View Full Version : Construction Booming In Texas, But Many Workers Pay Dearly

04-11-2013, 06:43 PM
Like almost everything in the Texas, the construction industry in the Lone Star State is big. One in every 13 workers here is employed in the state's $54 billion-per-year construction industry.

Homebuilding and commercial construction may be an economic driver for the state, but it's also an industry riddled with hazards. Years of illegal immigration have pushed wages down, and accidents and wage fraud are common. Of the nearly 1 million workers laboring in construction here,
approximately half are undocumented.

Many of those workers have been in the U.S. for years, even decades. This critical mass of eager, mostly Hispanic workers means it's possible for a family from New York or California to move to Texas and buy a brand new, five-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot home for $160,000.

Like almost everything in the Texas, the construction industry in the Lone Star State is big. One in every 13 workers here is employed in the state's $54 billion-per-year construction industry.

Homebuilding and commercial construction may be an economic driver for the state, but it's also an industry riddled with hazards. Years of illegal immigration have pushed wages down, and accidents and wage fraud are common. Of the nearly 1 million workers laboring in construction here, approximately half are undocumented.

Many of those workers have been in the U.S. for years, even decades. This critical mass of eager, mostly Hispanic workers means it's possible for a family from New York or California to move to Texas and buy a brand new, five-bedroom, 3,000-square-foot home for $160,000.

"We're talking large commercial projects, even state and county projects," she says. "So it's a problem that's widespread in the industry."
If wage theft is a nasty cousin of slavery, Tzintzun says there's a deeper, more fundamental sickness affecting the Texas construction industry: the misclassification of construction workers as independent contractors instead of as employees.

"We found that 41 percent of construction workers, regardless of immigration status, were misclassified as subcontractors," she says.
It works like this: Pretend you're an interior contractor, drop by the Home Depot parking lot and pick up four Hispanic guys to install Sheetrock for $8 an hour.

By law, these men are your employees, even if just for the day. But in Texas, as in many other states, it's popular to pretend they're each independent contractors — business owners. Which means you are not paying for their labor but for their business services.

With this arrangement, the contractor — you — don't have to pay Social Security taxes or payroll taxes or workers' compensation or overtime. Instead, you pretend the undocumented Hispanic worker you've just paid in cash is going to pay all those state and federal taxes out of his $8 an hour himself.

working Texas construction is a good way to die while not making a good living. More construction workers die in Texas than in any other state, the WDP-UT study finds. With in 2010, construction workers in the lightly regulated Lone Star State died at twice the rate as those in California, . That's compared with the in that same year.


04-12-2013, 01:07 AM
Good read

Wild Cobra
04-12-2013, 03:08 AM
Good read
Yep, more reason to jail employers who hire illegal immigrants.

The Reckoning
04-12-2013, 03:40 AM
pretty sure the death toll is the highest in the nation as well...

nvm just saw it at the end of the article.

well i volunteered at a workers rights organization in austin, and many of the immigrants are hired as subcontractors so they arent entitled to any insurance. then often the contractors who hire them disappear after the job is finished, flee the state and never pay. so much in back wages left to be declared.

Wild Cobra
04-12-2013, 03:56 AM
pretty sure the death toll is the highest in the nation as well...

nvm just saw it at the end of the article.

well i volunteered at a workers rights organization in austin, and many of the immigrants are hired as subcontractors so they arent entitled to any insurance. then often the contractors who hire them disappear after the job is finished, flee the state and never pay. so much in back wages left to be declared.
As undocumented contractors, the argument by liberals that the contribute to SS and Medicare is null and void.

04-12-2013, 07:12 AM
As undocumented contractors, the argument by liberals that the contribute to SS and Medicare is null and void.

only for those who don't pay, but plenty pay.

As (Repug) employers using/abusing undocumented immigrants, the Repugs now prove my point that Repugs did nothing about immigration 2001-2006 because businessmen were/are profiting immensely.

The Reckoning
04-12-2013, 07:58 AM
bottom line is: if you promise to pay someone for the work they do, pay them.

04-12-2013, 08:13 AM
bottom line is: if you promise to pay someone for the work they do, pay them.

agree. our goverment for so many years turned a blind eye to this. both parties.

Big Empty
04-12-2013, 08:14 AM
8.00 hr lol ur teenage daughter bagging groceries makes more at HEB. The company or contactor hiring these illegal workers are the problem. They are in a sense the crack dealers and these illegals are crack addicts. People hiring should see jail time like crack dealers. Unless its not really that big of a deal.

04-12-2013, 08:14 AM
bottom line is: if you promise to pay someone for the work they do, pay them.

:lol Good ol' racist, Bible-thumping "Christian" boys in TX know how to fuck any "Mexican" anytime. It's wonderful for his bank account.

04-12-2013, 08:17 AM
LOL @ $8 an hour. Most of those construction workers are skilled labor (carpenter, sheetrock finisher, concrete finisher, rock layer, etc.) and they get skilled labor wages.

04-12-2013, 08:19 AM
:lol Good ol' racist, Bible-thumping "Christian" boys in TX know how to fuck any "Mexican" anytime. It's wonderful for his bank account.

The subcontractors that hire these illegals are almost universally legal bi-lingual hispanics.

04-12-2013, 08:32 AM
The subcontractors that hire these illegals are almost universally legal bi-lingual hispanics.

yep, Nixon team called it "plausible deniability" The sub-contractors separation still allows the main contractor to profit. And he knows exactly why the sub-contractor is so cheap.

04-12-2013, 01:14 PM
LOL @ $8 an hour. Most of those construction workers are skilled labor (carpenter, sheetrock finisher, concrete finisher, rock layer, etc.) and they get skilled labor wages.

Not always true. They always get like 5/6 dollars less than legal worker per hour. Who hasn't benefited from cheap labor to save a few bucks? And the people to blame are the same people who graduate from these trade skilled schools and the community colleges with their certificates and licenses and have these construction companies and firms. They are the ones that started this whole ponzi scheme(I've seen honkies,spics, and nigs all in this game) and taking advantage of cheap labor and profits by subcontracting the work to other Mexicans, which they in turn subcontract it to other newly arrived wetbacks. By the time you know it, you have abused workers getting paid only 8 bucks an hour for back breaking like brick laying and stone masonry. While the guys that should be doing the work are at some titty bar in 410 eating a steak and shrimp dinner. They only go and check up on their mojos at the end of the day. The construction industry dug themselves in this mess.:lmao hypocrites:rolleyes

04-12-2013, 01:22 PM
"from these trade skilled schools and the community colleges with their certificates and licenses and have these construction companies and firms. They are the ones that started this whole ponzi scheme(I've seen honkies,spics, and nigs all in this game) and taking advantage of cheap labor and profits by subcontracting the work to other Mexicans, which they in turn subcontract it to other newly arrived wetbacks. By the time you know it, you have abused workers getting paid only 8 bucks an hour for back breaking like brick laying and stone masonry. While the guys that should be doing the work are at some titty bar in 410 eating a steak and shrimp dinner."

EXACTLY what happened in the Katrina cleanup, layer upon layer of contractors pocketing $100Ms, with illegals at the bottom making little or nothing

04-12-2013, 01:26 PM
some of these illegals (or laborers on visas) are pretty smart though-picking up additional jobs from the residents living in the communities they are building in and bringing in additional cash. builders are also to blame. they know what is going on. and what has not been mentioned is how fracking has impacted the labor pool for the construction industry.