View Full Version : I know Gary Neal scored a good amount of points, but...

01-25-2013, 10:58 PM

01-25-2013, 11:00 PM
Dam he sucks. His defense is horrible, he can't handle the basketball, makes dumb passes, and disrupts the offense by taking shot after shot. Yet he's still getting crucial minutes in the 4th quarter. :bang

01-25-2013, 11:00 PM
I was going to start one just like it for Blair.

01-25-2013, 11:02 PM
4th quarter he missed most of his shots, i think around 3 consecutive plays run for the moron...got the mavs +6pts back...

this guy is fkn overrated and exposed as a 1 trick pony...

01-25-2013, 11:05 PM
He is a black hole. Shouldn't be in the rotation.

01-25-2013, 11:18 PM
look for the spurs to overpay to keep him...dude does nothing else besides chuckn up shots

01-25-2013, 11:22 PM
Enter Patty Mills

01-25-2013, 11:25 PM
Gary Neal is strictly a spot up shooter and should be treated as such. As far as defending, he should be defending the worst player of the other team. If no such player exists then perhaps he should not see minutes in that game.

01-25-2013, 11:47 PM
Neals the only one on the team who can hit contested shots because of his shooting ability and high/quick release
if green/jack/leonard and even ginobili attempted some of the shots he tries they would airball it

most of neals problems come from being forced to be a back up pg when hes a 2

01-25-2013, 11:50 PM
He shoots way to much. Forces up bad shots. He can shoot all he wants when he's open but damn he gets up more shots then anyone outside of Tim and Tony. In half the time also.

01-25-2013, 11:50 PM
Neals the only one on the team who can hit contested shots because of his shooting ability and high/quick release
if green/jack/leonard and even ginobili attempted some of the shots he tries they would airball it

most of neals problems come from being forced to be a back up pg when hes a 2


01-26-2013, 12:15 AM
Neals the only one on the team who can hit contested shots because of his shooting ability and high/quick release
if green/jack/leonard and even ginobili attempted some of the shots he tries they would airball it

most of neals problems come from being forced to be a back up pg when hes a 2
Exacly, we don't need him, he hurts our team on both ends.

01-26-2013, 12:20 AM
4th quarter he missed most of his shots, i think around 3 consecutive plays run for the moron...got the mavs +6pts back...

this guy is fkn overrated and exposed as a 1 trick pony...
If your one trick is making shots it's a heck of a trick to have

01-26-2013, 12:23 AM
Neal has his role
hes just not being played to it
neals ability to come off 1 or 2 screens catch and turn then hit the mid range/3 is actually very valuable

everybody would hate patty if he was made the full time backup PG
cant score and has no vision, also plays fools gold defense
looks like he if active and moves but he still gets blown by or gets caught going underneath screens all the time

de colo is also really inconsistent and has trouble handling and penetrating some games while he looks good in others

01-26-2013, 12:33 AM
hey guys,


01-26-2013, 12:45 AM
Gary Neal is strictly a spot up shooter and should be treated as such. As far as defending, he should be defending the worst player of the other team. If no such player exists then perhaps he should not see minutes in that game.

On the money dude. Neal strength is spot up shooting, he should stick to that strength

01-26-2013, 12:48 AM
Neal plays like that cause he git d green light from pop. Go bitch to pop, not neals fault he got free reigns to machinegun

01-26-2013, 02:53 AM
When Neal is shooting the ball well, the Spurs are incredibly tough to beat. And he shoots the ball well more often than not, but sometimes he has bad games. If he had the consistency of a star player, he wouldn't be playing for us on his current 800k contract. Jesus Christ, with all the shitty guards that have played on this team during the Duncan era, you'd think Spurs fans would have a little more perspective on how and why, despite his flaws, we are very lucky to have a player like him on the team.

01-26-2013, 05:01 AM
Neal is more likely to shoot you out of a game than Westbrick. Yeah he'll make a tough shot every now and then that someone else would probably miss but that doesn't mean shit. Chucking is a bad habit the goal is good, open, high-percentage shots unless the clock is about to expire and you have no other options.

01-26-2013, 05:05 AM
neals awesome quit hating retards rather hve him then green im sure parker does too

01-26-2013, 05:07 AM
contract year fellas...

01-26-2013, 05:07 AM
Neal is more likely to shoot you out of a game than Westbrick. Yeah he'll make a tough shot every now and then that someone else would probably miss but that doesn't mean shit. Chucking is a bad habit the goal is good, open, high-percentage shots unless the clock is about to expire and you have no other options.

im pretty sure the coaching staff wants him out there shooting becuz of his ability if he was as timid as green leonard and diaw wed be fucked with scoring droughts like a couple years ago

01-26-2013, 10:38 AM
So you guys are bitching that an undrafted role player who's being paid next to nothing is able to score but can't play defense?

Where is this magical tree of players that do all three for cheap?

01-26-2013, 11:03 AM
Agree with freetiagoNot his fault that he was asked to play the point. He is a backup SG and that's how he should play all the time. Neal's hate on this board is getting ridiculous. The same guys trashing him will be the ones begging for Neal in the playoffs when none of SA players can buy a bucket.

Paranoid Pop
01-26-2013, 11:16 AM
neals awesome quit hating retards rather hve him then green im sure parker does too


01-26-2013, 11:29 AM
I understand everyone's points on giving Neal a break but like many, I just don't like his play. He's the only player on the team I have issues on his shot selection. They're always the ones where if he makes it, "he'll yeah!" But if he misses, "get him out of there!" And seriously his defense is horrible, I can't bare to watch him playing defense. And what's up with his whining and throwing his arms up when he feels he gets a bad call. Looks like child out there. But I think we are going to need his shooting come playoffs, so I'm still on the ropes about him.

01-26-2013, 11:33 AM
I can live with Neal's forced shots because he's probably the purest shooter on the team. What I can't live with is his rash of turrible ball-handling, his telegraphed passes and matador defense. He's such a terrible passer and he hurts the team with his poor decisions in making cross-court passes, which usually get stolen. Also, when playing backup PG against aggressive PGs like Eric Bledsoe, Neal routinely gets his pocket picked.

01-26-2013, 11:40 AM
What I can't live with is his rash of turrible ball-handling, his telegraphed passed and poor playmaking decisions. His passes usually get stolen and when he plays against aggressive PGs like Eric Bledsoe, Neal routinely gets his pocket picked.

Another point I forgot to mention, yes he cannot handle the ball. He has a horrible behind the back dribble in my opinion. He is no point guard, that's pops fault honestly. I feel for him playing a role he's not accustom to.

01-26-2013, 01:14 PM
His role is to chuck up shots idiots. Hes our Jamal Crawford/JR Smith, the percentages may not be that great but you need someone who can create their own shot and put up points on the second unit. BTW I didnt watch the game yesterday but it seems like you idiots are bitching about the wrong game...he shot 50+%, had 6 assists, and only 2 TOs yesterday. Atleast wait for a game where he shoots a low percentage to bitch tbh.

01-26-2013, 01:49 PM
I thought Neal was much better last night than he was in any of the previous 5-10 games. When he actually uses screens to get open and shoot instead of just using screens to get the ball in order to try to create on his own, he's pretty damn valuable. The Spurs really don't have many set plays that are effective regardless of the defense being played .... but Neal aggressively coming of screens and looking to shoot is one of those plays. That almost always either creates an open shot for Neal or causes the defense to over-rotate and open space in the middle.

And regarding his shot selection, it can be bad sometimes ... but I don't really mind it. With hired guns like Neal, I'd rather the player err on the side of being too aggressive than too passive. A hired gun that can have his confidence shaken isn't worth much. Neal can miss 10 shots in a row and still be ready to shoot the next one. That, IMO, is a virtue.

01-26-2013, 01:53 PM
If your one trick is making shots it's a heck of a trick to have

But, he he can't make many shots. Or he at least misses more than he makes.

01-26-2013, 02:19 PM
Exacly, we don't need him, he hurts our team on both ends.

I don't think that's what freetiago was saying at all. Neal is extremely valuable at his salary when playing the shooting guard position because of his ability to hit contested shots in difficult situations. When forced to play PG he becomes a liability. But as offensive spark, there are few in the league capable of matching his production, especially given what the spurs are paying him.

01-26-2013, 02:39 PM
When it comes to championships in 2013 . . .

No Neal, no deal. :)

01-26-2013, 03:52 PM
I like this guy.
Sometimes he has a low FG%, but it also a consequence of playing with the Back-up PG, or him being that player.
Its not the same when you have Parker on the floor penetrating and passing the ball to an open teammate.
Thats my concern with the current back-up PGs, they dont attack the basket as much as Parker, sometimes they dont even try to penetrate at all. Thats probably the reason i have to want to see more Mills or CoJo, maybe they are more aggressive.

At the end, whats the point of having a great shooter when he always has to create his own shot.

Few days ago I wrote that I wanted to see Neal stats when playing with and without Parker, just to see if the stats support my opinion. I try to look for those stats, but i dont know where they could be. Maybe someone can search that so that the discussion goes to another level.

PS: I just love those 3s in transition with 20 seconds in the clock!! haha

01-26-2013, 04:01 PM
Neal has struggled recently, and I'm not a fan of him playing the backup PG spot, but the guy has been and done everything this team has asked of him for nearly three years. Is he one dimensional? Sure. But hes also damn good at that one dimension, and can do it in the clutch unlike other prolific shooters (see Bonner, Matt). But the best part is that hes done it for the minimum for three seasons. To boot, hes a solid locker room guy and willing to do whatever it requires to support the team and get the win.

Get over it. Neal has been awesome for us for years.

01-26-2013, 04:06 PM
timvp Do you think Neal will attract around 4.5M on his next contract? I think that's more or less the market value for what he brings...

01-27-2013, 12:00 PM
I love Neal's offense however his defense is crap. It feels like EVERY single guy out there can score on him, you know Tiago, Green, TP, Manu, TD, Kawhi etc. can all play solid defense however Neal can't. All it takes is 1 player to fuck up everything on defense for the opposing team to score, and that's Neal most of the time. Same thing goes for Blair, Bonner and Mills, the chances of the Spurs getting consecutive stops drop dramatically, it feels like we are just trading buckets out there sometimes.

01-27-2013, 12:14 PM
no matter how much he scores on the court, he gives them back the same amount or more on the other end....

01-27-2013, 12:33 PM
look for the spurs to overpay to keep him...dude does nothing else besides chuckn up shots
Mike Finley :pop:
BonBon :pop:

We can only hope another 'ship is not f'd up.

Altho Neal has had some great moments.

01-27-2013, 02:26 PM
Neal has been fine this year. His 3p% has dropped a little but nothing alarming.

Saying that, Neal has played this year about 80% of his minutes as a SG and only 20% as a PG. When he has played PG this year, Neal has been mostly bad.

01-27-2013, 02:59 PM
Neal is cheap and he's done a hell of a lot more than Bonner or Blair, who are both more expensive. Neal is not the problem. We need a decent backup PG or Pop needs to pay more attention to the substitutions. I have no idea why Baynes and Neal were in the game at the end of the Mavs game. The score was close, we needed to close it, all they could possibly do there was fuck up. I would have Manu inbounding the ball. Bud seems to zone out on the timeouts and rotations.

01-27-2013, 03:01 PM
Mike Finley :pop:
BonBon :pop:

We can only hope another 'ship is not f'd up.

Altho Neal has had some great moments.

Oh the ship won't be fucked up. Don't drink the "we are poised" Koolaid.

01-28-2013, 07:27 PM
I like this guy.
Sometimes he has a low FG%, but it also a consequence of playing with the Back-up PG, or him being that player.
Its not the same when you have Parker on the floor penetrating and passing the ball to an open teammate.
Thats my concern with the current back-up PGs, they dont attack the basket as much as Parker, sometimes they dont even try to penetrate at all. Thats probably the reason i have to want to see more Mills or CoJo, maybe they are more aggressive.

At the end, whats the point of having a great shooter when he always has to create his own shot.

Few days ago I wrote that I wanted to see Neal stats when playing with and without Parker, just to see if the stats support my opinion. I try to look for those stats, but i dont know where they could be. Maybe someone can search that so that the discussion goes to another level.

PS: I just love those 3s in transition with 20 seconds in the clock!! haha

http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/n/nealga01/lineups/2013/ scroll down and you see 2 man combinations and see neal and parker.

01-28-2013, 09:41 PM
Exacly, we don't need him, he hurts our team on both ends.

Agreed; I'm hoping he's in a trade package before the deadline.

01-28-2013, 09:50 PM
I like Neal but I would rather have a good backup PG then a backup SG right now.

01-28-2013, 10:28 PM
Neal is not bad, neither he's good. Still better than scrub green though.

01-28-2013, 11:50 PM
There's never been a Neal like player on our championships teams. To get to the Finals you have to minimize your defensive mistakes. Neal makes way too many. He made Derek Fisher look unstoppable in the WCF and I thought that would be a guy he could match up better with.

Dr. Robert Lee
01-28-2013, 11:56 PM
There's never been a Neal like player on our championships teams. To get to the Finals you have to minimize your defensive mistakes. Neal makes way too many. He made Derek Fisher look unstoppable in the WCF and I thought that would be a guy he could match up better with.
Yep, Neal belongs on some scrubby ass piece of shit team like Charlotte where he can put up 25 PPG and shoot 38% while not playing a fucking lick of defense and no one will care since the team sucks ass. He needs to pack his bags and get his ass out of San Antonio ASAP. Every minute longer he sticks around at the AT&T Center is another minute the Spurs fall away from being a Title Contender. We can't have scrubby ass lazy (defensively) players on this team. It's pathetic.

01-29-2013, 07:53 AM
http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/n/nealga01/lineups/2013/ scroll down and you see 2 man combinations and see neal and parker.

Thanks, I generated that same chart a few days ago.
The problem that I have with that chart is that the stats are combined.
For example FT +4.
If I search for Parker lineups, the number is the same +4FT.
That means that when they play together, both (combined) have 4 more FTs.
What I want to see is if Neal plays better when he is playing with Parker. Does his FG% increase?

01-29-2013, 10:23 AM
Neal for Courtney Lee tbh...

02-07-2013, 07:52 AM
Gosh I can't stand this guy on this team anymore. his +/- were -10. He was 0-3 from 3pt range and again his defense sucked. I am more frustrated with Pop still giving him minutes. I don't understand it. I know Neal is in a slump and it happens to all players, but that's not the part that frustrates me. Its more about when he shoots. He doesn't seem to care or understand clock management. He doesn't let the offense set up. Its annoying as hell.