View Full Version : You guys that cyber hate me will enjoy this...

04-15-2013, 02:18 PM
Today was our annual "free brush haul off day" from the City and I worked all weekend trimming trees, shrubs, etc. and stacking them at the street plus cleaning my garage and hauling a trailer load of shit to the dumpster at my shop.

In retrospect maybe I didn't hydrate enough yesterday? Fuck..who knows...anyway...showered, checked e-mail...It was like 5:30...wife was watching something on TV I wasn't interested in and I told her I was gonna take a 20 minute power nap...

Laid down....still had my clothes on..just kind of dozed in and out...opened my eyes and looked at the clock...about 30 minutes had passed and I thought about a couple of other things I wanted to get done before settling in for the night and maybe watching the Spurs game...

Just jumped out of bed, walked out the bedroom door, turned down the hall towards the living room...last thing I remember was seeing my wife watching TV and the heeler sitting there on the footrest with her sleeping...I thought that's a cute picture".

Then the lights went out. Apparently me going from a drowsy horizontal resting state to jumping up and striding down the hall caused a temporary blood/brain pressure drop and I blacked smooth out. All 6'5"-250# fell straight forward unconscious on the tile floor without even trying to break my fall.

I woke up sitting on my bed with my wife standing next to me.

From what she tells me I apparently had enough momentum going that when I went down I (maybe stumbled forward?) and crashed face first and slid right up to and into her chair. She thought my knee had buckled and I had hit my head. She kept trying to get me to stay down and I kept getting up anyway and walked back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I don't remember any of that. I have like a 2 minute blank spot.

Anyway, I "wake up" sitting on the side of the bed, my face feels like hell, I have a chipped tooth and blood in my mouth. We went to the Texas Med Clinic and had them check me out but no apparent long term concussion or heart issues but my face is seriously fucked up. Got a "blood" eye (with black around it), the whole right side of my face is bruised and thick swollen...as other aches and pains came realized I had bruised knuckles, a sprained wrist, a big bruise on my sternum and didn't even bother to x-ray but doctor by feel said at least two and probably three broken ribs on the right side....so pretty much a fucked up night and hasn't been a fun day at work either. Broken ribs suck. Six to 8 weeks to heal and not a damn thing they can do for them. Not the first time I have had them but I was young and playing sports in college last time and got lots of sympathy blow jobs out of the deal. Don't think that's gonna happen this time.

04-15-2013, 02:37 PM
Good you're alright but you sure it didn't happen after you saw Gold prices:)

Wild Cobra
04-15-2013, 02:37 PM

I have never fainted in my later years, but did once in my youth. My blood pressure is higher now, but back in the 70's, my blood pressure was lower than normal. Drinking that night didn't help, but I sat up too fast and... boom... strait to the ground. Didn't get hurt at all though.

Hope you feel better soon.

I did chip a tooth in '76 though. That pain, I know.

Wild Cobra
04-15-2013, 02:38 PM
Good you're alright but you sure it didn't happen after you saw Gold prices:)
I figured it happened when they didn't pick up the brush.

Did they ever pick it up?

04-15-2013, 02:42 PM
Just admit it....you got whooped in a bar fight....by a girl.......78 year old one at that.

04-15-2013, 02:51 PM
That sucks. Could have been caused by one of several possibilities. Did the doctor suggest any?

04-15-2013, 02:54 PM
Just start wearing a helmet around the house.

04-15-2013, 02:55 PM
Let's just make up shit. It's more fun.

a. He has teh aids.
b. Grandma whooped his ass.
c. Saw a pic of Chump in his underwear (like we all haven't).
d. Agreed with Boutons

04-15-2013, 03:07 PM
That's bad. Could have been worse i.e. Boston.

The Reaper has had his eye on you though....

04-15-2013, 03:08 PM
you should sue yourself for damages.

04-15-2013, 03:09 PM
call the cops and tell them your wife attacked you.

04-15-2013, 03:15 PM
you should sue yourself for damages.

You know what they say... go for the deep pockets.... :D

04-15-2013, 03:22 PM
That sucks. Could have been caused by one of several possibilities. Did the doctor suggest any?

Gonna go ahead and see a cardio guy for a full baseline workup and maybe even the dye deal just to make sure but My EKG was normal, pulse is normal, BP is normal...both docs just said I may have moved to fast from relaxed rest to jumping to my feet and walking and blood pressure between feet and head got temporarily funky causing the blackout.

04-15-2013, 03:25 PM
Today was our annual "free brush haul off day" from the City and I worked all weekend trimming trees, shrubs, etc. and stacking them at the street plus cleaning my garage and hauling a trailer load of shit to the dumpster at my shop.

In retrospect maybe I didn't hydrate enough yesterday? Fuck..who knows...anyway...showered, checked e-mail...It was like 5:30...wife was watching something on TV I wasn't interested in and I told her I was gonna take a 20 minute power nap...

Laid down....still had my clothes on..just kind of dozed in and out...opened my eyes and looked at the clock...about 30 minutes had passed and I thought about a couple of other things I wanted to get done before settling in for the night and maybe watching the Spurs game...

Just jumped out of bed, walked out the bedroom door, turned down the hall towards the living room...last thing I remember was seeing my wife watching TV and the heeler sitting there on the footrest with her sleeping...I thought that's a cute picture".

Then the lights went out. Apparently me going from a drowsy horizontal resting state to jumping up and striding down the hall caused a temporary blood/brain pressure drop and I blacked smooth out. All 6'5"-250# fell straight forward unconscious on the tile floor without even trying to break my fall.

I woke up sitting on my bed with my wife standing next to me.

From what she tells me I apparently had enough momentum going that when I went down I (maybe stumbled forward?) and crashed face first and slid right up to and into her chair. She thought my knee had buckled and I had hit my head. She kept trying to get me to stay down and I kept getting up anyway and walked back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I don't remember any of that. I have like a 2 minute blank spot.

Anyway, I "wake up" sitting on the side of the bed, my face feels like hell, I have a chipped tooth and blood in my mouth. We went to the Texas Med Clinic and had them check me out but no apparent long term concussion or heart issues but my face is seriously fucked up. Got a "blood" eye (with black around it), the whole right side of my face is bruised and thick swollen...as other aches and pains came realized I had bruised knuckles, a sprained wrist, a big bruise on my sternum and didn't even bother to x-ray but doctor by feel said at least two and probably three broken ribs on the right side....so pretty much a fucked up night and hasn't been a fun day at work either. Broken ribs suck. Six to 8 weeks to heal and not a damn thing they can do for them. Not the first time I have had them but I was young and playing sports in college last time and got lots of sympathy blow jobs out of the deal. Don't think that's gonna happen this time.


Dehydration might contribute to it, to my understanding.

The primary cause of that is that, again, to my understanding, is simply age. The circulatory system has a bit harder time adjusting to sudden shifts, due to lack of elasticity. Hardening of the arteries is the term for the extreme cases.

Being 6'5" also probably contributed to it, as you have more blood mass to suddenly shift. This is why fighter pilots tend to be shorter.

All that said:

Sorry to hear you got injured. As much as I might occasionally think you are an asshat for some of your opinions, and I'm sure it goes both ways, I would not wish anybody harmed. Hope you don't include me as a "cyber hater".

04-15-2013, 03:25 PM
Trust me, with the broken ribs I won't be jumping to my feet again anytime soon.

04-15-2013, 03:27 PM

Dehydration might contribute to it, to my understanding.

The primary cause of that is that, again, to my understanding, is simply age. The circulatory system has a bit harder time adjusting to sudden shifts, due to lack of elasticity. Hardening of the arteries is the term for the extreme cases.

Being 6'5" also probably contributed to it, as you have more blood mass to suddenly shift. This is why fighter pilots tend to be shorter.

All that said:

Sorry to hear you got injured. As much as I might occasionally think you are an asshat for some of your opinions, and I'm sure it goes both ways, I would not wish anybody harmed. Hope you don't include me as a "cyber hater".

Actually I think that 99% of the folks in here would enjoy each other if we ever got together. I'm just afraid to do a GTG in case Boutons shows in a bomb vest.

04-15-2013, 03:29 PM

04-15-2013, 03:30 PM
Gonna go ahead and see a cardio guy for a full baseline workup and maybe even the dye deal just to make sure but My EKG was normal, pulse is normal, BP is normal...both docs just said I may have moved to fast from relaxed rest to jumping to my feet and walking and blood pressure between feet and head got temporarily funky causing the blackout.Yeah, that's the most probable cause, but it's a good idea to get checked for others.

04-15-2013, 03:30 PM

... and you did! :lol

04-15-2013, 07:16 PM
Back when I was young (probably around 16 years old), I got hacked from the back playing soccer, spun and hit the back of my head on the ground (or so I was told). Blacked out immediately.

I remember waking up with a splitting headache and asking the doctor where I was, what day was it... when they told me I hit my head and passed out, I immediately asked them if I could call my parents. The doctor looked puzzled and said: "You called them 10 minutes ago".

Luckily, I did all the head studies, and everything checked out ok. But it's been 20+ years later and for the life of me, there's that 10 mins or so gap, that I just have zero recollection of.

Glad to hear you're ok, and make sure not to skimp on the followups. Make absolutely sure everything checks out.

04-16-2013, 02:07 AM
best wishes for a speedy recovery, CC. ribcage injuries are tough.

try to avoid sneezing, laughing, coughing and putting your foot down too hard.

Wild Cobra
04-16-2013, 02:08 AM
Don't you hate it when it hurts to laugh...

Latarian Milton
04-16-2013, 02:14 AM
better if you start another thread on this topic in NBA forum, we would maybe enjoy it even more

04-16-2013, 04:48 AM
@WC: had a real bad sunburn on my shoulders and back did that to me once

04-16-2013, 04:56 AM
Last year at this same time my girlfriend was working out in her yard all day long. That night she said she thought she was coming down with a bug. The next day she said she thought she had something like flu like symptoms. On Tuesday she went to the doctor who diagnosed heat stroke. It took her about 10 days to recover and then for the next six months she had some lingering effects out in the heat even with hydrating.

I'm not sure if you had heat stoke but it is some nasty shit.

The Reckoning
04-16-2013, 06:39 AM

... and you did! :lol


reminds me of those kids in junior high who would make themselves pass out against the hallway wall. completely normal to pass out when you overextend your regulatory body functions.

04-16-2013, 07:08 AM
seriously folks, any big fat Texan who gets knocked out cold should have brain scanned for stroke.

have a good friend who smoked a lot, and a TIA, went very weird while sitting in bed with his girlfriend.

Brain scan showed he had already suffered several symptomless TIAs. Doc wouldn't let him go home due to high BP (250), had to get his high BP down, stop smoking, cut back on the evening beers.

Another architect/builder built an $800K home on the Maine coast in the Belfast area "on the come" (no buyer), got hit by the housing bubble burst, got wiped out/bankrupt with construction loans, started drinking (emulating his long-dead father's example).

When he finally went cold turkey, got up one night, passed out, fell very hard, shattered his right shoulder socket, broke the ball of the humerus, spent 10 days in ICU in an induced coma. Shoulder xray looks like a pin cushion now it has so many screws, and of course he lost full range of movement, plus muscular atrophy. brain scan showed a lot of iron (from the blood), in his brain, permanently, so it was a hemorrhagic stroke. lucky he can still walk, work, speak, but I sense maybe some personality changes.

Like America itself and as Pogo famously said, we are own worst enemy (lifestyle disease).

04-16-2013, 10:11 AM
Trust me, with the broken ribs I won't be jumping to my feet again anytime soon.

Been there, done that. Fucking ribs. Can't even raise your eyebrows without making the ribs hurt. Did they wrap you?

04-16-2013, 10:17 AM
Doc wouldn't let him go home due to high BP (250)

What the heck? How was he still alive...

04-16-2013, 10:37 AM
Doc wouldn't let him go home due to high BP (250)

What the heck? How was he still alive...

doc said in the office my friend could keel over any minute, so straight to the hospital.

04-16-2013, 11:01 AM
Been there, done that. Fucking ribs. Can't even raise your eyebrows without making the ribs hurt. Did they wrap you?

naaa...they don't wrap them anymore. Too many people started short breathing and got pneumonia. Funny...my doc was using the point probe/scream method to figure out many were broken we figured 2 for sure and probably 3...he asked if I wanted to x-ray to find out for sure and I was like "uhhhh...why should we? You aren,t gonna do a fucking thing about it anyway".

04-16-2013, 11:09 AM
naaa...they don't wrap them anymore. Too many people started short breathing and got pneumonia. Funny...my doc was using the point probe/scream method to figure out many were broken we figured 2 for sure and probably 3...he asked if I wanted to x-ray to find out for sure and I was like "uhhhh...why should we? You aren,t gonna do a fucking thing about it anyway".

The wrap was fucking horrible. Glad they abandoned that piece of Guantanamo gear.

Just tell your doc, "Hey, when I grab you by the lapels and head butt you, you've found a bad rib.". That usually insures a good round of xrays.