View Full Version : Soooo...has anyone actually WATCHED Spring Breakers yet?

03-26-2013, 07:03 PM
If so, is it worth it to see it in theaters, or should I just wait for it on DVD so I can remove my pants w/o getting hassled?

03-26-2013, 08:11 PM
it's a Harmony Korine film; wait til DVD.

baseline bum
03-26-2013, 08:11 PM
If so, is it worth it to see it in theaters, or should I just wait for it on DVD so I can remove my pants w/o getting hassled?

This thread makes me sad because your avatar and sig remind me that Meadow never did a movie like that before hitting TOSB age. I was hoping against hope that she'd end up working for Little Carmine before the show ended.

03-26-2013, 09:12 PM
Yeah I saw it in theaters. Not sure it's worth it unless the tickets are really cheap like the theater here in College Station.

In general it's worth seeing just because of how outrageous it is, and how hilarious Franco is.

03-26-2013, 10:09 PM
In general it's worth seeing just because of how outrageous it is, and how hilarious Franco is.

This. Franco makes the movie. He's so good, you wanna laugh your azz off because you know he's just james franco underneath all that gangster garb. There is a sense of you think something bad's about to happen throughout that makes the movie a bit uncomfortable to watch. It stuck with me for a day or so to realize there is some genius in the movie, you just can't put your finger on exactly what it is. My thought is you're gonna love it or hate it.

03-27-2013, 09:50 AM
It's funny how hipsters have overlooked how all of Harmony Korine's movies suck. I guess liking his shit is kinda like how they drink PBR.

03-27-2013, 03:53 PM
This thread makes me sad because your avatar and sig remind me that Meadow never did a movie like that before hitting TOSB age. I was hoping against hope that she'd end up working for Little Carmine before the show ended.

ROFL. Yeah, we missed her at her peak (even though she's managed to hold up relatively well). At least Jennifer Love finally started routinely playing a hooker on tv before gravity FINALLY took over.

03-30-2013, 11:20 AM
Wow. Anyone thinking like i was, that this was a light fluffy modern day Animal House type flick comedy is in for a reall surprise.
Tons of killing/violence. Cheesy soft porn shots galore, and while you expected a t&a fest from the bopper cast including Ms. Beiber, the camera work was disturbing.
Pretty much agree with these three reviewers:

Korine's story is a searing indictment of today's hedonistic, nihilistic youth, and his script is loaded with sharp, telling dialogue that exposes the rotten moral cores of its characters.

Once a year, St. Petersburg is awash with thoughtless, unpleasant people making poor decisions. This spring, Korine is one of them.

Korine gestures toward social criticism, but essentially this is just an hour and a half of bongs [and] beers... thinly dressed as Natural Born Killers.