View Full Version : is Timmy too unselfish?

Blue Duck
03-27-2013, 12:41 AM
Ok guys, no trolling here, just an honest question. I just finished watching the Mavs/Clippers game which resulted in an OT win for the Mavs. Very intense game, superstars on both teams brought their A Game. As the game wore on into the 4th and OT, Dirk flat out demanded the ball on every possession. He made huge shots down the stretch. I couldn't help but think back to the Spurs/ Rockets game......... on the second to the last possession, Duncan had the ball in the paint less than10 ft from the rim with room to work. Instantly upon receiving the ball, he threw a bad pass out to a covered shooter, the ball swung to the corner and the play eventually resulted in a TO. Even though hype was off that night, he's been magnificent lately and in that situation, i would have preferred a more aggressive mindset, even if it resulted in a missed shot. Please, just honest replies, no need to defend Timmy, i love him just as much as all of you. But, honestly, that one play was a crucial, and i felt that TD shrank in that moment. Go Spurs

03-27-2013, 12:43 AM
Ok guys, no trolling here, just an honest question. I just finished watching the Mavs/Clippers game which resulted in an OT win for the Mavs. Very intense game, superstars on both teams brought their A Game. As the game wore on into the 4th and OT, Dirk flat out demanded the ball on every possession. He made huge shots down the stretch. I couldn't help but think back to the Spurs/ Rockets game......... on the second to the last possession, Duncan had the ball in the paint less than10 ft from the rim with room to work. Instantly upon receiving the ball, he threw a bad pass out to a covered shooter, the ball swung to the corner and the play eventually resulted in a TO. Even though hype was off that night, he's been magnificent lately and in that situation, i would have preferred a more aggressive mindset, even if it resulted in a missed shot. Please, just honest replies, no need to defend Timmy, i love him just as much as all of you. But, honestly, that one play was a crucial, and i felt that TD shrank in that moment. Go Spurs

let me guess, also a kobe fan, and thinks lebron is not the "man" because he makes the right bball plays?

03-27-2013, 12:54 AM

03-27-2013, 01:02 AM
Duncan isnt a dominate low post player anymore
he scores primarily off rolls and midrange now

03-27-2013, 01:11 AM
Well he did take the potential game-winning shot, so...nah, I think he was aggressive enough.

But I understand your sentiments. As a Duncan fanatic, I sort of prefer him to be aggressive all the time. But just remember, passing is part of what makes him great.

Blue Duck
03-27-2013, 02:26 AM
I understand the sentiment. To address both points, 1st Kobe is the most overrated player of all time, in my opinion. I never heard TD whine about needing superstar help like Kobe back in 05/06 or threaten to leave if his petulant demands weren't met. Secondly, Lebron is a physical freak, but so was the admiral, and he never called Barkley and said, " let's stop competing ing and create a super team!", so........ no. As far as the " right" basketball play" goes, in that moment, the right play was for Timmy to take the shot, and there is no doubt in my mind that Pop told him that later. Manu and Tony have both been subjected to our scrutiny here on numerous occasions, and that's all I'm doing here. If you remember the play I'm referring to, I'll bet you'll agree, Timmy had every advantage and he chose to pass to a man that was covered. I would bet a paycheck that he wishes he could do it over.

03-27-2013, 07:30 AM
"He's Tim Duncan" :pop:

03-27-2013, 08:15 AM
IMO in certain ways he has always been too unselfish scoring wise. But what he does is perfect for this team and always has been.

But i get what you're saying in the sense that he has one of the most versatile/skilled offensive games we've ever seen. You look back at young MVP Timmy and you can easily think he could have averaged 35 points per game in his prime years despite the double, triple and quadruple teaming, he was unstoppable. Yet his highest scoring season was 25.5ppg. So in that sense in his MVP prime maybe he was to unselfish in the fact he coulda scored more. But that's what makes Timmy Timmy and the Spurs the Spurs.

03-27-2013, 08:30 AM
Yes. And thank Christ, otherwise he wouldn't be Kobe's fart catcher at 5-4.

tee, hee.

03-27-2013, 10:12 AM
Yes. And thank Christ, otherwise he wouldn't be Kobe's fart catcher at 5-4.

tee, hee.


Blue Duck
03-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Yeah, the perfect mix. At the end of the day, this is what it comes down to right here. Good game tonight, go spurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-27-2013, 10:58 AM
Spurs have too many options on the offensive end these days...

03-27-2013, 12:46 PM
kobe wasn't even the #1 player on three of those championship teams. And stern and jerry west gave him the other two so eat a dick!

Blue Duck
03-27-2013, 04:18 PM
It was not my intention to start a Kobe vs Timmy debate, but yes, i agree. I'm not a Kobe hater or anything, but it's true that Shaq was the principal reason for the 3peat and that on his departure, Kobe's Lakers wallowed in medi
ocrity, while Kobe ranted to the point of having a nervous breakdown/ freakout moment on live radio, all of this following the "i refuse to shoot so y'all will beg me to!" Scandal. All that being said, a super star's passing ability it's allot more effective when said star is viewed as a scoring threat. The " balance" should be, i will shoot unless my aggressiveness creates a better shot elsewhere, and than I'll pass.

03-27-2013, 05:02 PM
I understand the sentiment. To address both points, 1st Kobe is the most overrated player of all time, in my opinion. I never heard TD whine about needing superstar help like Kobe back in 05/06 or threaten to leave if his petulant demands weren't met. Secondly, Lebron is a physical freak, but so was the admiral, and he never called Barkley and said, " let's stop competing ing and create a super team!", so........ no. As far as the " right" basketball play" goes, in that moment, the right play was for Timmy to take the shot, and there is no doubt in my mind that Pop told him that later. Manu and Tony have both been subjected to our scrutiny here on numerous occasions, and that's all I'm doing here. If you remember the play I'm referring to, I'll bet you'll agree, Timmy had every advantage and he chose to pass to a man that was covered. I would bet a paycheck that he wishes he could do it over.

Just wanted to say that this is one of the better posts I have seen all year. :tu

I couldn't agree more at your analogy.

03-27-2013, 05:31 PM
I drew the duck blue because I had never seen a blue duck before, and to be honest with you, I just wanted to see a blue duck

03-27-2013, 07:13 PM
kobe wasn't even the #1 player on three of those championship teams. And stern and jerry west gave him the other two so eat a dick!

Relax, sport. I was just checkin' assholes.