View Full Version : Steroids in NBA? (just my questions)

09-10-2004, 06:03 AM
Many people are sure that it is impossible to play ‘clean’ in NBA. One thing is because of the games played in drastic short time. ‘They’ think in NBA the pharmaceutical support is notorious. NBA players wouldn’t undergo this physical loaded season.
Players are taking it with a quiet assent of the society.

My Q is : Do you have that kind of concern ( well it is dangerous for their health) or you don’t bother that at all? Are there many articles about that in America? And: Do you want to answer that questions ?

09-10-2004, 06:12 AM
I don't think there are too many NBA players who take or have taken steroids. Probably less than 2% of today's players are on any type of steroids.

That is probably attributed too a well run drug program and the fact that taking steroids doesn't make you a better basketball player. In fact, it probably hurts more than it would help.

09-10-2004, 06:23 AM
Yes. But what you think about Olimpics? All that situacion with BALCO (Tim Mongomery , Marion Jones)
all the discqualificiations?
The sporsmans are sure they will be better , and they accualy are. But for how long?
What kind of program is in NBA?
Nothing is in the press about that. Laboratory or something? Everything is hyde. Shouldn't be like this.
That's what I think.

09-10-2004, 06:46 AM
But what you think about Olimpics?

Well, the Olympics track and field competition is more of a matter of hiding drug use than a matter of competition. It is no doubt rampant there.

09-10-2004, 09:08 AM
In track and Field the difference between winning and coming in last in a race is sometimes a fraction of a second so atheltes are willing to do anything it takes to get them that extra muscle strength to push through. If you notice, most of the disqualifications have been in short, intense activity events like sprints, weightlifting, shot put etc.

You won't find too many steroid doping scandals in long distance endurance events. Basketball is somewhat like that endurance event. It is not going to help if you are bulky, you still have to know how to play the game.

I am not saying there is nobody in NBA doing it, I just think the advantage it gives does not compare very well with the risks. I think other drugs like Epogen have a bigger abuse potential than steroids.

09-10-2004, 10:38 AM

if you lined up all the basketball players from the last ten years and had a doctor go down the line and pick out the "most likely" steroid user based on body definition and other steroid "benefits" the most likely to be selected and the least likely to actually use would be our very own David Robinson...


that guys body is truly incredible...

09-10-2004, 10:50 AM
CC, You infatuation with David Robinson's body is rather disturbing. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

09-10-2004, 11:04 AM

leave it to TLong to get sexual connotations from pointing out that the guy is ripped and has the small waist and big guns of a classic steroid user...

but TLong...since I know you look at sweaty men in a completely different light than I do I will let you in on a little secret to put a bulge in your dockers...one of my best friends is one of DRobs doctors and he says the guys "package" is the biggest he has ever seen in 25 years of medicine...

so squirm a little in your chair and fantasize about THAT...:lol

09-10-2004, 11:46 AM
Would anyone really care if these two guys experimented with steroids?



09-10-2004, 02:03 PM
Comon - it's not just about the muscles.
You have all kinds of 'that' illegal stuff.
Not just for sprinters and weightlifting.

I'm asking about NBA. I don't remember any scandals.
Do you?