View Full Version : Thunder: LOL OKC.... METH

02-13-2013, 06:37 PM
There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about having to take a bathroom break in a porta-potty. They smell, they're dirty and you're either usually super hot or super cold while inside of one.

But a porta-potty meth lab on a golf course? That isn't a thing, right?!

Wrong. In Oklahoma, investigators found a mini meth lab inside a porta-potty in the middle of a golf course, which has to be the weirdest/most creative meth lab in history.
Via the KFOR report ...

"Under cover drug agents defuse a mini meth lab found inside a porta-potty in the middle of a golf course Tuesday in Purcell. Staffers noticed strange sports drink bottles with chemicals inside the porta-potty and called police.

Officers arrived and soon realized someone had been inside making meth using the “shake and bake” method."

While Walter White wouldn't exactly approve, apparently this is a real thing, and the video below gives you the details.


02-13-2013, 06:38 PM
:lmao Methlahoma

02-13-2013, 06:47 PM
F'n Okies... :lol

02-13-2013, 07:08 PM

02-14-2013, 04:21 AM

02-14-2013, 05:50 AM
The f*ck?

02-14-2013, 06:25 AM
I guess the makers weren't looking to be subtle

02-14-2013, 07:20 AM
I'd like to come in here and say doing meth is cool, but it's not. A dearly departed friend used to regale me with tales of how it affected his life in a bad way during his youth. And later in life he came to meet a group of fellows who never roll alone because they wanted him to Walter them up a fix. Let us never forget.

02-15-2013, 01:37 AM
I guess the makers weren't looking to be subtle

Its "Loud City" but not vs the Heat. Looks like the Thunder may of been using after that game.

Floyd Pacquiao
02-15-2013, 02:03 AM
I was 13, living in a new city (from a smaller town) and in junior high ready for high school. I met a group of "ravers" as they called themselves and I was instantly accepted among their crowd where as in most other cliques, I was looked down apart for my shy nature and quick answers. I started hanging out with them, my mom worked nights, so i had a life to myself without any supervision. They invited me to my very first rave where I fell in love with everything bass and electronic. I first tried E. First time, nothing, second time had a blast, third time, I had a "bad trip" and could never force myself to do it again from fear. A few months later, my friend asked me if I wanted to try meth. She said "You don't feel anything really, just really energetic and alive"... i thought.. why not? That night, my aunt was wanting to check out a rave (she was fairly young also) so she agreed to drive us to that nights rave aka Transformers 3. The night where I thought my life really began. We went to pick up my friend from her house where I ran up to her room and there she had a CD with a few small white shinney lines. I remember how it sparkled almost like fallen snow on the ground. I was scared to do it in front of her so she even turned around while I took my first line. Boom. I was in love. I was on a euphoria rush of a lifetime and nothing could stop me. Little did I know, this would become the most dreading years of my life to come. That time turned into the next, the next into another next and before I knew it, I was no longer getting it free and was told I could buy my own. I started off with buying a few "points" for real cheap and easy access. This would be enough to keep me going for 1-2 days at a time. I quickly desired more more more. My few points within a month or so turned into half grams, then grams, then games (I think 3 1/2 grams). Before I knew it, I was in grade 10 and fading away. I was less then 100lbs, my teeth were starting to decay and I hardly slept. I'd be awake for 2 weeks at a time and then crash for a good 3 days or so. My school work suffered and I soon found myself being forced to live with my grandparents. Resentment took hold and i went wild. I spent more on my addiction, carelessly going through each day barely living and almost at the brink of death. I didn't care. I could care less. i was alive. I was full of life. or so I thought. life started to unravel and things began to be out of control. I dropped out of school, got a job, and quickly found myself going through them every couple of months. Times I was caught stealing money from work, family and friends tore me apart. I still didn't want to stop. I found what I was looking for and nothing was going to take it away. Then it came. My first overdose at 22 years old. Everything faded to black, I could hear everything around me as they talked, but for some reason, the words I had formed in my head wouldn't come out. There was a lot of yelling, a lot of crying. I can remember almost everything. I dont' remember being brought into emergency nor do I remember how long I was out for. What I do remember is when I awoke. I had been sleeping for nearly a month! They told me I had slipped into a drug induced coma, and was nearly lost. My heart stopped for minutes and was almost a lost cause until the meter started going again showing signs of life. They said the amoung of meth in my body could have killed 2 horses put together and I was lucky to be alive. That was it. That was my turning point. People offered rehab, meetings, etc. but I couldn't be bothered. I had to do this on my own. I am now almost 25 years old this January, and have been sobre for almost 3 years this March. It's been a battle of a lifetime. I still get random scents that remind me of meth. Even cut grass reminds me somethimes of the odor meth had. The glints of fallen snow remind of the lines. Writing poetry and all I did before I met the demon and during reminded me of the meth and for a good year or so I couldn't pick up a pen. It's been the hardest few years of my life, yet I feel I gained a life. I still act very immature and have a lot of growing up to do. Meth robbed me of almost everything I should have had at such a young age. I miss it sometimes. I don't know if that will ever go away. I can only pray to God that he will heal these wounds, soothe the pain, and erase the hurt.


02-15-2013, 02:48 AM
Only in Oklahoma.

02-15-2013, 05:37 AM
Fail classless and sophmoric thread.

All of these :lol :lol :lol "sterotypical" threads every time a team loses a game are just idiotic. Reminds me of something I would see on the ESPN mesage boards tbh.