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View Full Version : Spurs Donīt like their odds, but their numbers.

04-16-2013, 03:56 PM
Hi everyone, i wrote a piece just for fun, i would appreciate any fedback or comment regarding either the content of the piece or the way itīs written.
Please take into account that Spanish is my mother tounge and not english.

Out of what was meant to be Tony Parkerīs MVP race year for good, and Tim Duncanīs resurgence moment the Spurs are looking odd as best to be a championship team.
While Tony Parker has been a force over the regular season the Spurs hope cling now on the 36th years old Tim Duncan who is posting per 36 numbers that resemble his prime years. The "older than dirt" Spurs captain has been the only steady star on the Spurs sky to guide them thorough this survival expedition that is the OīBrians Trophy Quest.
As the season began the Spurs had hopes of going all the way for a fifth NBA title, Manu Ginobili seemed to have pick it where he left at the London Olympics, Tony Parker was his usual self and Tim Duncan was showing flashed that he could still dominate when needed. Still the efforts needed to go through the thick jungle started taking a toll on the older Spurs, Ginobili started falling down with minor injuries that ended diminishing the once fearless warrior into a just an old warrior as it showed with his lastes injury that is making the once great limp towards the end line. Then it was Tim Duncan who scared everyone when he seemed to fall off the ship, only to show that his greatness and his fundamentals ar rock solid. But what seemed unexpected, and what brought the Spurs odds way down, was Tony Parker going down with a series of injuries that threaten the team to face the playoffs with a less effective first scoring option.
So at last, the Spurs seem like any Indiana Jones foe, staying one step forward during all the movie but falling behind the hero when the climax reaches its peak. And once again bringing back recent memories of playoffs struggles.
But what if "the universe" is heading Spurs way?
Isnīt all part of something greater? As great as Tim Duncan, whose numbers as of today reflect a per36 of rebound and points, that are exactly the same as his 02-03 season (11.8 R p36 and 21.3 Pts p36). And isnīt the Spurs record going to be either 58-24 or 59-23?, which are exactly the regular season records during the 04-05 and 06-07 Spurs campaigns.
So "the universe" may be telling them something, that they are not the antiheroes they have always been, that maybe they are just running with a big rock rolling behind them, but if they get to jump away of it, they may get out of the jungle with the treasure.
They may not have the odds, by they have the numbers.

*al data from http://www.nbauniverse.com

04-18-2013, 07:50 AM
Not a single reply??

wow... iīll never write again...

04-18-2013, 08:17 AM
I'm reading this while pinching out a smelly turd into the toilet.

04-18-2013, 08:23 AM

Speaking of odds, Spurs are third behind Miami-125 Thunder +350 and Spurs +700. Not to shabby considering...

04-18-2013, 10:53 AM
Better than anything I could write in Spanish.
Other than a few grammar mistakes, this was a ok recap of the year's issues and the subsequent playoff outlook.

I do think the Indiana Jones bit came in a bit late. Decent analogy, but a bit out of left field.

04-18-2013, 11:03 AM
Not bad but at least in 05 & 07, we had a Robert Horry & a Bruce Bowen. Cool article brah

04-18-2013, 06:31 PM
Thank guys, all of you, will try to get better.