View Full Version : Worst you have ever been drunk???

01-31-2013, 02:18 PM
I will never forget...........

I was about 22-23, and I was out with a group of my buddies....about 4-5 of us. We drank our arses off, and two days later when I could think and talk, I called my boy and said "Thanks for the ride dog, I was so busted up and would have never made it home" He said "WTF are you talkin bout nigga?, you drove us all home"

DAMN!!!! :depressed

01-31-2013, 02:32 PM
You are able to call your friends that same night and that's the drunkest you've been? Shiiiiit man. I've been carried numerous times and plopped on somebody's livingroom floor with a bucket.

I. Hustle
01-31-2013, 02:57 PM
I ended up in Houston.

01-31-2013, 03:09 PM
Woke up shirtless and shivering in my brother's bathtub. Seems I was having a hell of a time till I just dropped on his front lawn. There is some dispute as to whether I puked my guts out before or after I hit the deck. Either way, I got thrown in his bathroom covered in dirt and my own vomit where they cut the shirt off of me rather than risk pulling it over my head and leaving any of that foul stinking stuff in my hair. Good host that he is the party continued but my brother periodically checked in by flipping the shower on to make sure I was still responsive. I can clearly remember those bouts of consciousness where in my mind I was telling him to knock it off and let me sleep, though apparently all that was actually coming out was a string of consonants that sounded like my tongue was too big for my mouth all of a sudden. It also holds the distinction for the one time I got that messed up and woke up without a hint of a hangover.

01-31-2013, 03:16 PM
I don't remember any of my drunkest moments well enough to recount them, but based on friends' accounts they all involve karaoke and/or falling asleep in bars.

And one time, ages ago, before I was even legal drinking age, I apparently got blackout drunk and got myself and my friends thrown out because I was repeatedly trying to start a fight with a 60-year-old lesbian in a San Francisco dyke bar.

silverblk mystix
01-31-2013, 03:28 PM
I don't remember any of my drunkest moments well enough to recount them, but based on friends' accounts they all involve karaoke and/or falling asleep in bars.

And one time, ages ago, before I was even legal drinking age, I apparently got blackout drunk and got myself and my friends thrown out because I was repeatedly trying to start a fight with a 60-year-old lesbian in a San Francisco dyke bar.

Just a tip - in regards to that 60 yo lez;



01-31-2013, 03:29 PM
I dont understand how people blackout and dont remember shit by just drinking alcohol tbh. Ive had friends help me walk home and crash out as soon as I hit the bed but never an incident were I dont remember the previous night tbh.

01-31-2013, 03:37 PM
I dont understand how people blackout and dont remember shit by just drinking alcohol tbh. Ive had friends help me walk home and crash out as soon as I hit the bed but never an incident were I dont remember the previous night tbh.

It's not particularly fun, I gotta say, but I used to get that drunk pretty frequently when I was young and stupid. I'd wake up and huge chunks of my night were just completely missing.

I haven't blacked out in years, though. I think a lot of it has to do with how you drink, rather than how much you drink. When I was a dumb kid I was more of a sprint drinker; as much alcohol as possible as quickly as possible. As I've gotten older, though, I've gotten much better at pacing myself. Now even if I have a super drunk night, one of those where you're walking through the front door when the sun is coming up, I remember pretty much everything that happened in full detail. Which is much less scary.

01-31-2013, 03:58 PM
You are able to call your friends that same night and that's the drunkest you've been?

I fixed it man..........you are soooo right.

01-31-2013, 04:02 PM
I had a friend who got so drunk one night........ he woke up the next morning in his car with only his underware on, in the culdesac of an unknown neighborhood.

01-31-2013, 04:14 PM
I woke up in another country

bus driver
01-31-2013, 04:24 PM
Woke up shirtless and shivering in my brother's bathtub. Seems I was having a hell of a time till I just dropped on his front lawn. There is some dispute as to whether I puked my guts out before or after I hit the deck. Either way, I got thrown in his bathroom covered in dirt and my own vomit where they cut the shirt off of me rather than risk pulling it over my head and leaving any of that foul stinking stuff in my hair. Good host that he is the party continued but my brother periodically checked in by flipping the shower on to make sure I was still responsive. I can clearly remember those bouts of consciousness where in my mind I was telling him to knock it off and let me sleep, though apparently all that was actually coming out was a string of consonants that sounded like my tongue was too big for my mouth all of a sudden. It also holds the distinction for the one time I got that messed up and woke up without a hint of a hangover.



01-31-2013, 04:26 PM
Wild turkey. That's all I remember.

Trill Clinton
01-31-2013, 05:09 PM
at a frat pool party in san marcos a few years back i was wasted.

last time i got that fucked up.

i fucked around and fell in the pool with my wallet and cell phone in my pocket.

when it was time to go i thought i was okay to drive.

all i remember after that is getting in my car, swerving out of the parking lot and waking up in san antonio.

01-31-2013, 05:46 PM
Once I got so drunk I passed out while taking a shit. My friends were nice enough to carry me off the toilet and into bed, despite the fact that I had completely removed my pants and boxers before squatting.

01-31-2013, 05:50 PM
Once I got so drunk I passed out while taking a shit. My friends were nice enough to carry me off the toilet and into bed, despite the fact that I had completely removed my pants and boxers before squatting.



01-31-2013, 05:53 PM
Tipsy stage. ROFL

01-31-2013, 05:54 PM
all i remember after that is getting in my car, swerving out of the parking lot and waking up in san antonio.

Shit sounds like my story..... I still dont remember a damned thing about that night.

The only other time I was close to that jacked up, I tried like a dumbass to move a washer from the side of my house at midnight to the curb for pickup, I dropped the whole damned washer on my head. I had a scrape all the way down the side of my face. That shit looked horrible.....everyone said my wife whooped my ass till it healed. Which was about a gottdayum month!!!

Trill Clinton
01-31-2013, 05:55 PM
what the fuck was you drinking?

oh and that goes to everyone else.

let me find out one of ya'll was drinkgin o'douls or zimas.

my frat made some punch with a bunch of shit in it but tequila and clear rum is my kryptonite.

01-31-2013, 05:57 PM
what the fuck was you drinking?

Everything...........mostly Vaaaaaaaahka! I cussed the washer out too, like it did that shit to me.

Trill Clinton
01-31-2013, 06:06 PM
Everything...........mostly Vaaaaaaaahka! I cussed the washer out too, like it did that shit to me.

lol that's some young nigga shit.

i refuse to mix clear and dark. fuck that.

01-31-2013, 06:10 PM
lol that's some young nigga shit.

i refuse to mix clear and dark. fuck that.

LMAO...... I know niggra, I learned. I stick with the same, whatever it is. I typically just drink Vodka. I have to have a ton to lose control. I keep that shit in check. Ive been doing fully dressed Corona or Dos Equis. I know where Im at all the time. Liquor sneaks up on a niggra. One minute you are singing love songs, the next....a niggra layin in tha street.

01-31-2013, 06:35 PM
Top this - in college, after leaving a house party in Lubbock, I ended up getting dropped off at my "house", drunkenly I tried and tried to unlock the door to no avail. I eventually ended up crawling through the doggie door in the back (my house had no doggie door). I woke up on a couch in a house I didn't recognize with a Lubbock police officer standing over me. I got arrested for breaking and entering; all charges eventually got dropped. I was actually two houses down at a the wrong house, and the women woke up and saw me there and immediately called the cops. Shit, that was a mess.

01-31-2013, 08:41 PM
about a month ago I blacked out at a strip club (a few very brief very hazy images remained). I left my friends to go outside, puked in the lobby before somehow making it into a stripper's car where I continued to puke. Friends had to bail me out and pay her $20 as I had no idea why everyone was around me atm. Next thing I remember I was at my friends and he was telling me all about it

silverblk mystix
01-31-2013, 10:02 PM
Top this - in college, after leaving a house party in Lubbock, I ended up getting dropped off at my "house", drunkenly I tried and tried to unlock the door to no avail. I eventually ended up crawling through the doggie door in the back (my house had no doggie door). I woke up on a couch in a house I didn't recognize with a Lubbock police officer standing over me. I got arrested for breaking and entering; all charges eventually got dropped. I was actually two houses down at a the wrong house, and the women woke up and saw me there and immediately called the cops. Shit, that was a mess.

Best one so far...:lmao

01-31-2013, 10:05 PM
sleeping on the pavement, catchn a fkn cold and drunk? gtfo

01-31-2013, 11:43 PM
Top this - in college, after leaving a house party in Lubbock, I ended up getting dropped off at my "house", drunkenly I tried and tried to unlock the door to no avail. I eventually ended up crawling through the doggie door in the back (my house had no doggie door). I woke up on a couch in a house I didn't recognize with a Lubbock police officer standing over me. I got arrested for breaking and entering; all charges eventually got dropped. I was actually two houses down at a the wrong house, and the women woke up and saw me there and immediately called the cops. Shit, that was a mess.
Lol you must be white.

You're lucky she didn't blow your head off coming through the doggy hole. Good story though.

01-31-2013, 11:51 PM
dranked all night on a school day. Essentially pulled an all nighter drinking, had a chemlab in the mornin. Went to class absolutely fucking trashed and my spook TA threatened to kick me out but I kicked HIM out instead,, the manly way.

01-31-2013, 11:54 PM
I dont understand how people blackout and dont remember shit by just drinking alcohol tbh. Ive had friends help me walk home and crash out as soon as I hit the bed but never an incident were I dont remember the previous night tbh.
you're either a pussy drinker or one of those clever stealthy on-the-side beer pourers

George W Bush
02-01-2013, 12:05 AM

02-01-2013, 04:07 AM
Went drinking in Seoul one night and went on a thunder run in Itaewon, Soju only. Passed out at a table in the club after coming back from the bathroom where apparently I had forgotten to put my junk back in pants (my friends have pictures of them and random girls sitting next to me in this exposed state). I came to an hour or so later and followed them to a few more clubs, continuing to drink (none of which I remember), until we all got on the train sometime in the morning to head back North. When we got to the stop we were supposed to get off at, I decided to stay with some guys from another unit who were going farther north to another party town. My friends attempted to drag me back to base but I tried to fight a couple of them so they let me go. (They took more pictures :lol)

I woke up on a bench at the train station in DongDucheon, about two hours north of Seoul, at about 8:30pm. I had lost everything but my mil ID/20,000 won ($20) which I kept in my sock. This included my cell-phone, backpack, camera, hat, jacket, and one shoe.

Unfortunately/fortunately, I have quite a few stories like this so I'm not sure I can qualify it as being the drunkest. I'm pretty sure it's the farthest I've ever traveled while blacked out, however. Oh, and the most shit I've lost/had stolen (still don't know what happened).

Soju is also the liquid form of the devil, fwiw :lol

02-01-2013, 07:32 AM
I got so trashed at a strip club I told the stripper that I could dance for her and she could pay me. I got made fun of for a long time after that. That's probably one of my worst public place occcurences. I've been pretty lucky on that end.

The worst I can remember was in high school at a party at my house. It was a rather small gtg...10ish people...but we had taken all the food out of the fridge and loaded it from top to bottom, front to back with beer. My buddy and I were bored so we decided to play ping pong with our beers on the corner of the table and each time you hit your opponent's bottle he would drink. Let's just say he got good at it pretty damn fast. I only remember two things after that...leaning out the front door puking with my brother holding me up and laying down on the couch spinning while my cousin was fucking his girlfriend in the other room with the door open(she moaning loud as hell).

One of the few nights I said "the prayer."

02-01-2013, 08:44 AM
LOL benefactor............EVERYONE that has been drunk has said the prayer

"Oh god, please help me, please let me feel better....I promise I will never drink again"

......only to get shit faced gain two days later.

02-01-2013, 12:02 PM
My drinking heydays were from 14-20. By the time I was of age, I was already done going balls out.

When I was 15, my brother, our friend and I went to a house party full of older peeps (thats a common story for me). The host of the party, who didnt own the house, was a dude named Glass Bill (because he had a glass eye). Long haired, older hippy type who loved metal music. Always fucking with you mentally one way or the other.

As it were, my brother was dating some chick there and he went off with her. So its just my friend and I in the kitchen with not too much to do in a room full of late 20 and 30 somethings (even 40s as it pertains to Glass Bill). We had two cases of beer between us and without much ado, we decided to drink them all in succession as quickly as possible. Apparently, some of the patrons were paying attention to our exploits, so they started betting on who would pass out first between us. Long story short, we ran out of beer, so we got into shots.

I woke up the next day in the front yard ditch with a party hat on and $100 in my pocket. I won, I guess. I have no recollection of any events beyond standing up to go downstairs were the booze was. My brother tells me that I had some older skeez hanging on me during the latter part of the competition. She was into me, for I-have-no-idea-why as I dont see the attractiveness in a younger male who is clearly obliviously wasted, and was holding my dick at the table while drinking. I kept yelling "if I win, you blow, right here, right now". She agreed, which was a really popular with the crowd. I won (buddy passed out). I stood up, jumped on the table, whipped it out for the whole party to see and so that she didnt even have to kneel, and away she went. I got wobbly (very very drunk), made some incoherent declaration to all, puked all over her, and fell off the table with my pants around my ankles on my back.

She took care of me, washed me up, put a party hat on me and put the $100 pool cut in my pocket.

Never saw her or anyone from that party ever again as my brother broke up with his girlfriend very quickly afterword. This story has been told to me dozens of times by my brother and none of the details change. We joke to one another...when we get drunk, one of us will look at the other and fake puke on our dicks. Its our sign of knowing how far beyond driven we currently are.

02-01-2013, 12:25 PM
21st birthday. I attempted a 21 shot salute and didn't care what I was drinking. I do remember that they were different tasting shots. Positive there was Southern Comfort, Wild Turkey, Jim, Jack and Jose, but then I don't remember much. I woke up outside propped up against my front door along with several of my friends. Apparently we all somehow got locked out of our dormitory. Don't remember shit else about that night.

02-01-2013, 01:13 PM
My drinking heydays were from 14-20. By the time I was of age, I was already done going balls out.

When I was 15, my brother, our friend and I went to a house party full of older peeps (thats a common story for me). The host of the party, who didnt own the house, was a dude named Glass Bill (because he had a glass eye). Long haired, older hippy type who loved metal music. Always fucking with you mentally one way or the other.

As it were, my brother was dating some chick there and he went off with her. So its just my friend and I in the kitchen with not too much to do in a room full of late 20 and 30 somethings (even 40s as it pertains to Glass Bill). We had two cases of beer between us and without much ado, we decided to drink them all in succession as quickly as possible. Apparently, some of the patrons were paying attention to our exploits, so they started betting on who would pass out first between us. Long story short, we ran out of beer, so we got into shots.

I woke up the next day in the front yard ditch with a party hat on and $100 in my pocket. I won, I guess. I have no recollection of any events beyond standing up to go downstairs were the booze was. My brother tells me that I had some older skeez hanging on me during the latter part of the competition. She was into me, for I-have-no-idea-why as I dont see the attractiveness in a younger male who is clearly obliviously wasted, and was holding my dick at the table while drinking. I kept yelling "if I win, you blow, right here, right now". She agreed, which was a really popular with the crowd. I won (buddy passed out). I stood up, jumped on the table, whipped it out for the whole party to see and so that she didnt even have to kneel, and away she went. I got wobbly (very very drunk), made some incoherent declaration to all, puked all over her, and fell off the table with my pants around my ankles on my back.

She took care of me, washed me up, put a party hat on me and put the $100 pool cut in my pocket.

Never saw her or anyone from that party ever again as my brother broke up with his girlfriend very quickly afterword. This story has been told to me dozens of times by my brother and none of the details change. We joke to one another...when we get drunk, one of us will look at the other and fake puke on our dicks. Its our sign of knowing how far beyond driven we currently are.

LOL..............you drunk bastard!!!!!

02-01-2013, 01:21 PM
LOL benefactor............EVERYONE that has been drunk has said the prayer

"Oh god, please help me, please let me feel better....I promise I will never drink again"

......only to get shit faced gain two days later.
I am aware of that...but I've only actually gone as far as doing it a few times...and I have been severly trashed hundreds of times.

DarkReign...that's a great fucking story.

02-01-2013, 01:29 PM
I am aware of that...but I've only actually gone as far as doing it a few times...and I have been severly trashed hundreds of times.

DarkReign...that's a great fucking story.

Ive only said it a handful of times............out of the trashed moments in my day.

02-01-2013, 01:33 PM
DarkReign wins this thread. Tough to see that getting topped.

02-01-2013, 01:36 PM
I am a pretty big guy so I can drink a lot,but there have been a few times.Two years ago it must have been the worst.I was at a beach party and drank so much fucking jack daniels and beers that I simply passed out and woke up in the morning shivering. The last thing I remember was me and my buddy making jack+vodka+beer shots "to get the girls drunk".
Yes,we were THAT retarded.

02-01-2013, 01:41 PM
I went out with a buddy of mine when we were in college and got tore up. He went home drunk and hungry...........threw a pizza in the oven and fell asleep. Needless to say the burned smell is probably still in the house. The biggest fuckup about this whole thing is that he was living at home with his parents when this happened.

02-01-2013, 02:14 PM
Another drunken strip club story to add to the mix. Was out on Mill Street while out at Arizona State drinking at this pool hall. This place was known for their 5 dollar long islands that were all booze. We'd put like five straws in them and chug them as fast as we could, which was a matter of seconds. After an hour or so of this we called a cab and were on the way home. On the way we had the cab drop us off at a strip club cause we could walk back to my house from there. (Had three strip clubs within walking distance from my house, pretty awesome). I continue drinking there and am chatting up this hottie and am pretty proud of myself for not wasting any money on lap dances, plus I think I've got a good shot of taking her home once she gets off work. She works her stripper magic on me and I'm talked into a lap dance, a hundred and fifty dollar private dance. She takes me to the back private rooms and sits me down on the most comfortable lazy boy type chair I've ever sat in. This is right about when all those shotgunned long islands hit me. Next thing I know a bouncer has me by the collar and is leading me out the front door. I passed out in the fucking chair and didn't even get my lap dance. She kept my money too, needless to say that was the last time I've been to a strip club.

02-01-2013, 06:15 PM
Another drunken strip club story to add to the mix. Was out on Mill Street while out at Arizona State drinking at this pool hall. This place was known for their 5 dollar long islands that were all booze. We'd put like five straws in them and chug them as fast as we could, which was a matter of seconds. After an hour or so of this we called a cab and were on the way home. On the way we had the cab drop us off at a strip club cause we could walk back to my house from there. (Had three strip clubs within walking distance from my house, pretty awesome). I continue drinking there and am chatting up this hottie and am pretty proud of myself for not wasting any money on lap dances, plus I think I've got a good shot of taking her home once she gets off work. She works her stripper magic on me and I'm talked into a lap dance, a hundred and fifty dollar private dance. She takes me to the back private rooms and sits me down on the most comfortable lazy boy type chair I've ever sat in. This is right about when all those shotgunned long islands hit me. Next thing I know a bouncer has me by the collar and is leading me out the front door. I passed out in the fucking chair and didn't even get my lap dance. She kept my money too, needless to say that was the last time I've been to a strip club.
She probably fucked you in the ass with a dildo and was surprised you took it like a seasoned champ imo

02-01-2013, 06:28 PM
If you can remember you weren't drunk enough.

02-01-2013, 07:24 PM
She probably fucked you in the ass with a dildo and was surprised you took it like a seasoned champ imo

It's obvious you're still butthurt from me calling you a pussy for asking advice on how to ask a girl out, and its apparent by you constantly following me around trying to rip on me, but come on, if you're going to try and rip me at least be funny or creative. You're making yourself look like a pathetic obsessed unfunny faggot. Have a good weekend young Lincoln, I really hope you don't spend it on here and instead go out into the real world and get some pussy.

02-01-2013, 09:32 PM

02-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Couple of bad nights, I drove home from a place an hour away plastered when I was 19 and didn't get caught or hurt anyone (thankfully), and I also woke up in my full bathtub one morning after drinking last year. Also last year, got hired to first job out of uni, and in the first party we had me and a few other guys from work got plastered and I ended up mouthing off to two clients who were at the party (didn't know who they were) and kicked a whole in the wall by accident (it was at an intern's house the company was paying for) celebrating a beer pong shot... almost ended up gettng fired from first job 2 months after joining which would've probably ruined my career or severely injured it tbh

I need help lol

Also LMAO @ DarkReign, that's a hilarious but good drunk stories... I thought this was a worst story thread :P

02-01-2013, 11:27 PM
You are able to call your friends that same night and that's the drunkest you've been? Shiiiiit man. I've been carried numerous times and plopped on somebody's livingroom floor with a bucket.

KFC bucket? That was how they babysat you as a kid.

02-02-2013, 12:53 AM
My drinking heydays were from 14-20. By the time I was of age, I was already done going balls out.

When I was 15, my brother, our friend and I went to a house party full of older peeps (thats a common story for me). The host of the party, who didnt own the house, was a dude named Glass Bill (because he had a glass eye). Long haired, older hippy type who loved metal music. Always fucking with you mentally one way or the other.

As it were, my brother was dating some chick there and he went off with her. So its just my friend and I in the kitchen with not too much to do in a room full of late 20 and 30 somethings (even 40s as it pertains to Glass Bill). We had two cases of beer between us and without much ado, we decided to drink them all in succession as quickly as possible. Apparently, some of the patrons were paying attention to our exploits, so they started betting on who would pass out first between us. Long story short, we ran out of beer, so we got into shots.

I woke up the next day in the front yard ditch with a party hat on and $100 in my pocket. I won, I guess. I have no recollection of any events beyond standing up to go downstairs were the booze was. My brother tells me that I had some older skeez hanging on me during the latter part of the competition. She was into me, for I-have-no-idea-why as I dont see the attractiveness in a younger male who is clearly obliviously wasted, and was holding my dick at the table while drinking. I kept yelling "if I win, you blow, right here, right now". She agreed, which was a really popular with the crowd. I won (buddy passed out). I stood up, jumped on the table, whipped it out for the whole party to see and so that she didnt even have to kneel, and away she went. I got wobbly (very very drunk), made some incoherent declaration to all, puked all over her, and fell off the table with my pants around my ankles on my back.

She took care of me, washed me up, put a party hat on me and put the $100 pool cut in my pocket.

Never saw her or anyone from that party ever again as my brother broke up with his girlfriend very quickly afterword. This story has been told to me dozens of times by my brother and none of the details change. We joke to one another...when we get drunk, one of us will look at the other and fake puke on our dicks. Its our sign of knowing how far beyond driven we currently are.

Tell these fuckers the Mexico Coke story (cruise?). Remember you posting that way back and being blown away. Can't find the thread

02-02-2013, 02:46 AM
tbh there's so many days/nights to choose from I can basically pick almost any weekend the year I was 21.

I'll say the drunkest I've ever been was one particular day in South Padre where I showed up drunk to the beach and then beer bonged two 4lokos in a row on top of all that. I honestly forgot the whole day but one of my friends said I was so drunk, I'd just walk up to random coolers and steal people's beer right in front of them. He said he was surprised that I didn't start atleast one fight :lol

02-02-2013, 12:10 PM
Tell these fuckers the Mexico Coke story (cruise?). Remember you posting that way back and being blown away. Can't find the thread

Cancun 1998. Double-barrel bong, me and a friend, 18 beers at once (basically 9 each). He blew chunks, I did not.

That was around 10am. 14 hours of heavy drinking on the Booze Cruise later (i only drink beer, really) I Spiderman-ed my way across 8 balconies and 2 floors with that same friend, eluding the Federalis who had just kicked in the door of my buddy's hotel room with roughly a 1/4 lb of weed and and a 1/4 kilo of cocaine all splayed out on the table.

Choked a bus driver that night while he was driving through downtown Cancun at about 50-ish MPH and nearly killed everyone on the bus, luckily was accosted by an English-speaking Federali who understood why.

All in all, the most wild and crazy night of my life bar none. Plenty more went on that day/night, but those were the highlights (minus one).

That one?

02-02-2013, 12:35 PM
That one?


That one, indeed :lol

02-02-2013, 01:19 PM
Some of these sound fake as hell. Like yalls own little made up version of The Hangover tbh. :lol

Trill Clinton
02-02-2013, 01:26 PM
Some of these sound fake as hell. Like yalls own little made up version of The Hangover tbh. :lol

:lol name names

02-02-2013, 02:43 PM
21st birthday. I attempted a 21 shot salute and didn't care what I was drinking. I do remember that they were different tasting shots. Positive there was Southern Comfort, Wild Turkey, Jim, Jack and Jose, but then I don't remember much.

probably several hot loads after that

02-02-2013, 02:51 PM
probably several hot loads after that

I think it is pretty apparent now what you like to think about. Can't have a more gay imagination than that tbh.

02-02-2013, 04:42 PM
Some of these sound fake as hell. Like yalls own little made up version of The Hangover tbh. :lol

:lol name names

Since I think its obvious who youre talking about, I will just say take the stories as you will. Its an internet forum, for the most part, no one knows each other personally.

The Cancun story I was staying at the Oasis, and if youve ever stayed there partying, you would agree that at some point you stood on your balcony and thought "I could totally scale this fucking thing". When the Federalis are carrying AKs and talking about being arrested for possession of large quantities of blow and weed, the "I could" turns immediately into "We are". They burst in, shit is going downhill real fast, I grab my buddy Mike and started inching/pulling him toward the doorwall. Inching, pulling, slowly backing up toward the doorwall. The Fed turned around toward the front door to see, who knows and who gives a shit, and Mike and I threw the doorwall open and climbed up to the next floor balcony, we then jumped from that balcony over to the next, to the next, to the next and then climbed up again. We jumped over a couple more times and pulled the doorwall open. It was 5 American chicks (of course, its Spring Break) all getting ready to go out for the night and we immediately just begged them to stay quiet, please please please dont scream. We are leaving right now, just give us a moment. We peaked out, didnt see any Feds running about, and walked straight to the exit, caught the nearest bus downtown and stayed there. 5 of our friends were arrested, one of them named Rich D broke his ankle trying to follow us out the doorwall. I dont remember him behind us, when I run from the cops, which happened almost daily behind Kroger, I sing in my head oddly enough. Stupid songs most of the time, but memorable ones. It helps me concentrate, I guess, but it blocks out everything else and besides, his tall (very tall, 6'7" at least) gumpy ass wasnt going to be able to keep up anyway. We visited them in jail the next day in downtown Cancun, which is a side of town tourists dont normally see. I was amazed to learn that could drink 40s and smoke cigarettes while in line at the bank and that buses could carry that many humans at one time. Its weird being the only white faces in sight. We caught a ride back from some hot Mexican chick with a big dog, who spoke perfect English until it came time to turn the proper direction. I got spooked immediately and thought the worst. She stopped at a light or some shit, and I got out telling my buddies to do the same. The two of them got out and she looked pissed as she drove away.

02-02-2013, 05:46 PM
Internet liars(or those you find suspicious) are fairly easy to spot. I've never really pegged you as one. Honestly, I've got a friend who work with that is similar to you. He is in his 40's and has told a few stories about how many times he should have died(your getting run over story made me think of him as he was hit by a car too). The way I can tell he isn't lying is that it's never a forced thing. He never goes around just telling the stories to people randomly. I found out because we were hanging out by ourselves one day and I started talking about being lucky to be alive and he opened up a little about it. You could see it in his non-verbals he wasn't bullshitting.

Honestly, it's beyond fucking lame to come on the internet and make a bunch of shit up. Not talking about trolls...that's different...but to say things about your real life that you know good and well aren't true. It's just not in my wiring to do something like that and I can't understand why people do. My stories are nothing like yours and I can say that I'm thankful(no offense, of course)...but I been in enough shit and done enough shit to know that I wish I had a redo on a lot of things. I work with troubled kids and occasionally I'll talk about staring at the back of a police car(was lucky enough to get the DWI charges dropped on a technicality), driving down I-45 hammered with the speedometer pegged drunk off my ass or the brawls I've been in where I could have easily been stabbed or shot. I try to let them know that there is a different way to go. I tell them that I was lucky to not have a criminal record that follows me around today and I tell them about my many friends who weren't so fortunate(got one I send cash to that I'm trying to help get back on his feet who will hopefully get out of state jail this month). I also talk about the ones that I miss very much that are gone because they weren't quite so lucky.

I would encourage you to do the same if the opportunity ever arises. It seems like youth think they become more and more bulletproof with each generation. The need to know that the future is so much longer than the moment they are in.

02-02-2013, 11:18 PM
At stp concert in s.a. ,drank all day and all night .got in a fight with wife and drove home 50 miles to martindale.im an asshole.ftw....ran into a fence .cow staring at me but had two fortys left .ftw

02-02-2013, 11:19 PM
By the way I'm calling bs on tucker max remembering detail after detail on his stories.

02-05-2013, 02:17 PM
Internet liars(or those you find suspicious) are fairly easy to spot. I've never really pegged you as one. Honestly, I've got a friend who work with that is similar to you. He is in his 40's and has told a few stories about how many times he should have died(your getting run over story made me think of him as he was hit by a car too). The way I can tell he isn't lying is that it's never a forced thing. He never goes around just telling the stories to people randomly. I found out because we were hanging out by ourselves one day and I started talking about being lucky to be alive and he opened up a little about it. You could see it in his non-verbals he wasn't bullshitting.

Honestly, it's beyond fucking lame to come on the internet and make a bunch of shit up. Not talking about trolls...that's different...but to say things about your real life that you know good and well aren't true. It's just not in my wiring to do something like that and I can't understand why people do. My stories are nothing like yours and I can say that I'm thankful(no offense, of course)...but I been in enough shit and done enough shit to know that I wish I had a redo on a lot of things. I work with troubled kids and occasionally I'll talk about staring at the back of a police car(was lucky enough to get the DWI charges dropped on a technicality), driving down I-45 hammered with the speedometer pegged drunk off my ass or the brawls I've been in where I could have easily been stabbed or shot. I try to let them know that there is a different way to go. I tell them that I was lucky to not have a criminal record that follows me around today and I tell them about my many friends who weren't so fortunate(got one I send cash to that I'm trying to help get back on his feet who will hopefully get out of state jail this month). I also talk about the ones that I miss very much that are gone because they weren't quite so lucky.

I would encourage you to do the same if the opportunity ever arises. It seems like youth think they become more and more bulletproof with each generation. The need to know that the future is so much longer than the moment they are in.

Thats actually really cool that you work with troubled kids. That lifestyle, especially so young, is a terrible decision. I am beyond any measure or meaning of lucky you could come up with in that a) I am not dead (bonus!) and that b) I am really successful. Most of those people I used to roll with arent nearly as lucky. Theyre not degenerates or anything, but theyre...not anywhere near where they wanted to be, I'll leave it at that.

I have thought about deleting that last long post. Doesnt seem to really add anything to what should have been an entertaining thread. Dont know why I felt compelled to explain myself. Little bit of regret even knowing its out there. The only other time I typed a personal story that long was a while back and in direct conversation with DLF. Yeah. Decided.


Viva Las Espuelas
02-07-2013, 12:04 AM
It was quite a few years back, on my birthday. It's started after work with a few friends and it was just beer drinking. Then a buddy showed up and started with the shots. Don't remember too much after that. We were at a place that we went to quite regularly because the happy hour prices were good. I woke up on my couch the next morning with this banging on my door. I woke up and my head was killing me. My buddy was at the door with breakfast for me. I asked what happened and his face just got red. Apparently, when I was in the pisser I decided to do some interior decorating. He said I was just talking then all of the sudden I ripped one of those frames that cover half the wall, with all those locals ads, and threw it in a stall. Then I proceeded to stomp it into little pieces and rip a soap machine off the wall. I was quickly escorted out of the place by my buds and thrown safely on my couch.

To this day, I tell my friends that witnessed this that they're lying. I'm not a violent person whatsoever and can't believe I did what they told me.

02-07-2013, 12:15 AM
I will never forget...........

I was about 22-23, and I was out with a group of my buddies....about 4-5 of us. We drank our arses off, and two days later when I could think and talk, I called my boy and said "Thanks for the ride dog, I was so busted up and would have never made it home" He said "WTF are you talkin bout nigga?, you drove us all home"

DAMN!!!! :depressed

i'm pretty sure you were more drunk on the day you decided to go to utsa

02-07-2013, 09:04 AM
i'm pretty sure you were more drunk on the day you decided to go to utsa

Stench, Stench, Stench............ :rolleyes You must be the drunkest you have ever been to post this stupid shit.