View Full Version : Appreciate

04-17-2013, 07:38 AM
If there's one thing that we should learn (well it opened my eyes) from Kobe's injury it's that not all good things last forever. We tune, or for those lucky enough to live in SA, we attend basketball games on a regular basis and get to see one of the greats of our game. What Tim Duncan has done this year has been nothing short of special. Remarkable. Spectacular. It's hard to imagine, but there will come a time where we will tune in to see our Spurs play, a time where Tim Duncan is not going to be taking the floor. Similarly, Lakers will need to face a time when they will watch their team play without Kobe Bryant. This is not easy after 20 years of the same player night in night out.

Seeing Kobe go down reminded me that not only are we privileged to have seen the career of a legend, but we are still seeing it. This is not to say that Kobe is finished or Tim will suffer the same fate but it teaches us that it could all be gone in a second. I know that for me, from now on, I will watch my Spurs play and appreciate Timmy that little bit more because you never know when it could all be over. There's a good chance this organisation may never see such a special player again in our lifetime.


04-17-2013, 10:05 AM
TBH, we are spoiled. Fans of most other teams would kill to have a run like we've had over the past 15 years.

04-17-2013, 10:43 AM
This is one of the reasons that I have never held the regular season games in the same contempt with which some posters do. People who say that regular season wins are fool's gold apparently cannot appreciate the joy of watching your team play and win, regardless of when it happens.

We have watched a great season from the spurs already, imo., and so regardless of what happens now, I consider this season to have been successful.

We not only got to watch Duncan turn it a remarkable season for anyone, much less a 37 year old. We got to watch a pre-injury MVP season from Tony Parker.
Anything more than that is gravy, imo.

And the folks who blast injured players for not playing the way they do when they are not injured are not just fair-weather fans, they are pretty miserable human beings, imo.