View Full Version : The Worm Ouroboros

03-26-2013, 01:11 PM
I was out in my Forteress of Solitude moving around some books when I dropped....The Worm Ouroboros..a book I've had for a long time but never read, I got it at a yardsale in a box of books.

While I've heard of E.R.Eddison I've never read him. And since this is a 500 page book...hmmmm? Is he really on a par with Tolkien, is his Worm epic/saga right there with Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings? I do love the works of R.E.Howard, H.P.Lovecraft, Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter books (not his Tarzan) and most those fantasy, supernatural authors.

So who out there has read the book? If I don't delve into it it's either...

The SuperBookie by Art Manteris (director of the sportsbook at the Vegas Hilton)

The Sword of Allah by Richard Elliott (ficton about the ultimate terrorist)

I do have a three book trilogy...The Fire of Heaven...by Russell Kirkpatrict. Each book over 700 pages. This is another..."if you like Tolkien". Anyone familiar with it?


Anyone into Bluegrass? I wasn't but am just now starting to come around. So like everything I get into I go back to the roots. How good is this? Yep, this is where Elvis got it.


My current favorite listen (usually lasts a week or so)
