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01-11-2013, 12:10 PM
We're playing faster and faster

MEMPHIS.- Against the Lakers we played acceptably during three quarters, but in the last one we had a mental block. We stopped attacking, stopped being aggressive and walked the court. That's why we can't be happy even though we won. Especially on the offensive end. On defense we weren't all that bad, they made their run to get close when Kobe made some impossible shots, and that can happen. The most important is the other part, what we stopped doing.

It wouldn't be a problem if it were the first time, but the reality is that in three out of the last four games we were awful on offense. Against New York we were tired after playing four games in five nights and we had less energy. We were better against Philadelphia, but against New Orleans we screwed up again. And against the Lakers it happened to us again.

Even though it's not alarming, because a 82 game season logically has up and downs, we have to pay attention to it. The offense is and has to be one of our strong points and that's something we'll have to start adjusting tonight against Memphis. Especially since we've done it much better before.

Our point average is in the top five in the NBA and it has to do with the fact we play faster and faster. Last year we also had a phenomenal season in that aspect. Looking at the specific points per possession statistics, we were among the top last season and this time around we're only in the middle of the table. It's a statistic that tracks how many times you're attacking and the percentage of scored points.

If you look at the games of my first season with the team, in 2002-2003, you can see a totally different team. It was crazy, every possession we played five against five. The explanation is that when Duncan was double teamed, that created the space we needed on offense. But about five or six years ago, Pop asked us to change that and it's been done progressively. We need to get easy baskets. Tim and I can run even though we're not the fastest guys, but the team has young guys that can run and Tony still has incredible speed on his legs. We try to generate more possessions, get the pace up and try to fastbreak more.

And the numbers, as I said, help us. Because everything has an equilibrium point. If it didn't work for us, we would stop doing it, although this season we have more turnovers than last season and in that aspect we need to improve.

Besides of the things we need to improve on, personally, in this last month I felt really good physically. Some people noticed because I dunked the ball a couple times in the last few games. With Boris Diaw and Matt Bonner we're the guys that dunk less, we have a competition going and I think I'm a bit ahead now. They have one each, and I must have five already. I'm pretty close to catching Blake Griffin! Aside from the joke, the dunking stuff is circumstantial. The important thing is that I feel good.

Lastly, I'd like to tell you I'm very happy to hear Fabri is playing again. It's great for the National League, but above all because he needed to close his career in a different way, on the court. He couldn't do it in the Olympic Games and I think that affected him a bit. I didn't think he would try to come back, but he found the courage and I'm happy. If he's coming back it's because he has thought about it for a while and he's sure of what he's doing. He feels it's going to be good for him. And if he's happy, then I'm happy for him.


01-11-2013, 12:15 PM
Did Boris Diaw ever dunk???

01-11-2013, 12:15 PM
Nice! :tu

01-11-2013, 01:01 PM
Good stuff. Thanks for the translation, ElNono :tu

The Spurs are 5th in points per possession so I'm not sure I agree with Manu that they are "in the middle". Though considering that last year they were first, the pack has definitely caught up with them. I think they have room to get better offensively so I'm not too concerned ... but will the Spurs rediscover the offensive rhythm they had last year? Hopefully so.

01-11-2013, 01:10 PM
Good stuff. Thanks for the translation, ElNono :tu

The Spurs are 5th in points per possession so I'm not sure I agree with Manu that they are "in the middle". Though considering that last year they were first, the pack has definitely caught up with them. I think they have room to get better offensively so I'm not too concerned ... but will the Spurs rediscover the offensive rhythm they had last year? Hopefully so.

They've also moved way up on the defensive table, so I suppose the question is whether they can rediscover last year's offense while maintaining this year's defense.

And thanks, ElNono

Mouth is Bleeding
01-11-2013, 01:38 PM
Great to hear from Manu. Thx for the translation.

The offense the last few games has been painful to watch when you've been so spoiled in recent times. Poor spacing and N.O could just pack the middle crippling the Spurs offense.

I'm not optimistic about seeing the kind of offensive improvements that will bring the mind back to last season either, since it really does seem that everyone's favorite Matt Bonner, was a key player there spacing the floor (helping everyone), whether people like that fact or not.

Hopefully some decisive defensive improvement will make this team a serious challenger anyway, because the offense too much of the time this season reminds me of Spurs in the losing efforts against OKC, moving just enough away from what had made them so dangerous.

01-11-2013, 01:45 PM
Faster and faster? That explains all the turnovers.

01-11-2013, 01:57 PM
I don't know if Manu is being too modest about his dunks, but I don't believe that they're "circumstantial". It's obvious that he dunks more often when he feels great physically.

01-11-2013, 02:02 PM
thanks Nono, nice piece of interview

01-11-2013, 02:56 PM
Thanks Nono, always good to hear Manu's thoughts and opinions.

01-11-2013, 02:57 PM
Did Boris Diaw ever dunk???

Dec 17 @ OKC. Near the end of the 2nd quarter.

01-11-2013, 03:38 PM
Manu is definitely keeping track of their performance. Math on the brain and fire in the veins.

01-11-2013, 03:51 PM
ElNono delivering the goods. Thanks!

01-11-2013, 04:04 PM
Thanks ElNono. Good to hear Manu being hard on their recent efforts. Should be a great game tonight, if that kind of self-criticism is prevalent on the team.

01-11-2013, 04:08 PM
Gracias ElNono!

01-11-2013, 04:35 PM
They've also moved way up on the defensive table, so I suppose the question is whether they can rediscover last year's offense while maintaining this year's defense.

And thanks, ElNono

Great point as that is the key. It's also pretty astonishing to see the much faster pace the league is playing at this year :wow

TD 21
01-11-2013, 04:45 PM
Good stuff. Thanks for the translation, ElNono (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=8054) :tu

The Spurs are 5th in points per possession so I'm not sure I agree with Manu that they are "in the middle". Though considering that last year they were first, the pack has definitely caught up with them. I think they have room to get better offensively so I'm not too concerned ... but will the Spurs rediscover the offensive rhythm they had last year? Hopefully so.

If you think that their current rotation is the one they'll go with for the duration of the season, then I don't think they can. The turnovers (28th in %) can partially be attributed to getting used to not consistently having a stretch four in the the game. But no matter how used they get to it, the reality is, given how reliant they are on spacing and how relatively little there is with this current rotation, turnovers are going to be an issue.

That being said, though not as aesthetically pleasing as last season and more frustrating to watch, it's the right call, for three reasons. 1) They can't rely on Bonner in the postseason, which means they can no longer get used to relying on him in the regular season, 2) Splitter is their fourth best player and this allows him to play up to 10 more mpg, 3) They're still a top five offense (2nd best shooting team behind the Heat), only now, they're again a top five defense.

01-11-2013, 05:13 PM
Other teams got better
Miami is spacing the floor more and lebrons jump shot is improved
OKC use to be a iso/monkeyballing team and they started passing more after the spurs series
New York is spacing the floor also now with good ball movement
Clippers also got better ball movement and better players from last year

most teams just started playing exactly like the spurs, spacing the floor/pick and roll
difference is that they have better players then we do

01-11-2013, 06:38 PM
^OKC is back to not passing and turning it over a lot, tbh. But they have great individual scorers so, luckily for them, that doesn't matter.

01-11-2013, 07:10 PM
Manu is brutally honest, he would make a great front office guy IMHO.