View Full Version : Barbarism in the American Soul - The Violence We Live With

04-18-2013, 05:37 PM
gun fellators, he's talking about you:

The bomb goes off and we vow to move heaven and earth to catch the barbarian. We takeall the wounds onto ourselves. We bargain for time-shares on Golgotha. We congratulate ourselves on making so measured a choice.

Then we go back to slaughtering eachother on the streets because that's what we have to tolerate on order to remainfree. We are a curious people that way.

I wish I believed it was just all about money. Then Gabrielle Giffords, Michael Bloomberg and the other millionnaires lining up on the other side would have a fighting chance.

I wish I believed that it was just all about power, and the threat of losing elections, because then the money now (http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/our-violent-country-041813#) lining up on the other side could even the odds.

But I don't believe it is.

There is a strong, coherent bloc in this building that believes that a certain level of violence is so inherent in this country that it is shielded absolutely by the Constitution, and that it is so essential to who we are as a people that to try to control it — let alone eliminate it — weakens our national institutions and blights our national character.

There is nothing Machiavellian about this.

It is what people believe is part of what makes America what it is.

It is an essential article of faith.

It is unshakable.

It is implacable.

And it is triumphant.


gun fellators are a decadent, blood thirsty shit stain on American Civilization.