View Full Version : This Is Where We See What This Team Is Made Of

05-09-2013, 12:49 AM
I'm tired of all the negativity and cliff jumping, we're tied 1-1 just as every other team in the league is right now. The next couple games will determine whether or not we are the team we were in the middle of the season or the group that stumbled into the postseason with a wimper

1) Yes, we are fortunate to be tied 1-1 and not down 0-2. Considering the circumstances and the fact that every series around the league is 1-1, it could be worse.

2) Yes, they technically have home court advantage which is said to help increase confidence, but can GSW shooters shoot any better? For god's sake, both Curry and Thompson had career nights in San Antonio and have made some incredibly difficult attempts.

3) There's nothing Pop really could have done to change the outcome of this one. Thompson simply refused to miss in the first half, and unfortunately we couldn't convert open baskets. The lack of Diaw in the second half was curious considering how good he was in Game 1 at switching and guarding smaller players, however.

4) Have some damn confidence in our team guys! If we're going to have a serious chance of winning a championship, we will have to win big games. Winning 1 of 2 in Oakland won't be an easy task, but it shouldn't be something so many of us fear is impossible. If they stop shooting at historic rates and we simply make a couple shots, we could steal one if not both games.

05-09-2013, 12:51 AM
The one thing Pop could have done was to cut the shit out in the 1st half when Green and Neal and whoever else was guarding Thompson kept sliding down to play the post player in a double team just stayed at home and contested the shot better or denied the pass.

05-09-2013, 12:52 AM
Well said! :tu

05-09-2013, 01:01 AM
If we win a game out in Oakland, we'll win the series.

05-09-2013, 01:03 AM
4) Have some damn confidence in our team guys! If we're going to have a serious chance of winning a championship, we will have to win big games. Winning 1 of 2 in Oakland won't be an easy task, but it shouldn't be something so many of us fear is impossible. If they stop shooting at historic rates and we simply make a couple shots, we could steal one if not both games.

I have plenty of confidence in the team. With the lineup that went on a tear in the second half of the season I have confidence the Spurs can take both games in Oakland. With a lineup that double teams, chases, doesn't stay at home, doesn't get steals, doesn't block (or even change) shots, doesn't draw fouls, and doesn't score inside-out, I'm not so sure.

05-09-2013, 01:08 AM
I'm thinking GSW will go back to having a high amount of turnovers. I believe we can step up the shooting and shoot better all-around.

How surprised would everyone be if we went up 3-1?

Do most people agree that Diaw should get more minutes?

baseline bum
05-09-2013, 01:11 AM
I'm thinking GSW will go back to having a high amount of turnovers. I believe we can step up the shooting and shoot better all-around.

How surprised would everyone be if we went up 3-1?

Do most people agree that Diaw should get more minutes?

Pretty fucking surprised tbh. No way the Spurs win this series in less than 6.

05-09-2013, 01:13 AM
Its made of shit tbh.

05-09-2013, 01:18 AM
not cliff jumping... GSW obviously has a solid gameplan, so the question is where do the Spurs find answers.

05-09-2013, 01:18 AM
I'm tired of all the negativity and cliff jumping, we're tied 1-1 just as every other team in the league is right now. The next couple games will determine whether or not we are the team we were in the middle of the season or the group that stumbled into the postseason with a wimper

1) Yes, we are fortunate to be tied 1-1 and not down 0-2. Considering the circumstances and the fact that every series around the league is 1-1, it could be worse.

2) Yes, they technically have home court advantage which is said to help increase confidence, but can GSW shooters shoot any better? For god's sake, both Curry and Thompson had career nights in San Antonio and have made some incredibly difficult attempts.

3) There's nothing Pop really could have done to change the outcome of this one. Thompson simply refused to miss in the first half, and unfortunately we couldn't convert open baskets. The lack of Diaw in the second half was curious considering how good he was in Game 1 at switching and guarding smaller players, however.

4) Have some damn confidence in our team guys! If we're going to have a serious chance of winning a championship, we will have to win big games. Winning 1 of 2 in Oakland won't be an easy task, but it shouldn't be something so many of us fear is impossible. If they stop shooting at historic rates and we simply make a couple shots, we could steal one if not both games.
1)Yes. Spurs can definitely win in Oakland.
2)I don't think they can shoot any better, but I know the Spurs defense(2nd half defense) can play better.
3)Agree, but I don't want to see Neal(horrendous defense/brick 3's.) Same with Bonner.
4)I don't understand the cliff jumpers. This series is not over because the Spurs are going to the big bad Warriors house. I don't care what the Warriors do. Its what the Spurs will do. Spurs have to play defense,make threes, and can Parker please start hitting his floaters and layups?

05-09-2013, 01:21 AM
Pretty fucking surprised tbh. No way the Spurs win this series in less than 6.

Yeah, if we win this series, I can only see it in 6 or 7. Pop and the team would have to pull off some out of this world strategies to win it in 5(With the way the Warriors are playing)....or the Warriors would have to have a lack of shooting(or a season ending injury to Curry and/or Klay). LOL

But seriously I hope we pull it together. I hope this loss motivates them.

05-09-2013, 01:22 AM
1)Yes. Spurs can definitely win in Oakland.
2)I don't think they can shoot any better, but I know the Spurs defense(2nd half defense) can play better.
3)Agree, but I don't want to see Neal(horrendous defense/brick 3's.) Same with Bonner.
4)I don't understand the cliff jumpers. This series is not over because the Spurs are going to the big bad Warriors house. I don't care what the Warriors do. Its what the Spurs will do. Spurs have to play defense,make threes, and can Parker please start hitting his floaters and layups?

Definitely not over but this has turned out a lot tougher than many of us imagined it would be. We still need to make adjustments because their speed and beating us off the dribble as a result is clearly affecting us.

05-09-2013, 01:26 AM
Agreed with everyone here, at this point its definitely more of a series controlled by what the spurs do than what the warriors do. The warriors have had god-like performances and only stole 1, which we are pretty lucky for. Hopefully that doesn't continue, but honestly I can see a scenario in which we steal both. I definitely expect us to win at least one.

Though I don't like it, we are much better when we go small, at least in this series. We need the speed to cover shooters, and in the end our best lineups consist of one big and four guards. Like Timvp said, this could be good for us. We need something to get us playing our best basketball, and this trip to Oakland should do it.

I just want people to believe in this team and save the negativity for when we lose, whether it be this series or another. I know we say it all the time, but we don't realize how blessed we are to watch a team be this successful for ~15 years and to be able to see Timmy dominate this late into his career. This team is made of champions, and I really think that if we are going to make a serious run this year, it starts these next two games. If not, it was a fun year and we'll go back to the drawing board.

05-09-2013, 01:27 AM
Yeah, if we win this series, I can only see it in 6 or 7. Pop and the team would have to pull off some out of this world strategies to win it in 5(With the way the Warriors are playing)....or the Warriors would have to have a lack of shooting(or a season ending injury to Curry and/or Klay). LOL

But seriously I hope we pull it together. I hope this loss motivates them.
The good news is that Memphis/OKC might go six or seven games, too, tbh.

05-09-2013, 01:27 AM
Definitely not over but this has turned out a lot tougher than many of us imagined it would be. We still need to make adjustments because their speed and beating us off the dribble as a result is clearly affecting us.

I think the main cause for the negativity and how shocked a lot of us are comes from the fact that most of us expected a 5 game series and that they are tougher than we imagined, just as you said. No one expected them to be playing this well offensively and defensively, but it's round 2 of the playoffs and it's time we meet the challenge.

05-09-2013, 01:31 AM
I think the main cause for the negativity and how shocked a lot of us are comes from the fact that most of us expected a 5 game series and that they are tougher than we imagined, just as you said. No one expected them to be playing this well offensively and defensively, but it's round 2 of the playoffs and it's time we meet the challenge.

The Warriors are certainly better without David Lee and I think even they are realizing that and surprised by that as well.

05-09-2013, 01:35 AM
The Warriors are certainly better without David Lee and I think even they are realizing that and surprised by that as well.

Exactly, this Spurs team is much more equipped to deal with teams with two bigs than a team that employs the lineup GSW does. I really hope we get out of this round because personally I think we would demolish Memphis or OKC. Having Lee out there would allow us to use our traditional lineups and would severely limit our spacing.

I didn't think we'd ever need Jax tbh, but he'd be extremely useful in this series just because of the mismatches. He is a great stretch 4

05-09-2013, 01:39 AM
The good news is that Memphis/OKC might go six or seven games, too, tbh.


05-09-2013, 01:43 AM
I'm thinking GSW will go back to having a high amount of turnovers. I believe we can step up the shooting and shoot better all-around.

Turnovers are a product of defense, which the Spurs aren't playing, and have never played when they run small lineups. There's nobody in position, there's no shot blocking, there's just the Spurs scrambling to stay with the ball. Hoping the other team dribbles it off their foot is about as good as they can do right now.

Unfortunately, fast breaks and easy offense are a product of turnovers. That's why the offense suffers as much as the defense does and you find the Spurs shooting a lot of threes.

05-09-2013, 01:45 AM
On the plus side, despite what most people are saying, I'm personally really liking what I'm seeing from Manu physically. The shots aren't falling, but this is as good as he's looked all year and he's really cut down the stupid turnovers for the most part.

05-09-2013, 01:50 AM
No arc on Manu's shots. He looks spent already. Short rest between games isn't going to help him.

05-09-2013, 01:57 AM
No arc on Manu's shots. He looks spent already. Short rest between games isn't going to help him.

I agree that you can see he is tired on his jumper, but he's been attacking the rim fairly well. He had some nice finishes tonight that we really haven't seen much of this season. I think if we advance this series is going to do wonders for him, as it'll improve his stamina going forward and get him into a rhythm

05-09-2013, 02:01 AM
I don't remember seeing him attack the rim with much gusto. He got knocked down a lot and spent more time than usual looking around for a whistle.

05-09-2013, 03:05 AM
I don't understand why some people are giving up on the Spurs. It's the playoffs, it's not suppose to be easy and after that comeback the other night anything is possible. All I'm hearing is how great GS is, and how they're playing the best ball ever, and their guards don't miss, and how great Curry is, and how they can beat anybody. Yet the series is tied 1-1 and the Spurs outscored GS in the second half of game 2. If GS is playing so great and unbeatable, then why are the Spurs still in this series and why has not GS blown them out of the water by now? If anything we should have learned from the OKC series last year, being up 2-0, that a series is never over until it's over. Hell, Memphis did the same thing to the Clippers this year. What I learned from these last two games is that GS is playing really good but the Spurs are not giving up, so we should not give up on them. Good thread btw, at least people on this post still have confidense in the Spurs.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSM1mvMypWU&list=FLfeakVweWlyMx9WXrNOfUww& index=7

05-09-2013, 03:09 AM
I don't understand why some people are giving up on the Spurs. It's the playoffs, it's not suppose to be easy and after that comeback the other night anything is possible. All I'm hearing is how great GS is, and how they're playing the best ball ever, and their guards don't miss, and how great Curry is, and how they can beat anybody. Yet the series is tied 1-1 and the Spurs outscored GS in the second half of game 2. If GS is playing so great and unbeatable, then why are the Spurs still in this series and why has not GS blown them out of the water by now? If anything we should have learned from the OKC series last year, being up 2-0, that a series is never over until it's over. Hell, Memphis did the same thing to the Clippers this year. What I learned from these last two games is that GS is playing really good but the Spurs are not giving up, so we should not give up on them. Good thread btw, at least people on this post still have confidense in the Spurs.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSM1mvMypWU&list=FLfeakVweWlyMx9WXrNOfUww& index=7

it's people like you that I like posting on this site. I rarely post, but it just bothers me so much to see people give up so quickly. We are just as much in this series as they are, if they stole a game on our home court we can do the same. We're the fucking Spurs for god sakes. Between Tim, Tony, and Manu, we have more than enough experience to get one or maybe even two in Oakland. Pop is a fantastic coach and easily one of the greatest of all time in any sport, despite what some morons on this site think. Hopefully Curry and Thompson regress towards the mean and stop putting up godly numbers and our shooters get back to being that, shooters. The game 1 miracle may have been a fluke because of how quickly we came back, but that should serve as an example of how we are clearly better when we play like ourselves. Notice how when our defense stepped up and we actually shot the ball well, we started rolling and didn't look back. It's the playoffs god damn it, teams are going to be good. We will find out just how good we are these next two in Oakland

05-09-2013, 03:19 AM
I agree that you can see he is tired on his jumper, but he's been attacking the rim fairly well. He had some nice finishes tonight that we really haven't seen much of this season. I think if we advance this series is going to do wonders for him, as it'll improve his stamina going forward and get him into a rhythm
Manu is a big reason why my confidence is somewhat shaken. I always worry when he drives that he'll pull or break something. He's had some massive brain farts lately, even coming from him.

When you have some older players against younger guys, you always worry about the mileage.

That being said, as you mentioned we'll find out what this team is made of. I won't doubt the hearts of champions, especially if that desperation kicks in for another ring. If Pop can figure some things out and get out of his own way, and guys get hungry/urgent, I feel much better about everything.

05-09-2013, 03:24 AM
Manu is a big reason why my confidence is somewhat shaken. I always worry when he drives that he'll pull or break something. He's had some massive brain farts lately, even coming from him.

When you have some older players against younger guys, you always worry about the mileage.

That being said, as you mentioned we'll find out what this team is made of. I won't doubt the hearts of champions, especially if that desperation kicks in for another ring. If Pop can figure some things out and get out of his own way, and guys get desperate, I feel much better about everything.

Every time he makes a move, I cant help but to watch him a second or two longer to see if he's holding or anything or walking funny. However, you can see him getting more confident by the game, too bad the results aren't there right now. He's shooting more and going to the rim more, which is good. Hopefully he starts converting at a higher percentage. I think a lot of our problems can be solved if he becomes a more serious threat so that our entire offense doesn't depend on Tony's penetration.

Personally, I think we're going to the NBA Finals still. Who knows what happens there, but I still like our chances in this series. That being said, I'm assuming Curry and Thompson can't keep playing like this. This year feels a lot like 07 to me in that I think this round will be our hardest out of the western teams (obviously miami will be harder than cleveland was). Memphis doesn't seem like a threat to me honestly, they can't score enough and OKC doesn't have enough weapons.

Hoops Czar
05-09-2013, 03:24 AM
With the exception of the two games at the Staples against the dysfunctional Lakers, the Spurs haven't won a road game since February. The defense has been appalling for over two months and the offense has been sporadic at best. Yeah, they're no longer the favored.

05-09-2013, 03:40 AM
With the exception of the two games at the Staples against the dysfunctional Lakers, the Spurs haven't won a road game since February. The defense has been appalling for over two months and the offense has been sporadic at best. Yeah, they're no longer the favored.

05-09-2013, 04:06 AM
Chucking threes wouldn't be as bad if Neal didn't throw so many bricks.

05-09-2013, 07:00 AM
Spurs-Heat Finals...book it.

05-09-2013, 07:43 AM
If we win a game out in Oakland, we'll win the series.

You HAVE to be able to win at least ONE road game per series. If you can't, then you aren't good enough. Period.

05-09-2013, 08:11 AM
Tim Duncan said, "On a regular basis, those are shots that we want people to take. Hopefully, they miss some of them but they didn't tonight."

The Law of Averages will catch up to Klay Thompson. The fucker isn't going to hit 8-9 from 3 again. If he shoots a human-like 4-9 tonight we win even though we played like ass. Anyway it's good to go through some adversity and learn to overcome it. The playoffs last year were to freakin easy. Winning the last 10 games of the season then the first 10 games of the playoffs we forgot how to respond to a loss last year and that really hurt us. Lets hope we learn from our mistakes and get the offense rolling and the D up to par and get game 3.

05-09-2013, 09:21 AM
Shots have to go in in order to win.....also stupid turnovers are hurting us!!!!

05-09-2013, 12:57 PM
Well said...Spurs Bitches

Horry Hipcheck
05-09-2013, 03:36 PM
I can't see the Warriors playing any better. Really, I can't. Curry and Thompson have been on fire, and nobody else on that roster has had to do much other than facilitate their shooting. The Spurs have played abysmally for most of the first two games, and are tied 1-1 with a 9 point loss in Game 2. Just nine. Pessimists will argue that the Spurs haven't woken up yet, GS looks too confident, Oracle Arena is a place where visiting teams go to die. My take? GS has every right to feel confident. But it has taken Jordan-esque shooting and a pathetic effort from the entire Spurs roster just to give them a 1-1 tie heading home. What happens if, or rather when, the Spurs wake up and play championship basketball for 48 minutes? What happens when Curry's shots stop falling, or when KT isn't allowed uncontested 3's at his leisure? If the Spurs were actually playing like themselves, and were tied 1-1, then I'd be more concerned. I've been watching a high school team play for the last two games. If the real Spurs show up in Oakland, we've got ourselves a series.

Another question: What will the cliff jumpers say if the Spurs come alive and take 1 or both games in Oakland?

Big Empty
05-09-2013, 04:01 PM
We need to hit our shots and continue to apply pressure. We need to jump on them from the get go instead of slacking and giving up double digit leads in the first half. When we get an early lead we are able to shoot with more confidence and knock down shots.

05-09-2013, 04:20 PM
Funny thing is..I woke up this morning thinking of making a thread with this same title lol..

TD 21
05-09-2013, 07:17 PM
3) There's nothing Pop really could have done to change the outcome of this one.

There's things he could have done to give his team a better chance, but as has become customary, he panicked, allowed them to dictate the match-ups and started playing lineups that made no sense and have had very little time together this season.

4) Have some damn confidence in our team guys!

Why the hell should we? They've given us no reason in recent years to feel confident in them in this situation. In fact, they've done the opposite. Every time the going get's tough, they crumble in an instant and flame out in spectacular fashion. I'm not suggesting the series is a lost cause, but there's absolutely no reason to feel confident in this team at this point.

If they go on to piss away what should be their spot in the Finals in a year where virtually everything lined up for them and do so to a mediocre upstart (that's missing their second best player, to boot), then short of trading Duncan, everything needs to be re-evaluated.

05-09-2013, 07:25 PM
td21 dropping truth bombs left and right