View Full Version : 253,000 US Guns Smuggled to Mexico Annually

03-19-2013, 11:39 AM
Some 2.2 percent of all U.S. gun sales are made to smuggling rings that take firearms to Mexico, a scale of illegal trafficking that’s “much higher than widely assumed,” an academic study released Monday found.

An average of 253,000 weapons purchased in the United States head south of the border each year, according to the study by four scholars at the University of San Diego’s Trans-Border Institute and the Igarape Institute, a research center in
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Profit margins at many gun stores are razor thin, and thousands of U.S. gun vendors would go out of business without the illicit traffic to Mexico,


And you suckered, ignorant gun fellators wanted to impeach Barry for Fast and Furious? :lol

Self defense? :lol

water the tree? :lol

2nd Amendment? :lol

Don't Tread on me? :lol

It's All About the Benjamins!

Marans! :lol

03-19-2013, 11:57 AM
The traffic is reflected in the disproportionately high number of federally licensed firearms dealers along the U.S. side of the border, said Robert Muggah, another of the four scholars. Of the 51,300 retail gun shops in the United States that hold federal licenses, some 6,700 of them are concentrated in the four U.S. states that border Mexico, Muggah said. On average, there are more than three gun dealers for every mile of the 1,970-mile border between the countries.

The scholars said their study was the first “empirically robust” effort to “estimate the total flow of arms” heading south from the United States. The authors said they’d determined the likely traffic to Mexico by a complex statistical formula that measured how close a federally licensed dealer was to the Mexican border, then factored out likely local legal demand, based on population and income.

In other words, they just pulled a number out of their ass.

03-19-2013, 12:05 PM
In other words, they just pulled a number out of their ass.

... which where your head resides.

03-19-2013, 12:09 PM
U.S. Is Arms Bazaar for Mexican Cartels

Mexican authorities have long complained that American gun dealers are arming the cartels. This case is the most prominent prosecution of an American gun dealer since the United States promised Mexico (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/mexico/index.html?inline=nyt-geo) two years ago it would clamp down on the smuggling of weapons across the border. It also offers a rare glimpse of how weapons delivered to American gun dealers are being moved into Mexico and wielded in horrific crimes.

“We had a direct pipeline from Iknadosian to the Sinaloa cartel,” said Thomas G. Mangan, a spokesman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/b/bureau_of_alcohol_tobacco_and_firearms/index.html?inline=nyt-org) in Phoenix.

Drug gangs seek out guns in the United States because the gun-control laws are far tougher in Mexico. Mexican civilians must get approval from the military to buy guns and they cannot own large-caliber rifles or high-powered pistols, which
are considered military weapons.

The ease with which Mr. Iknadosian and two other men transported weapons to Mexico over a two-year period illustrates just how difficult it is to stop the illicit trade, law enforcement officials here say.

The gun laws in the United States allow the sale of multiple military-style rifles to American citizens without reporting the sales to the government, and the Mexicans search relatively few cars and trucks going south across their border.

What is more, the sheer volume of licensed dealers — more than 6,600 along the border alone, many of them operating out of their houses — makes policing them a tall order. Currently the A.T.F. has about 200 agents assigned to the task.


6600 gun "dealers" near the border!!

as they say:

Location! Location! Location!


6600 gun dealers have their heads better situated that CC's

Wild Cobra
03-19-2013, 12:09 PM
Shazbot, don't blame the gun dealers. Homeland security is buying 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. I'll bet they are following those guns. You can probably thank president Obombalot.

03-19-2013, 12:11 PM
Not only did they pull a number out of their ass, it stinks to high heavens.

Just simple math blows their "complicated formula" all to hell.

Based on the 2010 census the combined population of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas is 72,739,429 out of a total 50 state population of 313,281,717, or 23.21% of the total US population.

Based on the articles numbers that there are 6700 gun dealers in the same 4 states and 51,700 gun dealers in the US, those 4 border states account for only 13.06% of the gun dealers in the US.

Just more of the typical stinky crap boutox vomits out in here.

03-19-2013, 12:17 PM
Apparently Boushit isn't very good at math. The 4 border states in question have 23.21% of the US population and only 13.06% of the US gun dealers.

03-19-2013, 12:23 PM
Apparently, CC is just another right-winger who never met a fact he wouldn't deny.

03-19-2013, 12:24 PM
Apparently, CC is just another right-winger who never met a fact he wouldn't deny.

Do the math, shit for brains.

03-19-2013, 12:31 PM
you DENY the fact that the 6600 dealers are NEAR THE US BORDER, which is exactly NOT WHERE THE VAST MAJORITY of those ENTIRE STATES LIVES.

your math is perverted, as is your denial.

03-19-2013, 12:39 PM
you DENY the fact that the 6600 dealers are NEAR THE US BORDER, which is exactly NOT WHERE THE VAST MAJORITY of those ENTIRE STATES LIVES.

your math is perverted, as is your denial.

No they aren't shit for brains. Read your own damn article. That is the total gun dealers in the 4 states.

03-19-2013, 12:45 PM
I even clipped the quote from the article for you in post #2. You really ARE a dumb motherfucker.

Wild Cobra
03-19-2013, 01:00 PM
I think we sould just conclude that there is more to Fast and Furious than we know about.

Again... 1.6 billion rounds of ammo...

03-19-2013, 01:05 PM
Fuck Mexico, when they stop smuggling drugs we will stop smuggling guns

03-19-2013, 01:09 PM
lol truthout
lol propoganda
lol boutons

03-19-2013, 01:12 PM
that's some shitty border patrol imo

03-19-2013, 01:38 PM
lol truthout
lol propoganda
lol boutons

No shit. This one was even worse than the normal shit boo drags in here. He ran like a scared little bitch when I started to debunk it.

03-20-2013, 07:29 AM
just what we need, another 'gun fellator' thread

03-20-2013, 09:47 AM
gun fellators!

what is your estimate of guns smuggled over the southern border? I'm sure NRA says their beloved dealers NEVER sell to straw buyers and always do thorough b/g checks.

03-20-2013, 09:52 AM
lol goal post move
lol truthout fellator

03-20-2013, 10:29 AM
TB :lol

so you don't have a answer?

03-20-2013, 10:45 AM
TB :lol

so you don't have a answer?

You post another shitty, no content blog.....get bitch slapped for it...and now you're crying to me for help?
Fucking pathetic.:lmao

03-20-2013, 11:21 AM
You post another shitty, no content blog.....get bitch slapped for it...and now you're crying to me for help?
Fucking pathetic.:lmao

the claim is US dealers selling 250K guns. your response is :lol

03-20-2013, 11:23 AM
You post another shitty, no content blog.....get bitch slapped for it...and now you're crying to me for help?
Fucking pathetic.:lmao


03-20-2013, 11:25 AM
Of course some guns cross the border. We have open borders with Mexico. If Mexico wants to close the border to prevent guns from crossing they are free to do so.

03-20-2013, 12:04 PM
Of course some guns cross the border. We have open borders with Mexico. If Mexico wants to close the border to prevent guns from crossing they are free to do so.

some? not good enough

250K claimed is not "some"

It's a huge business financing dealers and private sellers.

03-20-2013, 12:34 PM
250K a year has been totally debunked as more partisan bullshit.

03-20-2013, 12:36 PM
Hell, there aren't even 250,000 cartel members.

03-20-2013, 12:59 PM
Hell, there aren't even 250,000 cartel members.

estimate that US gun fellators own an avg of 9 guns, do you think cartel members and others own only one gun per?

03-20-2013, 09:51 PM
Apparently Boushit isn't very good at math. The 4 border states in question have 23.21% of the US population and only 13.06% of the US gun dealers.

Boushit is anti american and a Obama lover. His messiasah can do no wrong.

03-20-2013, 09:53 PM
I think we sould just conclude that there is more to Fast and Furious than we know about.

Again... 1.6 billion rounds of ammo...

Obama would of just pardoned Holder.

03-21-2013, 06:42 AM
250K a year has been totally debunked as more partisan bullshit.

you and TB :lol haven't debunked anything other than in your own fantasies.

03-21-2013, 06:42 AM
just what we need, another 'gun fellator' thread

Y'all gun fellators can't get too much of a good thang

03-21-2013, 06:48 AM
Of course some guns cross the border. We have open borders with Mexico. If Mexico wants to close the border to prevent guns from crossing they are free to do so.

MX govt has said many times that most of the gun crimes in MX are with US-sourced guns.


A study from the Igarape Institute and the University of San Diego investigated the increase in gun violence in Mexico since 2006. The authors’ concluded that recent federal government regulations on arms trade has been “largely ineffective.”

Firearms can be purchased in the United States legally, but end up crossing into Mexico illegally. The number of arms smuggled has increased since the late 1990′s and is shown in the study.

Here are some key findings in the study:

The percentage of firearms in the U.S. that end up in Mexico is estimated at 2.2 percent. In 1993, that number was at 1.75 percent.

The number of firearms crossing into Mexico was at 235,000 a year from 2010 to 2012. From 1997 to 1999 when the federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was in place, the number was at 88,000 a year.

Based on the quantity of U.S. firearms in Mexico, revenue in 2010-2012 would equate to $127.2 million for manufacturers. The 1997-1999 time frame equates to $32 million in revenue.

According to a 2009 reports, 14.7 percent of smuggled firearms are seized by authorities. Of that percentage, Mexican authorities are responsible for 12.7 percent and U.S. authorities are responsible for 2 percent of firearms seized.


So MX "seizing" smuggled firearms says there's no "open carry" guns business with MX. And if there were "open carry" across the border, why is there so much gun smuggling?

03-21-2013, 07:19 AM
MX govt has said many times that most of the gun crimes in MX are with US-sourced guns.


A study from the Igarape Institute and the University of San Diego investigated the increase in gun violence in Mexico since 2006. The authors’ concluded that recent federal government regulations on arms trade has been “largely ineffective.”

Firearms can be purchased in the United States legally, but end up crossing into Mexico illegally. The number of arms smuggled has increased since the late 1990′s and is shown in the study.

Here are some key findings in the study:

The percentage of firearms in the U.S. that end up in Mexico is estimated at 2.2 percent. In 1993, that number was at 1.75 percent.

The number of firearms crossing into Mexico was at 235,000 a year from 2010 to 2012. From 1997 to 1999 when the federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was in place, the number was at 88,000 a year.

Based on the quantity of U.S. firearms in Mexico, revenue in 2010-2012 would equate to $127.2 million for manufacturers. The 1997-1999 time frame equates to $32 million in revenue.

According to a 2009 reports, 14.7 percent of smuggled firearms are seized by authorities. Of that percentage, Mexican authorities are responsible for 12.7 percent and U.S. authorities are responsible for 2 percent of firearms seized.


So MX "seizing" smuggled firearms says there's no "open carry" guns business with MX. And if there were "open carry" across the border, why is there so much gun smuggling?

Igarape Institute :lmao

Alternet :lmao

Boutons :lmao

03-21-2013, 07:22 AM
MX govt has said many times that most of the gun crimes in MX are with US-sourced guns.

It has always been the corrupt Mexican governments position that all their cartel problems are the fault of the US.

03-21-2013, 07:28 AM
It has always been the corrupt Mexican governments position that all their cartel problems are the fault of the US.

the MX drug violence is almost 100% due to the US market for illegal drugs, and due to the corrupt US govt's corrupt War on Drugs.

03-21-2013, 07:33 AM
The cartels are also heavily into human smuggling, tolls for safe passage, and kidnap for ransom.

Plus they own the Mexican government.

03-21-2013, 07:56 AM
you and TB :lol haven't debunked anything other than in your own fantasies.

Why do we need to? Your moonbat blog feed is doing that nicely. lol ingarape. http://homerecording.com/bbs/images/smilies/facepalm.gif

03-21-2013, 08:01 AM

03-21-2013, 08:23 AM
Why do we need to? Your moonbat blog feed is doing that nicely. lol ingarape. http://homerecording.com/bbs/images/smilies/facepalm.gif

show your own opposing numbers, or cordially STFU

03-21-2013, 08:27 AM
Mexicans have a constitutional right to own firearms,[1] but legal purchase from the single Mexican gun shop in Mexico City, controlled by the Army, is extremely difficult.[2] "According to [U.S.] Justice Department figures, in the past five years 94,000 weapons have been recovered from Mexican drug cartels, of which 64,000 -- 70 percent -- come from the United States."[3] Once guns are obtained at gunshops in the United States, they are then smuggled into Mexico across the US-Mexico border.[4][5] In other cases the guns are obtained through Guatemalan borders[6] or stolen from the police or military.[7] Consequently, black market firearms are widely available. Many firearms are acquired in the U.S. by women with no criminal history, who transfer their purchases to smugglers through relatives, boyfriends and acquaintances and then smuggled to Mexico a few at a time.[8] The most common smuggled firearms include AR-15 and AK-47 type rifles, and FN 5.7 caliber semi-automatic pistols. Many firearms are purchased in the United States in a semi-automatic configuration before being converted to fire as select fire machine guns.[9] Mexico seized in 2009 a combined total of more than 4,400 firearms of the AK-47 and AR-15 type, and 30% of AK-47 type rifles seized have been modified to select fire weapons, effectively creating assault rifles.[10]

Also, there are multiple reports of grenade launchers being used against security forces,[11] and at least twelve M4 Carbines with M203 grenade launchers have been confiscated.[12] It was believed that some of these high powered weapons and related accessories may have been stolen from U.S. military bases.[13][14] However, most U.S. military grade weapons such as grenades and light anti-tank rockets are acquired by the cartels through the huge supply of arms left over from the wars in Central America and Asia. It has been reported that there have been 150,000 desertions from the Mexican army during 2003 to 2009. Stated another way, about one-eighth of the Mexican army deserts annually.[15] Many of these deserters take their government-issued automatic rifles with them while leaving. Some of those weapons originate from the USA.[16]


03-21-2013, 08:34 AM
show your own opposing numbers, or cordially STFU
I'll admit I really don't have a number. But neither do your moonbat blogs.
Familiar with the term "sample size"? Of course not. That's why you swallow moonbat propaganda like the good little sycophant you are.
Of only 30,000 seized weapons, 7,200 were actually traced. How you pull a quarter million out of that sample is an exercise in blatant dishonesty...which is your MO.

03-21-2013, 08:35 AM
:lmao @ this fucktard blaming the US for Mexican Army deserters going over to the cartels with the weapons the Mexican government supplied them.

03-21-2013, 08:37 AM
Time for another boutons goal post move....he can't vet his own numbers. Shocking. Not.

03-21-2013, 08:48 AM
Time for another boutons goal post move....he can't vet his own numbers. Shocking. Not.

The worst part of the so called "sample" was that the 7200 out of 30,000 gun sample was cherry picked by the Mexican government with a vested interest in proving their premise that most guns come from the US.

03-21-2013, 08:49 AM
boutons is a joke

03-21-2013, 08:53 AM
Because it was in the Justice Departments best interest (anti-gun) they took those sample numbers and ran with them. Homeland Security (ICE in particular) threw the bullshit flag and flat out said the report was massively flawed.

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 03:08 PM
Why aren't you liberals complaining about the Billion plus rounds of ammunition?

03-21-2013, 03:25 PM
Why aren't you liberals complaining about the Billion plus rounds of ammunition?

Who do you think is selling all that ammo at the gun shows? It's those homeland security guys making a killing selling all that ammo they have supposedly shot up "practicing".

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 03:33 PM
Who do you think is selling all that ammo at the gun shows? It's those homeland security guys making a killing selling all that ammo they have supposedly shot up "practicing".
That's a hell of a lot of practice rounds. I have a hard time believing they will use than much.

Funny how the liberals only focus on what the M$M's, and liberal rags tell them to.

03-21-2013, 03:39 PM
That's a hell of a lot of practice rounds. I have a hard time believing they will use than much.

I have a pistol range at the ranch and I can shoot 100 rounds a day easy. what do they have...200,000 employees? adds up pretty quick.

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 03:43 PM
I have a pistol range at the ranch and I can shoot 100 rounds a day easy. what do they have...200,000 employees? adds up pretty quick.
Yes, and it is over a five year period that the are buying these 1.6 billion rounds. Still, I'll bet they don't average anywhere close to 100 rounds a day per employee.

I just don't buy it. I believe most of these rounds are being redirected someplace else.

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 03:47 PM
That number would be an average of 100 rounds per employee every 23 days, assuming the 200k is correct.

03-21-2013, 03:47 PM
i've put at least 20k rounds each through my glock and baretta alone.

it's possible

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 03:50 PM
i've put at least 20k rounds each through my glock and baretta alone.

it's possible
Sure it's possible. Not my point. Most of the department isn't going to fire but maybe 100 rounds a year for practice and qualification. I'll bet a very small percentage works in the field, does any live fire training drill, or shoot up more than 200 rounds a month in practice.

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 04:03 PM
The CIA is part of DHS. How many rounds do you think they are contributing to these skirmishes all over the world?

I read someplace that we used something like 700,000,000 rounds a year in Iraq. 1,600,000,000 is a war-like number of rounds.

03-21-2013, 04:09 PM
they've been "contributing" for decades. you just now get that?

03-21-2013, 04:17 PM
I just wish these civilian idiots would quit driving up the price of ammo with their damn panic buying/hoarding.. Freaking .22 ammo is virtually impossible to find and when you do it's at absolutely stupid prices. I'm down to only like a thousand rounds and was looking last week and a box of 525 rounds of Remington .22 hollowpoints that I was paying $16.50 for last year went for $140 + $25 shipping on gunbroker.

03-21-2013, 04:18 PM
And yeah, booshit, i'm an ammo fellator too.

Wild Cobra
03-21-2013, 04:19 PM
they've been "contributing" for decades. you just now get that?
It's the size of the purchase. Far larger than past purchases, and nobody seems to care. The media would be going crazy if this was done under a republican president. Obomba gets a pass though.

03-21-2013, 04:29 PM
It's the size of the purchase.
so what.

Far larger than past purchases
you have no idea about that.

The media would be going crazy if this was done under a republican president.
that pres fabricated shit for war. you didn't go crazy.

Obomba gets a pass though.
looks like they all get a pass.

03-21-2013, 04:45 PM
I'm seriously not getting upset about this WC. Those contracts allow the government to buy up to that quantity under specific lead time/notice/conditions at that price. It doesn't mean they will actually buy that many.

03-21-2013, 04:52 PM
It would actually be cool to have a job that gave you all the practice ammo you wanted. I'd be burnin that shit up like crazy and savin my brass for reloading.

03-21-2013, 05:00 PM
It would actually be cool to have a job that gave you all the practice ammo you wanted. I'd be burnin that shit up like crazy and savin my brass for reloading.


03-21-2013, 06:07 PM
I just wish these civilian idiots would quit driving up the price of ammo with their damn panic buying/hoarding.. Freaking .22 ammo is virtually impossible to find and when you do it's at absolutely stupid prices. I'm down to only like a thousand rounds and was looking last week and a box of 525 rounds of Remington .22 hollowpoints that I was paying $16.50 for last year went for $140 + $25 shipping on gunbroker.i hear ya. Am in the market for a new gun and almost pulled the trigger on a new Springfield emp in 9mm. Just got back from two different walmarts and the local gun store and there was no 9mm. Only thing I bought was .40 and .45. Looks like I may have to shift my next purchase to what round is available. I've seen 357 sig everywhere and am thinking about buying the barrel conversion for my p229.

03-21-2013, 06:09 PM
Prices are coming down in the AR15 market at least. Finally ordered a BCG for a normal price. Took a few months but at least I didn't pay double. This run on ammo is a bitch though, I haven't shot for awhile. :(

03-21-2013, 06:42 PM
And yeah, booshit, i'm an ammo fellator too.
lol.... Boutons couldn't get out of this thread fast enough.:lmao

03-21-2013, 10:57 PM
There's no way guns could be smuggled into Mexico. It's illegal.

Wild Cobra
03-22-2013, 02:03 AM
I'm seriously not getting upset about this WC. Those contracts allow the government to buy up to that quantity under specific lead time/notice/conditions at that price. It doesn't mean they will actually buy that many.
Even if the contract is as you say, my main point all along is the liberal hypocrisy.

Do you agree or disagree that if 1.6 billion rounds were contracted for under president Bush, as to the media having a hay-day over it?

What about what all the liberal lemmings would say?

03-22-2013, 05:06 AM
Why aren't you liberals complaining about the Billion plus rounds of ammunition?

ammunition is useful if you don't have a gun

03-22-2013, 05:08 AM
And yeah, booshit, i'm an ammo fellator too.

go suck a few .50 cal for me. not as big as what you usually suck, but it will do