View Full Version : All military on ST

02-25-2013, 07:58 AM
Any news on the sequestr8'n? Any things that are affecting your job?

I was recently in a meeting with the ones on the Dark side (O's) and they were told to reread Gen. MacArthur's West Point speech (http://www.nationalcenter.org/MacArthurFarewell.html).

Also alot of training has been cancelled due to no gasoline (Not OPSEC-in Army Times).

I'm the CFNCO and my civilian counterpart said they are going to work four days instead of five but they were taking a 20% pay cut. Since they get paid probably 150% more what we do, no one felt too bad.

02-25-2013, 08:45 AM
A lot of the same stuff here SnC. Civilians taking friday furloughs, not a lot of TDYs projected etc etc. Thankfully, being part of AFNIC now, they have a good amount of funding for training, and it's at a local facility. I'll be able to take some continuing education for my security+ (and some prep classes for CISSP). I don't think it will affect us rank and file enlisted folks too much. It's the big projects that are going to be hit.

02-25-2013, 10:18 AM
Seems like the extreme fringe teg bag sucking Repugs are ready to cut EVEN the military to satisfy their BLIND IDEOLOGICAL fuck-the-govt/fuck-the-economy/fuck-the-47%/scorched-earth austerity obsession.

Budget Impasse Signals a Shift in G.O.P.'s Focus

That reality also underscores what Republicans, and some Democrats, say was a major miscalculation on the part of President Obama. He agreed to set up the automatic cuts 18 months ago because he believed the threat of sharp reductions in military spending would be enough to force Republicans to agree to a deficit reduction plan that included the tax increases he favored.

"Fiscal questions trump defense in a way they never would have after 9/11," said Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma. "But the war in Iraq is over. Troops are coming home from Afghanistan, and we want to secure the cuts."
