View Full Version : Manu Website

07-05-2005, 02:59 PM
Seeing how this is the offseason, and there really isn't much to talk about...

This is from Manu's official website where you can send him messages and he responds.

alicia, 26, american, long brown hair, 120pounds only 5'5 (but i like high heels) live in seattle washington currently, travelled extensively
just curious?

mavericks/spurs game on now, you are very talented

Manu replies:
Take a look at PICTURES in the website and you'll answer yourself!

Male, 6'6', 205 pounds, skinny, brown eyes, black hair and really, really, really, really, ridicolously good looking! (just a line from zoolander, sorry)

:lmao I'm starting to really like Manu. Check out some more of the messages:

07-05-2005, 03:03 PM
:d :d :d

07-05-2005, 03:41 PM
I visit that website sometimes, mostly to check if he had answered any of the messeges. It's a very good site imo.

07-05-2005, 03:43 PM
I visit that website sometimes, mostly to check if he had answered any of the messeges. It's a very good site imo.
Yea, it is. I just recently found it. It's nice that he replies to most of the messages, etc. It's fun to read and get some superficial insights on Manu the Person. Like he loves Lord of the Rings, he doesn't believe in V-DAY (thinks its just an excuse to spend more money), and unfortunately he likes his hair long and isn't planning on cutting it anytime soon.

07-05-2005, 03:44 PM
...not that I plan on stalking him or anything :oops

Man In Black
07-05-2005, 05:23 PM
I have his home address, it's amazing what you can find when you know where to look.

Obi wan Ginobili
07-05-2005, 05:25 PM

07-05-2005, 05:45 PM
How much longer will he be able to that? Seems to me he may just want to turn everything off after his tour of Argentina with the NBA. WHat I wish he and Duncan would do is have a foundation where fans can send things in and have them autographed for a fee, Nolan Ryan does tis and it's for a good cause. This way, no one would need Manu's home address. That IS scary...

07-05-2005, 08:30 PM
Manu doesn't reply that often, when he does, he replies to many people, in english and spanish. He has a lot of messages from fans from all over the world.

I think it's good that he gives back a little time to the fans and listens to what they have to say, and replies to messages every once in a while. I doubt that he will reply to a lot of them this summer, he needs a lot of rest, and he said he's gonan enjoy his summer and just take his mind off basketball.

Manu has replied to like 5 of my messages, but you have to be patient. Yeah he replied to like 5 of mine, buy I've sent around 50, so you just have to be lucky.

07-05-2005, 08:51 PM
He answered three of mine and one of the best quotes from him when someone asked him last season if it was really him replying to the threads was

My agent?? heheeh i wish he could read this!! no way in the world that my agent would be awake at 1am answering messages!! that's only me!! (lol) :lol

07-05-2005, 09:26 PM
I was there for a bit, and was extremely annoyed by the Manu propoganda spewed forth from that place. I mean, I understand being a fan of someone, but to the point where you cannot hold an intelligent conversation without someone saying "but Pop is the worst coach in the NBA because he benched Manu and Parker doesn't pass him the ball enough" really, really wears on you after a while.

07-05-2005, 10:49 PM
Manu has replied to a few of my messages but I don't chat on his message boards.