs being a rarity on that list.

His defenese was not overrated, and it actually was consistently good.

If you were curious, these are Kobe's league ranks, using the same list. I have excluded every year he didn't make top 20 on either list:

2000: 10th, 14th
2003: 20th, didn't make top 20
2008: 20th, didn't make top 20
2009: 19th, didn't make top 20
2010: 18th, didn't make top 20

Kobe has been among the league leaders in offensive win shares and stuff though since 2001.

Manny Pacquiao
01-15-2013, 12:41 AM
Tbh, Kobe never was a great defender ... or even a very good one. Back in his prime, he never defended Manu or TP (well, he tried to defend TP once and that ended comically bad for him). Kobe spent his time "guarding" Bruce Bowen. And despite having room to roam off of Bowen, he never really was much of a pest. Truly great defenders like Scottie Pippen (or, hell, even someone like Dirk) could "guard" Bowen and then wreak havoc elsewhere. Kobe, on the other hand, did little away from the ball even though he paid such little attention to Bowen that Bowen had some of his best offensive games of his career against him.

I'd classify Kobe as "good" defensively in his prime just because he was so athletic that he could impact the game via steals and blocks. But he was never a lockdown defender and probably doesn't deserve any of his All-Defense honors, tbh.

LMAO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)))

Can't STOP LAUGHING I'm so sorry

BTW those player are not FAMOUS and not Great as Kobe

Those fool are just a bunch of loser that can't even score

Sorry I "FORGOT" to "MENTION" that Kobe can only BLOCK and Guard a Rookie Player not an Allstar, Bigger Taller, A little Younger and also Longer Arms Player against Kobe Bryant who has Smaller Arms and much OLDER.

Btw those rookie player were name as "Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Deron Williams, Yao Ming, Kevin Garnett and also your FAVORITE PLAYER a ROOKIE also and calling himself as SMART GUY because He's OLD Now not a YOUNG ONE "OLD OLD OLD = SMART LMAO got block by some unknown specie who KNOWN as not Great DEFENDER who bite on the fake but still manage to BLOCK the so CALLED GOAT LMAO, That thing is easy after you bite on the pump fake especially if your opponent is a small name as JORDAN LMAO.

SORRY LMAO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))))))))) Kobe Bryant is not a good defender against FAMOUS PLAYER cause he can only GUARD a NOT FAMOUS PLAYER LMAOOOOOOOOOO

furthermore Kobe is good at stealing only when the opponent is trying to pass not stealing the opponent while dribbling LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

last one I forgot to mention that Kobe is not good blocker cause he can only BLOCK from behind not in the FRONT of HIS OPPONENT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO


I've never seen Kobe Bryant's LOCK DOWN DEFENSE against much younger and got more athleticism than him LMAOOOOOOOOO only Jordan can do LOCK DOWN DEFENSE LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))))))))) btw the name of those people are Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Jason Terry I guess this 3 people doesn't know how to dribble seems legit


Cry Havoc
01-15-2013, 01:22 AM
LMAO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)))

Can't STOP LAUGHING I'm so sorry

BTW those player are not FAMOUS and not Great as Kobe

Those fool are just a bunch of loser that can't even score

Sorry I "FORGOT" to "MENTION" that Kobe can only BLOCK and Guard a Rookie Player not an Allstar, Bigger Taller, A little Younger and also Longer Arms Player against Kobe Bryant who has Smaller Arms and much OLDER.

Btw those rookie player were name as "Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Deron Williams, Yao Ming, Kevin Garnett and also your FAVORITE PLAYER a ROOKIE also and calling himself as SMART GUY because He's OLD Now not a YOUNG ONE "OLD OLD OLD = SMART LMAO got block by some unknown specie who KNOWN as not Great DEFENDER who bite on the fake but still manage to BLOCK the so CALLED GOAT LMAO, That thing is easy after you bite on the pump fake especially if your opponent is a small name as JORDAN LMAO.

SORRY LMAO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))))))))) Kobe Bryant is not a good defender against FAMOUS PLAYER cause he can only GUARD a NOT FAMOUS PLAYER LMAOOOOOOOOOO

furthermore Kobe is good at stealing only when the opponent is trying to pass not stealing the opponent while dribbling LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

last one I forgot to mention that Kobe is not good blocker cause he can only BLOCK from behind not in the FRONT of HIS OPPONENT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO


I've never seen Kobe Bryant's LOCK DOWN DEFENSE against much younger and got more athleticism than him LMAOOOOOOOOO only Jordan can do LOCK DOWN DEFENSE LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))))))))) btw the name of those people are Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Jason Terry I guess this 3 people doesn't know how to dribble seems legit



01-15-2013, 07:25 AM
Let's not forget that despite his somewhat shorter-than-should-have-been career, he's second all time in total steals for guards, and 1st in career BPG for guards. Not exactly bitch stats.

He really was a great defender. I'll list out his league ranks in defensive win shares and defensive ratings. btw, he was the top SG in these ranks every year besides his rookie year and 2nd year.

Year: D. Win Shares rank, Defensive rating rank.

1998: 6th, 18th
1997: 12th, just outside of top 20
1996: 13th, just off top 20
1995: 2nd, 9th
1993: 6th, 14th
1992: 5th, 5th
1991: 5th, 7th
1990: 11th, just off top 20
1989: 5th, 18th
1988: 3rd, 6th
1987: 4th, just barely off top 20
1986: was hurt and out most of the year
1985: 20th, didn't make top 20

So entire career, failed to be in the top 6 of ALL positions in Defensive win shares. . .only 5 times. Once as a rook, once because he missed a season, and twice when he was in his mid 30s. Still never failed to make the top 20 despite SGs being a rarity on that list.

His defenese was not overrated, and it actually was consistently good.

If you were curious, these are Kobe's league ranks, using the same list. I have excluded every year he didn't make top 20 on either list:

2000: 10th, 14th
2003: 20th, didn't make top 20
2008: 20th, didn't make top 2
2009: 19th, didn't make top 20
2010: 18th, didn't make top 20

Kobe has been among the league leaders in offensive win shares and stuff though since 2001.
A couple of things ... SG outside of drexler and miller has Been a mediocre position ...during Both their careers. In Mjs prime they actually started great shooters like Ainge and Hornacek ... Mj's defensive numbers are skewed because he murdered people on the offensive end. I actually saw the man play don't need to look at stats ...if an opposing SG averaged 15 but was guarding MJ no way he was he hitting his average MJ put that much pressure on his man and good chance that player would be in foul trouble. Never said MJ was not a very good defender ..but I thunk his team defense was amazing, especially his ability to block centers from behind and his ability to play passing lanes 1 on 1 he was good but overrated by most.

Kidd K
01-15-2013, 09:38 AM
A couple of things ... SG outside of drexler and miller has Been a mediocre position ...during Both their careers. In Mjs prime they actually started great shooters like Ainge and Hornacek ... Mj's defensive numbers are skewed because he murdered people on the offensive end. I actually saw the man play don't need to look at stats ...if an opposing SG averaged 15 but was guarding MJ no way he was he hitting his average MJ put that much pressure on his man and good chance that player would be in foul trouble. Never said MJ was not a very good defender ..but I thunk his team defense was amazing, especially his ability to block centers from behind and his ability to play passing lanes 1 on 1 he was good but overrated by most.

lol, and Kobe doesn't put any pressure on his man offensively? Are you saying MJ was so much better than Kobe on offense that he made anyone who was defending him so exhausted that their offense suffered despite barely any effort by MJ?

I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult to MJ or a compliment. Because you seem to be exchanging MJ's defensive dominance over Kobe for offensive, which is weird because Kobe's offense is practically his only ticket to being compared to MJ.

That silliness aside, foul trouble doesn't stop you from playing well on the offensive end, it makes your defense worse. You also obviously do need to look at stats if you think he's "overrated" on defense and "was never a good defender" based on what you can recall from 15+ years ago.

And at this point, based on how much you're bashing MJ's defense despite evidence, it's safe to say MJ's defense is underrated, not overrated. He was way better than you're giving him credit. You don't constantly sit among league leaders in defensive stats your whole career by being a mediocre defender. It doesn't matter how much rationalization you throw at it about his offense wearing people down so they didn't score as well, you're severely underrating him.

Clipper Nation
01-15-2013, 09:52 AM
LMAO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)))

Can't STOP LAUGHING I'm so sorry

BTW those player are not FAMOUS and not Great as Kobe

Those fool are just a bunch of loser that can't even score

Sorry I "FORGOT" to "MENTION" that Kobe can only BLOCK and Guard a Rookie Player not an Allstar, Bigger Taller, A little Younger and also Longer Arms Player against Kobe Bryant who has Smaller Arms and much OLDER.

Btw those rookie player were name as "Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Deron Williams, Yao Ming, Kevin Garnett and also your FAVORITE PLAYER a ROOKIE also and calling himself as SMART GUY because He's OLD Now not a YOUNG ONE "OLD OLD OLD = SMART LMAO got block by some unknown specie who KNOWN as not Great DEFENDER who bite on the fake but still manage to BLOCK the so CALLED GOAT LMAO, That thing is easy after you bite on the pump fake especially if your opponent is a small name as JORDAN LMAO.

SORRY LMAO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))))))))) Kobe Bryant is not a good defender against FAMOUS PLAYER cause he can only GUARD a NOT FAMOUS PLAYER LMAOOOOOOOOOO

furthermore Kobe is good at stealing only when the opponent is trying to pass not stealing the opponent while dribbling LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

last one I forgot to mention that Kobe is not good blocker cause he can only BLOCK from behind not in the FRONT of HIS OPPONENT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO


I've never seen Kobe Bryant's LOCK DOWN DEFENSE against much younger and got more athleticism than him LMAOOOOOOOOO only Jordan can do LOCK DOWN DEFENSE LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO http://lakernation.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))))))))) btw the name of those people are Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Jason Terry I guess this 3 people doesn't know how to dribble seems legit


01-15-2013, 09:54 AM
Drexler, Miller, Dumars, Richmond, Rolando Blackman are all very good SGs. Hornacek and Ainge were both fine starting SG, just because both are white and one of them is called Horny doesn't mean they are bad, they are both good outside shooters and can make great decisions with the ball. Hornacek can also pass the ball very well.

Compared to starting shooting guards like those of today, Hornacek and Ainge would be in the top 10 to 15 starting shooting guards.

01-15-2013, 11:21 AM
lol, and Kobe doesn't put any pressure on his man offensively? Are you saying MJ was so much better than Kobe on offense that he made anyone who was defending him so exhausted that their offense suffered despite barely any effort by MJ?

I'm not sure whether to take that as an insult to MJ or a compliment. Because you seem to be exchanging MJ's defensive dominance over Kobe for offensive, which is weird because Kobe's offense is practically his only ticket to being compared to MJ.

That silliness aside, foul trouble doesn't stop you from playing well on the offensive end, it makes your defense worse. You also obviously do need to look at stats if you think he's "overrated" on defense and "was never a good defender" based on what you can recall from 15+ years ago.

And at this point, based on how much you're bashing MJ's defense despite evidence, it's safe to say MJ's defense is underrated, not overrated. He was way better than you're giving him credit. You don't constantly sit among league leaders in defensive stats your whole career by being a mediocre defender. It doesn't matter how much rationalization you throw at it about his offense wearing people down so they didn't score as well, you're severely underrating him.i

A few more things: I freely admit MJ is greater than Kobe. Please feel free to find a post on this site or LG WHERE I HAVE said MJ and Kobe are even equals. The only comparison you will find is me saying they are not as far as some haters would argue. Saying someone is overrated does not equal bashing. For example, Pistons Rodman was one of the best defenders I had ever seen ...I modeled my defense off of him and Cooper and GP ...Bulls era Rodman was a all-time rebounder but overrated flop arist as a Bull. Still very good probably even top 5 but overrated imo. Jordan was better than Kobe at most everything ...you barking up the wrong tree here.

01-15-2013, 12:29 PM
defense? he couldnt even block childs 2 punches

01-15-2013, 06:53 PM
Shrugs. Even if I hated the Lakers, by now, I'd just be at a point of disregarding them and ignoring them. They simply don't deserve much attention, probably don't deserve any.

To each his own.

I agree with this to a point. The threads are about 50/50 bashing vs suggesting ways to help the Lakers. Everyone here knows the Lakers could be the best team in the league if one or two things were just a bit different. It's which things to change that drives a lot of the conversation. I doubt anyone here felt Mike D was the coach LA needed, but then neither was Mike Brown. When a team has that much talent and sucks that bad, there's more to it than just the coaching. This little prime time debacle makes for great popcorn eating fun, and many of us want nothing more than to see Kobe Bryant leave the NBA in a similar fashion as AI. He's been coddled by the media, surrounded by money and talent and every other NBA story was about him in some form. He's one of the most unlikeable sports personalities ever. It's fitting then to go on and on about how bad he is.

Kidd K
01-15-2013, 07:56 PM

A few more things: I freely admit MJ is greater than Kobe. Please feel free to find a post on this site or LG WHERE I HAVE said MJ and Kobe are even equals. The only comparison you will find is me saying they are not as far as some haters would argue. Saying someone is overrated does not equal bashing. For example, Pistons Rodman was one of the best defenders I had ever seen ...I modeled my defense off of him and Cooper and GP ...Bulls era Rodman was a all-time rebounder but overrated flop arist as a Bull. Still very good probably even top 5 but overrated imo. Jordan was better than Kobe at most everything ...you barking up the wrong tree here.

I didn't say you did say that. We're comparing the two players. If offensive stress improves their defense somehow, then every great offensive player should have decent defensive stats. Yet in many cases, we see one-dimensional players who only impact the game significantly on the offensive end, and almost not at all on defense. I just don't see that logic applying to many other situations. On a game to game basis? Okay, sometimes. Over the course of a season? Doesn't really pop up.

I just have an issue with that logic, I don't think you're hating on MJ or anything. But if people are really calling him an overrated defender, he would be underrated since he was actually pretty excellent at defense. Better on offense? Of course. But statistically, his defense speaks for itself. The only overratedness in regards to MJ's defense are when clowns say he was the best defensive player in the league. Obviously that's bs. But saying he was the best defensive SG of his era actually isn't much of a stretch imo. The stats back it up. It isn't just an opinion.

I agree about Rodman though, he was definitely overrated on defense after leaving Detroit. I frequently saw him not even contest shots just so he'd have that extra second to get in better position for the potential rebound. He did that countless times.

01-16-2013, 05:10 PM
I didn't say you did say that. We're comparing the two players. If offensive stress improves their defense somehow, then every great offensive player should have decent defensive stats. Yet in many cases, we see one-dimensional players who only impact the game significantly on the offensive end, and almost not at all on defense. I just don't see that logic applying to many other situations. On a game to game basis? Okay, sometimes. Over the course of a season? Doesn't really pop up.

I just have an issue with that logic, I don't think you're hating on MJ or anything. But if people are really calling him an overrated defender, he would be underrated since he was actually pretty excellent at defense. Better on offense? Of course. But statistically, his defense speaks for itself. The only overratedness in regards to MJ's defense are when clowns say he was the best defensive player in the league. Obviously that's bs. But saying he was the best defensive SG of his era actually isn't much of a stretch imo. The stats back it up. It isn't just an opinion.

I agree about Rodman though, he was definitely overrated on defense after leaving Detroit. I frequently saw him not even contest shots just so he'd have that extra second to get in better position for the potential rebound. He did that countless times.

But no need to compare Kobe and MJ often times the copy has no chance at besting the original ... and i already established MJ is my GOAT over Kareem and Magic. Maybe I should of used somewhat overrated because I did not mean to imply that his defense was no good or that he was not a beast on that end when focused. Also I am not saying that ALL players who score impact the man guarding them ... I said Jordan specifically applied so much pressure that many of the men whom he defended could not get in to much of a groove and that his devastation on offense helped him on defense ... you dont think that is at all plausible?

A couple questions & comments:

1. did you see MJ play in his prime? Not just youtube or come fly with me? But did you watch Jordan? MJ was just so far ahead of his time Amb (or someone else) pointed to the other quality SG of MJ's era: Ro blackmon, Richmond, Hornacek, dumars, Scott Ainge, Reggie ... name me one of those guys that were remotely close to MJ as an athlete? MJ was an almost impossible cover for SG because MJ had Dr.J athleticism, Niques explosion and PG handles. Just trying to stay in front of MJ would require an incredible amount of energy ... i dont see how anyone who has played the game argue that guarding a player as great as MJ could of had an impact on the guys he played against. Can I say that it's a indiputable fact? No. But listening to Reggie, dumars etc. talk about dealing with MJ and coupled with the games i saw him play I feel confident that my observation has merit.

2. How do you NOT score less if you are on the bench in foul trouble? I dont see how that point is contested ... only way to stop MJ was to foul him and if you did you were taking an early seat.

3. How do you compare the GOAT to one-dimensional great offensive players? Again MJ would of been great in any era but part of what made him special he played above the rim (in his prime) in an era when many of his SG peers were ground based shooters/scorers and as you correctly stated more one-dimensional, and some challenged athletically. Sure those guys were great and are better than most of the SG of today but compared to MJ they were playing pong while MJ was plating SEGA (hey MJ is old).

4. Glad we agree on rodman ... and the thing was he was great at rebounding in chicago which helped their defense but in reality if locked in Bulls could of really had the 3 of the best defenders of all-time on one squad ... but MJ was picking his spots on D Pippen was in his prime and Rodman perferred to pad his rebound numbers and play to the crowd. Scary thing as good as they were they could of been even greater.

And not trying to battle you here you made some great points and i should of chose my words more wisely. I think Mj was a great defender and slightly overrated on that end. An you maybe right maybe im giving him too much credit on offense, but I dont think so. I think the 5 most difficult players i have seen to defend 1 on1 are: 1. Kareem 2. MJ 3. Shaq (prime) 4. Lebron 5. Hakeem (prime)

Kidd K
01-16-2013, 09:56 PM
But no need to compare Kobe and MJ often times the copy has no chance at besting the original ... and i already established MJ is my GOAT over Kareem and Magic. Maybe I should of used somewhat overrated because I did not mean to imply that his defense was no good or that he was not a beast on that end when focused. Also I am not saying that ALL players who score impact the man guarding them ... I said Jordan specifically applied so much pressure that many of the men whom he defended could not get in to much of a groove and that his devastation on offense helped him on defense ... you dont think that is at all plausible?

A couple questions & comments:

1. did you see MJ play in his prime? Not just youtube or come fly with me? But did you watch Jordan? MJ was just so far ahead of his time Amb (or someone else) pointed to the other quality SG of MJ's era: Ro blackmon, Richmond, Hornacek, dumars, Scott Ainge, Reggie ... name me one of those guys that were remotely close to MJ as an athlete? MJ was an almost impossible cover for SG because MJ had Dr.J athleticism, Niques explosion and PG handles. Just trying to stay in front of MJ would require an incredible amount of energy ... i dont see how anyone who has played the game argue that guarding a player as great as MJ could of had an impact on the guys he played against. Can I say that it's a indiputable fact? No. But listening to Reggie, dumars etc. talk about dealing with MJ and coupled with the games i saw him play I feel confident that my observation has merit.

2. How do you NOT score less if you are on the bench in foul trouble? I dont see how that point is contested ... only way to stop MJ was to foul him and if you did you were taking an early seat.

3. How do you compare the GOAT to one-dimensional great offensive players? Again MJ would of been great in any era but part of what made him special he played above the rim (in his prime) in an era when many of his SG peers were ground based shooters/scorers and as you correctly stated more one-dimensional, and some challenged athletically. Sure those guys were great and are better than most of the SG of today but compared to MJ they were playing pong while MJ was plating SEGA (hey MJ is old).

4. Glad we agree on rodman ... and the thing was he was great at rebounding in chicago which helped their defense but in reality if locked in Bulls could of really had the 3 of the best defenders of all-time on one squad ... but MJ was picking his spots on D Pippen was in his prime and Rodman perferred to pad his rebound numbers and play to the crowd. Scary thing as good as they were they could of been even greater.

And not trying to battle you here you made some great points and i should of chose my words more wisely. I think Mj was a great defender and slightly overrated on that end. An you maybe right maybe im giving him too much credit on offense, but I dont think so. I think the 5 most difficult players i have seen to defend 1 on1 are: 1. Kareem 2. MJ 3. Shaq (prime) 4. Lebron 5. Hakeem (prime)

I see what you're trying to say, but I just don't think it effected it as much as you think. Foul trouble doesn't really effect your offense. Being tired chasing around MJ can effect their offense, sure. But like I said, that's the case for all good offensive players. If it really made such a difference, players like Amar'e, Nash, etc should be showing much better defensive impact. . .but they don't. They're still terrible on D'.

1: Yes I did. I grew up in Chicago and am almost 28 now, so I was old enough to appreciate it when it was happening. I saw the entire Bulls championship run starting with the Finals series against the Lakers, then the regular seasons and entire playoffs after that. I don't need to youtube his games to know how good he was. :)

2: You don't get bonus points in defensive win shares when the opposing team's SG is on the bench. You'd actually get even less chances to increase that stat since you'd be less able to impact the game defensively as less plays would go through the opposing SG in that scnerio. The guys who were fouling him weren't just the opposing SG either. No team with a few brain cells to rub together is going to have their SG use up his fouls on MJ if said SG is important to the team's offense. MJ would usually get hacked by a parade of players, the way teams would bring in scrub bigs to foul Shaq in the early 2000s.

3: Because you were saying his defensive stats were only that good because his offense was so good. If that logic applies to him, it should also to elite offensive players now. . .yet it doesn't. I explain why a little bit earlier. I don't think dudes in the 90's were that bad athletically either, lol. It feels like we're talking about Wilt's era here or something. . .90's athletics were about as good as now bro. The only major thing different now in pro sports is the undetectable PEDs.

4: MJ wasn't picking his spots as much as you think. I don't remember him coasting very much. I have absolutely seen players who play with that kind of mindset. "Okay, when I get the ball, you're mine!". Instead of, "it doesn't matter if I have the ball or not, I'm beating your ass". MJ was the latter. Most SGs aren't known for being "both", that's usually reserved for big men (like Hakeem, Duncan, etc), but MJ had the same mindset. He just couldn't impact the game as often on defense as bigs because you get less chances to. When he got old, his defense did slip some though due to age. He also didn't play much D' at all as a Wizard. But I'm talkin about in his prime and up until pretty much his final 3 seasons.

I would put Hakeem over LeBron for toughest to defend 1 on 1 too. I have seen LeBron get locked down (2007 finals for example by an old Bowen). . .I've never seen Hakeem get locked down. Though I didn't see Hakeem's first 5-6 seasons. I'm not sure I'd put LeBron in the top 5 either, but I'd have to really think about it and assess everyone. I think LeBron is one of the best overall talents ever for sure, but offensively unstoppable? I don't know. Kobe would probably be above him for unstoppable offense, along with a few others. But I guess it's arguable. LeBron is really good after all. Probably even underrated offensively.

Good discussion here though, thanks man. :)

01-17-2013, 01:27 AM

Robert Horry rips Kobe's defense

01-17-2013, 05:25 AM

Robert Horry rips Kobe's defense

What does he know? Kobe has 5 rings, how many rings does he ha... - oh, wait, nvm.