View Full Version : Margaret Thatcher is dead

04-08-2013, 12:33 PM

As far as I'm concerned, she can rot in hell...

04-08-2013, 12:39 PM
well, i've always deferred to :if you don't have anything nice to say...

04-08-2013, 12:47 PM
Thought she was already dead tbh

04-08-2013, 12:53 PM

As far as I'm concerned, she can rot in hell...

Of course you do!

04-08-2013, 12:57 PM
I'm guessing much rejoicing in UK today. Lived a pretty long life.

04-08-2013, 01:02 PM
In first with Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day

04-08-2013, 01:25 PM
well, i've always deferred to :if you don't have anything nice to say...

Couldn't pass up the opportunity to express how I feel about that bitch... but yeah, should've probably taken the higher ground.

04-08-2013, 01:57 PM

As far as I'm concerned, she can rot in hell...

Wow, what'd she do to you?

04-08-2013, 02:15 PM
As you may recall, under Margaret Thatcher England and Argentina went to war. Sore feelings might be understandable on both sides.

ELNono might have other reasons, but that would be my first guess . . .

04-08-2013, 02:30 PM
Exactly the same is true of Thatcher. There's something distinctively creepy - in a Roman sort of way (http://books.google.com.br/books/about/Death_and_the_Emperor.html?id=ugGDQgAACAAJ&redir_esc=y) - about this mandated ritual that our political leaders must be heralded and consecrated as saints upon death. This is accomplished by this baseless moral precept that it is gauche or worse to balance the gushing praise for them upon death with valid criticisms. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loathing Margaret Thatcher or any other person with political influence and power based upon perceived bad acts, and that doesn't change simply because they die. If anything, it becomes more compelling to commemorate those bad acts upon death as the only antidote against a society erecting a false and jingoistically self-serving history.


Same will be true of Iraq war criminals dubya, dickhead, rummy, rice, feith, wolfowitz, libby, etc, etc. Dying won't pardon their crimes.

04-08-2013, 02:36 PM
Just like St Ronnie wouldn't have a chance with todays Repug extremists,

Why The Modern Republican Party Would Reject Margaret Thatcher (http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2013/04/08/1832551/thatcher-dies/)

04-08-2013, 02:42 PM

Wild Cobra
04-08-2013, 02:55 PM
As you may recall, under Margaret Thatcher England and Argentina went to war. Sore feelings might be understandable on both sides.

ELNono might have other reasons, but that would be my first guess . . .
Ah yes.

The Falkland Islands, right? Where Argintina attacked the UK there.

ElNono... Do you support Argentina ion those attacks?

Wild Cobra
04-08-2013, 02:58 PM
RIP Maggie. Great women are few and far between.

04-08-2013, 03:02 PM
I despise her because she was an iconic figure of far-right politics. Whenever Fidel decides to die (an iconic figure of the far-left), he can too rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.

She governed by dividing. Some people will say she was unwavering and willful, but she was stubborn as a mule. She talked to people like they were toddlers, and I just have a serious problem with supremely arrogant people like her. The poll tax was both the epitome of who she was and her political downfall.

As far as the Falklands, I hope every psychopath general that thought going to war against the UK will also go to hell (if they're not already there) and keep her company. She definitely was part of the problem, not the solution. The sinking of the Belgrano, which ended up being half of the Argie casualties in the conflict, was a cowardly act carried out in the war-exclusion zone. After that incident, she became the same war criminal as the generals she was fighting against.

04-08-2013, 03:16 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with Tony Stark as he grieves the loss of his lady.

04-08-2013, 03:16 PM
Couldn't pass up the opportunity to express how I feel about that bitch... but yeah, should've probably taken the higher ground.

you're not alone by any means, in regards to your antipathy:


04-08-2013, 03:26 PM
RIP Maggie. Great women are few and far between.Still single, eh?

04-08-2013, 03:40 PM
As you may recall, under Margaret Thatcher England and Argentina went to war. Sore feelings might be understandable on both sides.

ELNono might have other reasons, but that would be my first guess . . .

Well seriously...any idiot could see that was going to end badly for Argentina.

Wild Cobra
04-08-2013, 04:05 PM
Still single, eh?
Not that it's part of this thread, but yes. Single by choice. I find a play thing every now and then, but I haven't yet found someone I want to share my future with.

Wild Cobra
04-08-2013, 04:07 PM
I despise her because she was an iconic figure of far-right politics. Whenever Fidel decides to die (an iconic figure of the far-left), he can too rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.

Iconic, yes. But to compare with someone like Castro...

Were you aware of politics when Reagan, Gorbachev, and Thatcher had their talks?

04-08-2013, 04:09 PM
Not that it's part of this thread, but yes. Single by choice. I find a play thing every now and then, but I haven't yet found someone I want to share my future with.


04-08-2013, 04:26 PM
Not that it's part of this thread, but yes. Single by choice. I find a play thing every now and then, but I haven't yet found someone I want to share my future with.

What future tbh?

04-08-2013, 04:58 PM
GDP and public spending
by functional classification % change in real terms
1979/80 to 1989/90

GDP +23.3
Total government spending +12.9
Law and order +53.3
Employment and training +33.3
Health +31.8
Social security +31.8
Transport −5.8
Trade and industry −38.2
Housing −67.0
Defence −3.3


04-08-2013, 05:22 PM
Michael Hudson: Thatcher’s Legacy of Failed Privatizations (http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2013/04/michael-hudson-thatchers-legacy-of-failed-privatizations.html)The Conservatives sold off public monopolies, used the proceeds to cut taxes, and put the privatized firms on a profit-making basis. Their stock prices rose sharply, making capital gains for investors whose ranks included millions of Britons who had been employees and/or customers of these enterprises.

Yet by 1997 the Conservatives were voted out of office by one of the largest margins in their history. What concerned voters were the results of privatization that Mrs. Thatcher had not warned them about. Prices did not decline proportionally to cost cuts and productivity gains. Many services were cut back, especially on the least utilized transport routes. The largest privatized bus company was charged with cut-throat monopoly practices. The water system broke down, while consumer charges leapt. Electricity prices were shifted against residential consumers in favor of large industrial users. Economic inequality widened as the industrial labor force shrunk by two million from 1979 to 1997, while wages stagnated in the face of soaring profits for the privatized companies. The tax cuts financed by their selloff turned out to benefit mainly the rich. :lol


04-08-2013, 07:29 PM
well, of course it did. what is privatization for besides increasing the share of private profits?

If England feels mislead, it should know better . . .

04-08-2013, 08:10 PM
Couldn't pass up the opportunity to express how I feel about that bitch... but yeah, should've probably taken the higher ground.
It takes a better person to do that.

04-08-2013, 08:12 PM
Definition of tact

adroitness and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues:

04-08-2013, 08:17 PM
^ that's definitely a word that wasn't on Thatcher's vocabulary.

04-08-2013, 08:21 PM
It takes a better person to do that.

true, I shouldn't have stoop down to her level.

Latarian Milton
04-08-2013, 08:45 PM
bitch not a typical british leader of the post-war era imho, would've earned a place in churchill's cabinet during war time. bitch got mentioned more often than any other post-war british leader and the overall assessment of her tenure as british prime minister was negative. bitch fought the war against argentina over some plain islands while giving up hong kong to them chinks for free, which was like making the wrong choice between a toyota corolla and a lamborghini. #10 downing street was never the right place for a bitch to work in imho, a bitch's workshop should be in the kitchen and ONLY kitchen tbh

04-08-2013, 08:47 PM
giving up hong kong to them chinks for freeLease was up.

Latarian Milton
04-08-2013, 09:00 PM
Lease was up.
i might be wrong but as far as i know, only the northern part of hong kong was loaned to the UK and the loaned area was mostly rural and plain, while the downtown area was permanently ceded to the empire of the United Kingdom through the treaty of nanking which was signed in 1842 following chinks' defeat in the opium war. UK could've kept the prosper south but the bitch give up the entire hong kong for some reason.

04-08-2013, 09:12 PM
You're right, but I don't see how that practically could have been done.

04-08-2013, 09:21 PM
I'm waiting for the reveal that Latarian Milton is in reality Marcus Bryant... that'd be like a season ending episode of Lost, tbh

04-08-2013, 09:54 PM
I despise her because she was an iconic figure of far-right politics.

Icon of right-wing policy for sure, and a social conservative no doubt. But she was for socialized healthcare (actual socialism, not the private sector blow job that is Obamacare). If the likes of Ted Cruz and other tea baggers were consistent they'd be decrying her as a socialist.

04-08-2013, 09:57 PM
Did they ever get off that island...
On the OP. Anyone who brought up the fact that she is a woman is marginalizing her greatness.

04-08-2013, 10:12 PM
Icon of right-wing policy for sure, and a social conservative no doubt. But she was for socialized healthcare (actual socialism, not the private sector blow job that is Obamacare). If the likes of Ted Cruz and other tea baggers were consistent they'd be decrying her as a socialist.

She actually had no so thinly veiled attempts at privatizing the NHS, but was never able to pull it off, mostly because most Brits wouldn't let her and would be political suicide for her.

Did they ever get off that island...

sorta :lol

On the OP. Anyone who brought up the fact that she is a woman is marginalizing her greatness.

I think that's Latarian's schtick, tbh

04-08-2013, 10:23 PM
I'm waiting for the reveal that Latarian Milton is in reality Marcus Bryant... that'd be like a season ending episode of Lost, tbh

...would be MB's best avatar ever...

04-08-2013, 10:44 PM


RIP Maggie....

04-08-2013, 11:41 PM
I think that's Latarian's schtick, tbh I was referring to Obama's presser

04-08-2013, 11:43 PM
I was referring to Obama's presser

Oh... didn't hear about it.

The Reckoning
04-09-2013, 07:43 AM
RIP Margaret Thatcher

inventor of soft-serve ice cream

04-09-2013, 08:09 AM
bitch not a typical british leader of the post-war era imho, would've earned a place in churchill's cabinet during war time. bitch got mentioned more often than any other post-war british leader and the overall assessment of her tenure as british prime minister was negative. bitch fought the war against argentina over some plain islands while giving up hong kong to them chinks for free, which was like making the wrong choice between a toyota corolla and a lamborghini. #10 downing street was never the right place for a bitch to work in imho, a bitch's workshop should be in the kitchen and ONLY kitchen tbh

being the ignorant, jingo fucktard, you'll probably be surprised to learn that "war heroes" Churchill and de Gaulle were vehemently DESTESTED by significant portions of those countries.

04-09-2013, 01:12 PM

04-09-2013, 06:01 PM

that is actually pretty funny.

04-09-2013, 08:51 PM
‘Ding Dong! The witch is dead’ heads to top of UK charts after death of Margaret Thatcher


“Ding Dong! The witch is dead”, as sung by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, on Tuesday raced to the top of the Amazon download chart in Britain, a day after the death of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher.

Another version sung by jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald placed at number 4 and also topped the iTunes UK vocal chart as record-buyers passed their judgement on the legacy of Thatcher, who died of a stroke
on Monday aged 87.

The records’ success comes on the back of a Facebook campaign celebrating the death of the divisive leader.

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/09/ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead-heads-to-top-of-uk-charts-after-death-of-margaret-thatcher/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Wild Cobra
04-10-2013, 03:23 AM
‘Ding Dong! The witch is dead’ heads to top of UK charts after death of Margaret Thatcher


“Ding Dong! The witch is dead”, as sung by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, on Tuesday raced to the top of the Amazon download chart in Britain, a day after the death of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher.

Another version sung by jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald placed at number 4 and also topped the iTunes UK vocal chart as record-buyers passed their judgement on the legacy of Thatcher, who died of a stroke
on Monday aged 87.

The records’ success comes on the back of a Facebook campaign celebrating the death of the divisive leader.

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/09/ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead-heads-to-top-of-uk-charts-after-death-of-margaret-thatcher/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29
That's fucked up.

There sure is a lot of evil souls out there.

04-10-2013, 06:37 AM
That's fucked up.

There sure is a lot of evil souls out there.

She and her buddy St Ronnie were fucked up and fucked up a lot of a lot of innocent souls out there. Both countries are still fucked up by these two bastards.

04-10-2013, 07:49 AM
As far as the Falklands, I hope every psychopath general that thought going to war against the UK will also go to hell (if they're not already there) and keep her company. She definitely was part of the problem, not the solution. The sinking of the Belgrano, which ended up being half of the Argie casualties in the conflict, was a cowardly act carried out in the war-exclusion zone. After that incident, she became the same war criminal as the generals she was fighting against.

Argentina will always have the World Cup 1998 victory over England.

All kidding aside, I can understand why you did not like her. I was pretty young when she was the PM, but from what I have read, I respect her to a degree and I dislike her to a degree. I don't hope she rots in hell though.

04-10-2013, 09:11 AM
GDP and public spending
by functional classification % change in real terms
1979/80 to 1989/90

GDP +23.3
Total government spending +12.9
Law and order +53.3
Employment and training +33.3
Health +31.8
Social security +31.8
Transport −5.8
Trade and industry −38.2
Housing −67.0
Defence −3.3



04-10-2013, 09:16 AM
scoreboard seems to say more public spending in a variety of areas -- including health and social security -- correlates positively with GDP growth.

04-10-2013, 12:30 PM
nice article:


04-10-2013, 06:07 PM
Argentina will always have the World Cup 1998 victory over England.

That was '86 actually :lol

All kidding aside, I can understand why you did not like her. I was pretty young when she was the PM, but from what I have read, I respect her to a degree and I dislike her to a degree. I don't hope she rots in hell though.

She was certainly a polarizing figure, and if I have to give her credit for something is the union busting she did when she walked in as PM. She, however, was not immune to what happens to most politicians on power trips.

04-10-2013, 06:24 PM

As far as I'm concerned, she can rot in hell...

Sir show some class.

04-10-2013, 08:18 PM
she was public figure whose policies affecting 10Ms of people, many very negatively. Dying doesn't sanctify her, or St Ronnie. The Brits know better than you bubbas.

For Some Britons, Thatcher's Death Provokes Celebrations

A young man is parading the streets of the city of Glasgow with a slogan daubed onto the back of his black leather jacket in big, freshly painted white letters. "We're havin' a party," it declares. "Thatcher's dead."

In what was the coal belt of northern England, a burly former miner lights up an enormous cigar and takes a satisfied puff. He says he's looking forward to a few celebratory drinks.

Hundreds of miles to the south, in Brixton, south London, a boisterous crowd prances around, joyously boozing and setting off fireworks under the wary gaze of police in riot gear.

In Britain as elsewhere, there is a general taboo about speaking ill of the deceased in the immediate aftermath of death. No matter how deeply you loathe the individual concerned, you're expected to show a degree of respect and keep your lip buttoned.

Yet the death of Margaret Thatcher has unleashed a level of vitriol and glee among some of her fellow citizens that suggests this custom carries no weight in parts of her home country, at least in her case.

Critics On The Streets, And In Cyberspace

There is a tsunami of attacks on Thatcher in cyberspace. The number of downloads of Judy Garland's version of "Ding, Dong! The Witch is Dead" from The Wizard of Oz has been soaring to the top of the charts, thanks to an online campaign.

On the streets, graffiti artists have been at work. "Iron Lady? Rust In Peace," says a sign sprayed on a wall in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
"Rot in Hell, Maggie Thatcher," says another.

Concerns are emerging about possible civil disorder at Thatcher's funeral next Wednesday, when her coffin will make a short journey through the heart of London on a horse-drawn gun carriage to St Paul's Cathedral. Thousands of police will be deployed. In the coming days, Britain's security services will rummage through the Internet in search of anyone planning disruptive protests.

Thatcher's "greatest virtue by far was how little she cared if people liked her," Hugo Young, author of a highly acclaimed unauthorized biography, said in a Guardian article written shortly before his own death in 2003 but published on Tuesday.

It is just as well she cared so little.

The reaction to Thatcher's death has revealed that 23 years after she was thrown out of office, a significant number of Britons still hate her. Like Thatcher herself, they do not care a jot what people think of them for speaking their mind.

Tributes Of Support As Well

It is important to put this in context: Those who have taken to the streets actively to celebrate Margaret Thatcher's demise are a tiny minority and include activists from the far left. The Socialist Workers Party, for example, is distributing posters saying "Rejoice! Rejoice!"

Glowing tributes to Thatcher have come from far and wide and are still streaming in. Half of the Britons surveyed in a Guardian/ICM poll view her overall contribution to the United Kingdom as positive.

Yet divisions run deep. A third of the respondents to that same poll think the Iron Lady was bad for her country. Many of them are now making little effort to conceal their hostility toward her.

Some are even grumbling about the cost of her funeral and of recalling Parliament for Wednesday's debate paying tribute to her. There's a tradition in Britain's soccer stadiums of holding a minute's silence to honor the death of notable figures before kickoff.

The sport's governing officials have decided Thatcher's death will not be marked in this way, because of the risk of offensive boos and jeers. Some former coal miners and their families are reportedly planning parties to coincide with her funeral.

Irreconcilable Views

Why is all this happening?

The Internet, with its tendency to magnify extremes, is playing a role. But the bottom line is this: Britons hold totally opposing and irreconcilable views of Margaret Thatcher's legacy.

Her supporters remember her as the savior of a country that, when she took power in 1979, was on the brink of economic collapse. She broke the grip over government held by trade unions, and she heroically defended her nation's sovereignty, especially in the European Union.

Her opponents remember riots, spending cuts, a costly war in the Falkland Islands, the destruction of the coal industry after a bruising yearlong confrontation with striking mines. They recall a leader who sold off national assets, deregulated banking, and was an ally of Rupert Murdoch, whose hold over the British media grew dramatically during her rule.

The acrimonious tinge to the debate over Thatcher's legacy is adding strain to the fault lines lurking beneath Britain's political landscape today.

The bull-horn of the right, The Daily Mail, angrily declared Wednesday that "30 years of Left wing loathing for Lady T" have exploded in "sick celebrations." The tabloid includes a list of critical comments about her death from various performers, politicians and others — and brands these people as "old Lefties, spewing bile."

Calls For Restraint

Thatcher's former mainstream opponents are calling for restraint. The leader of the opposition Labour Party, Ed Miliband, is thought to have asked his parliamentarians to respond respectfully to her death.

There's no better example of the strange twists and turns of history than an appeal made by Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness, deputy first minister of Northern Ireland.

McGuinness is a former senior figure in the Irish Republican Army that for so long was at war with Thatcher's government. He has also asked people not to celebrate Thatcher's death.

"She was not a peacemaker, but it is a mistake to allow her death to poison our minds," he said.

Perhaps the most eye-catching response comes from Tony Blair. Like Thatcher, he was a three-term prime minister. Like her, he is a divisive figure, largely because of his decision to join the U.S. in the unpopular Iraq War that began in 2003. He says the celebrations of Thatcher's death are "in poor taste."

Asked by a BBC interviewer whether he's worried about a similar public response when he dies, he said: "When you decide, you divide."

Blair thought Thatcher would have been "pretty philosophical" about her nation's response to her death, and added: "I hope I will be too."


Blair of course has bee recently proved/investigated to have known Saddam had no WMD, and lied like his buddies in the WH did. Blair is a war criminal, too.

04-11-2013, 03:14 AM
Sir show some class.Why? Was she a close personal friend?

04-11-2013, 05:55 AM
lol the govt puttin 15m to do her funeral...wtf

04-11-2013, 07:52 AM
That was '86 actually :lol

My memory could be bad and I am sure a google search would answer but I thought Argentina beat England in a shoot out in 1998 in the Round of 16? I was in Buenos Aires at the time and people were going crazy. Made me love the world cup after that experience. Wasn't 86 the mano de dios?

04-11-2013, 10:42 AM
My memory could be bad and I am sure a google search would answer but I thought Argentina beat England in a shoot out in 1998 in the Round of 16? I was in Buenos Aires at the time and people were going crazy. Made me love the world cup after that experience. Wasn't 86 the mano de dios?

You're correct in your recollection. But '86 had much more significance when it comes to Thatcher and the Falklands since the war was still fresh (war was in '82), and that's the famous 'hand of god' goal, along with one of the best goals you're going to see in a world cup. Arg not only beat England, it also won it all. Last time they won a world cup.

04-11-2013, 02:44 PM
You're correct in your recollection. But '86 had much more significance when it comes to Thatcher and the Falklands since the war was still fresh (war was in '82), and that's the famous 'hand of god' goal, along with one of the best goals you're going to see in a world cup. Arg not only beat England, it also won it all. Last time they won a world cup.

and on top of that-the argentinians get messi and the brits had beckham

04-13-2013, 01:17 AM

04-13-2013, 03:13 PM
London braces for massive party to ‘celebrate’ Thatcher’s death


Police were braced on Saturday for a mass “party” staged by opponents of Margaret Thatcher in London’s Trafalgar Square to celebrate her death.Mayor of London Boris Johnson said the authorities were prepared for potential violence, after trouble erupted at several impromptu street celebrations following the death of the former British prime minister on Monday.Any unrest is likely to feed concerns about security at the Iron Lady’s funeral in the capital on Wednesday, which will be attended by Queen

Elizabeth II, Prime Minister David Cameron and 2,000 guests, including many political and world figures.

No formal demonstration has been organised for Saturday, but over 1,500 people have pledged on Facebook to attend a “Thatcher’s Dead” party at Trafalgar Square at 6:00 p.m. (1700 GMT).

Representatives of the coal miners who battled Thatcher in a year-long strike in 1984-5, before accepting sweeping pit closures, were planning to travel to the capital for the event alongside students and left-wing groups, The Guardian reported.

Some football fans were threatening to confront the anti-Thatcher revellers on their way home from the FA Cup semi-final between Millwall and Wigan in Wembley, north-west London, The Daily Telegraph reported.

Trafalgar Square is one of London’s biggest tourist hubs, home to the Nelson’s Column monument and the National Gallery.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said officers had “contacted a number of individuals who have stated they intend to take part in protest on Saturday”.

London’s mayor said people were entitled to demonstrate but warned police would take a tough line on any violence.

http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/13/london-braces-for-massive-party-to-celebrate-thatchers-death/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story% 29

Now there's some people who know who to hate and who to kick as an extremely controversial and harmful bitch, whose neo-liberal bullshit continues to this day with UK triple-dip austerity recession.

baseline bum
04-13-2013, 03:17 PM

:rollin :rollin :rollin

Wild Cobra
04-13-2013, 03:18 PM
Can we have such a party here when Carter dies?

What would the media say?

04-13-2013, 03:19 PM
Can we have such a party here when Carter dies?

What would the media say?

go right ahead.

A bigger party was missed when St Ronnie died.

baseline bum
04-13-2013, 03:20 PM
go right ahead.

A bigger party was missed when St Ronnie died.

Truth. When Cheney hits dirt should be a national holiday though.

04-13-2013, 11:42 PM
Your on some sorta watch list now bum....I don't like to dance on anyone grave but...could she have been more hated than Cheney? Seems incredible..


baseline bum
04-14-2013, 01:07 AM

04-14-2013, 12:21 PM
Can we have such a party here when Carter dies?Do you want to have one?

Yes or no.

04-14-2013, 02:43 PM
Russell Brand on Margaret Thatcher: 'I always felt sorry for her children'

when I was a child she was just a strict woman telling everyone off and selling everything off

"We didn't just break the strike, we broke the spell." The spell he was referring to is the unseen bond that connects us all and prevents us from being subjugated by tyranny. The spell of community.



04-14-2013, 06:33 PM

As far as I'm concerned, she can rot in hell...

Hell doesn't exists jeebustard

Wild Cobra
04-15-2013, 02:46 AM
You liberals just despise the wise lady. She was right about so many things.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." Thatcher

04-15-2013, 06:34 AM
You liberals just despise the wise lady. She was right about so many things.

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]." Thatcher

wise? :lol

the problem with unregulated, criminal, predatory capitalism is the 1% ends up with all the money.

04-15-2013, 07:47 AM
Your on some sorta watch list now bum....I don't like to dance on anyone grave but...could she have been more hated than Cheney? Seems incredible..


Even in death she is creating more jobs than Obama.

04-15-2013, 07:53 AM
Even in death she is creating more jobs than Obama.

Obama has "personally " destroyed many 100Ks of govt jobs at all levels, exactly what you right-wing assholes want.

And you right-wing assholes' Repug politicians have blocked $100Bs in job-creating stimulus spending.

bitch on your knees, meet slap

04-08-2022, 11:42 PM
lol Jimmy Carter is still alive

04-09-2022, 12:00 AM

04-09-2022, 12:21 AM
NoNo and his infatuation with older dead women,,,,

04-09-2022, 12:54 AM
Goddamn Winehole you resurrected a 9 year old thread just to say Jimmy Carter is alive, on a Friday night no less? Must suck to be you, real talk.

04-10-2022, 12:24 AM
Goddamn Winehole you resurrected a 9 year old thread just to say Jimmy Carter is alive, on a Friday night no less? Must suck to be you, real talk.overrated.

your complaint does not tally, good luck!

04-10-2022, 01:31 AM
NoNo and his infatuation with older dead women,,,,

lol following me around...

04-10-2022, 11:02 AM

your complaint does not tally, good luck!

Grave dancing good for me, not for thee

04-10-2022, 12:42 PM
lol Jimmy Carter is still alive

Alive to witness his 2nd term. :lmao

04-10-2022, 02:54 PM
Not that it's part of this thread, but yes. Single by choice. I find a play thing every now and then, but I haven't yet found someone I want to share my future with.


04-10-2022, 07:58 PM
Not that it's part of this thread, but yes. Single by choice. I find a play thing every now and then, but I haven't yet found someone I want to share my future with.


04-10-2022, 08:50 PM
lol following me around...

you one sick puppy but to each his own,,,,,

04-11-2022, 01:07 AM
you one sick puppy but to each his own,,,,,

lol following me around...