View Full Version : Lena Dunham cracks Jewish jokes Last Updated: 11:08 AM, March 1, 2013 Posted: 12:35 A

03-04-2013, 09:02 PM
Lena Dunham cracks Jewish jokes
Last Updated: 11:08 AM, March 1, 2013
Posted: 12:35 AM, March 1, 2013
“Girls” creator Lena Dunham cracked jokes at the Jewish Museum’s Purim Ball at the Park Avenue Armory on Wednesday night. She warned the crowd to not tweet jokes from her monologue and “get her in trouble.” Dunham told the audience of nearly 1,000 guests that her mother is Jewish but her father is a gentile. “The Jews don’t care who your dad is, unless he’s on the board of a major hospital,” she joked, inciting laughter from guests including Caroline Kennedy (whose husband, Edwin Schlossberg, is Jewish) and Scott Stringer’s press secretary Audrey Gelman, a close friend of Dunham who also stars on HBO’s “Girls.” Dunham then went into her own expletive-filled rendition of the story of Purim in the voice of the 6-year-old Eloise from the famed children’s books. “Most of my friends are Jewish, even the Korean ones,” Dunham explained. She also declared, “Sleepaway camp is child abuse” but professed her deep love for chocolate gelt and “Gene Wilder hair.” Guests dressed in masks and costume to celebrate the holiday.

Lena Dunham