View Full Version : Lakers: Stirring the Pot, If you were Jim Buss.....

04-15-2013, 04:22 PM
Looking at the lakers financial situation, If you were Buss, would you consider try to pitch this to Kobe.

His 30 million dollars is going to cost the Lakers 80 million in luxury tax. That calculates to a little over 2 million dollars per win, and thats more than 10 times the next player in line, I think, or something of that nature. Would you amnesty him, sit him for a year let him get healthy, and resign him after his contract expires? I dont think that will sit well with laker fans, and kobe obviosly, but its the right financial move, and it gives kobe a year to recover. Who knows how that will play out, he might come back better or worse we dont know. What would you do?

04-15-2013, 04:23 PM
Kirby's huntin' Jabbar. No way he sits out a whole year tbh.

Clipper Nation
04-15-2013, 04:26 PM
That plan wouldn't be possible under the rules of the CBA, since players can't go back to the team that amnestied them, tbh.... even if he could, he would still have to clear waivers, and you know some dumb lottery teams desperate to sell tickets would make ridiculous bids for Kirby's services...

04-15-2013, 04:26 PM
^Exactly. You know what Kobe is thankful for? That it ended with only 2 games left on the table. He's still probably grudging the 60 odd points he lost.

04-15-2013, 04:30 PM
That plan wouldn't be possible under the rules of the CBA, since players can't go back to the team that amnestied them, tbh.... even if he could, he would still have to clear waivers, and you know some dumb lottery teams desperate to sell tickets would make ridiculous bids for Kirby's services...

i didnt see that anywhere that you couldnt resign him, i thought it was just about the contract and when thats over. I didnt see anything saying that amnestied players couldnt sign with the same team.

04-15-2013, 04:33 PM
i didnt see that anywhere that you couldnt resign him, i thought it was just about the contract and when thats over. I didnt see anything saying that amnestied players couldnt sign with the same team.

I believe you are correct. I think the amnestied player cannot resign with the team during the duration of the voided contact. Since Kobe only has a year left, he'd technically be able to resign in 2014/2015 assuming he cleared the amnesty waivers.

04-15-2013, 04:34 PM
Depends on a few factors:

1) How he returns from injury
2) How we fare in the playoffs without him
3) FAs that are available to fill holes

If he doesn't return like the Kobe of old, why pay a 35-year old $30M if he can't produce - on top of the luxury taxes? As a Laker Fan, I watched him come straight out of HS and evolve into the 1st ballot HOFer he is today, but at some point the FO will have to do what's right for the franchise going forward. If Kobe comes back strong then it's a no-brainer in my book. If he does not, it's time to move on. He's given us 17 great years, but like Magic, Kareem, and Shaq before him, all good things must come to an end.

Name on the front is always bigger than the name on the back.

04-15-2013, 04:35 PM
I believe you are correct. I think the amnestied player cannot resign with the team during the duration of the voided contact. Since Kobe only has a year left, he'd technically be able to resign in 2014/2015 assuming he cleared the amnesty waivers.

:toast thats what i thought too. He has to wait till his contract expires, then hes basically a free agent.

04-15-2013, 04:36 PM
Depends on a few factors:

1) How he returns from injury
2) How we fare in the playoffs without him
3) FAs that are available to fill holes

If he doesn't return like the Kobe of old, why pay a 35-year old $30M if he can't produce - on top of the luxury taxes? As a Laker Fan, I watched him come straight out of HS and evolve into the 1st ballot HOFer he is today, but at some point the FO will have to do what's right for the franchise going forward. If Kobe comes back strong then it's a no-brainer in my book. If he does not, it's time to move on. He's given us 17 great years, but like Magic, Kareem, and Shaq before him, all good things must come to an end.

Name on the front is always bigger than the name on the back.

LkrFan with the solid insight once more.

Clipper Nation
04-15-2013, 04:38 PM
i didnt see that anywhere that you couldnt resign him, i thought it was just about the contract and when thats over. I didnt see anything saying that amnestied players couldnt sign with the same team.

From ESPN:

While this has also not been confirmed by the league, it is likely that teams will not be allowed to re-sign or re-acquire (for example, through a trade) their amnestied player for the length of his amnestied contract. For example, if the Magic, as expected, use their amnesty on Gilbert Arenas – with three years left on his contract – he can’t play for the Magic again for three seasons. This rule also existed in the 2005 amnesty provision.

Not to mention, teams over the cap (i.e. the Lakers) can't offer an amnestied player more than the vets' minimum if he clears waivers, and we all know Kirby won't be suiting up for the vets' min....

04-15-2013, 04:40 PM
It's a nice thought but moot point tbh.

Lakerfans would hang Jimmy Boy like a pinata on Figueroa if he ever amnestied Kobe the summer after his daddy died.

04-15-2013, 04:41 PM
Amnestied players can probably be re-signed after their current contract expires, which will be for the 2014-2015 season. But that still doesn't prevent another team from entering a low bid to get Kobe next year. I can see an owner like Cuban saving some cap room and doing it just for laughs. Kobe can always refuse to play for the other team though by just faking a slow recovery. So yes, it's possible but will take some pretty blatant maneuvering.

I'm surprised Kobe's agent/lawyers weren't prescient enough to include a "no amnesty clause."

04-15-2013, 04:41 PM
From ESPN:

Not to mention, teams over the cap (i.e. the Lakers) can't offer an amnestied player more than the vets' minimum if he clears waivers, and we all know Kirby won't be suiting up for the vets' min....

i dont get it, it has NOT been confirmed by the league wtf does that mean? how is a rule in place without all the possibilities not "confirmed." kobes contract expires next year, so if we amnesty him next year that means he is eligible to be resigned. and with kobes 30 million gone, we will be under the cap, saving us that 80 mill.

04-15-2013, 04:41 PM
I would trade Kobe for kawhi leonard tbh

04-15-2013, 04:42 PM
It's a nice thought but moot point tbh.

Lakerfans would hang Jimmy Boy like a pinata on Figueroa if he ever amnestied Kobe the summer after his daddy died.

yes i agree they would, but its a personal opinion type question, thats all.

04-15-2013, 04:58 PM
geez it's not a torn acl, he'll be ready for something around game 1-15

04-15-2013, 05:03 PM
geez it's not a torn acl, he'll be ready for something around game 1-15
I think a ruptured Achilles is worse than an ACL son.

04-15-2013, 05:05 PM
I would trade Kobe for kawhi leonard tbh

You would trade Kobe for a pack of cigs and a BJ... you performing the blow job of course.

04-15-2013, 05:07 PM
I think a ruptured Achilles is worse than an ACL son.

no it's not.

04-15-2013, 05:10 PM
That plan wouldn't be possible under the rules of the CBA, since players can't go back to the team that amnestied them, tbh.... even if he could, he would still have to clear waivers, and you know some dumb lottery teams desperate to sell tickets would make ridiculous bids for Kirby's services...

Incorrect. The Lakers wouldn't be able to acquire him until his contract expires. So once the 2014 season is up, he's a free agent and Kobe can sign with them.

Could it happen, yes. Will it happen? I doubt it.

baseline bum
04-15-2013, 05:21 PM
To save $60 million? Hell yeah I amnesty him and tell him to retire so insurance can pick up the tab.

04-15-2013, 05:22 PM
^Only an animal would do such.

baseline bum
04-15-2013, 05:26 PM
^Only an animal would do such.

Only an animal would rape and then jerk off later

04-15-2013, 05:44 PM
Yeah, Kobe's true worth ain't 60mil for a half season of him. I'd amnesty him.

The Lakers would be so much better if they could throw his contract out and get some decent 3 point shooters instead. Oh and force Dwight to shoot underhanded or something.

04-15-2013, 06:19 PM
Depends on a few factors:

1) How he returns from injury
2) How we fare in the playoffs without him
3) FAs that are available to fill holes

If he doesn't return like the Kobe of old, why pay a 35-year old $30M if he can't produce - on top of the luxury taxes? As a Laker Fan, I watched him come straight out of HS and evolve into the 1st ballot HOFer he is today, but at some point the FO will have to do what's right for the franchise going forward. If Kobe comes back strong then it's a no-brainer in my book. If he does not, it's time to move on. He's given us 17 great years, but like Magic, Kareem, and Shaq before him, all good things must come to an end.

Name on the front is always bigger than the name on the back.

You tripping dawg...let me tell you why....and I ran the numbers and posted this before..you don 't amnesty Kobe because he's made you about 1.2 billion alone over the last 10 yrs while pocketing only a measley ~250 million of that for himself which comes out to 21% overall...he's earning on his marketing power alone 80 million / yr in revenue and you have 1 more yr to pay out 30 million to him... it's a move you cannot make...It's not about saving money especially with a 25 billion dollar TV deal in your back pocket it's about loyalty for what he's done...amnestying him would banish him to a team or city not of his choosing..it would be the worst decision the FO could ever make and they'd pay for it for years to come....

best bet is to Amnesty Pau and trade Nash and Artest there are no other options

The Batman
04-15-2013, 06:20 PM
Only an animal would rape and then jerk off later


baseline bum
04-15-2013, 06:22 PM

:lol OMG Jamison

:cry :lol Only scored 86 points on that defense :lol :cry

04-15-2013, 06:24 PM
Only an animal would rape and then jerk off later

You've nary room.

Your Neal raped as well.

baseline bum
04-15-2013, 06:54 PM
You've nary room.

Your Neal raped as well.

But Neal at least finished. It's the least you could do for the sake of common courtesy to her once you take it.

04-15-2013, 08:05 PM
You tripping dawg...let me tell you why....and I ran the numbers and posted this before..you don 't amnesty Kobe because he's made you about 1.2 billion alone over the last 10 yrs while pocketing only a measley ~250 million of that for himself which comes out to 21% overall...he's earning on his marketing power alone 80 million / yr in revenue and you have 1 more yr to pay out 30 million to him... it's a move you cannot make...It's not about saving money especially with a 25 billion dollar TV deal in your back pocket it's about loyalty for what he's done...amnestying him would banish him to a team or city not of his choosing..it would be the worst decision the FO could ever make and they'd pay for it for years to come....

best bet is to Amnesty Pau and trade Nash and Artest there are no other options

Kool with the goods. I didnt see that side of it. :toast mah niggah

Fergie The Florists
04-15-2013, 08:17 PM
Looking at the lakers financial situation, If you were Buss, would you consider try to pitch this to Kobe.

His 30 million dollars is going to cost the Lakers 80 million in luxury tax. That calculates to a little over 2 million dollars per win, and thats more than 10 times the next player in line, I think, or something of that nature. Would you amnesty him, sit him for a year let him get healthy, and resign him after his contract expires? I dont think that will sit well with laker fans, and kobe obviosly, but its the right financial move, and it gives kobe a year to recover. Who knows how that will play out, he might come back better or worse we dont know. What would you do?

You're a faggot

Latarian Milton
04-15-2013, 08:27 PM
kobe costs his team more $ every year than the entire mavs squad. only few NBA teams have payrolls topping 80m imho

04-15-2013, 08:34 PM
Im a faggot

04-15-2013, 09:02 PM
If Bryant hadn't blown the Achilles, I figured he would angle for an extension this summer for 3yrs/75M or 4yrs/100M. Reason being, he would tell the Laker FO that he would will deliver a D12 re-signing if they agree to re-sign him (Bryant) at those ridiculous numbers. Of course, even at those ridiculous numbers, Bryant would be taking a paycut (from the 30M figure), and I'm not sure his ego would have permitted that. Bear in mind that Bryant has never taken a penny less than the max his entire career. He's never done what Duncan, Pierce, LeBron and others have done "for the good of the team." Of course, now all this is out the window for Mr. Bryant.

04-15-2013, 09:04 PM
kobe costs his team more $ every year than the entire mavs squad. only few NBA teams have payrolls topping 80m imho

we like it that way...Mitch Kupchak on Jim Rome show earlier:

Rome: whose call is it when someone is on the floor?

Mitch: "Its the coaches call in general. but dealing with player at the top of his game, so extenuating circumstances. there have been times when other coaches (phil, everyone) have taken kobe out of the game, and kobe just gets up to go back in when he feels its time without coaches prompting. what is coach supposed to do, have a confrontation while he is about to go in? he has earned that respect. "

Fergie The Florists
04-15-2013, 09:49 PM
I wanna sucks Kobe's dick. But i'd settle for Steve Blake and Jodie Meeks

04-15-2013, 10:05 PM
You tripping dawg...let me tell you why....and I ran the numbers and posted this before..you don 't amnesty Kobe because he's made you about 1.2 billion alone over the last 10 yrs while pocketing only a measley ~250 million of that for himself which comes out to 21% overall...he's earning on his marketing power alone 80 million / yr in revenue and you have 1 more yr to pay out 30 million to him... it's a move you cannot make...It's not about saving money especially with a 25 billion dollar TV deal in your back pocket it's about loyalty for what he's done...amnestying him would banish him to a team or city not of his choosing..it would be the worst decision the FO could ever make and they'd pay for it for years to come....

best bet is to Amnesty Pau and trade Nash and Artest there are no other options
I don't disagree with you playa. An argument can be made either way because that new CBA ain't no joke. We'll see what decision they make. I hope they aren't even in the position to have to make one tbh.

04-15-2013, 10:08 PM
that new CBA ain't no joke.


Venti Quattro
04-15-2013, 10:23 PM
I don't want to be Jim Buss, ever.

04-15-2013, 11:02 PM

Welcome back, how's Katie girl?

04-15-2013, 11:25 PM
Welcome back, how's Katie girl?

Keepin' me in the poorhouse, but, I can't complain.

04-15-2013, 11:29 PM
Keepin' me in the poorhouse, but, I can't complain.

Don't you have a pension? Ain't you a war vet and shit?

04-16-2013, 02:06 AM
how the fuck do these threads go from a certain a topic to katie, or Kobe 5 tosb 4

04-16-2013, 02:40 AM
Only an animal would rape and then jerk off later


i can't see this decision going over well in Laker land. Laker fans have always wanted their own MJ, even if he is a cancerous, laughable imitation like Kobe. the Hispanic fans will riot and go crazy if Kobe is cut loose. It will be like MS13 +100. Kobe means too much to a community that thinks the casting couch is a way to treat a woman. I say they hold onto him and bite the bullet.

04-16-2013, 04:15 AM
That plan wouldn't be possible under the rules of the CBA, since players can't go back to the team that amnestied them, tbh.... even if he could, he would still have to clear waivers, and you know some dumb lottery teams desperate to sell tickets would make ridiculous bids for Kirby's services...

He could be on DL as long as he wants, after this injury. There is no chance, he`ll be in Bobcats uniform. Too ealy return could end his carerr. If he`d be smart enough, he could take amnesty, wait year and return to lakers