View Full Version : Should Aron Baynes be activated for the playoffs?

03-31-2013, 11:03 PM
The Spurs have enough players to pass the ball around. Should they dedicate Baynes to suck in rebounds and make space in the paint? It seems Diaw, Bonner, and Tiago aren't within rebound range all the time or they get pushed out often.

Hopefully Baynes could encourage communication on defense for the Spurs. On offense he could play a Dennis Rodman role to collect and pass the ball pack to Tony.

Is this not what the Spurs need? Besides even more inside presence they need more experience at the guard position.

03-31-2013, 11:06 PM
It wouldn't hurt to try. He's a big strong motherfucker who won't take shit from anyone in the paint. It'll probably hurt Pop's head switching his rotation though.

03-31-2013, 11:09 PM
What are we talking about, he doesn't know the system he won't take a shot or be out of position on defense. Come on he's no Matt Bonner or Blair for goodness sakes. This is just the kind of crap that we're going to hear in this thread, either No for Baynes because Pop made up his mind or Yes because Pop has his head in his ass. What's funny is that He who should not be named was here for 3 years and never learned the system but played constantly.

03-31-2013, 11:23 PM
Spurs need someone who won't get held or bent backwards in the paint. Diaw runs through the paint after a pass and is usually never in good position to rebound. Tiago and Timmy can be passive or overpowered/worn out in the paint. I thought Blair was really good when he would follow Tony Parker and putback lay up attempts. Bonner is usually on the 3 point line and not in position if he tries to run in.

T Park
04-01-2013, 12:41 AM
Should he? Yes, depending on the matchups IE Utah, Memphis.

Will he? No. The thing that sticks out, Diaw got thrown into the fire last year with little knowledge of the system. Why? desperation at the position and most likely caught on super damn quick and was able to plug in easily.

Baynes I have the feeling is not grasping the system as quickly as Diaw hence the hesitation to use. The biggest problem Baynes had when given minutes was he looked spaced out lost and that was even after a couple games AND practices. Most likely in practice hes still not running sets right, still missing rotations or just plain not getting the plays right.

04-01-2013, 12:45 AM
Call me crazy, but I think Blair is the perfect player to be inserted against Miami.

T Park
04-01-2013, 01:09 AM
Call me crazy, but I think Blair is the perfect player to be inserted against Miami.

Ya know Im suprised he didnt get a look vs Haslem, because Haslem's athleticism is not what it once was, the only athletic big outside of Bosh is the birdman and thats not saying much.

Blair might have been able to make a difference with that seemingly decent 8 foot runner through the lane.

Who knows.

04-01-2013, 01:14 AM
He is better than Bonner/Blair

04-01-2013, 01:17 AM
Blair is an all hustle kind of guy. And he does good work against teams like Miami with limited bigs. I'm almost 100% certain he would have beat Miami up on the boards, not that it is hard to do. But he could have sparked us. The more I think about the game today I honestly get the feeling Pop was not trying to show his hand or go for it all. I dunno why he did this, but it makes sense given his play calling and rotations.

04-01-2013, 02:04 AM
I feel like Blair could have played well for us in this game, as well. IIRC, he played well against Miami in the past.

The team is really feeling this loss. You can feel it through the screen, when you watch the post-game interviews(LOL). I think this loss will make them consider a few different things. I do wish Baynes was getting play time, this whole time(at least decent play time).

I mean when I see videos like this, I wish I could see him do this to NBA competition...

04-01-2013, 04:24 AM
Does Baynes have a role - yes clearly. Will he play - no I doubt it. For all that the much vaunted 'system' is worth, there is a warning in today's game - opposing coaches can pick it apart, particularly when the roster is minimized. The current spurs rotation is brittle and today was ugly. Baynes could have made a limited impact today, for maybe 10 minutes of crash the boards at all costs.

04-01-2013, 07:00 AM
He should get a shot, all he has to do is be a garbageman, look at all the easy baskets Splitter gets and although Baynes is not polished like Tiago, alot of the shots that Splitter has blocked Baynes would dunk.

04-01-2013, 08:15 AM
who care about the fukin rotations? our rotations have sucked for a long ass time now. how many open shots have teams killed us with? baynes needs to be out there just for the fact that he isn't a pussy

04-01-2013, 08:20 AM
Pop is a tool who won't go with change until it's too late, he'll try to plug someone in when he's desperate and then he'll get upset when they blow a play because they don't have chemistry with the team out there. Didn't make sense to bring him over just so he can play with the D league but the Spurs make a lot of blunders when it comes to things like this, drafting small shooting guards every year for example or Euros who may or may not ever play over here. It seems like the usual spin on it is that he won't know the system, won't know the defensive rotations but the system hasn't been pretty the last month for the starters or the bench and we've seen that starters can suck up defensive rotations without getting Pops ire so why not plug in a guy who will at least try to go strong and will probably get a few more rebounds, maybe a put back here and there, score some in garbage time, or get a nice dunk to spark a run or something to get this team up when they're flat and standing around holding the ball.

He who should not be named had 3 years to learn a system and didn't but he kept getting run.

04-01-2013, 08:44 AM
I think at the very least Baynes should have gotten some minutes against some of the "scrub teams" we just played. Even though a couple of them beat us. What does it hurt? We haven't been looking great as of late. Outside of Jackson our team has no one to fear, "don't get that confused with me saying no talent." We have no players to strike fear into anyone, maybe Baynes can do that?

04-01-2013, 08:51 AM
I think at the very least Baynes should have gotten some minutes against some of the "scrub teams" we just played. Even though a couple of them beat us. What does it hurt? We haven't been looking great as of late. Outside of Jackson our team has no one to fear, "don't get that confused with me saying no talent." We have no players to strike fear into anyone, maybe Baynes can do that?

Shoot low post defenders fear Danny Green, why do you think he's always seeping into the paint, to get one of those monster blocks or steals where he finishes strong at the rim.. Our bench is comprised of cheer leaders and bumps on a log.