View Full Version : Combat arm open to women

01-23-2013, 10:49 PM

Latarian Milton
01-24-2013, 12:02 AM
hope not, bitches would bring bad luck to the male soldiers and would lead to more casualities that could've been prevented.

01-24-2013, 12:02 AM

01-24-2013, 12:05 AM
they wanted to be equal so lets send them off to die instead of being sexist and treating men like they're inferior and disposable, it's only fair if you want true equality imho

01-24-2013, 05:11 AM
But the Repugs, in their wonderful strategy, "Christian" suckering, and ideology to win the women votes, will block any Equal Pay regulations, as well as block VAWA.

What's great about this is that women raped by their fellow soldiers will be "destroyed evidence" in combat. :)

The Reckoning
01-24-2013, 06:10 AM
if (s)he dies, (s)he dies.

Wild Cobra
01-24-2013, 06:11 AM
But the Repugs, in their wonderful strategy, "Christian" suckering, and ideology to win the women votes, will block any Equal Pay regulations, as well as block VAWA.

What's great about this is that women raped by their fellow soldiers will be "destroyed evidence" in combat. :)
It was never about that. I was once against women in combat for a few reasons, but today, for a host of different reasons, as long as they can physically keep up, I'm OK with it.

01-24-2013, 10:29 AM
They cannot physically keep up. Their PT standards are far lower that of men. Even in running.

If a woman can put 150 lbs on her back with her already 60 lbs of equipment and walk for 20 miles while scanning their area, I'd be fine with it.

If a woman can put a 200 lbs person on her back with her 60 lbs of equipment and walk a half mile, I'd be fine with it.

01-24-2013, 11:56 AM
Murdoch's Shit Sheet worries about shit

Wall Street Journal: Women Shouldn’t Be In Combat Because Men Poop (http://thinkprogress.org/security/2013/01/24/1490151/wall-street-journal-op-ed-women-cant-be-in-combat-because-men-poop/)

Societal norms are a reality, and their maintenance is important to most members of a society. It is humiliating enough to relieve yourself in front of your male comrades; one can only imagine the humiliation of being forced to relieve yourself in front of the opposite sex.

Despite the professionalism of Marines, it would be distracting and potentially traumatizing to be forced to be naked in front of the opposite sex, particularly when your body has been ravaged by lack of hygiene. In the reverse, it would be painful to witness a member of the opposite sex in such an uncomfortable and awkward position. Combat effectiveness is based in large part on unit cohesion. The relationships among members of a unit can be irreparably harmed by forcing them to violate societal norms.


But doesn't seem to be worried about women excreting and changing tampons around men.

Wild Cobra
01-24-2013, 04:03 PM
They cannot physically keep up. Their PT standards are far lower that of men. Even in running.

If a woman can put 150 lbs on her back with her already 60 lbs of equipment and walk for 20 miles while scanning their area, I'd be fine with it.

If a woman can put a 200 lbs person on her back with her 60 lbs of equipment and walk a half mile, I'd be fine with it.
That is the key. Not have two different standards. I do believe in equality. It is those who want two different standards that do not.

01-24-2013, 04:48 PM
Somehow, I just knew this thread would go like this...........

01-24-2013, 05:21 PM
LMAO shitting in front of a bitch is traumatizing but blowing up scores of children to smithereens is not :lmao

01-24-2013, 05:35 PM
Murdoch's Shit Sheet worries about shit

Wall Street Journal: Women Shouldn’t Be In Combat Because Men Poop (http://thinkprogress.org/security/2013/01/24/1490151/wall-street-journal-op-ed-women-cant-be-in-combat-because-men-poop/)

Societal norms are a reality, and their maintenance is important to most members of a society. It is humiliating enough to relieve yourself in front of your male comrades; one can only imagine the humiliation of being forced to relieve yourself in front of the opposite sex.

Despite the professionalism of Marines, it would be distracting and potentially traumatizing to be forced to be naked in front of the opposite sex, particularly when your body has been ravaged by lack of hygiene. In the reverse, it would be painful to witness a member of the opposite sex in such an uncomfortable and awkward position. Combat effectiveness is based in large part on unit cohesion. The relationships among members of a unit can be irreparably harmed by forcing them to violate societal norms.


But doesn't seem to be worried about women excreting and changing tampons around men.

Yes, because I'm going to be worried about some butch broad laughing at my dick when there are people trying to kill me.

01-24-2013, 08:46 PM
RT called a chick sir 5 times today while getting my oil changed on my truck. Looked at the name tag, said "Katie". Thought he was a bit boyish. S(he) had a dip in it's mouth.

Latarian Milton
01-24-2013, 10:42 PM
only thing good about women participating in combat is when one of your men get shot and you don't have no bondage to stuff the bleeding wound, you can ask one of your female teammates for a piece of tampon to stop the bleeding and save the man's life.

01-24-2013, 10:51 PM
Does anyone know the military regulations now regarding women? I think they have to have the ability to shower every 72 hours

01-25-2013, 01:05 AM
But the Repugs, in their wonderful strategy, "Christian" suckering, and ideology to win the women votes, will block any Equal Pay regulations, as well as block VAWA.

What's great about this is that women raped by their fellow soldiers will be "destroyed evidence" in combat. :)

Wow, you sure hate women.

01-25-2013, 01:07 AM
They cannot physically keep up. Their PT standards are far lower that of men. Even in running.

If a woman can put 150 lbs on her back with her already 60 lbs of equipment and walk for 20 miles while scanning their area, I'd be fine with it.

If a woman can put a 200 lbs person on her back with her 60 lbs of equipment and walk a half mile, I'd be fine with it.

you must not have seem some butch bitches play in a competitive soccer team

those mean bitches will kick your ass 10 times out of 10

01-25-2013, 01:15 AM
you must not have seem some butch bitches play in a competitive soccer team

those mean bitches will kick your ass 10 times out of 10

I'm not saying there are no girls out there who can do that. I'm saying they are going to lower the standard for them like they did when they originally let them in.

01-25-2013, 01:40 AM
you must not have seem some butch bitches play in a competitive soccer team

those mean bitches will kick your ass 10 times out of 10

Dude, seriously. I play coed soccer, it's always the bitches who play dirty - grabing your shirt, kicking the shins, pushing while pretending to go for the ball.

The worst part is if you play the same way and body check them to the ground, suddenly it's not fair and you get a yellow card:cry

Wild Cobra
01-25-2013, 03:07 AM
Does anyone know the military regulations now regarding women? I think they have to have the ability to shower every 72 hours
Well, you can bet that the men in the unit would be willing to give them a golden shower in combat when that 72 hrs is up.

01-25-2013, 04:04 AM
Women have been more or less serving in direct combat roles ever since the wars started in 2001. There is little in the way of real "front lines" anymore and women, even if they're serving on bases (in-theater), are still in harms way on the reg. MP's, Truck Drivers, Fuelers, Clerks, Ammo, it just doesn't matter anymore in today's conflicts. If you get in a vehicle and drive off a base there's a good goddamn chance you could be hit, at any time.

Few roles remain in the Army or the Marines that aren't mechanized in some way, and the physical standards in those units wash out plenty of guys every year. The reality is that women, outside of a very, very small number, just won't be able to hack the conditions in those few units (Spec Ops, Rangers, Recon, certain infantry like 10th mtn e.g.). Survival of the fittest will remain the rule in those particular organizations and thus will probably remain 99% male.

However, there is no reason women shouldn't be in Tank units, Stryker units, Artillery units (self-propelled and towed), ADA units, and any other mechanized combat arm I forgot to mention.

The fucking Israeli's allow women on their sniper teams (among many other combat roles), and there are other countries who already allow a greater presence than we do.

The number of countries that have opened frontline combat positions is also larger than you might think (or than media reports sometimes suggest (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/dec/08/women-in-military-around-world)). A2010 survey (http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/7A18C2A3-C25B-4FA1-B8CB-49204A109105/0/women_combat_experiences_literature.pdf) by the British Ministry of Defense listed Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, and Sweden as countries that allow women in "close combat roles," defined as "engaging an enemy on the ground with individual or crew served weapons, while being exposed to hostile fire and to a high probability of direct physical contact with the hostile forces personnel." Australia joined that list (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/28/world/asia/australia-will-allow-women-to-serve-in-frontline-combat.html) in September 2011 when it opened its front-line units (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/28/world/asia/australia-will-allow-women-to-serve-in-frontline-combat.html) — including one of the largest contingents in Afghanistan — to women. http://www.npr.org/2012/02/13/146802589/foreign-policy-women-on-the-front-lines

ROK (S. Korean) units, some of the most hardcore I've ever seen, allow women in some of their Armored and Artillery units as well.

I will say that if women are going to be in frontline organizations, they damn well better be able to meet the same standards as the men. PT standards can be slightly different (as they already are for varying ages), but otherwise there should be no differences at all.

From a practical standpoint, it will help with manpower as well as morale, imo. I damn sure would have liked some women around during my time, no matter how busted (the Army has the worst looking chicks on the planet) they were. If they can hack it, fine with me. The biggest problem will be with the Army/Marine bureaucracy, not the grunts at ground level who make a living adjusting to ever-changing scenarios.

01-25-2013, 04:58 AM
if (s)he dies, (s)he dies.

I must break you.

01-25-2013, 08:47 AM
Women have been more or less serving in direct combat roles ever since the wars started in 2001. There is little in the way of real "front lines" anymore and women, even if they're serving on bases (in-theater), are still in harms way on the reg. MP's, Truck Drivers, Fuelers, Clerks, Ammo, it just doesn't matter anymore in today's conflicts. If you get in a vehicle and drive off a base there's a good goddamn chance you could be hit, at any time.

Few roles remain in the Army or the Marines that aren't mechanized in some way, and the physical standards in those units wash out plenty of guys every year. The reality is that women, outside of a very, very small number, just won't be able to hack the conditions in those few units (Spec Ops, Rangers, Recon, certain infantry like 10th mtn e.g.). Survival of the fittest will remain the rule in those particular organizations and thus will probably remain 99% male.

However, there is no reason women shouldn't be in Tank units, Stryker units, Artillery units (self-propelled and towed), ADA units, and any other mechanized combat arm I forgot to mention.

The fucking Israeli's allow women on their sniper teams (among many other combat roles), and there are other countries who already allow a greater presence than we do.

ROK (S. Korean) units, some of the most hardcore I've ever seen, allow women in some of their Armored and Artillery units as well.

I will say that if women are going to be in frontline organizations, they damn well better be able to meet the same standards as the men. PT standards can be slightly different (as they already are for varying ages), but otherwise there should be no differences at all.

From a practical standpoint, it will help with manpower as well as morale, imo. I damn sure would have liked some women around during my time, no matter how busted (the Army has the worst looking chicks on the planet) they were. If they can hack it, fine with me. The biggest problem will be with the Army/Marine bureaucracy, not the grunts at ground level who make a living adjusting to ever-changing scenarios.
If they allow the Commander to maintain his standard then whatever. But whatever.

Women have not been serving in direct combat. I know all the libs are saying that. fuelers, and truck drivers are not combat arms. In no way whatsoever. Their mentality to their training is not combat arms. Yeah they go outside their fob on war, but that doesn't mean they are in a combat role. if they get hit, they don't action on.

01-25-2013, 09:17 AM
They should be allowed to try. The washout rate needs to be made available to the public however to relieve some of the liberal bullshit. When that happens, the standards will be lowered for them so they have the same pass/fail rate as men. Those making these rule changes do not fight and quite likely have no children in the military fighting in combat arms roles.

01-25-2013, 04:37 PM
They should be allowed to try. The washout rate needs to be made available to the public however to relieve some of the liberal bullshit. When that happens, the standards will be lowered for them so they have the same pass/fail rate as men. Those making these rule changes do not fight and quite likely have no children in the military fighting in combat arms roles.

I agree for the most part. Anyone can pass basic for combat arms. Especially with the female pt standard. The problem is the unwritten rules of each unit. Like my old unit at 101st, you had to be able to ruck 20 miles with atleast 50 lbs of weight in your ruck in a certain amount of time. We needed to know who could do that because we went on alot of missions.

They also need to change the rules for women because we could be out on top of a mountain for three weeks with one bottle a water a day, which you need just to keep your piss from glowing.

01-25-2013, 04:42 PM
Plus their heavy periods will attract bears and terrorists.

O.J. Simpson
01-25-2013, 04:54 PM
Well, this isn't 1945. Doing victory laps around dead schoolchildren after they've been bombed/droned doesn't require male strength.

01-25-2013, 05:03 PM
I agree for the most part. Anyone can pass basic for combat arms. Especially with the female pt standard. The problem is the unwritten rules of each unit. Like my old unit at 101st, you had to be able to ruck 20 miles with atleast 50 lbs of weight in your ruck in a certain amount of time. We needed to know who could do that because we went on alot of missions.

They also need to change the rules for women because we could be out on top of a mountain for three weeks with one bottle a water a day, which you need just to keep your piss from glowing.

So what part do you not agree with?

01-25-2013, 05:27 PM
LMAO shitting in front of a bitch is traumatizing but blowing up scores of children to smithereens is not :lmao


01-25-2013, 05:35 PM
we could be out on top of a mountain for three weeks with one bottle a water a day, which you need just to keep your piss from glowing.

I never understood that about the Military. PT is great but forced malnourishment is stupid and malnourished troops fight like crap.

But for the topic at hand, I think popular opinion will support it until the news reports of combat rapes start popping up.

01-25-2013, 05:59 PM
I never understood that about the Military. PT is great but forced malnourishment is stupid and malnourished troops fight like crap.

But for the topic at hand, I think popular opinion will support it until the news reports of combat rapes start popping up.

50 guys on top of a mountain trying to be covert. When you have 120 lbs in your ruck to add to your 60 lbs of gear- water takes up weight and space. Don't get me wrong, we keep about four days worth but then after four days you have to get speed balls. By the time you get speed balls (water and MRE's) you're dehydrated just from the altitude, weather and time. That's why when you are not on mission or able to drink water-drink as much as possible.

But yeah the army combat arms side destroys your body.

01-25-2013, 06:01 PM
So what part do you not agree with?
What part of what?

01-25-2013, 06:06 PM
I don't think it will be a pass/fail rate to men. I think they'll look at the percentage of women in combat arms and probably want to artificially create a number that makes them look good.
The thing is once a soldier gets to a unit-they are in that unit. It's pretty hard to get rid of a "shit bag" unless they do something to get them kicked out. So overall it will just diminish the overall abilities of the unit. If there is one guy in a real mission on deployment who cannot hack it, then everyone is fucked! They can't just say "alright, call in the choppers. We have to call it".
On the other hand, having girls in PT will make guys push themselves more to not quit.

01-25-2013, 06:37 PM
DMC (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=20665)
I don't think it will be a pass/fail rate to men. I think they'll look at the percentage of women in combat arms and probably want to artificially create a number that makes them look good.
The thing is once a soldier gets to a unit-they are in that unit. It's pretty hard to get rid of a "shit bag" unless they do something to get them kicked out. So overall it will just diminish the overall abilities of the unit. If there is one guy in a real mission on deployment who cannot hack it, then everyone is fucked! They can't just say "alright, call in the choppers. We have to call it".
On the other hand, having girls in PT will make guys push themselves more to not quit.

That's what I said. They will have to lower the standards to create the numbers they are looking for. If the fail rate is too high for women, they will have to lower standards. It's not like every female in the military wants a combat role so they will have to take a larger percentage of those who apply and grant them access through bending the standards.

The problem with PT is that it's a regimented course, you cannot do more but you can do less. I was never challenged by it. There were some extra-curricular courses that did challenge me, but not PT.

01-25-2013, 09:02 PM
That's what I said. They will have to lower the standards to create the numbers they are looking for. If the fail rate is too high for women, they will have to lower standards. It's not like every female in the military wants a combat role so they will have to take a larger percentage of those who apply and grant them access through bending the standards.

The problem with PT is that it's a regimented course, you cannot do more but you can do less. I was never challenged by it. There were some extra-curricular courses that did challenge me, but not PT.

Yeah same here. I don't know when you were in but now they moved to PRT (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CD4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.armyprt.com%2F&ei=BDkDUfTNA4LcyQHw8IGACA&usg=AFQjCNGtPYGCilG3GZpT91bo5R2rTA6NXQ&bvm=bv.41524429,d.aWc).

Complete waste of time. Even more so than before. Soldiers are mandated to go to the gym on their off time because of PRT.

01-27-2013, 06:42 AM
This seemed to be an appropriate place to put this picture




The Reckoning
01-27-2013, 07:00 AM
nice tits