View Full Version : More pressure in life: Man or woman?

01-24-2013, 10:54 AM
Please state your answer within the proper format outlined in the syllabus with proper sources to back up your claims.

01-24-2013, 10:59 AM

Source: lebomb

01-24-2013, 11:03 AM
Man -We have to (in most cases) provide for her and our family.

Source: Me, my fiance is a teacher..

01-24-2013, 11:35 AM
single mothers aside it's obviously a man and my source is common fucking sense

01-24-2013, 11:50 AM
Men. A woman would leave a man if he remained unemployed.

Source: Divorced men living in a shitty one bedroom apartment.

01-24-2013, 12:02 PM
Men. I menstruated last week, not as big a deal as they make it out to be.

01-24-2013, 12:09 PM

Source: Obvious reasons.

01-24-2013, 12:39 PM
Penis envy bull dykes calling for equality would have no problem jumping on the life raft with the other women and children who get on first.....

....your wife hears a noise downstairs, her ass isn't the one that grabs the baseball bat to go check it out....

It's those types of pressures in life that justify why men on average make more than women

/Paraphrasing Bill Burr

01-24-2013, 02:06 PM
Men and it's not even close.

A woman can stay home while he works, a man who stays home while she works is a loser.

It's up to him to protect the family.

It's up to him to keep order in the house.

It's on him to keep the yards up, things fixed and running.

In the Middle East they make it very clear what a womans place is.

01-24-2013, 02:13 PM
Girls basically have to do 2 things:

1. Keep up their appearance

2. Spread her legs

And even with those 2 simple things, they can make excuses on why they can't get them done and a man will be looked upon as a complete asshole for criticizing/leaving her.

Men have so many more responsibilities that there's no point in even listing them (they've already been listed anyway) and if they fail in just one category the girl can leave/cheat on him right away and everyone will be like "You go girl! You don't deserve that loser!"

01-24-2013, 02:36 PM
Well, it's unanimous! :lol

01-24-2013, 02:42 PM
In the Middle East they make it very clear what a womans place is.

And if they don't stay in that place, they get stoned to death.

No pressure there.

01-24-2013, 02:45 PM
And if they don't stay in that place, they get stoned to death.

No pressure there.

As usual another...DUH!...take.

Pay attention moron...

That's the culture over there, that's how it's always been. No pressure at all.

01-24-2013, 03:01 PM
And if they don't stay in that place, they get stoned to death.

No pressure there.

For you the pressure is on the woman.........cucking in the bedroom afraid her husband will eventually stop her instead of waiting for Mr cuck to skeet off in her.

01-24-2013, 03:23 PM
For you the pressure is on the woman.........cucking in the bedroom afraid her husband will eventually stop her instead of waiting for Mr cuck to skeet off in her.

Hahahahahaha, I seriously doubt Blake would know what to do with a full grown woman

Samuel Eto'o
01-24-2013, 04:03 PM
bonzo goes to bitburg, then goes out for a cup of tea

as i watched it on tv, somehow it really bothered me

01-24-2013, 04:24 PM
A girl can go out by herself at night to a bar/club and have her the entire outing paid for by a complete stranger.

01-24-2013, 04:50 PM
A girl can go out by herself at night to a bar/club and have her the entire outing paid for by a complete stranger.

A man goes out, and pays for every damned thing the woman wants.

01-24-2013, 05:36 PM
As usual another...DUH!...take.

Pay attention moron...

That's the culture over there, that's how it's always been. No pressure at all.

You might want to learn how to read sarcasm

No pressure though.

01-24-2013, 05:38 PM
For you the pressure is on the woman.........cucking in the bedroom afraid her husband will eventually stop her instead of waiting for Mr cuck to skeet off in her.

can someone translate this mess

01-24-2013, 06:49 PM
Depends on the circumstances. I can assure you that I have much more pressure than a single guy with no kids.

01-24-2013, 08:21 PM
single moms or ppl in families with beatup dads or either parent

one of them will have to provide for the family....

The Reckoning
01-24-2013, 08:24 PM
the moral of this story? dont have kids.

Latarian Milton
01-25-2013, 12:08 AM
men. a man needs more pressure than a women in order to squirt his semen out of the tiny tube into the bitch's vagina, while the bitch will suck up everything out of his dick and pocket.

01-25-2013, 12:54 AM
too many good responses to quote.

Men have way more pressure. Women are protected with excuses, guys don't get much in that regard. If a woman wants to get laid, she literally has to do nothing, whereas a guy either has to work at it, have cash or be appealing to them.

That line from As Good as it Gets has stuck with me for a long time, and I realize the truth in it the older I get...

How do you write women so well?
I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

01-25-2013, 02:41 AM
Suicide statistics are probably a decent indicator of who has more pressure. Men have pressure to succeed and pressure to keep their issues to themselves.

01-25-2013, 03:25 AM
Some men make love to pressure

01-25-2013, 08:40 AM
Men and it's not even close.

A woman can stay home while he works, a man who stays home while she works is a loser.

It's up to him to protect the family.

It's up to him to keep order in the house.

It's on him to keep the yards up, things fixed and running.

In the Middle East they make it very clear what a womans place is.
You gone end up pinked for comments like that. :lol

01-25-2013, 09:07 AM
can someone translate this mess

Naaaa..........we will leave it alone.

01-25-2013, 09:22 AM
Naaaa..........we will leave it alone.

Probably best for you.

01-25-2013, 09:23 AM
Probably best for you.

........ Umm, actually its in your best interest. :toast

01-26-2013, 01:21 AM

01-26-2013, 01:10 PM
men. a man needs more pressure than a women in order to squirt his semen out of the tiny tube into the bitch's vagina, while the bitch will suck up everything out of his dick and pocket.

01-26-2013, 04:09 PM
too many good responses to quote.

Men have way more pressure. Women are protected with excuses, guys don't get much in that regard. If a woman wants to get laid, she literally has to do nothing, whereas a guy either has to work at it, have cash or be appealing to them.

That line from As Good as it Gets has stuck with me for a long time, and I realize the truth in it the older I get...

How do you write women so well?
I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

All women living in first world western countries basically have no pressure. You get pregnant, the dude left, don't worry because welfare, medicaid, foot stamps, and Gov housing will take care of you and your ugly ass ******/nigglect babies. Bitches get central air, cable/wifi internet(They could be fucking around on facebook), and all the dick they want for free. When they get bored being at home, then it's time to leave the little changos with grandma while they go and party at clubs where guys pay for everything.

Samuel Eto'o
01-26-2013, 04:56 PM
The only pressure we have is that of which we place upon ourselves.

- Samuel Eto'o

01-26-2013, 08:31 PM
All women living in first world western countries basically have no pressure. You get pregnant, the dude left, don't worry because welfare, medicaid, foot stamps, and Gov housing will take care of you and your ugly ass ******/nigglect babies. Bitches get central air, cable/wifi internet(They could be fucking around on facebook), and all the dick they want for free. When they get bored being at home, then it's time to leave the little changos with grandma while they go and party at clubs where guys pay for everything.
:lol nigglect babies, i'm gonna have to steal that from you, i'll pay royalties of course

otherwise, everything you said is true.

I don't consider myself a woman hater but women get away with a ton of shit in life. like Bill Burr said, some of the shit women do, they would get body slammed if they were men. It's also ridiculous the hoops I jump through to get laid, but for women it's like a vortex, they only have to open their legs to start pulling matter into its vacuum. Like you said, our politicians have sold us out (per par) and created this environment where women have too much of an upper hand, that's not natural.

01-26-2013, 10:30 PM
Men. A woman would leave a man if he remained unemployed.

Source: Divorced men living in a shitty one bedroom apartment.


01-28-2013, 11:23 AM
:lol nigglect babies, i'm gonna have to steal that from you, i'll pay royalties of course

otherwise, everything you said is true.

I don't consider myself a woman hater but women get away with a ton of shit in life. like Bill Burr said, some of the shit women do, they would get body slammed if they were men. It's also ridiculous the hoops I jump through to get laid, but for women it's like a vortex, they only have to open their legs to start pulling matter into its vacuum. Like you said, our politicians have sold us out (per par) and created this environment where women have too much of an upper hand, that's not natural.

:lol just like a black hole. I bet women would start pulling the Higgs Boson outta your dick too if they could.

01-28-2013, 02:19 PM
It's getting better but I would hate to be a woman. They just have different kinds of pressure.

01-29-2013, 12:46 AM
Can we all agree that human beings in general are sexist on some level? We view men and women differently solely based on their gender. It's in our DNA. Not saying it's right but we do it.

The Reckoning
01-29-2013, 12:47 AM
women have more pressure because they have to deal with their own irrationality, confusion and lust on a daily basis.

01-29-2013, 11:16 AM
:lol You guys crack me up! All these threads "bitches blah blah blah boo hoo". This place has to have the whiniest bunch of alpha studs on the internet :lol

01-29-2013, 12:18 PM
No stresses on mi koolio. :D

silverblk mystix
01-29-2013, 12:59 PM
:lol You guys crack me up! All these threads "bitches blah blah blah boo hoo". This place has to have the whiniest bunch of alpha studs on the internet :lol
