View Full Version : Hamilton disses DFW; says it's not a "true baseball town"

02-19-2013, 12:26 AM

SURPRISE, Ariz. -- Josh Hamilton caused a minor stir when he gave an interview to a Dallas television station and said that the Dallas-Fort Worth area is not a "true" baseball town.

Hamilton told KTVT Channel 11 that, "It's one of those things where Texas, especially Dallas, has always been a football town. So the good with the bad is they're supportive, but they also got a little spoiled, at the same time, pretty quickly. You can understand like a really true, true baseball town -- and there are true baseball fans in Texas -- but it's not a true baseball town."

Hamilton elaborated on his comments to Angels reporters after Monday's workout.

"I told them on camera -- I said there's true baseball fans and then there's others that's not," Hamilton said. "I said the ones that are true baseball fans won't boo when I come back, and the ones that are not, will. :cryIt's just like last year, when I got booed after going 2-for-4 in a game, driving in a couple runs, and I struck out the other two times.:cry You understand the Yankees, Boston, Cubs, Phillies -- baseball towns. If they were doing that, that's one thing.

"It's not saying I don't still appreciate them, and thank you for cheering for me and all that. But reality's reality. I think I've always spoken the truth in what I said and not beat around the bush. But I loved my time there."

The Rangers, when informed of Hamilton's comments, did not get too worked up over what he said.

"There were 3.5 million fans that came through the turnstiles," manager Ron Washington said. "That answers it right there, but I have no comment on Josh's comment."

"We've had an absolutely electric environment to where I think visiting teams coming to play us in Arlington probably view it as hostile a place as there is in baseball, and that definitely plays to our advantage," outfielder David Murphy said. "I definitely love the way that the fans have come out and supported us. The last few summers have been extremely hot. It's going to be tough for me to come watch a baseball game when it's 110 degrees out or 105 degrees out. I really appreciate the way they've supported us, especially through all the heat."

The Rangers play the Angels in their home opener on April 5 at the Ballpark in Arlington.

Hamilton trolling again :lol For a God-fearing Christian man he sure talks a lot of shit

02-19-2013, 12:49 AM
There's some truth to what he said. It's true that the Cowboys will always be #1 in DFW. It's true that the Rangers bandwagon picked up some passengers as they won two pennants and made a Wild Card appearance after years of doing jack shit. It's bad form to say it, though, and it came across as a shot against the fanbase. If this were a "real" baseball town, he would have gotten booed more for checking out the way he did. Does he really think fans in a "real" baseball town like New York, Boston, Detroit or Chicago wouldn't have given him hell for the way he quit down the stretch last year?

If anything he bought himself quite a bit of goodwill here with his Jesus routine. That won't go as far with his new team. Church attendance isn't nearly as high in Southern California as it is in North Texas. Next time he gets drunk and bangs some chick in a bar that's not his wife, hiding behind a Bible won't help him.

02-19-2013, 01:49 AM
Why are people wanting to crucify Josh? He basically told the truth. How many of those 3.5 million were Rangers fans before 2010? Be honest now. There have been a lot of bandwagon fans in the last 3 seasons. Dallas is a football town. The Cowboys can be the worst team in the NFL and they're still the most popular team in Dallas. The Mavs and Stars have won championships and have had more success in the last 15 years than the Cowboys but the Cowboys still get more respect and attention. It's just the way it is.

02-19-2013, 06:43 AM
Josh is a punk ass bitch.

02-19-2013, 11:26 AM
tbh there was nothing wrong with what he said until the :cry the real fans will cheer me the fake ones will boo me :cry comment which continues to prove that he's mentally fragile.

:lol it's not like Angel fans are any different. They weren't really known to pack the stadium prior to 2002 and LA is always known as a Dodger town. Anyway, there's only a few true baseball towns. (Boston, St Louis, New York, Chicago)

02-19-2013, 11:56 AM
He blasted a 2 run homer in extra innings that shoulda given the Rangers a WS title before Washington fucked it up by trotting out that old fuck who's name I can't remember.

02-19-2013, 12:22 PM
Everything he said is true but the fact that he still feels the need to talk shit shows how butthurt he is. You'd think he'd be over it by now. And he's retarded to think he's done nothing to deserve boos from Ranger fans. He deserved boos even if he would have re-signed.

02-19-2013, 12:23 PM
He blasted a 2 run homer in extra innings that shoulda given the Rangers a WS title before Washington fucked it up by trotting out that old fuck who's name I can't remember.

Darren Oliver, that asshole's fucked the Ranger franchise since 96.

02-19-2013, 12:50 PM
He blasted a 2 run homer in extra innings that shoulda given the Rangers a WS title before Washington fucked it up by trotting out that old fuck who's name I can't remember.


makes me sick everytime i think about that

so many blown opportunities in that game... im about to barf :vomit:

02-19-2013, 01:09 PM
Everything he said is true but the fact that he still feels the need to talk shit shows how butthurt he is. You'd think he'd be over it by now. And he's retarded to think he's done nothing to deserve boos from Ranger fans. He deserved boos even if he would have re-signed.
Horrible form.
Needs to shut his piehole and enjoy his multimillions.
Money can't buy you love. :rolleyes

02-19-2013, 02:55 PM
Good luck Anaheim , dealing with high maintence Josh.

Axe Murderer
02-19-2013, 05:10 PM
Needs to shut his piehole and enjoy his multimillions.

This. I'll never understand how guys who play a game for millions of dollars even worry about such trivial things about whether or not they'll get boo'ed by an opponent's fan base.

02-19-2013, 07:53 PM
Dude just needs to get over it already. He already gave TX the middle finger by signing with the Angels, does any more talk even matter? Just like a scorned ex-lover who is gonna trash you until you tell her you still care. STFU

02-19-2013, 07:54 PM
LA can have him - he's an overrated diva who's not worth the money. I saw stats recently where if you take out his April and May stats from last season, he had very below-average season.

02-19-2013, 09:06 PM
LA can have him - he's an overrated diva who's not worth the money. I saw stats recently where if you take out his April and May stats from last season, he had very below-average season.

Still one of the top 5 position players in the game, but yes, when he's in a slump, it's beyond awful.

:lol My favorite Hamilton quote was the "God told me I was gonna hit a home run" in game 6 of the 2011 World Series. Even though the Cardinals came back to win the game. God must be some crazy masochistic asshole to get his hopes up like that.

02-19-2013, 10:51 PM
He blasted a 2 run homer in extra innings that shoulda given the Rangers a WS title before Washington fucked it up by trotting out that old fuck who's name I can't remember.
:bang :cry

Latarian Milton
02-20-2013, 12:38 AM
there's a reason cowboys are the 2nd most valuable sports team in the world imho. josh was right that DFW is not much of a baseball town and the rangers are at best the #3 sports team in DFW, next to cowboys and mavs, but where else do you expect them to rank when their best player is such a douchebag like him?

02-23-2013, 03:01 PM
Josh is speaking the truth.

03-04-2013, 11:26 AM
He blasted a 2 run homer in extra innings that shoulda given the Rangers a WS title before Washington fucked it up by trotting out that old fuck who's name I can't remember.

Oliver...That piece of shit.