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View Full Version : Spurs gambled in Game 1 and it paid off

04-23-2013, 04:05 PM
Breakdown from SB Nation (Lakers side) from Game 1. Interesting, hopefully we close out even better on their shooters in game 2 !!


04-23-2013, 04:15 PM
Hopefully coach Bryant, who`s got a lot of time to spend surfing the net, wouldnt find that particular report and tweeted it to coach Pringles.

04-23-2013, 05:07 PM
It's not called gambling, it's called taking away a teams strength and making them beat you with their weakness. There is a reason it worked.

04-23-2013, 05:14 PM
I pointed it out several times in the game thread, I wasn't a fan of the strategy, tbh..

I understand doubling Gasol when Bonner is guarding him, but I wasn't a fan of doubling Howard/Gasol in individual matchups against Duncan/Splitter, tbh..I don't mind occasionally swarming Howard and forcing him to make a difficult pass, though..

Howard's isn't Shaq, and Gasol doesn't have the mentality to shoot at a hero volume, tbh..

04-23-2013, 05:28 PM
I'd rather double Howard than Pau. He's much more turnover prone and is nowhere near the passer Pau is. Especially if we have Tim against Pau as we did game 1, I'd rather check him 1 on 1 and force him to make tough shots. If they run that 4-5 pick and roll, live with the Gasol jumper and secure the rebound. While Pau has that jumper in his arsenal, it's not a shot he wants to take consistently

04-23-2013, 05:34 PM
I'd never double Pau and switch up what I send to Howard. Agree with the posts above, I'm not a fan of the doubling automatically.

Even if Dwight/Pau go off, I don't think their perimeter guys can score enough points to get the win if are taking away the 3pt line. Blake, Meeks, Artest, Nash, etc. are all pretty limited off the dribble.

04-23-2013, 06:43 PM
If the Stevies win the series from the outside, GG WP tbh

04-23-2013, 08:29 PM
I'd never double Pau and switch up what I send to Howard. Agree with the posts above, I'm not a fan of the doubling automatically.

Even if Dwight/Pau go off, I don't think their perimeter guys can score enough points to get the win if are taking away the 3pt line. Blake, Meeks, Artest, Nash, etc. are all pretty limited off the dribble.
Yeah but the "make everyone besides Pau and Dwight beat us" strategy sounds pretty good when you look at that roster

04-23-2013, 09:36 PM
It's not called gambling, it's called taking away a teams strength and making them beat you with their weakness. There is a reason it worked.

EXACTLY. They are a bad 3 point shooting team, so it isn't as much of a gamble as you might think to sag and recover.

The team that the Lakers MOST remind me of is the 2001 Spurs, minus the good three point shooting. They have post scoring, but no real penetrators/creators. Everyone kind of stands around on the perimeter while the post-up players do their thing, and when they are thwarted or doubled, there generally isn't a lot of time left for the perimeter players to do anything but put up a shot, probably rushed.

04-23-2013, 09:47 PM
A 2 seed gambled to beat a 7 seed without their first ballot hall of fame top 10 player of all time?



I hate lazy articles almost as much as I hate laker centric reporting.

04-23-2013, 09:50 PM
I wouldn't double anyone until they showed they couldn't be stopped with one guy. That being said, Gasol on Splitter is the match-up to watch. Pau is just too big and skilled for Splitter to stop if Gasol is rolling. I wouldn't be too against Duncan guarding Pau and Splitter guarding Howard. I think that's more even.

Bonner isn't that bad of a defender. He kept fouling Howard because that's about the best way to end a possession any time he has the ball. I think Bonner could play him decently straight up if that's what Pop wanted him to do. Bonner's a strong man and has good knowledge of post defense.

04-23-2013, 10:09 PM
Spurs could definitely play better. They didn't seem as crisp with their ball movement and seemed to be in a funk the whole game. IF they play like they know how...keep the off the ball movement and cuts, swing to the open man...they will hit their shots and a much better clip. I don't think LA can offensively keep up with a Spurs team playing Spur ball. I would like to see Green get out of his slump and Leonard become much more aggressive. That and Splitter needs to quit pussy-footing around near the basket. Go up strong and either get the dunk or get a damn foul. I get tired of his "cuteness" around the rim sometimes...

04-23-2013, 10:11 PM
Would never ever ever send a double team with the Lakers, everyone should stay at home for the most part and just stay active and busy on defense. Splitter has looked very tentative and weak on defense and offensively he's a ghost but he's a long body out there. Bonner is not aggressive which is probably a good thing because he won't try to bump and play tough guy in the middle and Blair should never see the floor unless they're playing small and we need 2 minutes of rest for someone.

04-24-2013, 07:02 AM
And remember that it's not just a decision between never and always sending a double-team into the post. The best strategy involves some of each to keep the post man guessing. This is especially effective against Howard, who can have that critical moment of indecision, allowing the defender to push him out further in single coverage, or the helper to get an extra swipe at the ball in double coverage.

Pasta Batman
04-24-2013, 07:08 AM
they knocked it away awfully lot of times especially with Howard. Some of the lose balls resulted in caos and they sometimes got the basket, but it's promising. I like it as a change up pitch, especially to Howard who isn't that skilled an offensive big men and doesn't have shooters like Hedo, Reddick from Orlando days

04-24-2013, 07:17 AM
Yeah but the "make everyone besides Pau and Dwight beat us" strategy sounds pretty good when you look at that roster


04-24-2013, 08:36 AM
You know Pringles and Dwight have been working on their double team passing these last few days. Was probably the focus of their entire practice. If i'm pop i counter by not doubling, make em hesitant.